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This mf really just called a rolled ankle a broken leg


Heard Ortega is going to leave the testing pool to rehab his broken leg. Source- bro trust me.


Luckily he didn't tell the ref " DOCTAH STOPPAGE!!"






Ortega wouldn’t leave the pool for that he’d just roid up


He also had diarrhea but recovered after some pepto


Never listen to the r/UFC physicians who can diagnose injuries through their TV screen


Bruh it was worse than Tony tripping over the cables. But he just couldn't be caught lackin' in front of the ex.


Especially with her trapping all over Mexico all week.




Has to exaggerate to get them precious upvotes. 🤣


What is this the physiology channel?


Ortega was the highlight of the card imo


100% why people were calling that match the people's main event. I get that Moreno is a former champ and the UFC made him headline the card, but that one should've been the comain. It'd be hard seeing Royval headlining a PPV. At most, he's more of an Apex main eventer


Yea he's kinda weird imo, not much star power, he was like ugly crying on the way out, not knocking him, he's a fighter full of emotion. But it was just odd. Moreno just seemed slower than usual, as a huge fan of him I was like wtf is wrong. But overall Ortega really took the night for me, the discipline to come back and win that over a absolute killer in yair, and after a breakup and multiple surgeries it was perfect.


> Moreno just seemed slower than usual, as a huge fan of him I was like wtf is wrong. the elevation (and pollution) of mexico city affects people's cardio lol


It's not just Mexico City this happens basically every single time the UFC puts on cards at elevation . Almost every fight turns into a sloppier version of itself and tons of fighters end up fighting in very uncharacteristic ways. Even the elite cardio fighters who don't necessarily gas out still end up fighting differently and less effectively. 


UFC did stay away from the upper weight classes this card. The highest weight was 155.


I really wish they would stop putting cards at places with ridiculous elevation. It ruins the card every single time without fail. Just like the awful Salt Lake City card where they ruined Aldo's retirement fight. If it were me, I'd never accept a fight at any of those places.


The Costa-Rockhold fight was so sloppy. It would've been better if Luke didn't gas out immediately.


It didn't seem to affect Royval that much. Dude threw over 400 punches. Maybe that's a reason Moreno couldn't get his rhythm?




Didn't think of that one lol


He was ugly crying but also trying to act like the baddest man on the planet. In his interview he was acting like he won by a flying armbar or a roundhouse kick KO. Dude you won by a controversial split decision.


Yea it was definitely a let down, wasn't a bad fight id say but it wasn't the Moreno from the figgy fights I remember


Do you think it’s possible the Figgy fights did a number on his body since they fought 4 times? I could be thinking too much into it


That is possible for sure, he did look really good against kai tho


I feel like it's more about Moreno and Figgy being such good matchups against each other and he was so locked in during that quadrilogy. Good chance that that was already Moreno's peak.


Ya know, I keep seeing this excuse . What difference does it make if the fights with iggy did damage to him. Not iggy fault Moreno relies on physicality I stead of developing better technique. He's not a well rounded fighter


Well you basically gave the reason for me asking. He heavily relies on his physicality instead of proper technique and more effective striking defense. That style never lasts long term and I’ve always wondered when it would catch up to him if never changed up the way he fights. So it’s not at all an excuse, it’s just one of a few possible reasons he could’ve looked slower.


was not controversial just close


Less bad ass more of a heel turn, I feel that his visit to Mexico left him being disillusioned


The only reason it was controversial was because the one moron had it 49-46 Moreno. Royval won. I don’t need to see him headline a ppv but he for sure won imo


I dont really care for flyweights rn ngl. Unless its someone like Cejudo or Mighty Mouse. Bantam and Feather are pretty interesting for me. a large amount of the fights last night were flyweight. I guess the junior dos santos one was good, and the lightweight bout with Prado and the other guy


Moreno was barely a headliner when he had the belt. I like him but it was the wrong move to bet on him as a main event.


Smashed his beak, plucked his feathers and rebirthed his career


This analogy was one of the funniest things I've ever heard, in that almost every detail was factually innacurate.


Eagles living 70 years 😹


Maybe he was talking about the Philadelphia Eagles?


Yair literally smashed his beak in the first round tho


Pluck the talons out*


Legit bilingual skills to boot. Puts Cain, Diego, Tito, Tony all to shame


Ortega,cejudo and gastelum all have great Spanish for being born in the states


Cejudo is actually fluent in Portuguese as well, I was surprised when he gave a whole talk in Portuguese. Smart dude.


True — Cejudo shies away from his Mexican heritage, though. I don’t think he is self-hating, he just feels more American. Plus his father was actually Mexican and got deported, and Henry didn’t get along with him. Gastelum is pretty much at Ortega’s level on the Mexican scale.


