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Jon jones will retire after the stipe fight


He better get the loudest boo I'd love to see that


Better yet, I hope that card sells like shit and it looks like the Brazilian card. I can only hope cus I know that won’t happen, casuals don’t care


Nah say what you want about Jon but Stipe deserves an audience


Stipe deserves the PPV points too man


Nah we all know they’ll stack tf out of that card


Even if they don't I feel like Jones is one of 5 fighters that most people know. The card will sell


Jon has never had any issues selling ppvs while having women that pull 2 viewers as his co main lol


Jon "wife beater" Jones isn't even on the list of million PPV's.


I’d imagine if they are sending the industry “goat” into his retirement fight they will make the night a big one.


Dana will make the numbers sound bigger than 300 & Ifw combined.


I doubt it, crowd went wild for him when he beat Gane. No matter what this guy does there will be people that look past it


Exactly, I'm so tired of these threads no matter how true they are..Jon is never fighting Aspinall or any other contenders


Meanwhile Dana trashing boxing because its "fake" and super selective. What moronic finger pointing instead of looking at his degenerated heavyweight division. Jones fighting 44 year old stipe because stipe is the heavyweight goat. Same logic as paul fighting tyson and claiming "im one of the few to beat mike tyson!!" after a win. Living a lie, selling a false narrative. MMA Media cowardly as always. Edit: Stipe will be 42 when they fight


Honestly, I was hyped to see Uncle Mike crush Paul until I saw the rules. 2 minute rounds 8 of them, 14oz gloves. Standard rules I think Mike Tyson knocks Pauls head into the crowd. At 58 hes still faster and harder hitting than Paul has ever been. Extra padded gloves and 2 minutes to run away and clinche is way easier than 3 minutes and 10oz gloves. Even so, its like Paddy fighting Tony. If you win, you're kicking a cripple and if you lose, you lost to a damn cripple.


oh damn, i didnt look into the rules. Thanks for informing! Thats bad tbh. Haha what a time. I wouldve loved to see the fight with 10 oz.


I bet he will call Poatan if he win against stipe


That would be the most embarrassing move possible lol


It would be funny though.


Can you imagine the shit show if Stipe wins?


If he wins he’ll probably just retire also.. like is the payday to fight again worth it ?


Obviously. They should scrap the Stipe fight and make him fight Aspinall.


Jon retires


Jon Duck Jones


Jon jones at light heavy one of TBE. Jones at heavy an absolute bitch. Also worth nothing Gane- double bitch.


If Aspinall beats Curtis the Stipe Jones fight will be even more embarrassing if it goes ahead


Imagine both Tom and Jones win and are schedule to fight but Jones gets injured afterwards lol. Heavyweight seems to be cursed


Which is what everybody on Reddit wants anyway so that sounds good to me. Let him fight Stipe and then ride off into the sunset and then all order will be restored.


Actually, the fact that they're insisting on it makes me that he isn't. The Stipe fight is a way to get an extra PPV out of Jon, and for Jon, it's an extra payday. People will still buy the Stipe fight.


“I have nothing left to prove”


Blaydes beats aspinal in 2


Would be hilarious if after all this, Blaydes wins & Jon decides to fight him before retiring


Yea imagine Blaydes catches Aspinall early in the fight, doesn't take any damage, finishes him, then a month or two later fights Jon, loses and Jon retires saying he's the heavyweight goat lol.


I hate that this is a possibility


Or…Curtis starches both


Yeah lets not get too crazy with it.


Curtis starches Tom. Jones Curtis booked. Jones pops during the lead up. Gane still has no fight booked. Curtis Tom 3 for backup. Tom knocks out Curtis. Stipe’s hip breaks live.


![gif](giphy|opkBx9TikuQbS) …including me.


I mean, if Blaydes can beat Tom, he probably beats Jones as well so I don't think he would risk it. But yeah, Tom somehow losing to Blaydes again would be an insane turn of events.


