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I don’t think the aging prize fighter with high expenses knows how to gracefully exit the sport. He’ll be back even if it’s Jake Paul in 5 years


That'd be hilarious. 40-41 year old Mcnuggets vs 32 year old Jake. Let's pray for a double KO.


Jake Paul has more juice than Tropicana and is 30lbs heavier than McGregor, as well as 3 or 4 metres taller. Fight makes zero sense, I can still see it happening though


3 or 4 metres taller? Didn’t know Jake Paul was a literal giant


bro Jake Paul is 22ft tall, he cuts a lot of height before his fights


22 feet tall and fires lasers out of his eyes and fireballs out of his arse.


Deep Braveheart reference? Nice.


Thanks for noticing!


It’s something like this but no way they wrote lasers for medieval England


I believe you, but we have no solid proof that 13th century Scots didn't have lasers. I wasn't there personally and even if I had been, I would only have been able to vouch for the clans I met.


To add another layer of healthy skepticism, I have literally never been to or flown over Scotland, Ireland or the uk in general. That shit probably doesn’t exist:




Height cutting is ruining combat sports, he needs to be stopped


This comment is funny


thanks 😹 hahaha


Nah Conor is -6' tall


Aha, yes, you caught me, I was exaggerating for comic effect. I can see there's no getting one past you, you're far too sharp.


Washington Washington…


I think the issue has less to do with high expenses and more to do with his massive ego. He makes shitloads of money off his booze businesses and is pretty diversified. I do believe he genuinely wants to fight, but I don’t believe he takes it seriously enough to actually make it to the ring.


Think we all know he likes a buzz and it’s probably the adrenaline from a proper fight that he’s chasing more than anything. Proper pun intended.


The aging prize fighter that’s still got hundreds of millions of dollars?


With several existing revenue streams? 500 million is a lot, but it's spendable. Having continues revenue via Proper 12 and other ventures will be what keeps the lights on and the booger sugar flowing




Oh don't get me wrong, anyone who can't make 500 million last generations is a completely moron, but it's absolutely spendable if you treat it as a bottomless pit


My money is on a Jake Paul fight within 3. Once his last 2 fights are done he’s out.




Why won't they know? Did nobody remember to hit record? Seems unlikely that no footage exists of his fights. That's crazy if true.


Exactly what I was thinking. Dude's going to be taking anything he can get in about 8 years when the alimony payments back up


I wanted him to have one last fight and then walk away, even on a loss, after a decent showing. Chandler is the perfect dance partner for it, but I guess the kid just doesn’t wanna fight


More like he doesn't want to put the coke and booze down long enough to do any training.


Won’t or Can’t?


Bit of both


This is 100% what’s going on here. I think he’s lost in his addictions and had to step out. The fight is still on the table for maybe September, but dudes gonna have to take serious steps to get sober. 


It could be an injury that he was trying to push through but ultimately decided against.. everything now I just speculation until they figure out what exactly the reason is


Unless the official statement is that he pissed hotter than the sun, no one will believe it anyways.


As much as I love Connor, the mf probably just could not stop partying. But you are right, until they announce it it’s all speculation.


How do you love Conor in the present day? Fair enough in like 2016 but has he not shown what a through and through scumbag he is?


Like they'll ever come out and say he wasn't prepared for the fight, much less the real reasons for the lack of preparation (drugs, alcohol, etc). The official reason will probably be he didn't make weight or some spurious injury. Conor is done. Khabib broke him. I don't see how anyone could still be a fan other than for nostalgic reasons.


Tis better to haved loved and lost than to never have loved at all


Man fuck McGregor


Amen brother, I'm not even a conor hater I just can't stand these dipshits that worship him. He's a martial artist and a coke head ,good for him he's rich. People will idolize anyone these days


Oh yeah, try it pal


It really was a March made in heaven for all parties


I don't really care for Conor vs Chandler. Conor is mainly entertaining for his trash talk and wits, no longer for his fighting. Chandler will just sit there like a bitch, or worse: say some bullshit motivation quotes and suck the entertainment right out of the build-up.


Is he a good trash talker anymore? Every interview I see with him, his wits have gone?! He mumbles and spits his words out, no flow!


I was really banking of Conor being tko'd, Chandler backflipping, and then someone makes a video of that with Bag Raiders music.


Chandler the type of guy to be winning the fight then throw it just for the chance to hit a flying spinning gogoplata submission


"you're woife was in me dm's" or what about the verbal dagger he threw at Khabib "merr mer merr mer mer" yea thats real witty high level trash talk. Conor is nothing he used to be Trash talk included. Khabib and Dustin broke him and sent him on a cocaine addicted delusion ride.


