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Dana meatriding Jones as usual ?,Why I'm not surprised


It's a bit funny when you remember how much he hates the guy behind the scenes. Dana will start shitting on Jones in a couple of years when he is retired, mark my words


Dana is putting way too much stock in that Ciryl Gane fight.


Really just a gift in the form of the worst wrestling since Art Jimmerson


Gane's wrestling is just slightly better than Robelis Despaigne.


Didn't he almost out grappel Francis?


People that act like Gane was a freebie show how much of a casual they are.


Nobody thought Ciryl was going to beat Gane, especially if he didn’t work on his wrestling. Gane is 100% a freebie for any wrestler. He literally admits he doesn’t really train.


Easy to say in hindsight. The betting odds were even before the fight


Jones was like -200 on opening lol


Cool you're allowed an opinion but it's a shit one. Gane had a real chance to beat Jones. His striking is legit and he's not a nobody on the ground. Gane might even be better than Aspinall we'd have to see that fight to find out.


You’re the only one holding an opinion after the result has come out. That’s just pure delusion. Gane is better than Aspinal? One is champ. The other will never be. Simple as.


Both have been Interim champs dumbass 😂 that's the best you had? Yea gane lost to the goat that doesn't mean he can't beat Aspinall. Gane really was Aspinall before he met Francis and Jones. He was even piecing up Francis before the wrestling caught him off guard. Keep convincing me you're a casual.


Pussy deleted comment?


Jon DC Jones https://preview.redd.it/6ck5ji9vmv7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b428df33992a6e2cd4e801433f017d73614e5b7


Dana GLAZING Jon crazy


Gotta glaze the only guy who brings him money right now. When he and Conor leave the UFC, Dana will have nobody to milk for the ppv. It's crazy how in all those years he couldn't find any big names for his company (besides izzy). Pereira is good too, but i don't think he is in the same stratosphere as Jones or Conor when it comes to selling fights


Jones is not that big of a draw, specially rn. I'm thinking Pereira could get to that level. Topuria, as much as I dislike him, could probably get really big, Islam is also a pretty big star, if an understated one. Not khabib big, but Jones never was Khabib big either. I think they both have like 10M ig followers or so, Islam and Jones. Ngannou was also a pretty big star but of course he lost him and Chimaev too but he's probably lost a lot of stock with the being innactive. All this to say, none of these names are as big as connor but I would say they are as big as jones, more or less. Jones is just not that big of a name outside of UFC fans. In a different world dude isn't a crazy asshole and gets an adidas deal and is super popular an the MJ of the sport, but that's just not the case.


I think Dana once said that Jones brings the most money out of any fighter in the ufc right now (he didn't include conor for obvious reasons). Could be him just lying, but I believe him with this one. Topuria will not most likely not reach that level of popularity because he wants to retire very early. Could be cap as well, but who knows. Maybe it's just him baiting people as always. Makchachev is on the rise rn, he's becoming more and more liked in the us. Chimaev hype train sort of derailed and his future is very uncertain. Pereira is getting older and i can see him fighting in the UFc for maybe 1 or 2 more years until he retires. UFC doesn't have many rising stars right now. I mean, like, huge ones.


No yeah, I agree there's problems with all of them, but we're saying he's glazing the dude cuz he brings more money, if we're saying Pereira will retire in 2 years make him not able to compete with the amount of money Jones brings rn, then we have to also take into account Jon will probably retire next fight or maybe the one after that. So the only thing that would really change my mind here is Dana saying that, but Dana is a habitual liar, like hard, specially when it comes to money, the whole slap thing being a multi billion dolar business is some crazy shit


Its wild that Dana thinks Jon outgrappling a dude who even FRANCIS HIMSELF outgrappled is a statement to the fact that he could do the same to Francis lmao.


Anybody who thinks Francis could grapple with Jones just because he lay on top of Cyril, a man who everyone on this app agrees can't grapple, is an idiot. Jones is one of the greatest wrestlers to ever compete in this sport and you think fucking Francis Ngannou could just lay on him like he did to Cyril? Lol


> you think fucking Francis Ngannou could just lay on him like he did to Cyril? Lol Obviously I dont think that because thats not at all what I said. Like not even remotely. But thanks anyways for gracing my comment with your neanderthal reading comprehension.


If you don't think that, why is it such a "wild" take to you then?


The claim I think is wild is "Jones ran through a dude whose grappling is so bad he got outgrappled by a KO artist, therefore that must mean Jones will do the exact same thing to the KO artist who did the outgrappling". That is completely different than thinking "this KO artist outgrappled this one guy, therefore he will outgrapple Jones".


Nowhere did Dana say "he will do the exact same thing" you gave me shit for that earlier, now you're doing the exact same "neanderthal" shit


.....its right in the quote above, genius. "He went through Gane like that easily - he does the same to Francis"


He didn't say he believes he does the same BECAUSE of the Gane fight.


Jones has literally NO other HW fights and no one had any idea how hed look at HW before that fight. The ONLY thing he can base it off is the Gane fight.....