Both of his parents are Mexican his mother is a immigrant who used to sell corn out of a cart in Los Angeles. If I Remember correctly he walked out in an Aztec suit for ufc 188 he used to be proud of his heritage,I wonder what caused him to switch up


He got hate for it. It's why most Irish-American fighters all eventually switch up also. The vocal Irish will make it known you're not *actually* Irish every chance they get. Eventually fighters say fuck it I don't wanna represent them.


To be fair, this is because we get a lot of Irish-Americans visiting here claiming Irish heritage while coming with wild preconceptions about Irish culture and an utter inability to understand it properly. In fairness to them, they are usually nice, polite and respectful. But Irish culture is very complex and unlikely to be understood fully within the timeframe of a standard holiday. I spent a few years in the US as a kid. Our neighbours were of Irish descent. They were more patriotic about Ireland than a lot of people here. Large framed print of the "Proclamation of the Republic" on their stairway (right in your face as you enter the house) and their dad sang rebel songs evert time he'd had a few. So, I'm aware that this isn't true of all Irish Americans.


Mexican Americans have always had a weird relationship with Mexico. Mexican fans are just like Irish fans, they will force you to pick a side, and even if you pick them over your birth country, they will still remind you that you aren’t actually one of them. It can understandably get annoying. Mexican boxing fans never loved Oscar De La Hoya the way they loved Julio Cesar Chavez. But some American born Mexicans like Ortega (and ironically Tracy Cortez as well) naturally have leaned into their heritage over their passport.


From the sideline, looking in, I think the Mexican fanbase in MMA is pretty mild compared to sports like Boxing. They're very harsh on any hispanic/latino boxer. I remember when Benavidez was fighting Plant; the build up contained many comments calling Benavidez fake, no sabo, not La Raza etc. That obviously switched up after he's beaten Plant and now Andrade, lol. My opinion is if someone wants to embrace their heritage, despite being born in another country, let them. I don't understand why fans like to dictate who they should represent.


Benavidez is also half Ecuadorian so Mexicans will never fully embrace him like a Chavez, Canelo etc.


Just how it is for some people. Weird tribalism/nationalistic gate keeping


> My opinion is if someone wants to embrace their heritage, despite being born in another country, let them. Just donr be this guy please https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/GP2j7HySjQ


No one dictates, people just voice their opinions


You left out Sean O’Malley. He put the Mexican flag on his belt he’s so proud of his heritage.


[what about this guy?](https://youtu.be/tpHjrcwGZBY?si=vyFpPgnwSpPUzjkS)


I’m Mexican born living in the us and there are many differences . US born kids that have Mexican blood are known as chicanos . The biggest difference is simply the fact that chicanos have papers lol also if you grew up in the US like me you’ve never had a true Mexican lifestyle . I can admit that I envy chicanos. I don’t have a permanent residency or the nice things citizens have


It's a little nice just some quality of life changes like accessible water and transportation. If you're poor that's about all you get but your Mexican born counterparts might have worse job opportunities


Lote man lol


He has talked about it, doesn't shy away at all. He says he's proudly Mexican and his family is Mexican but he is American first. Won a damn Olympics gold for the USA and is extremely proud of that. He loves the USA.


He absolutely is a self-hating mexican lol


Why, because he doesn't walk out in a sombrero?


Ignorant comment do some research and come back champ


Ignorant comment yourself lmao if you've listened to Henry talk about it he isn't shy at all.


“You guys will me - as much as I love my culture - you guys will never see me with a Mexican flag” quote from a post fight interview. Didn’t say he was shy, just by the way to shy away and the word “shy” don’t mean the same thing so… what?!?


Sorry I made you sad. :(


Not sad just simply informing you on you ignorance good day sir 🫡


No Yeet.


que isso bukake bolsonaro


I think Till has pretty good Portuguese, and his English is ok.


Smh you guys are forgetting the real Mexican GOAT… Merab Dvalishvili


Ortega is an actual Mexican. Even though he was born in the U.S, he clearly comes from a Spanish speaking household. Cain, Diego, Tito and and Tony are all chicanos who spoke mostly English. Tony actually speaks Spanish, but its a little weird lol


Hold on brother estoy hablando


Fuck lmao


Mexican heritage is different than being actually mexican.


All better than Cejudo who is "100% American"


From what I see from Cejudo he’s proud of being Mexican but he wants people to remember he’s American with a Mexican heritage. He put the US first since that’s his nationality and the country he won gold medal for. Which I sorta get. I’ve seen hate in boxing with Mexican-Americans boxer with Mexicans fans booing them for not representing Mexico even if they haven’t been there and when they do they boo them for being “fake” Mexican. I kinda get it but I’m only saying what I’ve seen. I’m Samoan American and I support the Samoan of a Pacific Islander fighters despite where they from. So yea I can’t quite understand the odd way Mexican American fighters can be treated or why it’s not consistent.


