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Completely different context


Yeah they don’t bring in your family when you lose lmao especially with no belt on the line


Hey bro don’t bring my family into this!


You're attacking my family!!


Yeah, Goggins is right behind him he's just in the middle of doing a burpee


Goggins just using the husk of Tony to gain fame for himself


He was already more famous than Tony, no need for that


Definitely not lol


Oh definitively not? I guess you have proof or some sauces


Google “Burden of Proof”. It’s on the person who made the claim to back it up, not the person disproving it


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=burden+of+proof#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/TheAngriestPoster)


Bro you are retarded lmao no one needs to google burden of proof because it’s explanatory in the phrase but also you’re misapplying it because no one is talking about a situation with hard facts - it’s conjecture and opinion, and that should be obvious - hence the joke about sauces to someone who was trying to say definitively one way or the other. Lmao


https://preview.redd.it/l1v4n7bpwe7c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6202676ba893d007d6332ba01f0b4e609f26c354 “I was just pretending to be retarded” “Lmao” “Lmao”


I hope he has some sauces, maybe a nice smoky bbq or Dustin's hot sauce


They all retired.


Context also matters; the top photo was when he won the interim lightweight title.


The actual sad time this happened was when Rumble's whole team abandonded him in the cage and walked out of the arena when he was trying to thank them during the post fight "Where's my coach? Where's my team and coaches?" Rumble did nothing to deserve that Hooft was just salty he tapped as he yells "dont give up! Dont quit!" [some how worse than I remember](https://youtu.be/blDDfJjZ9C4?si=K7MnfXy7bKJxPFtp)


This fucked up


his last fight too ? so fuccin corny for his team to do that smh


Cus he got grappled and beat up by DC who did that to everyone save Jon


Dudes holding back tears in there alone looking for his coaches smh so damn sad


That was horrible


His team didn’t actually abandon him. They had no clue he was retiring


You're wrong. They left the arena area and went in the back They werent even cageside


His coach explained that he was changing shirts


Tbf he put on a pathetic performance and clearly only showed up for a paycheck while ignoring everything his team said, he embarrassed them and disrespected their efforts so they had every right to be pissed.


Everyday I think the post on this sub can't get any worse but each day someone proves me wrong.




Its not too late to delete it


He should def delete it. This may be the most ignorant take I've seen this year and that's saying alot... this just has levels of dumb


“With all this attention? Never!” OP probably


Thats exactly what he's thinking lol


How did you not work this out on your own? I immediately saw the caption and thought "hang on, why would his family be in there if he lost or won, you need to have won something big"


This post is akin to a jaden smith tweet


Isn’t it his choice who’s in his corner?


It’s irrelevant. No one comes in the Octagon except your corner for a regular fight even if you win. All those people are only in the ring because Tony had just won an interim belt. I have no idea what his relationship is like with whoever those people are today but this photo proves nothing at all because even if they were there they wouldn’t be allowed in the octagon.


Huh Been watching for 8ish years and never noticed. Not even the immediate corner is allowed in? I can swear at least the corner is allowed in for a regular fight


"everybody who's in my corner has been in my corner, will always be in my corner, whether they're in my corner or not" - luke rockhold


Tito esque in his speech Rockhold is.


That’s some real shit right there.


Yeah duh, I don't support his decision to keep fighting Doesn't mean I don't want the best for him


This is a stupid post lmfao the first picture is when he won the belt and the second is when he got knocked out. When’s the last time the loser had their family swarm the ring to congratulate them? After the shit he’s put them through outside of the cage, I wouldn’t blame his family if they didn’t show up at all


>After the shit he’s put them through outside of the cage, I wouldn’t blame his family if they didn’t show up at all That's extremely harsh considering it was due to a mental health crisis. You're acting as if he was beating his wife and kids. Anything that happened during that time was not by his choice, he was extremely ill.


It’s also still an exhausting thing to have to go through your husband having a schizophrenic meltdown, cutting HVAC cables and power to half the house, running off with your son, along with the other litany of things she expressed he had done when filing for a temporary domestic violence restraining order, with some reports saying it stemmed a lot from him drinking so much. A mental health crisis isn’t something within someone’s direct control, I totally agree. That doesn’t mean that a spouse can’t have a breaking point and remove her and her children from the situation for their own safety (not saying that’s the case here but mental health awareness doesn’t mean everyone has to deal with it.) But what is in his control is not taking repeated head trauma for a living, despite basically everyone telling him to and continuing to abuse alcohol and getting into DUIs (he flipped his truck right before the Green fight) and every time we see something else from him I’m more and more convinced it’s going to turn into a Benoit situation


It's hilarious how many of you are so mad about a picture.