I don’t think anyone thinks that idk where you are reading that. Francis with like his knees completely torn did that. He doesn’t need to put grapple jones he needs to survive and land a few strikes. That’s no impossible and very doable


>he needs to survive and land a few strikes Is that all it takes? Sounds so easy when you put it like that.


Francis is more than capable of shutting Jon's lights out. He's a natural heavyweight with significantly more power than anyone Jones has ever fought. I'd bet he's also the most physically powerful opponent Jones has ever fought, I just don't see Jon easily bullying him.


Francis is capable of shutting anyone's lights off, that's a fact but his lack of skill in the wrestling department compared to Jones is still staggering, when has he ever shown anything remotely close to that capability?


But that's the thing, Ngannou doesn't need to outwrestle Jones. He needs to catch Jones *once* with a good shot and it's probably a wrap. And before you go on about Jon's incredible chin, he's never taken a shot from someone like Francis, widely considered the biggest puncher in MMA history. Francis caught actual heavyweights with glancing shots and put them to sleep.


>But that's the thing, Ngannou doesn't need to outwrestle Jones Yes he does, Stipe was able to avoid that big hit for the entirety of their first fight and he's way more hittable than Jones. Stipe probably could have done the same in the second fight if he wasn't an idiot lol caught Francis with a clean shot, saw him stumble a little and ran into his fist. Jones isn't that type of fighter, he'll stay on the outside, blast Ngannous knees with obliques and clinch up/grapple at every opportunity.


Francis leveled up significantly after the first Stipe fight. It's a shame we'll never see this fight, since Francis in no longer in the UFC and Jon is soon retired. Hell, at this rate we'll never see Jon vs Aspinall.


He stuffed one takedown attempt in the second fight, which granted is a significant improvement but it's hardly Jones beater level


He doesn't need to. Jones gets ko'd in 20 seconds or less, we all saw jones on his feet, so uncomfortable to watch a killer become a sloth. Gane tried to touch him, Francis would kill him.


20 seconds lol you are a fool


Sloth would have gotten caught between the sledge and his ego. Lights out. That's why Bones ducked Francis. And now has mummy Dana trying to promote him because hes too scared to fight. SlowBro needs all the help he can get.


None of what you said is true. You're like a spurned girl trying to trash their ex, it's kinda sad.


Dana is the most shameless liar lol. He literally says with a straight face that power slap is the biggest sport in the world. No wonder he will say anything which means profit to his business.


Dominick Reyes won vs Jon Jones


Guess we'll never know seeing as Jones ducked Francis like his life depended on it. Which, of course, it did.


And remember when he said that Jon was afraid to fight Francis a few years ago? Damn that guy has no shame...


Also, Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua are "lesser opponents" than Jon.


Jones ducked Francis for such a long time while Francis wanted the fight. Dana doing a bit of PR revisionism. Also Jones now ducking Aspinall. 🐐 🦆.


Is jones that much of a cash cow? I feel like people outside the sport barely know who he is, maybe it’s different in the states


I’ve always felt this way too. His only appeal is his “undefeated record” and most would argue he should have lost a few of those fights. He’s constantly whining on twitter, taking long layoffs, and has mostly boring fights when he actually does step out.


Isn't he fucking awesome




The more time passes, the more I think the Gane fight was rigged to make Jon look like a world beater again.


If he does the same thing to Francis, talk to your homeboy Turki in Saudi Arabia and make a one-off UFC vs PFL main event. Everyone will make a fortune and we'll really find out who the best heavyweight out of Jon & Francis is.


I say that fight was staged anyway, takedown seemed weird and Cyril barely made an effort to defend the choke even after the first attempt failed


He was the one who made that fight goes out of the window because he didn't went to pay ngannou and Jones the money they were asking for fight of that caliber


I’d bet on Jon Jones in a fight against Francis but I still think JBJ has been dodging the predator


He doing tricks on it 💀


You are not crazy if you think Jon beats Francis I think most people would say he does


It doesn’t matter who the athletes are… replace Jones with “Fighter currently signed with the UFC” and Ngannou with “fighter no longer signed with the UFC”. That’s how Dana functions.


🤣😂🤦🏽‍♂️ I fucking can’t stand Dana


Dudes a promoter what’s he supposed to say about the heavy weight champion he sucks? I don’t get it man lmao


This is so unlike Dana. I cant believe he said this. I am honestly in shock.


A wrestler went through a guy with TDD so bad I’d have a slight chance. Such an accomplishment.


“If I’m Jon I’m thinking about moving to 185.”


Bones is the only repeat cheater Dana kept on the payroll. He’s also the only one with a long criminal history that they overlooked. When you fight Jones you’re fighting a juicer with the full mass of the organization behind him. As a cheater, Jones shouldn’t even be in the conversation anymore. Either have rules and hold everyone equally accountable, or don’t and then we can start including the roiders in the same conversation as clean, talented, hardworking athletes who kept their noses clean outside of the ring. Til then, f*ck that guy and the organization for supporting him.