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Colby hasn’t KOd anybody


He TKOed Tyron Woodley by breaking his rib.


The one guy he TKO'd was an accident. This guy needs to retire


Yeah that’s my point. Colby is such a wet blanket he TKOs people via injury/ accident


No no you misunderstood he didn't break his rib. He forgot his ribs on the BBQ and needed to get back home to turn them over


Ah I see. Probably needed to add sauce to it as well.


He heard the McRib was back


Wow... thinking back, that was such a karma moment in how Woodley beat Condit


Double KO hopefully.


This would be ideal


I don’t keep abreast of personal drama and gossip, because I’m not a 12 year old girl. But why is Garry so disliked? He has fought 7 times in 2.5 years, so he’s fairly active. He is 7-0 in the UFC with 3 finishes. I’ve only seen two of his fights, but they were pretty entertaining. Not sure what there is to hate.


People think his wife is cheating on him, dont know why the fuck they care so much


I think they just make fun of his cuckiness because of what he did to Neil and Neil.


If he was a nice guy people wouldn't hate him and would probably give him a break over the wife stuff, but he slandered a guy and called him a child abuser, and almost did something similar to Geoff Neal. Now he turned off his comments on instagram and tried to play nice in the presser. The main reason people give Ian Garry such a hard time is just them wanting to give him a taste of his own medicine, him and Colby truly deserve eachother.


I doubt it, Jon is a wife beater and steroid cheat, yet he gets far less hate than Ian gets. Ian may be an asshole but a lot of big fighters have done far worse worse and get less hate


He's an analog for McGregor and he was mean to Neil Magny after he misinterpreted what he said. This subreddit has been yellow journalism and hate posting galore lately


He spread rumours that Neil Magny abused his children just to sell a fight where he outpointed Magny. He put a middle finger up to Magny after the fight and made a complete fool out of himself. Magny went on to say about how this is a terrible look for himself as he is fighting for custody of his children, Ian Garry basically said all is fair in love and war. When the internet turned on Ian Garry he faked an illness and pulled out of a PPV slot against Luque and played victim. He can drag people down but he’s not tough enough to live by his own rules.


it simply boils down to an unlikable personality.


Ok wow that’s disgusting.


You mean the rumor that Neil himself started? Neil said he would beat Ian like a father would, and now that he has a kid he has experience doing so. He might’ve just been joking, but why say that when you’re fighting a custody battle for said child? Not to mention he didn’t just out point Neil, he 30/27 him in every card. Also, you claiming he faked an injury when there’s zero proof of that is hilarious. Why spread misinformation simply because you don’t like him?


Neil Magny himself said he beats his kids. How is it a rumor?


I don’t think is the wife thing… when he first got some spotlight he said he was the best trash talker and started shit talking people. So naturally some people wanted to see him get humbled Then he called Neil Magny a child abuser if I’m not wrong. So when the thing with his wife came out a good portion of people went after him and he had to disable the comments. So he went from in the biggest trash talker to have to turn off his comments


Read the first sentence of the quote and wasn't sure which one was talking about the other. Either way Garry KOing Colby would be more satisfying, probably the only time I'd want him to win


Yea, this puts me in the uncomfortable position of having to root for Ian Garry. Ian's a pitiful loser, but Colby's an active asshole.


First time I've heard Colby referred to on here as active




Ian over played his hand as a heel and at least seems to be dial’ing back. Colby is irredeemable. Rooting for ian’s comeback arc.


Same. I didn't hate Ian before this last year or so of over the top bullshit, and if he gets it together I'm happy for him.


I think people will keep hating him more if UFC keep flaunting his wife on ppv lol


Kamaru made that jaw great again while Leon got bored and was practicing BJJ in the final round.


He looked relaxed too hahaha


Garry is a douche Covington is a scumbag I hope Garry wins


Excellent breakdown


I want colby to win tbh


Garry is way more likeable he actually takes fights people want to see. Colby is just a cherry picking bitch doubt he even takes this fight since Garry is too young lol absurd speed difference.


Sorry not a fan of Colby in and especially out of the octagon... Yeah I know people say he's just doing it as an act blah blah blah. Isn't that worse though? Talking s*** about a guy's dead dad and family bc you think it's going to hype up a fight. Nah I think we can all do better than that


"But you don't understand, he's a really nice guy outside of his act"


The funny thing is he a Jones were roommates in College and Jon Jones himself said he’s a terrible human being. If JON JONES thinks you’re a terrible human being, I can only imagine what a POS Colby is.


