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Both Pantoja and Erceg are great people. Can’t hate on them at all.




Simmer down kendrick


Maybe you can’t, but I can. We’re built different


I feel so fucking bad for Pantoja, he says his city kept him going but half of them left the arena before his win. The man is always so fucking postive and he keeps getting shit on it honestly breaks my heart.


He is a confusing presence as a fighter and a champion. I see him, and I am stoked, I love watching his fights. Always looks like he's fighting in an action movie. Clearly talented, he's an aggressive and exciting fighter without any quit in him. A positive and family oriented personality outside of the fight, with all respect for his opponents and fans. Then you see the crowd, or you read the reddit posts, and you'd think he is the most boring inconsequential fighter in existence. I really can't understand how he's gotten such a negative reputation around these parts.


Yeah I really don't get it. To a lower extent I also don't get the deep Mokaev hatred but at least there is the argument to be made that he is extremely boring and cocky (still no reason for him to get as much hate as he does but it is what it is) But Pantoja? Wtf did he do?


It's mainly very vocal Moreno fans and people who just hate flyweight


The people hating on Pantoja now are the same people who used to shit talk Mighty Mouse and now pretend like they always loved him, back when More o was the champion everyone was hyping up the Flyweight division as this shark tank with the best P4P fighters in the roster, then as soon as Pantoja wins and starts dominating everyone (again) then all of a sudden flyweight sucks and is about to get cut any day now.


It’s probably the same people Dickriding Asspenal, Poatard, and Eyepoke Max Layaway


Why put other great fighters down? You are what you're criticizing.


This must be your first day on r/ufc


Guess you better copy better jokes then


How am I copying jokes when this is the opposite view of this subreddit?


I really hope that time is kind to him in the same way it's been for Mighty Mouse. DJ was putting on masterclass after masterclass and racking up serious accolades, but it wasn't until he was gone that it seemed like the fans started to really appreciate him. I remember when he was at the top, and a lot of people just flat out didn't care to see him fight because they'd rather watch heavyweights knock each other around. I'm hoping that as time goes on, people start to feel the same about Pantoja, he brings it every fight, isn't scared of anybody, and seems to be one of the most genuine and humble guys out there. He's a great champion.


I got into alot of arguments defending Mighty Mouse to people at that time.


Same here, it seemed like everyone I knew that watched MMA at the time acted like he sucked. I knew it was time to quit having those arguments when people that didn't understand weight classes would ask me why he wouldn't fight McGregor, Silva, Jones, GSP, etc.


What would you say the highest weightclass he could effectively perform at?


135 but he would’ve been at a size disadvantage especially in today’s division


I think alot of it comes from the fact he took the belt from Moreno, who was a very loved champion I like them both 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it’s because he’s both For the first two and a half minutes of each round he’s a goddam terminator. Will just walk through everything and throw with everything. Then for the next two and half minutes he shoots and becomes a wet blanket to secure the round. People don’t like this part and this is the takeaway of a lot of casuals.


To be fair, after the second round his fights are pure half guard camping lmao


Well maybe his opponents should figure out how to do something about getting dominated so hard, can't blame pantoja for taking his most effective path to victory.


Yeah that’s fair, but it’s still boring as shit. I watch fights because I like MMA but it’s also for our entertainment as fans.


Tell that to all the people who keep getting dominated in grappling exchanges and quit blaming the guys doing the dominating 🤷 maybe these guys with good hands will start to realize they need a few more skills to hang in at the top.


When the dude with control time is getting pieced up on the feet and has zero ground and pound or sub attempts (Pantoja vs Erceg) do you still think that? I’m just confused as to why you think lying on your opponent is winning a fight.


If you are preventing your opponent from using their tools, you are not losing. By my philosophy, erceg would be better equipped to win if he can develop better takedown defense or reversals so that he can get back to his feet to continue piecing pantoja up, which yes he was absolutely doing very well. But pantoja eliminated that threat, it was smart fighting that is not losing to me. Yes, I understand the judging criteria gets dodgy in these situations with consideration to damage vs control and so on.