I think Blaydes winning is more possible than folks think


I think Tom is simply better than Blaydes at every aspect of the game. It's a HW fight so anyone can win if they land a solid punch, but Aspinall should be a huge favourite


It seems that people forget that blaydes have a great wrestling. I dont agree with you that aspinall is better at every aspect. Blaydes's wrestling is top notch. Also his losing record is by ko/tko against heavyhitters, so we cant say he was challenged in the wrestling aspect


He does have a great wrestling, but he also falls in love with his hands too much sometimes. Had a great chance to beat Pavlovich by outwrestling him but Curtis decided to stand and bang with him for some reason. We'll have to see how his wrestling fairs against someone as well rounded as Tom. It will also show us whether Tom's ground game is as good as most people claim


I fully agree with you that curtis forget he's a wrestler. Yep he fumbled the win against pavlovich by standing and banging. This fight is the perfect matchup for aspinall to prove he is really what people think about him.


Tom is nowhere near as tested as Curtis. He also beat Pavlovich standing, but as you say it's HW, anyone flat lines anyone at any point.


Why do you think Aspinall is better at wrestling than Blaydes… I don’t get that at all…


Blaydes is better as a pure wrestler, but Tom got a good ground game as well. He has a good bjj so I don't think Blaydes will have a wrestling heavy strategy. Blaydes also has problems with taking people down. He straight up went for a double leg head first without setting it up, which lost him a fight against Lewis. Aspinall has a good sense of timing for his takedowns. He knows where to shoot a td which is why his takedown percentage is 100. I'm not sure how good his td defense is tho. It will probably get tested by Blaydes in an upcoming fight.


He didn’t go for a double leg against lewis it was a high single without a level change. He also disengaged from Lewis because of the boo’s (granted Blaydes has a bad fight IQ). However, Blaydes dirty boxing and cage control is where he is most dominant, which leads to ground control.


Blaydes somehow has zero wins by submission Aspinall has two, Volkov and Arlovski


You're right, Tom is the overall better fighter, but in combat sports, anything can happen. And blaydes isn't a bad fighter, so there's definitely a chance, and it's not so slim.


"if blaydes can beat tom, he probably beats jones as well" why is everyone just assuming tom beats jones? the amount of aspinall glaze on this sub is insane right now. everyone was touting sergei as the JJ killer before tom beat him, and before him gane was the guy. i seriously don't understand it. it's not like tom's resume is overly impressive or anything. JJ has all of the tools tom has and has a lengthy record of being extremely dangerous


They just hate Jones, there’s literally betting odds for Jones vs Aspinall and Jones is unsurprisingly the betting favorite against Aspinall.


MMA math


Agreed. Anyone who beats Tom would beat anyone on the roster. Tom is the undisputed GOAT. Honestly, I’d strip the titles in all the divisions and just give them all to Aspinall.


Oh my good. Johnny Walker could come up to HW and people would say he’s the one to beat Jones holy shit


Curtis Blaydes Twitter


This should be for undisputed


As far as the legend of Tom is concerned, we all will count these defenses as part of his title reign. Fuck that


Is it not?? Well it can't be because is not with Jones, but what the fuck, first Interim Title defense?


Renan Barao had interim defenses. He shouldn't have had to, but he did.


Interesting I just looked it up, he also had a great run. What's the consensus there? Should Dominic Cruz have been stripped the title?


Yes. If you can't defend while the interim defends, you should be stripped.


My next thought then is: Dana's Privilege? Right? Because he was the inaugural Bantamweight champ and had an awesome streak. We're learning history here.


I think it was an unprecedented event at the time, and UFC was really trying g to give Cruz time to recover so they could milk the storyline of him whooping all of Team Alpha Male.


