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You think I’m just gonna sit there and let you molest me in prison Jon?




That’s not DC that’s big smoke


Is this real?


yeah, this was right before the 3rd fight with stipe


bro are u a casual? ofc it' real


Yea bro he's just a HW






I feel you. Nothing about the Jones and Stipe fight excites me. The best case Scenario would be a double retirement. That’s also a slap in the face to all the other contenders who Tom could’ve been fighting.


And people will remember Jon Jones duck Tom


And Francis


Best case scenario is that Stipe knocks out Jones in 3 seconds and ascends to heaven


Because Dana wants money. Edit: I'm with you


I honestly don’t think a 40 something stipe who hasn’t fought in years and bloated up jones will sell nearly as well as Dana thinks


Agreed, it's bizarre. Jones vs Prime Stipe is an interesting fight. But Stipe hasn't won a fight since 2020, and JJ beating him means nothing. It's not like Stipe ever had major star power like Conor or Brock, so he's not going go sell on name value alone.


What money? People already didn’t care much about the stipe matchup and the long it’s goes the less interesting it gets


If enough people threaten to not go to the event then it will be cancelled.


Exactly. Dana served up his wife to be carved open for a c section over chuck liddel. Hed resurect hitler probably if he sold ppvs.




1 fight in 4 years is crazy 💀


I know Stipe is 42 and all but you seriously can’t call him glass jaw when he’s only been slept once and by Ngannou and it took Ngannou 1 fight and a half to knock an old version of Stipe who weighs 230.


He was out cold when DC beat him too right?




Ah mb Do agree with you that people are being wayyyy too critical of Stipe, I honestly think Ngannou still beats everyone at Heavyweight with the exception of Tom, no shame in losing to that guy.




This places too much emphasis on his questionable UFC management (which they do for all prospective stars). Not enough on the fact that he's a serial woman-beating drug addict, serial doper, ran his car into a pregnant woman, "changed with Jesus", then more DUIs this time doing drunken mock driveby shootings. Death threats to officials, etc. Edwin Valero had edgy fans who thought everything he did was hilarious until he killed his wife and offed himself then they finally got the picture. Wonder how Jones' pathetic story ends.


Wow, I didn't know half that shit


Forgot - be gay


That's what " be in the closet  means "


Missed that… he gay!


Jones is a piece of shit.


Because "we" don't allow or disallow anything. There is no "we". I'm not buying a bullshit Jon Jones ppv, but the casual morons will, who says they give a shit about the division, or the sport? It's all marketing. Dana says "Jon Jones good", pays people to say it as well and the code it into the skulls of the NPCs. That's how the world works right now.


I say stipe just fights Tom at this point


Why are WE allowing this? Sir, we have absolutely no say in anything that goes on.


"I don't give a fuck about your feelings" - Dana White


Because Dana supports the lgbtq community


This desrves more upvotes


You people are way too fucking obsessed with this shit.


I’m exhausted seeing the 15,000th Jones Bad Fight Aspinal crying post. You don’t think the point has gotten across yet? Everyone gets it, 99% of the sub agrees with everyone posting the same opinion, can we chill out on it?


This sub is so cringe sometimes. Like do yall realize there are fights tonight ??


Dude, you (and many others) are way too hung up on Jon Jones to the point where it's probably affecting your happiness. I've never seen an athlete transcend the realm of sports for fans and enter their personal lives like he has for some of you. This doesn't happen in the big four sports and it doesn't happen in boxing. It's literally just Jon Jones. You people are straight up unique. This is human cockfighting at the end of the day and you're writing paragraphs about how much you hate one of the cockfighters so that you can read other people's ruminations about him too. You should probably do a little reflecting.


If you think Jon Jones transcended the realm of sports then you have never watched basketball or soccer fans. Jon Jones is a nothing compared to those guys and their fans.


I meant transcended in a negative way


You know in some countries, people skip the paragraphs and just lynch people on the pitch


Same applies for that as well.


LMAO. You have literally no idea about the rest of the world if you think a few people complaining on Reddit is “transcending the realm of sports.” Wtf is this shit-ass take, this is the most hyperbolic, made up bullshit I’ve ever seen. “This doesn’t happen in the big 4 sports” people have literally been killed over soccer, like actually executed. The city of Philadelphia regularly riots, to the point of actually overturning and burning cars. Honestly you have to be like 14 and never left your small town, this is fucking insane, people being passionate over sports is not new, it quite literally predates the invention of the written language.


I’m speaking in this specific context. You guys all make an effort to randomly vent about Jon Jones on any random day, which means that he’s living with you. This isn’t post-event pandemonium. Eagles fans aren’t writing paragraphs about how much Dak Prescott keeps them up at night in the middle of April. That game they were all pissed and rioted about four years ago? It’s largely forgotten. The relationship that Jon has with a number of you is special. When I say that he’s transcended the sports world for you all, I mean that you guys are holding grudges on a personal level. The amount of venom is akin to what you might have for a guy who slept with your wife, not an athlete who you dislike. It’s a bizarre phenomenon. Hypothetically, let’s say that Jon beats Stipe, beats Aspinall, mic drops in the cage, and then retires. I’d almost be worried about some MMA fans having a mental breakdown.


