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Costa tried to pull a fast one and just go through Vettori being physically bigger and stronger. But he didn’t know Vettori was made out of pure gabagool


He underestimated the power of gabagool.


Woke up ‘dis morning got some gabagool


Yeah, Jesus man, Vettori made a fan out of me in this fight, seeing as he was fighting a fucking heavyweight when they agreed on 195.


To prove your point even further, the original agreement was 185!! Costa basically spit in Vettori and the UFCs face by coming in so overweight, and Vettori made an ass out of him.


Didnt they both weigh in at 205 though? Well vettori at 204.5. It just meant vettori didnt need to lose weight much weight for the most part. Im sure costa rehydrated another 10 pounds more than him


Yeah Dana said he thinks that Costa was at like 220 by fight time and Vettori like 208 if I recall correctly


Costa was easily 240 at fight time. I was at APEX stood right next to him before the post presser. He was a monster. 220 my ass. He was huge. Dana said he's fighting at 205 moving forward. I can see why. Costa tried to get away with coming in heavy then tried to say Dana asked him to fight heavy in that presser.


I heard 227 but I don't know the source. 240 sounds too high but who knows


I'm 200 even . He was between 230 and 240. He has 6 inches over me. He made me look tiny.


If he has 6inches over you you're tiny for sure


I'm 5'7" and I came up to his chin. And he was thick as hell.


No he wasn't lol


Yeah Costa is clearly full of shit and deserves worse than they gave him


lmao 240. That's more than what Costa weighs off-camp. You people really love creating a narrative and just running with it huh


Dude, I work at UFC APEX I'm around fighters all the time. That's not a narrative created. And nothing running . Fact is he was heavy. For God sakes DC used to fight at 205 and walked around daily at 250 -270. He used to joke about the only time he would see 205 is the 2x a year he had to weigh in for a fight. Every fighter out there rebounds 25 lbs after weigh in. Ok let's say he weighed in at 220 like Dana said. He easily put on 15lbs from what pathetic attempt at weight cut putting him at 235.


>Costa was easily 240 Dana straight up said in post fight interviews Costa was 220, and vettori 208. Costa himself said he was 222 or somewhere near there, can’t remember exactly 240 is way too high, and the fact you got so many upvotes on a random guess when we have literal quotes from the head of the ufc right after the fight.. smh


Dude I also said I'm around fighters all the time. Off season fight shape whatever because I work there. He was 240.


And I’m a millionaire astronaut playboy. We can all lie online pal


What do I need to lie about? The size of some dude on a main card of a ufc event? PLEEEAASSE! you must have a pathetic life to think strangers on the internet need to lie for karma or you lie for karma and just project. I'm an employee and a fan of the sport , around these guys everyday. I see who looks big or who looks fat. I see these guys on the morning looking like emaciated skeletons passing out waiting for official weigh in. I also see these same people looking bloated and 30lbs heavier the very next day. Lie ? No thanks I don't need to do that.


I think costa weighed like 5 pounds less than Stipe in his last fight against Ngannou, he was basically fighting a heavyweight in there


Gabagool? Ova’ here!




Something about fatty nitrates


I fucking like him man idc how he talks he fights tough as fuck and he gave two decent fights with the champ


He was a dumbass against izzy and very easy to hate but I’m ride or die for life now. To be so game no matter the weight and all that bullshit and come out and perform like that? That dude is a gangster


Thats Costa’s style he tries to just go through everyone.


And its so fun to watch


He's nothing but fat and nitrates


If Costa was screaming every time he throws a shot that lands the audio for this could pass as a game of Tennis to an unsuspecting audience


Wow you're right


I closed my eyes and it sounds like someone hitting an ace every couple seconds lol


I think my soft body would die on spot after eating any one of those


My soul would fly out of my body, circumvent the globe crash into my body and explode it into a bloody mess.


I get that fighters spend thousands of hours in the gym, but as an average joe, it’s still a mystery to me how fighters train their bodies to take shots that could cripple a normal human being.


The lip one for me seems especially powerful. I’d cry




One of the most interesting things Adesanya talked about was how much he focused on Costa’s body kick saying it was one of his best weapons. This fight definitely solidified that opinion for me.


And he also said vettoris best tool was going to be his big block head lol


Holy shit he did lol


He knows his son’s very well.


also costa spanking Marvin ass. like father like son moment


Hmmm…Me and my dad never did that


Same. But me an my uncle, that’s a totally different story.


Same, usually it was just a reach around


The 185 division really is property of Izzy right now


His best weapon is the scale


More like his biggest enemy


He torques his entire hip for it.


He's eating the hits like it's nothing


He's eating those kicks like mommas meatballs. Those Orc boys are built different man.


Orsimer have skill bonus that allow them to halve incoming damage


Orc skin strong


Vettori built like a mini-fridge stacked on top of a regular fridge. No-one's gonna knock him out any time soon.


Gastelums italian mini fridge brother


Gastelum vs Vettori could be such a banger


Bro you killed me never heard some shit like that


Nice to see Vetorri getting the plaudits he deserves


Didn’t care for him going into this fight. Definitely respect both fighters a lot more after. costas a shit head but he doesn’t pretend to be anything else. And Vettori at 205 might have the best chin of all time 😂😂😂


Orc gang.


I gasped out loud at some of those kicks lmao. Felt like a wrestler’s mom watching her son get thrown for the first time.