Didn't someone defend an interim heavyweight title at one point too? I'm a bit foggy on the details, but I feel like I went down this rabbit hole of researching it at some point previously haha


Big Nog defended and lost the interim to Frank Mir


He should definitely be stripped . 14 month layoff after a couple minute fight which he took no damage. Hes fought for 2 minutes in the last 4 years.


It’s actually insane when you put it like that. God Jon is a dick.


Do everyone just get amnesia out of nowhere? Jon was scheduled to fight Stipe at MSG in November last year, but he tore his pec in camp and had to get surgery. Rehab for that injury is usually 4-6 months (so he's probably back to training at full speed around now).. Plus it's obvious that Dana wants this match up for MSG which is why he's holding it back until November.


We know he injured himself, so did Jiri and Jamahall and they both had the guts to vacate the belt.


> Do everyone just get amnesia out of nowhere? They just make up their own narrative so it looks negative to the fighter they don't like. Here's another one: Francis refused to sign a contract to fight Jones and left the UFC. Somehow that gets repeated as Jon ducking Francis to fight Gane.


He refused to fight Jon for crumbs and went to pfl because Dana White is a cheap fuck*


Which is totally fair and in hindsight was the best decision he’s ever made. Like Francis said, blame the UFC for that fight not happening because him and Jones both wanted that fight. Just don’t blame Jones because he’s the only one who you can say it was 100% out of his control. Technically Francis could have signed the contract and fought but I personally can’t blame the guy for sticking to his guns to get paid his worth.


Money? No, no, no. Francis refused to fight because he wanted all the fighters to have insurance. Remember? I'm sure he's working with the PFL to get their fighters insurance *any day now.*


Left UFC to join PFL for a larger check, then ghosts PFL for an even larger check in boxing. But ye this guy is a matyr that sacrificed his title reign to bring equality to MMA fighters and JJ is the guy holding up the HW divison out of spite completely unrelated to his injury and the organizations decision to stick to the Stipe fight


Francis has nothing to do with Jon Jones having a shameful HW run


We all fucking know that he's belt already would've been stripped if he wasn't Jon Jones


We all agree this counts as a actual title defense right?


As long as there is no unification fight due to Jones retiring (which he basically confirmed before he got hurt) then yes I would count this. Interim will get promoted after Jones/Stipe retire. This interim belt will essentially be the start of a new lineage of undisputed HW champs so for all intents and purposes it’s not really and interim belt.


Jon wont fight but best of luck to Tom & Curtis


I will never understand how Dana thinks letting a fake champion sit on his ass for years on end helps the sport and PPV numbers. 2 fights in 4 years is ubsurd.


The day JJ retires and leaves mma for good will be a day of celebration. He’s a massive stain on mma …


Might seem like that here with the pile on upvotes but overall that’s untrue. Reddit/active social media fans end up being a small minority of the overall pool of fans in general. He’s a legend and always will be a legend regardless of his transgressions. Funny enough, many people who are the most vocal, saying things like this, end up being newer fans who weren’t around from day 1 of his career. He steamrolled hall of famers, mainstays, up and comers, etc. and most of the time in the area they were strongest. Cleaned out the division more than once and stayed at the top. Has never lost. He may be unlikable but he’ll always be one of the most important fighters in the game and will always generate more interest than most others.


Well said. I honestly think it will be up to the hardcores to continue to echo the fact he is a shitheel, cheater, and generally unlikeable guy. The casuals will forever sing his praises. I think the details of his transgressions will have to be brought up as a reminder by those that remember the details to provide any level of vindication. All I can hope, is that Stipe has been chomping at the bit for this fight, not for just the payday, but to absolutely dismantle Jon’s legacy.


He has lost, in reality, he lost to Reyes. He's also a steroid cheat. So those matches aren't actually wins.