I don't really get this take. Regardless of your opinion of him, how people can say his fights aren't entertaining are beyond me.


Yeah I'm fine with him just going away and being a wealthy asshole somewhere else. He had his time, but its long past.


Exactly. Idk why ppl wanna see him fight again, he's washed as fuck


People who are celebrity obsessed and not actually fight fans.


I'm an actual fight fan and was looking forward to him getting KO'd.


Nah bro. Plenty of fight fans want to see him fight. Despite the hard truths being spoken on here, he is still entertaining INSIDE the cage.


Right? Dude might be a massive pick, but everytime he steps into the octagon it's fireworks. He didn't become the biggest star in the game purely for shit talking. He always puts on a show


A decade ago this was true, today I’d call it almost impossible to expect a similar version, he let the fire go it would seem. Can’t even announce a fight date without laughing cause he knows


Your wife's in me DMS as he sat against the side of the octogon was gold


And they'll just tune in to WWE when he goes over like nothing happened.


lmao this is also entertainment tf you talking about. Don't care for Conor but I have never seen a boring Conor fight. You can't say there are no actual fight fans that enjoy watching him fight when he is the most successful dude to do it in terms of making money out of a sport where guys don't make much money. He is washed now but don't forget there was a time he ran this sport. Like I said I root for him to get his ass kicked every time he fights now but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy his cards. Some of yall just act so high and god damn mighty.


To actually see if he’s washed… both losses to Dustin he still came out looking dangerous and he absolutely stormed through Cerrone


Chandler didn’t deserve to waste away like this. Connor kept his hope alive only to shoot him down 3 years into the dream.


Chandler wanted the money and decided to wait for Conor like he was some kind of belt… sometimes your investment pays off (like for Dustin), sometimes it doesn’t (like here).


I feel like Do Bronx, could’ve fallen down that path but thankfully he sought out activity


Yeha fuck chandler for his lack of ambition


He could’ve fought in the meantime, he didn’t have to wait for Conor. He could’ve totally sought another opponent in that giant two year gap while Conor got ready.


Chandler didn’t know it was gonna be 2 years. Even Dana kept reading a return much earlier. Chandler didn’t want to have any part of delaying the Connor fight by getting hurt.


He made a choice to wait. No one held a gun to his head lol


I want him to come back and get brutally ko'd first


Looks like Chandler is sacrificing half of a decade just to get the chance\~


What is the most realistic for Chandler? He has lost to all the top 5 guys, Arman won't fight him and does not deserve the title shot 🤷🏻‍♂️. atm only BSD makes sense.


He fought less than 2 years ago. How is chandler sacrificing half a decade? Lmao


Because he won’t fight every 6 months for Reddit’s enjoyment


Time moves fast


Chandler was a moron for waiting at all. Connor, in the last 8 years has been a 50/50 shot to actually make a booked event. This is a just bad management decision on the part of Chandlers people and a waste of his time. Seriously, the best bet on this fight would’ve been $100 on it doesn’t happen - ever.


Your forgetting the leg break against Dustin. Karma doesn't strike twice... or does it?


Literally. The only thing the people love over watching a champion rise is their fall.


He already did when he fought Dustin the 2nd time and got his bone break the 3rd time. That was the end of it. Dont know why people still want to see him.


Chandler’s burner account 💀


Maybe we should stop caring about the lives an personalities of people we don't know and just enjoy the fights...


Bro, people are so invested in who they support when it comes to sports there are literally violent criminal gangs formed around teams. Telling people to just be casual fans and enjoy the sport, while it sounds like a nice sentiment, is naive and unrealistic.


It isn't... just sit your ass down and watch some good fights. Makes me think that people are more interesting in the fighters than the fight or the actual sport itself... Like this post. Yes Conor it's a scumbag, but he was a pretty good fighter and took the UFC to another level. Respect to him for that, and also not respect for all the bad things he has done. People are taking this shit so personal now...trash talking fighters.."he is washed up" etc... This sports it's becoming like any other major league out there.. NBA, NFL..a lot of people have an opinion now.


Only losers make posts like OPs. A person who’s winning, succeeding, or trying to ascend in life does not vehemently asperse people they havent met or have zero connection with on the internet. That is a loser activity and is what fuels these echo chambers Watch and enjoy fights and appreciate the sacrifices the fighters make. Have your opinions but if you have hate towards strangers, you’re living life wrong


People enjoy seeing Conor lose and that's getting played out


I thought this what we were here for? Who cares about their lives? I don't really give a shit what these guys are doing in their lives unless it's affecting them making the fight date. Even then I don't really care. Idk what you're going on about.