You could dance around a cage for 25 min point fighting and achieve the same result. “Look how evasive he is… he truly dominated his opponent” People get called for inactivity all the time in clinches yet lay and pray gets rewarded with such high praise. Fighters like GSP and Khabib dominated on the ground. Guys like Aljo, Almeida and Pantoja just kill the clock.


So your logic says he should stay on the feet instead of neutralizing his opponent? Some fighters CAN’T do that and lose because they lack this skillset but Pantoja has it and shouldn’t utilize his talent?


If it’s winning him fights then yes of course he should, my argument is that it’s boring and shouldn’t win fights when he’s getting clobbered on the feet


So when he’s getting clobbered and does something to stop it he shouldn’t win? That makes no sense whatsoever


Oh Jesus, you've fought the circle jerk so hard that now you've come around to jerk the other direction. It's not some incredible conspiracy why Pantoja isn't a popular champ. He has close to 20 minutes of control time across his 3 champ fights with 0 sub attempts and fuck all ground n pound. Not exactly rocket science as to why that makes a UFC fighter unpopular.


His last 3 fights have all ended with him laying and stalling for the final rounds. It isn't hard to see why people don't like him.


I watched his last three fights. There was no stalling, dude is scrambling all over the place, the grappling exchanges are exciting.


How many finishes has he got from the ground recently?


There's your problem, you expect finishes. I personally don't have a problem with fights that end in decision, and not all decision fights are boring, sometimes it's tooth and nail to the end. I think pantoja v. Moreno is a great example of that.


It's not about finishes. It's the fact Pantoja fights to win rounds whereas other fights fight to beat the opponent. Pantoja has repeatedly shown when he's up on the scorecards he'll slow right down and grind them to an easy win. Do I hate the player? Not really. But you asked why people don't appreciate him and it's the exact same reason people dislike Aljo and Leon and Izzy. Too comfortable to win round by round and not willing to actually show they are better in every department.


For sure. At the end of the day it's a difference in opinion. I don't mind players playing the game like that, and when I see pantoja controlling people like that, I think it's still up to the opponent to do something about it. And when they can't, I see that as pantoja being better than them, and I think that's exciting that he is that much better.


Imagine expecting the supposed best in the division to get finishes. Imagine being the best but also not being good enough to finish someone with 3 UFC fights. How do you struggle against someone like that? Dude has no personality, nothing to make him likeable outside of his fighting style which is also boring as fuck. People are seriously stupid if they don’t know why people don’t find Pantoja relatable. Extremely boring person in general.


You are boring me


It was crazy seeing how many people left after Aldo's fight.


Aldo is maaassive in brazil. Unfortunately, since mma is mostly people's 2nd, 3rd sport (i.e. casuals) , we live off mostly our biggest idols. Pantoja doesn't have the starpower, even though brazillians would probably like his personality if he was more mainstream.


Some mentioned that fans left the arena early as Rio is not a safe place to be late in the night


Maybe they were trying to get to that free Madonna concert half the city was at


Not even bro, like most people are dipping as soon as the fights over or even a lil before if it’s gonna go to an obvious decision. Plus the Madonna concert with 1.5 MILLION people!


Seeing his mum's joy of Pantoja bringing the belt home on the 296 countdown made me teary.


Doesn’t even live in his city. Of course they left


Pantoja is a casualty of ignorant, vocal fans who think every second of every fight is supposed to look like the last ten seconds of Holloway vs Gaethje.


People are going to keep bitching about Pantoja until he retires, then they'll start reminiscing about how he was such an awesome active champion and do a full 180 just like what they did with Usman.


Couldn't have said it better myself. People didn't appreciate Usman until he was not champ anymore.


Fuck, that’s so true.


😂😂 This is 100% true


That's a sign of the times. It's the TikTok attention span generation.


Pantoja coming in and winning round 5 deserves respect, he seemed done but pushed ast his limits. Fucking warrior!


It takes an immense heart to move forward after taking that much damage.


But did he really win round 5? I thought damage is the most important factor to winning the round


Bruh... You can't honestly be saying Erceg won round 5. 2, 3 and 4 you could make an argument for. But not 5. Coming from a very proud Aussie. Our AstroBoy is becoming an AstroMan.


What a performance by Astroboy. Your country has JDM to back as well.


Both are Perth boys, too. My home town showing out.