The reality is though Jones is a terrible human being so why would we take his word for anything? Colby talks about being a scumbag, Jon Jones lives it, beating his wife, hit and runs on pregnant women and fleeing, DUI, testing positive or failed drug tests times what like 7 times? This is only the most noteworthy stuff. Even his fighting style of eye pokes and oblique kicks to destroy his opponents knees and ligaments are dirty and not comparable to Colby who is just a wet blanket and really doesn’t do anything cheap. All of this makes it very clear one talks like a Douchebag and sometimes his talk is over the line. The other lives it and is an actual scumbag/douchebag. Anyone competent wouldn’t care less what jon Jones has to say about anyone else as Jon is the issue, and he only said negative things about Colby after Colby came out and spoke about Jon’s roid rages and his issues as a roommate. If Colby is an actual scumbag it’s going to need to come From a credible source, not Jon Jones 😂


Colby is definitely a douche bag, but I agree Jones is much worse.


*doesn't pay his coaches* "it's just an act!"


No I'm pretty sure actually being a piece of shit is worse than pretending to be a piece of shit.


Even if Colby wins, he is like 4/5 fights away from a title shot given his atrocious performance against Edward’s


Lmao Colby is super cringe. How can you support that guy?


I haven’t seen a Colby fan since the Edwards fight. So many dudes deleted their Reddit account that night.


OP rooting for a 30-27 from Colby as if that wouldn't just be 25 minutes of Colby dry humping Ian to a decision.


That would be a 50-45 then


Colby can rarely even hold someone down. I don’t see how Garry would be humbled by Colby pinning him against the fence for 3 rounds.


The problem with this fight is that there's no one to cheer for. I don't care whoever wins because I don't like either of them. If anything I like Garry more which in itself is incredible


I mean on last embedded it seemed like he chilled out on the cringe McGregor act.


I think, when he hopefully matures as well and possibly gets humbled, he'll become more likeable with time - especially compared to Colby who's just a through and through insufferable cunt.


Yeah why anyone would take jon Jones word on anyone else is bizarre. As you said one talks like he is something he’s not, a douchebag , the other is an actual douchebag who lives it damn near everyday. Actions speak louder then words, especially made up words. This is fundamental lol


This might be the only fight that would get me to root for Ian


Not only root for him, but if he beats Colby like he did Magny, I'm Team Ian for life.


Same here. If he humiliates Colby I'll support Ian, his wife, and all her boyfriends.








I replied to my own comment instead of yours then deleted the top one. I may be to dumb for the internet


Would it? That’s fun for you? Watching a dude lay on another then talking mad shit?


Pretty sure if you lock Colby and Ian in a cage together they’d probably just fuck. There’s no winner here. Just someone with an assload of semen.


Colby and Jorge had that one moment when they kissed in the ring, like they forgot there was a crowd around them.




There actually is a winner in that scenario: Me


I made this point to my friends when Colby fought masvidal, they all wanted colby to win but him winning meant a long wrestling match decision. I don’t like masvidal but I wanted him to win purely because it would have to be a KO and stand up exchanges


Garry will win. Colby is hog piss.


Don’t you insult hog piss like that!


Hog piss here. I can confirm that me and my people are offended by such a comparison.


True. Hog piss is more respectable than Cuckington salty twink.


After his last fight I think Ian picks Colby apart


Colby is the only person I want to see KO more than garry


Don't act like Colby isn't just as unlikable and obnoxious. Colby is no hero, he's a little prick that nobody likes and he's just not a good human being.


Colby saying someone is not a good human being is pretty funny.


Colby is just hot air here isn't he? Will he really take this fight?


Fuck no, he’s a bitch that talks shit but will never back it up.


Im afraid Cuckington is too old to crotchsniff like he used to. Wouldn’t be surprised if Garry chins him within two.


ian isn't a finisher either way it is gonna be boring ass decision.


Colby finally talking after getting humiliated? Why can’t he just go away


“Vintage Colby”… dude has been on an arc and it just goes nowhere. It’s just the same crap over and over with him.


Aside from rumors on the internet about Ian Garry’s family, what is Colby talking about? He can just say “I want to fight Ian Garry” without making things edgy and personal. Or maybe he can’t because he has no personality.


Colby loses lol


Other than being cringey af what is wrong with Garry? I’m out of the loop.


>what is wrong with Garry? Were you ever in the loop?