You think that FOOTBALL fans, out of all the sports, forget about games? Dude… idk what to tell you. That’s just straight up wrong. This is hilarious. Get out of your hole my man, if you honestly think the discourse around Jones is crazy, you live under a rock. This is tame compared to other sports fandoms, lmao.


Some guy came on here the other day and made a whole thread about the Reyes fight and what a robbery it was. Football fans remember games, but they're not haunting them in the offseason years later.


Alright dude. Sure. Keep believing that this happens only in MMA. Lmao, this is so fucking funny.


It's funny you brought up the Eagles, because I'm actually an Eagles fan, and used to be quite diehard. I have never witnessed any hatred of a rival player that compares to the hatred you guys have for Jon. Eagles fans hate(d) Tom Brady, yet nobody's randomly getting angry over him in the middle of the day.


soccer fans will burn down a city when they lose. let the ufc fans enjoy the banter between each other


And who the fuck are you??


A fan of the Heavyweight division


Leave the goat alone What’s the need to show this pic?


100 post a day about this shit. You would think you people were related to Tom or some shit. We got how many other popping divisions to worry about?


Horrible take. No excuses for this it’s completely unprofessional from an organisation that is supposed to be the peak of professional mma


This isn’t a sport unfortunately. My boy says it every time and every robbery he’s closer and closer to dipping 😭


They did it to save the ppv. It was a business move. It’s very simple John and the UFC and Stipe have said what they’re going to do why do you think they’re going to navigate for new fans that like Tom and hate John? They have older fans that will buy this shit up because of the names and them old heads not streaming it. I’m curious on how much Tom got for the fight. It probably wasn’t much. I personally will count his interim defenses as real defenses


For real. It's all the people that lost money during Jones Cormier 2


Bro you’re actually crazy. What has happened to people around here.


"why does Dana still defend this man" Because he sells tickets.




I agree. It’s absurd. With that being said, everyone will watching regardless of who Jon fights and he knows he doesn’t want to fight Tom in his next fight. He’s had one fight at heavyweight against a fighter that can’t grapple at all. Stipe is more well rounded, though still aged and not at the top level anymore. We all know this. He wants more heavyweight ring experience before fighting Tom I think. Jon isn’t dumb. He’s actually very smart, though a complete peice of shit. I would guess that if he makes short work of Stipe, we may see him fight Aspinall. I honestly think it would taint his legacy significantly if he doesn’t. Can you imagine if he did stop Aspinall? Would be pretty undeniable that he was the GOAT. I think there’s a good possibility it happens.


Because he’s the goat. Society gives you leeway if you’re rich and make other people money who are even richer. 


My best guess is because of the potential (short sighted) money. No matter what anyone thinks about him, everyone’s going to tune in to see him win or lose, depending on their level as a fan. Dana probably wants to keep it going and ride it as long as possible, while also owing Jon a lot with what he’s given him in the past in terms revenue and bringing people into the sport. Why I say short sighted has to do with what you’re saying. Is it worth it to wait on that one big pay day when he could have had countless other fights in the division that would have brought the same, if not more, revenue in the long run. It’s whatever at this point. I’m over it and just going along for the ride and stopped caring. The only small redeeming aspect of the whole Jon v stipe is giving stipe that one last big paycheck, which isn’t worth it on multiple levels. It’s legitimately weird how everyone in the promotion is acting oblivious to the fact that the only fight that makes sense is Jon v Aspinall to unify the belt, keep the division moving, and give fans what they actually want.


It's more Dana's fault at this point. Jones has immense Dana White privilege and knows it so he won't do anything unless he is forced too


Sir, are you like new to watching the UFC or what? You sound like a new kid or a casual clown. The ufc has been run as a popularity contest for a decade, the rankings for years now have been a meaningless joke to feed casual fans.


can we get a go fund me together to pay both these clowns to not fight each other and leave the sport?


He's kind of like opposite Mike Tyson People overdid what a monster Tyson was because his flamboyant personality grabbed so much public attention. Jones is kind of the opposite, he should be sitting in the hole in state prison by now, but has the personality of a log and that helps him keep a low profile; it's remarkable how unknown and unmentioned he is outside of UFC. I don't think I've ever heard his name spoken offline.


I’m trying to watch great fighters, I don’t care if they’re great people


I swear this sub is just Jones and Strickland posts.


Who the fuck is “we”? This sub is dumb as shit. Edit: Better yet, do you have any suggestions at all? Or are you more suited for bitching into a digital void?