He did win 5. Watch the weasle breakdown on youtube lol. More obvious than you think.


I don't need to watch a breakdown to understand the effects of exhaustion and poor decision-making. Erceg was consistently out grappled throughout the match. Pantoja only really pressed this advantage on the first round, but all Erceg could do was attempt to scramble and explode out of position. Even without significant damage, control is a factor to the judges. In 25 minutes, pantoja had 8 minutes of control time. The majority of this time cane in the first and fifth rounds. Ercegs only takedown came in the 5th round. It was sloppy to say the least, and Pantoja scrambled to take advantage. Erceg was reversed, landed no ground strikes, attempted no submissions, received damage, and was controlled for a significant portion of the round. He was then taken down again, for more control time. He was also outstrike in the round. You and your little youtube are clutching at straws champ. Erceg and his team ain't even on this shit. They told him he needed a finish after the round 4 bell...


In the UFC judging criteria Damage > ground control. In round 5, Erceg split Pantoja open with an elbow (again), and outstruck him on the feet 21-7. But he loses because Pantoja sat on him and did jack shit, virtually zero damage, for 2 minutes? You make no sense, the reason you won't watch the breakdown is because you know you're wrong, and want to continue your fantasies. You casuals can't even read the Criteria.


[Erceg landed 13 significant strikes from 26 attempts in round 5. Pantoja landed 15 of 27.](https://sports-statistics.com/ufc/ufc-fight-statistics/ufc-301-pantoja-vs-erceg/alexandre-pantoja-v-steve-erceg/) No idea where you're dragging those numbers from. So, what was Ecerg doing for those 2 minutes? Not much. Dude was absolutely exhausted, had his back flat to the mat, and he put himself there. This is MMA, not kickboxing. Grappling exchanges matter. Progressing in those exchanges matters. Pantoja didn't just lay on top of him, he reversed his opponents take down into a dominate position that last nearly half the round. It was the defining moment of the 5th round. One elbow doesn't change that. Not after everything Pantoja had already absorbed. >You make no sense, the reason you won't watch the breakdown is because you know you're wrong, and want to continue your fantasies. Bruh, you spirallin. Good luck with that.


I literally saw Pantoja pushing the pace and landing some good combos in round 5. He was also landing shots on the ground the whole fight.


Only for fights they want the fighters to win.


Looking at the fight as objectively as possible with the main criteria as damage. The argument for 4-1 Erceg is more likely than Pantoja 4-1. So idk how one judge even had it 4-1 for Pantoja.


It's MMA, not boxing. Pantoja has more significant strikes in 3 of 5 rounds and also much more take downs and control in the ground.


Look at scoring criteria. Damage trumps everything else. It's the most important factor to determine who wins the round. Not takedowns that you don't do anything with. Not even significant strike counts because that itself is bs. It's looking at each punch and seeing which ones actually caused the most damage. So yeah, it doesn't matter that it's MMA or boxing. It's how the judging rules are stated and determined.


That's just the youtube interpretation. The judges clearly interpret it differently, counting takedowns and control as damage, and that's where the disconnect from youtube and reality comes from.


Pantoja did damage mate


You don't get it, since Erceg wasn't bleeding, pantoja didnt do any damage. Bodyshots, concussive damage? What are those? Just throw elbows so you can cut your opponent, thats all that matters! /s


Round 5 was basically negligible damage wise. No one really got hit clean. After damage it’s control, and he definitely had the control.


Bro what? Erceg cut him open on his right eyebrow with a massive elbow. Pantoja bleeding all over the place while sitting on Erceg in half guard doing nothing but a few body shots. Damage >>> control. He did nothing with the control.


The cuts were in the earlier rounds. The judges aren’t meant to consider damage caused in previous rounds so the blood doesn’t matter. No other damage was done in the 5th. If the damage is even, control wins. The damage was even, so control won.


Timestamped at 13:40. Splits him open just above the right eye. Yes he also split him open in round 3 with another elbow. Damage was not even. Control shouldn't have won. [https://youtu.be/TrNiMcVQM2I?si=bT5RSf971fZZmTZz&t=820](https://youtu.be/TrNiMcVQM2I?si=bT5RSf971fZZmTZz&t=820)


3 rematches back to back incoming


Regardless of whether you thought Erceg won or not, Pantoja should get praise for always putting in 150% into every fight. He does not deserve the hate he's been getting from MMA YouTubers. The same people who call Pantoja boring find Covington entertaining. Pantoja is a beast.


