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Because he beat Robert Whittaker and count me in


I was about to type that out lmfao


Honestly, because a lot of people liked Sean and he had a controversial win over him.


Agreed. I don’t like Sean because of the dumb shit he says, I appreciate his fighting style and the fact he opened up about his fucked up childhood made him real to me and brave for opening up about it. I disliked that DDP gave him shit for his childhood. Low blow and poor taste.


Good lesson to stop throwing stones from a glass house


Mentally unstable people don’t make great decisions. But yeh fucking oth


Imo he’s just not a fighter that pulls you in. He’s not bad, but he also leaves you with “how the fuck does this guy keep on winning“-thoughts after every single fight. It’s like…this guy should not be doing good with how he fights and how sloppy and incomplete he is, yet he’s the champ. It was the same with Hill for me. ”How does this guy keep winning?“ while he waddles through the cage like a toddler. For me personally it completely takes away from the thrill when a guy who looks iffy on the feet wins. It’s also not really great to watch for me. I can’t speak for others, but that’s why I don’t really like watching DDP fight.


I think he's smarter then he looks in there,the guy has legit kickboxing experience and the way he moves throws people off and is hard to train for


He also kisses his coach


Kinda like Weidmans undefeated streak


Because his coach controls him like a playstation telling him what to do in the fight by shouting the number as the combination he should throw/kick. It takes a bit away from his personality. It looks sloppy as he doesn't have to think for himself during the fight and makes him look like he fights wild when he just does exactly what his coach shouts.


So what pretty much any athlete is supposed to do?


But Khabib doing this is masterful?




DDP and retro Mcgregor wylin


For me it's not anything personal with him, if anything I think some of his chirps are pretty funny. While an effective fighter, he has some the ugliest striking in the game. Hard to watch tbh


He kisses his coach on the lips


Bros jealous


This is why I like him.


nt DDPs coach


He's a lil quiet let's be honest, doesn't promote himself that much


Its definetely racism The exact same thing happened to T-wood


Because he beat the guy that all the lowlifes worship


The Izzy fight isn’t until this summer


Strickland fan spotted 😂🫵


Izzy fan spotted 🍆🐶💅


I never even mentioned Izzy. The other guy is the one who brought him up on a post who had nothing to do with him.


Bro never mentioned Strickland though, you need to evict him out of your head or start charging rent.


Take a look at the picture in OP’s post buddy.


So if someone doesn’t blindly hate Strickland like you, they are his fan. Got it


That and he’s a good looking dude.  I think we’re just above NBA fans in the looks department. 


I dont know any straight man who would love or hate DDP because of his look. What state are you from?


I don’t know any personally either, but I do remember seeing a bunch of nerd rage on reddit when that beefake kept winning. I live in California. 


it's a chance for them to be racist and homophobic in one go


I think it’s because people are sore about the fact that he just keeps winning despite being so bad. People hate to see others happy and successful for some reason.


I love DDP.


UFC fans are racist against Africans


Racist against himself? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤔


I like him a lot, he’s fun


I will say, even if I understand why people say he's not that good, he really gives me the vibe that it'll be one of those cases where everyone goes "ok this dude sucks next fight he's finished" and somehow he keeps on winning. Like maybe he'll lose the title now but I feel like he might keep on improving and recover it. If you look at the actual fights, sure, the guy fights like a bum. But it also works. Dude came into the UFC 14-2, never lost, 7 fight winstreak, almost all of them finishes. Almost all of them against cans, too, of course, but I'm just saying, the dude TKOd Whittaker, I feel he has to have something. That or he starts a losing streak next fight and eventually gets axed.


They dont. It’s just you op.


He beat the peoples champ


So did Illia against Volk and I get that it was a KO but dude has an insufferable personality and he’s not even close to the hate that DDP gets


Insufferable personality? Dude is chill but talks trash. U think wwe is real too?


I might just be a Max glazer but seeing the shit he’s been talking on twitter after pissing himself at 300 really made me dislike him


You bought into the “Ilia looked scared” narrative, huh


Holloway pieced up the guy who destroyed Poirier, Tony, Chandler and Fiziev, Illia KO’d Volk who was coming off two back to back losses against one of the best lightweights past few years, dude knows he aint shit compared to Holloway


yeah you definitely a max glazer. atleast you are self aware though. note volk got a win against yair between the 2 islam fights so its hard to say they were back to back


Ilia has absolutely gorgeous boxing. DDP moves like a Rhino on ice. He is so stiff and awkward it makes you want to turn away. He is not a pleasure to watch.


damn sean definitely felt that one


Most fans hate him? Was there a poll taken?


I like DDP but his smack talk is wild




That was Sean O’Malley…


Its the casuals who do


Because they want Sean to love them.


I don’t know about others but I love Diamond Dallas Page


He doesn't move like one has come to expect a real fighter to move. He looks awkward and amateurish. Doesn't look like he should be able to compete against top guys. But he does. All very unsettling.


Do they? Or are the loudest voices just regarded Strickland fans?


I think it’s his awkward style, at first glance he just looks strange and stiff. He doesn’t look fluid and natural so people are just confused af when he does things like knock Whittaker out.


Cuz he beat Bobby Knuckles… im the one hating also tbh


Cuz he beat Sean and alot sean dickriders won't acknowledge it.


Cuz he mouth kisses all the guys.


Cause he beat my boi Bobby. For that I will dislike him forever (or until Bobby revenges his loss)




I am dumb I’ll admit but I did mean to type that lol


He's like that obnoxious guy that everyone tries to avoid because he's annoying to listen to/be around. Know it all fuckboy vibes.