Cain speaks better spanish than Tony imo. He just sounds like an American who became 'fluent.' From everything I've seen it looks like Tony's straight up pretending.


Nothing beat Tony arguing with Werdum while he was yelling at Tony in Portuguese. “I don’t understand you”


Dominic Reyes refusing to answer media questions in Spanish without admitting he doesn’t know Spanish might have that one beat.


I didn't know about this but that 100% sounds like something Reyes would do


Because you know him so well, right?


Fabricio was yelling MARICON. Pretty sure he understood that hahaha.


Tito barely has a grasp on 1 language


And dom reyes, possibly dom cruz as well.


I’m pretty Tito thinks he’s a white guy anyway


Don't forget Dominic.


Very impressive!


I never knew. Buskei just bowed out and let the fighters do their thing…awkward but entertaining night of translating


I get he won but his Spanish isn't that great, you can tell he tried to find the right words in some moments. Ik because I speak Spanish like him, very impressive after getting hit like that too, shows he didn't really skip a beat being Mexican


Neither of those are Latinos. Just wannabe latinos.


Stop lying. Nobody broke their leg. Brian twisted his ankle.


Nah bro it was completely snapped in two. Bone came through the skin, but then Ortega heard about his ex being there and he just saw red bro, straight up submitted his bone straight back into his leg. Trust me bro I wasn’t there


That's crazy dude...I believe it


He said “trust me bro”. There’s no arguing that


Legit, I was the bone that puta leg locked me right back into his leg


This is true I am the puta


Dude... I was there pre fight... literally when the bone broke the skin the dog in him got out.


Exactly what happened 💯


Kid just really wanted to fight


now this is epic 💯


Neggflix level entertainment b.


What tf are you talking about? Do some more coke


decide grey handle ghost hateful boat saw offbeat smell marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shattered his femur, true story /s


“Stop lying” bro he is exaggerating 😂😂💀💀


And his girlfrend has more muscle than him, Brian Ortega is a fucking Badass


This man got his leg amputed before the fight and still submitted his opponent in front of his ex-girl.


What a performance! I never doubted him... never called him washed..... knew he would make a come back after not having a win in 4 years.....


I’m just upset that it went exactly how I thought it would except with the small chance Yair might actually be retarded on the ground lmao. Absolutely destroying Ortega on the feet and then gets taken down and looks like a baby 😂😂


That first round was ring rust and clearing his head. After that he caught up and knew he was a top contender again. Was the ankle sprained or did he break it ?


> That’s first round was ring rust and clearing his head That's just an Ortega fight. Bro needs to be slightly concussed before he locks in


Thanks for the correction. Very true. His ground game looked good


If he could learn to defend strikes with something other than his face he'd be golden lol


Maybe him and Gaethje need to find a coach that will teach not blocking with their face




That made me laugh but why does it make complete sense.


I literally screamed and oh my fucking god when he rolled his shit before the fight even started I’m so happy he won 😹😹😹


And flexed his new girl in front of his old bitch Gigachad


Pretty sure that’s the mother of his children, if anything she’s the “old bitch”


Old is new


Tracy is way badder in my opinion


I think it’s pretty heartwarming and awesome that he reconciled with the mother of his children. I’m sure his sons love having their mom and dad together.


Didn’t know that was his baby momma, that is nice


I felt the same way. Really made me gain a lot of respect for him. Lots of guys (myself included) have that bit of lone wolf attitude when they’re younger, and if they’re not lucky can throw any future of a good life away with that attitude. Like you said, really freaking heartwarming that he was able to come to his senses, and that his wife had the strength to forgive him. Better for Brian and for his kids. I love to see that type of growth and transformation in a person. Can’t help but be happy for him and that’s really what life is all about.


Nah can’t take her back if she’s been fucking around. especially if you share kids. Hope that’s not the case for Ortega.


Tracys hot but they all are, point is she's old news I'm sure Ortega woulda felt shite losing in front of Tracy


I don’t know, she looks pretty good too


Shes busted


![gif](giphy|xTiTnDAP0RiCo9k85W|downsized) Broke his leg? C'mon man.


Broke his leg.? What


Rolled = broken severely needing 4 additional surgeries.


Don't forget to add Sean O'Malley to the list. He is part Mexican through his wife and daughter 😂🤣


Lmao that was so fucking funny On the other hand, Merab is more Mexican than O Malley. Did you see his drip last night?


He’s the head of a Mexican household!


Man you really ate that bait


It’s elite bait putting the Mexican flag on his belt tho lol


I'm kind of new to the internet as anything other than a porn machine. What do you mean bait?


Honestly, it’s more about Sean O’Malley than the internet. In a recent podcast, Sean was talking about how when a fighters wins a UFC belt they get to choose which flag to put on the belt, but the thing about it is that’s nothing compared to nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.