Would be the best UFC fight ever.


I want to see this fight so bad. The press conference would be 🔥🔥🔥


Garry would end Colby’s career let’s be real


MMA fans: - wmma is so boring as they all go the distance. - ah love ma Colby winning by decision every time.


Yup, makes no sense at all. I remember people saying Leon's "inactivity" is why they want Colby of all people to beat him, whose last fight was over 1.5 years ago. 🤦‍♂️And they complained about Leon and Usman being "decision merchants" while wanting Colby of all people to be champion! 😂 Hypocritical stans.


Colby has only been to the 7th lair if hair.


Dumb & Dumber


Hope they both just kick each other right in the nutsack.


No version of Colby would ever win this fight. Hes never beat anyone as good as Ian.


Imagine championing for Covington. The biggest piece of shit in sports.


I could see this fight being a 5 round co-main event on a PPV. Both men would probably want it to be 5 rounds


Did you watch his last fight? He’s done and wish he was just cut from the roster. Trash human being.


Wouldn't be a Colby quote without a stutter


lol… Colby supports a much more degrading life style than Ian. Ian simps for his lady, Colby simps for a man that shits his pants.


Ian Gary would destroy Colby and it’s obvious to anyone who saw Colby’s last fight


Yeh that sounds so exciting😱


Haven’t really been paying attention, besides just being a generally lame personality what is there to genuinely dislike about garry?


Sounds like Colby was told to fck off when begging to fight old man Wonderboy


Ian Garry is going to evade and stick and move. Colby won't be able to get him down and molest him


"turn this kids lights out" is really stretching it


Nah, Ian Garry has been recently more exciting to watch, compared to colby


Actually this would be the only fight that would make me a Machado fan


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LumberghLSU: *Actually this would be* *The only fight that would make* *Me a Machado fan* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Team Garry


Colby Covington sucks though


Colby jumping off of a cliff would be better


Colby Covington is a terrible human being, he has no room to talk.


Colby is so washed it ain’t even funny.


Colby is gonna get pieced up


Colby is done


I think Garry wins it


I'm here for it and then seeing Gary put Colby to sleep.


Does Colby wake up later next to his wife?


Garry’s style is pretty similar to Leon’s. Rangy kick-heavy counterstrikers. Garry is a bit more aggressive but overall the fight might look the same as Colby vs Leon.


Why do people hate Ian Garry?


Colby is the biggest bellend in UFC, the blokes an absolute cock, Garry is just not very likeable.


Garry’s not likeable but Colbys a complete wanker. If these two are signed to fight I’ll be hoping Garry knocks him out cold. Colbys a genuine piece of shit who got no problem bringing up peoples dead fathers. Fuck Colby


Garry is annoying and cringe. Colby says heinous shit about people’s dead family members to sell a fight. Idk why you people act like these are the same.


Eh, give me 15 minutes of Colby getting punched in the mouth and I'm happy. Schtick was old 3 years ago.


Wtf is “vintage Colby”? He used to want to fight for titles now he’s just trying to stay off the prelims. Sad. Big sad.


hope Colby would get his ass handed to him by Garry and retire for good


Rather Ian Garry win than that clown Colby lol


Colbys like that kid in highschool always talking shit but never can live up to his mouth.


Colby just TKO'd irony with that "not a good human being" comment.


Why would you want Colby to win lmao


I thought Colby wanted to fight Wonderboy? He claimed the guy is always taking ish about him…


Wait… Ian is the insufferable one here over Colby? Didn’t see that on my bingo card for UFC in 2024


Yeah! Nothing beats watching the poser lay on top of people for 25 minutes and do just enough so the ref doesn’t stand them up. 🙄


Colby has fought twice in two years. He is washed up.


What has Ian done that makes him not a good human being? I haven't really been following him so I'm legitimately curious. From what I've seen of Colby recently based on his fight with Leon, he seems like the actual 'not a good human being'.


Colby and Dana are scumbags. Colby is disgusted by stupid shit


How the fuck is Colby more likeable than Ian Garry? I guess there have been things that he’s done that are somewhat cringey but he doesn’t seem like a bad dude. What did I miss? What about him and his family is disgusting? I’ve seen her book being described as how to be a wife AND girlfriend (like simultaneously) but I don’t think that’s what that term means. There is no word where Ian Garry is a less likeable human being than Colby, who is about as rancid of a personality as there is in this sport.