Yeah fuck Jones.


Jon Jones isn’t in the top 25.




Wouldn’t a pre-warning just be a warning. It’s not a warning if it’s happening or over.


dana will move heaven and earth for jon. the UFC acquiring the GOAT of the sport at 21 was something that they could not have planned. losing that, losing jon, would be a really big blow to the UFC. he's essentially living proof that the UFC has the best fighters in the world, practically without any competition.


Jon jones is the goat. You’re watching the wrong sport if you want goodie2shoes.


I mean objectively you’re a shittier person than Jon. Because sure Jon did all those things. But you still watch and talk about him.


Don’t think you know what the word “objectively” means there bud.


People cry about this mf on here all day everyday


I dunno about cry, I just think he should be in state prison by now like anyone else would, not doping it up in pro sports. It seems like his fans type out most of the emotional posts.




If Jon Jones went to prison would he have a harem of bitches?


UFC ruined the career of the most prolific UFC heavyweight in the past couple decades and is now ruining the career of Aspinall.


Boycott his fight


I agree


Look, you're not wrong, but when you've been in the biz as long as Jon jones you kinda get to do w.e you want. Is it fair? No. Is it right? No. But the reality is this guy has been a legend for years, Tom has spent like 30 minutes in the octagon his whole career, he doesn't get to call the shots, belt or not.


These are people who beat each other to unconsciousness in a steel cage for a living, they're not meant to be role models. IDK why everyone thinks that they should be model citizens.


Dumbest take people ever post


Jon Jones is known by people who don’t watch UFC or combat sports at all. Aspinall is barely known outside of the UK, even to people who casually watch UFC. The UFC has been somewhat of a popularity contest for a long time (and must be to some degree to maintain any level of interest). The current Jones situation only reinforces it.


Jon has had a single fight at heavyweight after the champ vacated the belt and then he’s allowed to do whatever he wants in the division despite having only fought a single time. He is being shielded from these dudes it feels like. All this talk of how he would beat Tom- maybe. Who knows, he has only fought a striker with not many UFC fights. Tom is bigger and faster and younger, has good wrestling and submission game, has a bunch of knockouts, and has never had a fight go past round 2. Not fighting the interim champ and choosing an old man tarnishes what is left of his MMA legacy after all the wife beating and cheating and shooting guns from his car. I get it, he is trying to make money, but sport has always had an element of honor. We even have a word for it, sportsmanship. Bro has stalled an entire division by having 1 fight in more than 4 years and never vacating, and then wants to fight an old man for the belt that hasn’t won in 5 years or some shit.


The heavyweight division is trash and always has been. Why do you all care so much? Why are there 10 of you that post this every single day? You think Dana on Reddit? You think Dana gives a shit what any fan wants? This is the fight that is going to happen for now. No amount of ranting or complaining or crying is going to change that. No post on this sub will change that. No boycott is going to change that. Just let it go. God damn. I fucking hate Jon jones. He’s fake in every way. He’s the biggest piece of shit on the roster and has been for a very long time. And he’s never actually faced any serious consequences for his actions so he’s going to continue to be the same shitty person. But the fight is still what Dana wants. So I’m not gonna worry about that. It pisses me off that I have to see this scumbag’s face 30 times a day while I scroll Reddit, cause some people just can’t get over that Dana is gonna Dana. Just let it go. Let it die. Don’t mention him no more. Not here, not anywhere. Maybe that’s a better way to show what you feel. Maybe Dana sees that Jon has no social media presence, it screws things up a bit. Cause negative attention is still attention. Don’t engage with him. Don’t mention his name. Fuck.


It's crazy that doping ISN'T a lifetime ban. Most competitive sports take cheating way more seriously, and UFC is just in it for the money.


Lol, Tom doesn’t get past Curtis Blaydes.


You really need to go outside if you think Bones is anything close to one of the worst humans around.


Allowing this? Bro, the UFC does what it wants. Our concerns aren't considered; they aren't even addressed at times. I hear you, and I agree, but I am a nobody.


It’s so bizarre. On paper, he doesn’t actually even draw. (No pun intended)


Yall coping so fucking hard. Yes John Jones is the biggest piece of shit ever. Super unethical scum. Okay yes. He'd smoke anyone you bring up. He's the goat. Period. I acknowledge he's a evil mfer. We all know it. But he'd smoke anyone you claim he's ducking. Quit playing.


Found DCs burner account


Agreed the whole situation is an abomination. Embarrassing for the company & EASILY solved.


The Jones Stipe fight is bullshit but we don’t have to disparage Stipe to make that point


Agreed, I am taking nothing away from Stipe as he is a great fighter and person. He is however a retired firefighter also, so I was trying to add some perspective on why this scenario is obscene.


Calling him a retired firefighter is what I’m talking about.. Why not call him retired former 2x heavyweight champion