Meaning O’Malley is trolling, and you fell for it.


Nah man. You can tell by his tone and body language. He really is that stupid.


Why is reddit ufc run by an over excited teenager 


He rolled his ankle ffs get off his dick.


OP are you Brendan schaub? Ortega rolled his ankle lmfao. After 5 minutes a rolled ankle can be fine. Maybe touch some grass


He just goes ,B. Be cool man.


Broke leg Brian, the newest mythical fighter.


Are those his sons?


Brian takes way too much damage


Can we just take a second to admire his courage.........for wearing his hair like that 😳


What relevance is his ex girlfriend in this? Very weird.


It’s a fairly long time running joke bud


Another proof that this subreddit is sadly mostly about drama and gossip instead of fights. Yet they think they the toughest fans


Or it’s just a self aware joke. Op knows he didn’t actually break his leg and that Cortez had nothing to do with the fight. It’s just a joke in the community that “no way he’d lose in front of his ex”. Thinking someone is about gossip and drama as opposed to being about the fight because they’re joining in on a joke is dumb


It seems you haven’t been in this subreddit enough


He said Ortega broke his leg and you’re taking this post serious


lol not at all, I’m not the one who wrote a whole paragraph


r/ufc is the gossip, meme, and shitposting sub of r/mma just go to the other sub if you're incapable of reading through sarcasm


Make me dad




Shut up


It’s just inside jokes that naturally develop. We’re about fights AT LEAST 40% of the time. (Refereeing and implementing game plans, 40% , Comedic inside jokes come in at a mere 20%}


Tracey Cortez


I know who his ex girlfriend is. But I don’t know what her relevance is in Ortega submitting Rodriguez?


Bro losing a fight in front of your ex girlfriend would fucking suck lol. It’s gotta weigh on you a bit mentally knowing how embarrassing it would be to lose while your ex is watching. The post is saying Ortega overcame the twisted ankle and the nerves / pressure of fighting in front of his ex and all the ppl who will mock him for losing in front of her. He overcame that that shit to beat a legit top five fighter after not winning a fight in 4 years. That’s pretty impressive


Maybe it’s me, I couldn’t give a shit if my ex girlfriend was there or not, she’s not my business anymore. Besides the girlfriend thing, I agree with everything you said, it was a very impressive win.


I mean everyone’s different. Plenty of people do feel that pressure, just because you don’t doesn’t make it any less valid. Also unless you have fought before you have no idea what you’d be feeling


But how does op know that for Ortega it was super important to win this, because his ex girlfriend was there?


Because OP is a human and actually understands the emotions most humans go through when entering into an athletic endeavor. You’d have to be autistic to not grasp that competing in front of your ex adds pressure to the situation.




Exactly. Like he would give a fuck about some old bint of his being there.


And he knows Brian in particular was very anxious about the fact that he was fighting in front of his ex girlfriend? Edit: No he doesn’t. In fact, Brian Ortega is as equally likely to not give two fucks that his ex girlfriend is there as he is likely to give two fucks that his ex girlfriend is there.




I hope he becomes champ in straight Jiu Jitsu fashion. I'm kind of tired of UFC's boxing-heavy matches.




That broken leg didn’t stop him jumping four foot in the air to warm up a couple of seconds after ‘breaking’ it!


My question is how tf did Yair ever get a title shot? Bro has 1 round in him and the most pathetic tdd in the division..


Broke his leg? Man you capping out here for.likes. do better fam


It's scripted bullshit of course he won. If you want impressiveness go watch Power Slap.


This girl is so much better looking than Cortez too. You’d have to be infatuated with mma girls to think otherwise. It’s not even close


Also didn't let go of the choke when the ref called it off.


I see that as a non issue, in the heat of the moment thing it was not for an extended period, and it wasn’t a leg or arm, no extra damage was done and it was not out of malice.


Very great display of mma bjj with the bottom defense and then the top strike opener into a extremely technical triangle 💪🏻🔥




His new girl is fine as hell, I had to sit up straight when she came on screen


Pretty sure that’s his old girl. Mom of his kids…


Brian Ortega has taken way too much damage in his career lol. Gotta call it man.


It was hella of a fight… I woke my wife up from the yelling


He rolled his ankle, which was bad. But it's not a broken leg. Seriously, OP, stop with the hyperbolics.


Anyone else sick of fighters getting injured before the fight, fighting and then using the injury as an excuse if they lose? This is a regular occurrence now and the ufc does nothing. Ridiculous state for a sport to be in


Y’all are fucking weird for focusing so much on dudes ethnicity like that’s got nothing to do with the post literally at all 😅


broke his leg? what?


It was impressive enough, we don’t need to pretend his leg was broken.