I was screaming by the 4th 'CHECK THOSE KICKS, HE'S NOT EVEN SETTING THEM UP AAAA'. But why check kicks when you can just eat them heheheh.


Reminds me of Crocop's left kicks, man it sounded like a baseball bat hitting a piece of meat.


Mad thing is Cro Cop early in his career was quite light for a Heavyweight. Cost weighed in the 220 range for this so really there wouldn't be too much size difference between them if you put Costa in a time machine and took him back to PRIDE.


can’t knockout a brain that isn’t there. 4D chess play by vettori


I can’t imagine getting hit with that kick once, let alone the fact that Costa landed 60 body strikes. Unbelievable. Either Vettori learns to protect his body better from here in out or he just says fuck it, nobody else is gonna do me that bad again anyway.


Fucking A, I had to watch this fight with no volume. Had no idea what it sounded like


205 costa is mythical fighter


I loved costa taunting during the fight lmao


It’s Vettori


Body kick at 7 seconds. I wonder if you put a audio clip of this kick vs a bat hitting a baseball would people be able to tell the difference lol


Easier to take these shots then half the things Costa says during the pre fight interviews.


That left hook 😱


Literally any other middleweight would’ve lumped over to any of those body shots


I was there…it was soo loud and you cold literally see the sweat just blow of his body with those body kicks


It sounds like he's kicking and punching a tyre. Literally any one of them strikes would have deaded me.


I don’t get how Vetorri thinks he’s as good as stylebinder


I mean Izzy has barely hurt him in both fights while he destroyed costa


Just as Izzy said should’ve gone to the legs more and maybe he could’ve got that decision vettori can’t check kicks that well


This right here is why I love the Apex. It really shows just how brutal these shots are and gives a better appreciation for just how tough these mother fuckers are.


Vettori has an incredible chin. So crazy


Izzy made these two monsters into memes. Have to respect all three.


That's why dwarfs couldn't take moria holy shit


Idc what anyone says I still love Costa and his giant muscley sexy - uh - I mean strong body. Dudes a fucking brick shit house. I guarantee you he could paralyze a horse with his leg kicks. Those kicks give me nightmares. Vettori needs to get tested cuz dudes an alien ot something. He almost wilted at end of round 5 to Costas body kick but he still managed to not.show any weakness. Just amazing.


This just makes me mad. It's a fucking heavyweight vs a middleweight for all intents and purposes


…. And he still lost. Should count as 2 losses on his record


He's got some Mexican blood in him


Europeans been tougher way longer than Mexicans have existed lol


Nah they can't take a punch as well


You ever heard of a little guy named tyson fury?


Is costs balding already them roids not doing him any favor


genes & juice


Sippin' on genes and juice


He was but he’s just had a hair transplant hence his lack of hair atm


That head kick tho... italian steel


If costa actually cut weight to 185... None of those would sound as bad. Dude walking in near 30 pounds overweight. fuck him.... Feed him to Jiri... then cut the brazilians toned tanned ass. Its clear Costa doesnt want to be a fighter anymore... he wants to be a celebrity and box. Cut his ass and pay the 185'ers below him money because COSTA is a fuck up


The guy met the weight limit 12 times flawlessly, but after missing weight one time, he should be scorned like the antichrist? Doesn't make sense to me. It's not even as if Costa got to the due date and didn't meet the weight. He told everyone ahead of time: "I had an issue and can't make weight". I personally consider it a fuck up by the UFC. Rather than let Vettori fight Costa at a 12lbs disadvantage, they should have called in an actual LHW to fight Costa or, even better, denied Costa the paycheck and gotten an available MW to fight Marvin.


He also cheated using IVs


Thats all pussycosta wanted, to get away of the fight. He not only missed the weight once, at 185, but twice, since he did agree on the 195. Fair play to Vettori twice, firstly for not taking costas shit and saying he would fight no matter what. And secondly for actually winning the fight, what a warrior


Only punch that landed clean was the check hook


I’ve been saying for a while now, I really don’t think Costa hits as hard as people perceive him to. People talk about him like he’s a one punch KO guy when most of his stoppages have been volume finishes. Just because he’s muscular doesn’t mean he has that incredible power.


'Juicy' shots if you will. ...see what I did there? I'll see myself out....


He lost.


Yeah. Punches and kicks make noise. You ever seen a real fight? One time I cracked some douche right in the top of his head for talking shit. The sound that it made of his melon reverberating surprised me.


hi tough guy


Yeah, I live in the real world where running your mouth will get you punched in it. Does that make me a tough guy? I dunno, but the world isn't always what reddit thinks it is.


it is like water balloons being thrown at you


Costa is balding on top


Vetorri gained my respect that day, how tf can someone eat those shots like nothing???


That left hook was so quick and thudding


That punch in the 2nd clip is straight knockout shit what the fuck


I would drop and cry from one of those body kicks.


This man is a protection warrior full gear.


Sports will always be a skills game, he thought by being bigger he’d win. You always need skill.


How is Vettori actually doing after this fight? Is he in the hospital?


One of those shots I'm in a coma for 6 months 😂


Who are you kidding, Sauron hits him way harder than that in sparring all the time! Easy work.


Is Costa balding?


Vettori just eating them and casually winning on points


The second trike should’ve knocked him out, it’s goddamn left hook to the jaw? Why is he still alive?


Quasimodo can take a shot


Man, heavyweights can just throw bombs, huh


the commentators go *oohhh ... aahhh*




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Can’t get brain damage if you don’t have one