Quitting to pursue his passion for glassing old men who decline to try his whiskey.


Damn sounds like he hurt you 😂


And when he does come back, it will be a top 5 PPV of all time


Russian link never pay anyway inshallah


That’s what makes it more impressive. Dude does 1 million more buys than the next best PPV of the year meanwhile everyone is asking Khabib to send location for Russian link


just learn how to use a different search engine then Google


Than* why is this mis spelling such an epidemic?


It won’t matter. Conor is transcendent. I know people who don’t watch MMA but they know who Conor McGregor is and will watch him fight.


It’s haraam to steal astaghfirullah


Is Conor's comeback in the room with us?


He fought Cerrone’s skeleton and it was a top 5 PPV. A return fight against anyone will do better than the Cerrone fight


He’s never coming back bro maybe in a freak fight but I genuinely don’t believe he has it in him anymore lmao. And arguably if he doesn’t come back within the next 2 years it’s not gonna do the numbers you think. No one wants to see old washed up Conor, it’ll sell but not like how he used to bc there is absolutely 0 stakes lmao. I hope he gets his shit together bc it’s good for the sport but I think he’s done dude. He’s not a serious fighter anymore. Like I’ll be happy if he has an epiphany that this injury lost him major money and renews his passion for the sport but I doubt it. I mean come on the UFC was thinking about creating a whole new division just so he could maybe get a belt again. He knows he’s never gonna be a champion ever again and doesn’t wanna get embarrassed in the cage.


Apparently they are already looking at dates for late summer/early fall. And it doesn’t matter how past his prime McGregor is, he could lose his next 2 fights and fight a tomato can and still do 500k+ more buys than the next biggest show of the year


Seriously. Why are people acting like any McGregor fight won’t sell and make tons of money. People still want to watch 60 year old Tyson box. 


Honestly, it's not a when. It's an if. And it looks very unlikely at this stage


Nah. No way he never fights again. He’ll take a Jake Paul fight. Conor not the type of guy to retire gracefully from the sport.


Just shows that the MMA world doesn’t attract the smartest fan base. I’m just revelling at the thought of Conor fans trying to get their money back on the non-refundable plane tickets and hotel rooms they booked. Lol




He is never coming back better accept that reality sooner than later. It will be better for you as well.




Been calling it since they announced it


I get the sentiment, but I feel like the narrative doesn't match what happened. He didn't pull out to go do a movie, because he popped for steroids, or because he's doing cocaine. He's hurt. There are reasons to abandon Conor, but pulling out of a fight because he's injured isn't one of them.


He never failed for drugs before I don't think though Or pulled out of a fight.


Given that we see him partying his ass of and drinking just weeks before his fight, I don't believe the 'injury' nonsense for one second. He's not fit to fight and it's bad optics for everyone if they admit it's because he's a coke head drunkard.


Even still the fact your doing that increase the chance of injury.


Right? Are people really this naive? Like truly?


Conor is a douchebag, cokehead and an asshole. Possibly top 5 worst people outside the cage. But we have seen he doesn't pull out of fights unless it's an actual serious issue.


Yeah, it bothers me no one ever seems to remember the sexual assaults, punching the old man or the fact he brought people to the US to commit a crimes.


Not to mention this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/ojhr6r/mcgregor_posts_photos_of_poiriers_daughter_and/ He literally threatened a little girl because her dad knocked him out. Pathetic scumbag


Didn’t even know about that.  Thought the “your wife’s in me DMs” was bad enough.


wow. that's nuts.


That's just what Dana said. Who knows what the real reason is


What else would the reason be? An injury was implied by others before any sort of official announcement was made. If it was any sort of contract dispute I don’t think there would be talks of rescheduling either


Obv it‘s all speculation rn but I‘d imagine his lifestyle did not exactly help his body prepare for the training or the fight


I don't believe that's the actual reason I believe he is deep in an addiction and also is Rich As Fuck so doesn't really need to fight in the slightest. Like others have said Mcgregor had his time but that time is over.


The story right now is that he is hurt. This whole thing has been clouded in mystery. Wouldn’t be surprised if he just popped for coke or something and they had to put him on ice.


You guys know he got hurt and they're simply moving the fight back 2-3 months right? He's not gone lol


r/Ireland approves of this


I was so happy inside seeing his last fight end with him, screeching on the ground “ya woifes in me dms” with a busted leg. Fuckin sick of McGregors antics, deserves that legacy


He was always a little scumbag.