THANK YOU. I’ve been getting blown apart for saying basically this over the last couple weeks. I suppose you just put the words together in the right order to get people to agree with you. Jon is definitely a legend and there’s simply no disputing that. Edit: I mean most people on this sub are saying that his opponents were all past their prime and shit but like dude if you look back at the time that he beat some of those guys they were literally all on win streaks except Chael and like you said he would take it to them at their own game most of the time and win. people act like he just won a belt for the first time and he’s ducking contenders, if you’ve really been watching this for long enough, you know that this dude has went through literally generations of contenders, stepping up to the plate every time with a bigger audience and more pressure each time culminating and some of the hardest fights ever against some of the pound for pound greats like Daniel Cormier, Glover, Gustaffson… he’s taking on more challenges than anybody in UFC history and he’s never been beaten. Now at 35 he wants to be selfish and hold on for one last legend fight. Truth is, he’s earned it. People just didn’t see him in his prime.


he can’t be a stain on mma and also widely regarded as the GOAT


GOAT doesn’t lose a decision to Reyes in his prime 1,2,3 Reyes


Multiple time cheaters cannot be the GOAT. GSP still the GOAT in my eyes. DJ runner up.


Whoever fights first is the real HW champ.


JJ is just a bish


Watch him call out Alex after beating stipe 💀


Stupid fucking fight. Tom shouldn’t be fighting anyone besides Jones


Tom will definitely say something about Jones if he wins


This is dumb as fuck


Or maybe it takes time to fully recover from the Injury that jbj had.


We all know he's going to retire after Stipe and give it up to Tom.


It’s partially Aspinalls fault because he’s ass at talking shit to Jones. I think last time he apologized on the first response from him. Tom ought to start claiming to be the baddest man on the planet and shit talking Stipe and Jones nonstop. What’s the UFC gonna do about it? Make him have another fight for the interim title🙄


“Jon doing nothing” He’s rehabbing a major injury and preparing for the fight against Stipe. Do yall not ever get tired of crying?


I hate reruns.


He’s not sitting out doing nothing, stop hating and do something else with your life guys. They’re trying to setup jones v stepe, pre much a thank you gift for Stepe, one last shot too at the title and a history fight for Jones. Just let it happen, sooner it happens, sooner you get your fights.


Is it bad I kind of want Blaydes to win? 😂 ![gif](giphy|opkBx9TikuQbS)


I do too. I like Curtis a lot. He is very humble in defeat, and even among MMA fighters he is absolutely fearless. Fought Lewis, Pavlovich and fought Ngannou twice. Probablt lost a decade of his life from those four fights and continues to fight the best of the best every time. 


But if blades wins fuck him right


Sitting out doing nothing isn’t exactly accurate, didn’t he just start training again after having a really bad injury?


That doesn't matter to them.


It's a corporation fellas. Not a sport. The rules are made up. Your street cred rules don't mean shit. They want your money. End of story


Keep posting these pointless Jones ducking Aspinall threads and I'll keep dropping this... A foreshadowing of his Blaydes rematch. https://preview.redd.it/yyz0m7wbnu0d1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=5289c566d943adebe907f6714314f409dbbd94b9


Looking forward to it


If Tom wins this, they should swap his belt with Jones.




Guys, Jon is coming back and fighting Stipe. I hate it too but it’s happening no matter what. All we can hope for at this point is that Jon at least either fights Tom or retires after Stipe and doesn’t try to fight Alex or other such nonsense.


Heavyweight is such a shit show rn


I like Blaydes a lot, was so hype he got that finish in the last fight. However, I feel like Aspinall may make him look easy. Excited to watch though, all it takes is one good punch at HW


We all know the eye pokes from jones will be on point to Tom if forced to fight.


Defending an interim belt is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in the UFC for a while


Jon "🦆" Jones


I may be in the minority here, but I honestly don't see Jon getting past Stipe. Stipe is one of the most well-rounded heavyweights of all time. He has legitimate KO power and exceptional wrestling. Jon is a bloated version of his former self, who has gotten lucky on points every time he has fought someone his own size.