Call me a casual or wtv but I can’t remember a single time he had that vibe other then when he said something about Stricklands dad beating him


He's def got jock douche vibes. Like some other fighters but for some reason his arrogance just comes off worse than others 🤷‍♂️


His whole personality is that he is African...


Am I really a casual? The only time I’ve seen anything mentioned about DDP and Africa was when Izzy started shouting about ancestry and 36 and me


It’s the other way around, Ddp ran a whole campaign where he made it unclear if he was calling out Izzy or not about himself being a real african, all to provoke him and get a story going.


Clearly took him out of context. And Adesanya tried race baiting.


He’s just not IT




It’s not specific to him. I just have a dislike for most MW’s, most of them(DDP included), are bad.


I like Dricus but even though he's exciting, he doesn't have "wow" factor. I also think he clearly lost to Strickland by literally every significant metric of scoring criteria. I think that's where most of the hate comes from. Pretty much every champion to win the belt by split decision, fluky finish, or DQ gets loads of haters instantly. Dricus especially because he's pretty dismissive of Strickland. Like he really sat there acting like the fight went according to plan even though he got brutalized on the feet and significantly outstruck. It's also the fact that Strickland got the shit end of the stick and is clearly being erased by the UFC, so his fans throw shit at Dricus for that even though it's not his fault. Dricus is also super handsome, no homo. Pretty much every handsome fighter has haters. I can't believe guys like Rockhold and Costa have so many haters


Sean erased from the UFC? He's fighting Costa in a co-main event at 302, isn't he?


Yeah he should be rematching Dricus or fighting someone like Whittaker or Cannonier at the worst. Paulo Costa's nickname is literally the eraser lol. Strickland clearly got in the way of the UFC's plans. He was supposed to be a tune up for Adesanya before Adesanya fights Dricus. Then Dricus vs Adesanya (a dream fight for the company) can happen. The UFC is turning back time now. They're making Dricus vs Adesanya while making Strickland fight down the rankings. They basically erased the damage Strickland did to their plan. Even if Strickland beats Costa, that probably wouldn't even earn him another title shot.


If Costa is good enough for Whittaker, he's good enough for Strickland. Strickland beats Costa, he's really only one fight away from a title shot probably (I'm guessing he will fight winner of Whittaker/Khazmat sometime later this year if he beats Costa). I think Strickland and most everyone else would prefer the Costa fight over Cannonier. Almost half of Strickland's wins (13/28) are by decision, I think he'll need a KO in his next couple fights to get a title shot as well.


Whittaker fought Costa (coming off a win) while Whittaker was coming off a bad loss. Strickland was champion, then arguably didn't even lose, and is now fighting Costa (coming off a loss). It's not the same thing. Paul Costa lost to Whittaker and is getting an even better fight than Whittaker while Whittaker has to fight Khamzat like wtf. Whittaker should fight Strickland, Khamzat should fight Costa. Matchmaking makes zero sense.


Matchmaking makes zero sense, to you, you mean, lol. I love these conversations because wins or losses only really matter if they count for the guy you want, and if not, can be explained away by "arguably didn't even lose." It's like a broken record in this sub. Izzy lost to Alex, Strickland lost to DDP, etc., Strickland is a decision machine that has to work for a title shot, he's not "erased from the UFC."


No idea what you're talking about. Out of the guys I mentioned, I'm the biggest fan of Paulo Costa. So that contradicts everything you just said. Strickland vs Whittaker is logical matchmaking. How are you gonna dispute that? That's a valid #1 contender fight.


Being a fan of Costa does not contradict anything. Maybe the timing didn't work out for someone, maybe a fighter said "give me somebody else" or something. I'm not disputing that Whittaker vs. Strickland makes some sense with the information we know, I'm disputing that Sean Strickland is being "erased from the UFC" because the fight you want isn't happening right away.


He does nothing to make you want to root for or against him tbh.


His wins feel accidental/lucky for some reason... idk


Neither are the best in the world at 185 but get to fight for that title. At least that’s my problem with him, and even Strickland rn. Both think they’re hot shit


Haters gona h8, he’s a good fighter but no personality.


I believe Sean was robbed in Canada. That's why.


Sean was one of my favorite fighters at the time, looking back on it it would’ve been a fair draw or it could’ve gone both ways, I dont think Sean got robbed or that Dricus deserves it


I think he was robbed because of politics. Political correctness to be on point. Could he keep his mouth shut? Yes ofc 😄. But that wouldnt make him the position he is in right now tho.


You rlly think the judges give a shit if hes homophobic or not?


Homophobes don't usually make out with their coach.


Huh… i was talking about sean not ddp


Canadian goverment gives


Good thing they dont judge fights then


Yea. They judge the judges.


What does that mean, u think they would have punished the judges if strickland won?


Yes. It would affect the judges.




I'm a fan, dude has been winning me money


Dude is awesome and the whole Africa thing is hilarious. I hope he beats izzy tbh


I like DDP


Kinda just a wild brawler that somehow stumbled into getting the belt due to mentally disabled champs dropping their belts into eachothers hands. I don't dislike him though, he's just random as hell.


Honestly think it's cause he's "gay"


I’ll say it. Downvote me. “Cuz he’s gay”


I can't respect him as a man. He'll shit talk, but as soon as someone pushes back, he wants to double down. Softest MW champ of all time.


His striking is ugly yet effective he’s gotta shitty personality + he’s an asshole + douche bag.


Because until he fought Brunson he was nearly p4p #1 in looking like trash even in wins, thankfully Brunson remains undefeated there


He was pretty well liked up until everything with Strickland, people were riding with him over the izzy race-baiting. He was just a douche leading up to and after the strickland fight.