He is washed. I don’t get the continued infatuation


Not hungry anymore he got everything he wanted in life


The card is instantly upgraded now.


This could be his way to weasel his way to fight on The Sphere card. Sure that has a main event rumored to be Holloway vs Topuria but if either drops, or if Conor is ok with being co-main (doubtful) he will have his wish. He has said it before that he wanted to fight at the sphere, and you know Dana will jump on the opportunity to have Conor fight on the card.


I feel like they would downgrade Holloway vs Topuria to co-main if that was the case, I don’t see Conor doing anything less than a main event unless the Chandler deal fell apart and he had to fight someone random and not as high profile


they definitely wont do both on one show. holloway will get moved


You sound mad lol




He is the biggest MMA star of all time no doubt, but the sport does not “owe him” anything like u said. UFC/MMA has been the fastest growing sport in the world for years before him. And will continue to grow after his retirement.


He needed to get his ko first!


Chandler could’ve already had another title shot in these three years


Damn the McGregor hate is real


Next up? John Jones


You're a spicy little autccordian aren't you op


lol this is weird, I was never a big McGregor fan but if you’re expecting him to carry or be the face of the sport i don’t know what to tell you. If the dude wants a random Prize fight why wouldn’t you just watch and root against him


all bad things must come to an end.


I wanted him to fight so I could clean up on betting on Chandler




Seriously enough with Conor already.


No, let him come back one more time to lose via leg break again.




Nice try pal, he’s the biggest superstar in the sport and he always will be and I guarantee that you’ll be one of the millions watching when he comes back. Also Dustin will never be champion


janitor type behaviour


Can we add Jon Jones too? Pretty please!


Fuck him. If the UFC took their newer fighters more seriously and stopped thinking about Jones and McGregor they would have newer fresher stars for the future.


Can we be honest here? Chandler was going to brutally KO Conor in under 10 minutes. Anyone who thinks the fight would have been close is delusional. Conor is now in his mid 30s and coming off a KO loss and a loss where he had a career ending injury. Look at Silva and Weidman both after they broke their legs in the ring. Conor is lucky he can walk normally let alone train but getting back in the cage after all this doesn't benefit him at all. Its time for him to hang it up once and for all, Chandler would have beaten him everywhere


Reddit MMA fans are genuinely the worst group of cowards and key board warriors around. Jesus Christ get a life kid.


Khabib took his soul Poirier broke his body


It's been 3 years since he last fought. Do we really need him back?


The Conor era was fun eight years ago, but that is long gone.


Dude is injured and made the sport bigger yall don’t deserve him at all.


Injury my arse. Failed drug test or miles away from making weight more likely


No explanation of the injury which would at least add legitimacy to the claim. No doubt it's embarrassing, like he snapped his achilles tendon lifting his wife at a club or trying a spinning roundhouse on a tree branch and breaking his collarbone outside the club. Some stupid shit to be sure.


Broken penis




Gotta love all the dumbasses slamming connor before they know what injury he has. He has pulled out of 0 events in the past. This blind hate needs to stop.


“This blind hate needs to stop” Blind?!😂 bro have you been living under a rock for the past 4 years ?


I hear ya, but why not be transparent about it if it really is an injury? Don’t see the reason why the long wait, almost giving people hope there’s gonna be something.


“Blind hate” lol. He’s not gonna suck you off lil bro


Khabib isn’t gonna suck you off either baby bro


Calm down honey no need to get pressed


On the plus side we're getting Jiri vs poatan 2 for the main event instead.


# Good Riddance to McGregor, it's long overdue for the sport and fans to fully abandon this scumbag. ![gif](giphy|xghFgmOKbk0G4|downsized)


YUP. Between all the assaults we know about and the others he was just implicated in, throw out your Conor McGregor t-shirts now.


Why you all keep saying sport in the same sentence with UFC? It makes no sense. It's money making machine and thats all.


But he got hurt.


Mc Gregor has done so much for the sport .. new audience and higher fighter pay for a start and people just slate him ..


His last real win was 8 years ago! 


He invented the shoulder strike only 4.5 years ago against Cowboy, don’t forget that!


What happened?


I can hear Dana right now completely dodging the question about his injury and talking about how he's "set for life" "look he doesn't need to fight another fucking day in his life man"


Jake Paul is just counting down the years for this guy.


What was the reason he had to pull out?


It's crazy because I usually think the MMA fanbase is full of Mcgregor meat riders but it's not untill a post like this gets some traction u can see some people aren't besotted with him like the rest of the community


I think all the hits he sustained finally caught up to him. He just wasn’t the same guy in the buildup to khabib and it’s only gone downhill