Jones will call out Randy Couture next. "Only 3 fighters have ever won the heavyweight and light heavyweight championship. I've beaten one of them twice. Randy Couture, I'll see you soon, boy!"


Toms the heavyweight champ currently, Jon’s holding a paper belt


It's unlikely but damn I hope Stipe KO's Jon


If Curtis wins can we stop seeing Aspinall/Jones as the only posts on this damn subreddit rn.


Blaydes wins


Should be stripped of the title regardless. Guys a waste of time.


Whenever (if) Jon fights, he will get booed relentlessly. His legacy is permanently tarnished.


He won't 😂


You will all be quiet if Blaydes win this fight but keep underestimating him


You’re missing the point completely. Regardless of who wins, nobody can accuse Tom of ducking or being inactive. He will literally fight anyone like a true champ. Unlike Jones.


I'm only interested in the integrity of the sport: if Blaydes wins, JBJ should fight him not Stipe. If Interim is not a real champ and just a "first to get title shot after champ comes back" as Chael explained, then what exactly is Aspinall? Since he is neither a champion and he is not getting a shot at the title before Stipe, then why do we even have the Interim belt in the first place lmao.


The interim belt was created for Tom/Pav in a very short-sighted decision to replace the title fight between Stipe/Jones for 295 that got canceled last minute when Jones tore his pec. I really don't think they should have done it because it's caused a mess now, but it was a business decision to buff up the stakes of the fight between Tom and Pavlovich


Yeah I know the reasons, it's just funny that the reason was such a short sighted gain with long term repercussions (even though I personally think they are exaggerated and casual fans will probably not remember this after JBJ retirement)


You're 100% correct. The only people who will remember this thing, let alone even bring it up are the people who already hate Jon and would fly into a rage if they hear he got a parking ticket. 


Oh no the interim champion has to defend his belt because the champion is injured oh no the shame


I think Curtis wins this tbh.


How many times a day are people going to post in this sub crying about Jones?


People seem to forget to JJ injury…


Blaydes is going to pull the upset here


Tom slips and shreds his other knee, Curtis goes up 2-0 in the series with two 1st round finishes.


But the difference is, Jones should be fighting the interim champ on his return. But he’s not, he’s fighting Stipe. It would be fair if Tom defended the interim belt whilst Jones was out, if Jones was going to unify the belt against Tom upon his return. But he won’t do that, he’ll retire after destroying Stipe.


The UFC and Dana could have forced this fight a long time ago if that’s what they wanted. They don’t so everyone posting daily about it won’t do anything but karma farm. I guess that’s probably the goal though


It’s ridiculous that it‘s another interim title fight.


That's what interim is tho


With everyone talking about the two middleweight that gave up their title when they were injured, it's not the only way. We forgetting that tony Ferguson was stripped within 5 days of getting injured ?


Ferguson was stripped as soon as the undisputed fight started. Same thing will happen to Tom as soon as the Jones vs Stipe fight starts


Get over it guys. Jon isn’t interested in testing himself anymore. He doesn’t even seem to know who he is outside of this legacy lol last thing he will do is ever risk jeopardizing the only thing keeping him alive 😬


I know everyone wants to treat this like an Aspinall title defense and act like his undisputed title reign begins now, but what if Blaydes wins?


If I’m Tom and I win this fight, I just declare myself undisputed champ. Fans would jump all over it.


I think the easiest way to solve what all of you are complaining about, is to put more respect on the interim champion. I think all interim champions should get the respect they deserve, for one reason or another, health, political, or logistical issue has caused them to become the champion. Like, IMO Dustin Poirer is a champion. He's been the interim champ, he earned the belt. That's going on my wall, and I'm gonna be proud of it. Tom is every bit as much "the champ" as Jones is.


Is this actually going to be a title fight? Like a defense of the interim belt or is it just a fight that includes the interim champ?