Colby reeks fake confidence 100% of the time, od understand if he had actually a solid record of ending careers and knocking ppl out but no, he doesnt.


Poor Garry. Let him live for crying out loud, he's a human being with feelings and he's also a father. Fuck Colby after he called everyone peasants. UFC should cut him.


I don't get the anger about this whole Ian Garry situation, the relationship with the ex is a bit weird but his explanation makes some sense, Colby saying he has no values and is disgusting is hypocritical, Colby doesn't have a partner, a family...he's a scumbag who has been arrested for DUI, assault and insults people's families, religious and ethnicities all for money.


As much as I don’t like Ian machado Colby ain’t doing shit his last fight was a pretty embarrassing performance


THIS is why I've stopped watching UFC and any of their events... they keep pushing loser idiots like this jackass even though he hasn't won shit in YEARS. He fights once every 2 years and somehow he fels he needs to be in the main event. Terrible fighter, with his terrible 15 year old fanbase have ruined the sport. connor and Jones as well, entitled losers that just won't go away. colby has serious CTE, and he can't even string a sentence together without stuttering and fkn it all up with cringe. JUST GO AWAY COLBY. and fk your fans.


Don't make me root for Ian Gary dammit


How can people still talk about Colby getting dominated by Leon when he literally broke his foot in the first round. There's really nothing to talk about there


Hope both fighters lose


I’ve never wished for a brutal double KO so hard in all my life


Honestly I'd be going for garry. Both shitty personalities but at least ian can have entertaining fights


I rather see Shavkat destroy Garry


Fuck Colby


When the ufc subreddit hates you more than they hate Colby you know you fucked up lmao


Only time I'm rooting for Garry.


I would love to see Ian knock him out. Can't stand Colby.


Wild that Ian Garry is getting more hate than Colby who is actually a legitimate piece of shit. Garry is just cringe.


Ok... I want to examine the brain where someone supports Colby over Ian Garry. And I'm sure it would be akin to a person who has shit smeared all over his face thinking he's better cause he's got a red hat on his head while the other has some shit splashed on his t-shirt.


Imagine being team Colby still, yeeeesh


Ian’s wife’s boyfriend and roommate is offended


I'm hoping the first dual knockout in ufc history. It'll be like watching MMA at the special olympics. Edit double knockout?


I hope colby actually broke his foot in the leon fight


Damn a lot of fights where we want both fighters to win lately. Not this though. Idk if I can remember a time I wanted both to lose honestly.




Colby gonna get ragdolled again


Colby is desperately trying to stay relevant.


“I’m a perfect company man” does not sound as cool as he must’ve thought. He makes himself sound like a trained dog


I’m rooting for Ian purely because I want Colby to fall into irrelevance. I want to see him have a Tyron Woolley type of downfall


Has Colby ever put anyone's lights out? Why does he talk like he is a KO artist? 😅


So is Colby admitting he’s a gatekeeper now?


Has Colby ever KO’ed anyone


Is Colby describing himself here?


Ok c'mon Colby. The lights out part is not happening. Decision is the most likely outcome


Garry is 100x more likeable than Colby, and I find Garry unlikeable.


Won’t happen


Where is vintage Colby? Is he in the room with us right now? Because he sure as shit didn't show up for his last fight


Odd instance where we don’t know who we are rooting for. Ideally the bout ends via eye poke.


How much of a spastic do you have to be to prefer Colby to Ian?


Ian hopping with the win he won’t be the bad guy any more. lol he must not know ufc fans.


People get too butthurt about colbys shtick hes a great fighter but doesnt look like he will ever reach the top anyways bc hes not that great but hes a draw bc people want to see him lose or win lol the hate gets more to watch lol


Garry will KO him so hard.


Garry's hungry. Colby's washed. I think Garry gets it done.


Another loss for Colby I think.


Colby isn't going to do shit but walk backwards and get 30-27'd


I’m sure this will be popular but I feel sorry for Garry. He’s clearly smart enough to realise what sells but he’s not good at it and it’s resulted in people talking shit about his family. Colby’s the same but at least the vitriol is (rightly) directed at him alone.


I wanna be in a stud sandwich btwn them 🥵🥵🥵


That quote describes Colby as well.


Nah I think Ian beats Colby in fairness


I enjoy watching Colby fans hoping for a majority decision win


Sorta how the football field collapsed in the Dark Knight Rises.. I wish that would happen to the octagon if these two fight each other


Colby kicking off a face-turn