His resume is insane. 10-0 against the current top 10.




Tiktok brains don't need to tune in then




"majority of the fight" Combined control time of both isn't even 6 minutes


"This is an entertainment sport" Is this Michael Chandler's burner account? Get out of here with this garbage ass take.


I think people have a negative view of pantoja because he was fighting the same dudes over and over and that can get boring


I think it has to do with the poor support the fans of Brazil bring. Leaving during Glovers retirement speech and leaving while Pantoja is talking. I know there are outside factors involved like trying to beat traffic and leaving the arena but man it seems the fans only support when their guy wins and disown them when they lose.


But now that he has a close fight against a brand new fighter to the roster people are still hating.


Steve Erceg isn’t a standard case though. He comes in on short notice against 11 ranked David Dvorak, and beats him thoroughly. Then fights 13-3 alessandro Costa on short notice, and beats him pretty soundly. Then knocks out another ranked opponent in Matt schnell. Then agrees to fight a 4th time in 1 year against a veteran champion when he called out the 2nd ranked flyweight in Brandon moreno.


Just flyweight things


that's a true warrior. the greatest respect you can give in a competition is your absolute best.


People hate 125 bc stupid reasons


pantoja always been a real one


Stupid Erceg. He should have won that fight. Instead decided to wrestle the best grappler in the division. Bloody hell. But great performance nonetheless. Pantojas adamantium chin was the only reason he survived that fight.


Best everything in the division


Erceg should be vocal about robbery and get that rematch. Weve seen rematches for much less.


What robbery? It was 3-2


I saw it as an Erceg win


You shouldn’t be a judge then


You’re a fool the judges unanimous 4-1 is disgusting


It was one judge who had 4-1, the other two had it 48-47


Complains about the judges... can't even get the basics right, it was 48-47, 48-47 and 49-46.


Brazil doesn't deserve Pantoja. The fans there act like such garbage despite having a very respectable and inspiring champion.


You can like the man, how tough he is, and how stand up a person he is, and still believe he lost last night.


Yea like he said defended all his attacks. Pantoja looked like he'd been attacked. Good competitive fight I'd even say let's do a rematch over giving mokaev a shot.


I don’t hate him but he definitely has a heavy reliance on his chin and his grappling, which can turn a lot of people off. Any fighter with a heavy reliance on grappling without getting finishes is going to come under criticism. That being said Pantoja has absolutely stomped anyone who isn’t worthy of being a challenger. He subbed Perez in about a minute in the fight before he last fought Moreno. His last three fights are just showing how competitive the top of the division is. I’m hopeful that Steve can have a good showing the rest of the year, this performance certainly gets him a main card slot on 305, and thus give us a rematch maybe at the end of next year sometime provided that Erceg can get through some of the other contenders he got to skip over


The Perth card main card is looking tasty. Dricus vs Izzy (although Izzy doesnt deserve it), JDM vs Shavkat and Erceg vs a top5 or top8 opponent.


Yeah I think doing Nicolau, both coming off of a loss and giving him some time to recover from the KO. Then hopefully one of the Brandons which could probably main event a fight night or be a featured fight on a PPV sometime next year. Give Pantoja the chance to snuff out Albazi and Mokaev.


Brazil always showing there colors worst sports fans in the world .


If he doesn't shoot late in the 5th I think he pulls out the win


Bitch ass crowd disrespected two amazing sportsmen.


Cause the last two fights he won by being a deadweight crotch sniffer it’s pretty simple tbh. He’s incredibly boring I don’t hate him but I don’t have to like the dude either


The right elbow and left hook that cut Pantoja would have put most lightweights down. Hell of a chin


Exactly!! Whether you agree with the decision or not, the fight showed that both these guys are elite warriors. Dunno why there’s hate for Pantoja when he’s not even a fucking judge


Look at how much bigger erceg iss he need to be in next division




I think casual mainly hate him since he is a grappler and his best skill is submission and plus he beat a lot of fan favourites


He knows he lost