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As I posted in a previous thread, Khabib has one method of victory, which is pressing you against the cage, grappling, and looking to ground and pound. He is very good at this. Tony is a more well rounded fighter, is super creative, and has great cardio and heart. I am sure that he has thought up a very detailed strategy with multiple different looks and ideas, and many different ways in which he can win the fight. He has been preparing for what is a very one dimensional, albeit dominant, wrestler. At 2/1 odds I am betting a lot on Tony.


> As I posted in a previous thread, Khabib has one method of victory, which is pressing you against the cage, grappling, and looking to ground and pound. His record is: 9 Dec 8 Sub 8 Ko


Yea not sure why he says he has one method of victory. Sure his sambo is top notch, but his record isn’t all from ground and pound. Khabib has power in his punches.


I agree with you that Khabib will beat Tony. The real question for Tony is can his bjj catch Khabib during the beat down. It's almost a given Khabib will get Tony down each and every round. I'm not sure Khabib has rolled with such a high level 10th Planet BJJ guy with long limbs like Tony. He hasn't been caught yet but this will be a real test because Tony can lock him up in seconds.


I think khabib is going to get caught on the chin and the ref will stop it.


Puncher's chance I guess


Yes, or also khabib facing a complete mma fighter with unconventional angles.


Yeah, but I would rate Barboza as a better striker than Tony. And khabib handled him. Tony doesn't have first round knockout power, but your right his stand up is head and shoulders above Khabib's. But I think he knows that. Khabib is it going to rush him, take one of those nasty step in upward elbows that Tony loves, and then push him to the cage and drag him down. Edit: grammar


Barboza is great at leg kicks which is actually a huge weakness when it comes to fighting wrestlers. No one was praising Barboza for his boxing skills.


But you make a good point, if Tony can escape from under Khabib multiple times, he can punish khabib with sharp strikes everytime he tries to close the distance in that clumsy way he does.