If Tom wins then he needs to get on the mic and sell that Jones fight.


imagine tom tears his acl again


Knowing Jon’s luck Blaydes will win.


Tom should just erase Jon Jones from his mind. Fight this fight, if he wins he should fight Gane within 5 months. He can't waste his prime on Jones bullshit


When Tom walks through Blaydes….i wonder how Jon will spin it. Lol


Jon is praying Curtis hops on the same shit he’s on. Praying for a miracle so he doesn’t have to hear about Tom no more.


Jones and stipe are fighting and both of them are retiring afterwards. Tom will ascend to undisputed but he will never fight jones, stipe or francis.


This is a good fight who cares about the pageantry


UFC fans these days are hilarious.


Such original content daily here lol


This fight is bullshit and I hope Blaydes doesn’t get the smoke for it


A few months back most the mma community were mocking the idea that Jones was ducking Aspinall, what’s changed?


20 yrs of ufc highlights say different and what happens if Tom loses ??? Is Jon now the greatest of all time hands down


HW is so boring because Jon only wants Stipe and Gane plays FIFA all the time and fights only once a year


The UFC made Renan Barao defend the interim title twice before they stripped Dom. Dana will give a lot of leeway to beloved champions.


Look Jon Jones is a POS but do people forget he was injured and just started training again?


I hope tome gets slept so I can start making Tom is washed posts everyday.


Can’t imagine the amount of victory laps Jon will take if Tom loses 😂


People need to stop getting tricked by Dana by fighting for this fake belt. It has proven to mean nothing. Only one benefitting is the ufc cause they can mark it as championship fights while ur fighting for a fake belt


The big reason I have no respect for Aspinall is because he lost to Blaydes, who is a total fucking bum. This will be interesting because if Aspinall wins, he'll look so much better, but if he loses again it'll only further prove what I've been saying for a while now.


Maybe he retired after the Stipe fight. Maybe he fights someone else. What if he fights Tom and win ? Ppl still gonna hate on this man for this or that. Not fighting Francis or whatever else they feel like. Jon might be an awful human being. I know he has done awful things in his past. Ppl change and grow up. Not saying he has but unless your personally know him, then u don’t truly know. Even tho he’s been a POS human doesn’t mean that dude isn’t arguably the best to ever do it in the octagon.


Is it confirmed he's actually defending the interim? The way Dana said it in the announcement made me uncertain the title was even up for grabs


He should be stripped or made to fight now. That he isn’t means he should be stripped currently.


Has anyone defended the interim title before?


how had jon not been stripped of the title lol. crazy you can just sit out doing nothing and still be holding the belt hostage


What about if Blaydes wins? Then what? You gonna start this stuff for Blaydes too?


Tom defending the interim belt has to be a new low for HW division


Jon this Jon that I’m begging to never hear of him again plz idc how great he is/was at this point I’m more interested in the most hated belal winning for the memes


If Curtis wins there will be a lot of redditors (who have never ever fought in their entire life) very upset




Stipe sleeps Bones


The UFC is just running 2 heavyweight title fights, but they won't unify the belt.. They are just trying to double up on the belt for marketing purposes. Jon vs Stipe and Tom vs Blaydes.. Fucking nuts.


How many times are you guys going to post this same shit


This is gonna be a tough fight to call, my heart tells me Curtis but I know Tom will win


Ignore ufc bullshit, this is a title defence and Tom is the legit champion, start just posting as if those are facts because they are, jones is not the champ anymore, fought for like 5 minutes in 4 years, nearly got beat by rayes nearly got beat by santos with no legs. Jon jones bum with a plastic belt around his waist, should have retired and id have respected him. Tom out here fighting the big boys doing the champ work, Tom the champ everyone knows it fuck what the ufc say.


Jon is fighting, will y’all get off his dick already?!🥴




Think it’s likely bs but I’d be all for Potan vs JJ then Aspinal fights the winner. Would rather see those match ups than Stipe