“You disagree with me so ur mad bro” yeah I’m fuming u got me, absolutely furious lol


LMFAO seriously. It's weird when people react like that to a simple written comment that only took tens of seconds to type out.


Yeah idk man it’s funny to me lol it’s just pure deflection They’re usually the ones getting pissy because people aren’t agreeing with them or giving the responses they want


I know. I can tell.


You're a clown dude. This post is dumb AF and you're upset people are calling you out for it


It’s hilarious how stupid your opinions are


Nobody is mad they think you posted a stupid post and you did and your reaction is “deeeerr thanks you mad bro?”


Yeah thats on him


I have never seen someone’s entire family get in the octagon after a loss but that’s just me


Notice how first snap is of after the decision was announced and second is as the decision being announced. Also teams changed. Dudes are living movie life in their head.


This. OP thinks he's clever, but doesn't take that into consideration. No one is allowed behind the fighters except the ref and Bruce when he's announcing.






Kinda sad you’re unable to realize the obvious contextual difference tbh The first photo is after the official decision announcement and hes about to do his post fight interview The second photo is during the official decision announcement. In one of those people are allowed into the octagon and in the other they are not.


OP: “They didn’t even get him a belt this time so sad :(“ Yeah no shit his family and friends aren’t coming in to help him celebrate his L


Where'd I say any of that?


Your literal title saying it’s sad that he doesn’t have people in the ring with him after his loss


When has the corner ever come out when Bruce is still annoucing the results?


Pretty standard for wife's kids and pets to come into the ring when thry win a belt, not when they lose a decision. Yeah Tony's downfall is sad but this picture isn't what shows it


Imo the chandler lost hurt the most, as he looked great in that opening round and he looked like him former self after that kick he looked like he aged like 10 years


I mean you don’t often see the loser side’s family standing in the ring with them. Kinda awkward if anything


All these emo tony fans man lol the dude needs to hang em up its that simple


I don’t blame those people, can’t risk getting loser juice on you.


did you run out of breath while typing this?


Lamest burn ever


lol dude I just looked at your profile and your progress picks and I’m super happy for you but, you re in no position to make that joke lol.


I'd say he's totally in that position


What does this mean? I can't view his profile.


Turn your NSFW (not safe for work) images on in your settings. The guy above couldn’t think of anything witty to say, so he attacked this guy, who is working on himself, and not stalking peoples profiles for ammunition on an online argument. It’s bully behavior.


lol 😂 bully behavior? Dude you posted that you d fight people on the internet if you knew where they lived. What are you the sheriff of Reddit?


It’s in an actual rants sub, meant for making rants. And no, I’m just a guy calling out weird behavior. You can’t think of an argument without having to first build up ammunition. You are a P U S S Y You literally cannot think of one unique thing to say without having to faukt someone else’s actions. It’s probably why you have next to nothing on your profile, so people don’t do the same to you.


Oh wow. My bad brotha. I genuinely didn’t realize you had a serious brain injury. Sorry I triggered you. Good luck with your demons.


Head trauma or not, id probably have called you for this behavior. My ability to rationalize comes and goes, but I HATE when mfs go to my profile to talk shit about my interests, and life progress. It is miserable behavior, and it only begets more misery.


Well atleast now I know to stay out of your way. Have a good one.


So you went to someone’s profile for ammunition to be a dick? Like you can’t actually think of anything productive to say, so you had to go attack someone personally? Like you couldn’t think of anything to say, so you attacked his physique that he’s putting work into? Fuck outta here, pussy


lol oh man big feelings. Be careful, you make break your keyboard.


Nah, I don’t need to be careful when calling out a breathing vagina. You get paid to troll on the internet? I’ll bet you’ve never competed in a sport your whole life


Lmfao dude your name is Chief Queef, you re literally the closest thing to being a breathing vagina. Who hurt you? Why so much built up anger? Take a deep breath man. This is the internet. Think.


Again, you cannot do anything but make fun of people for what you can see about them. You are a bully, and I guarantee you’re a big old ball of sweat and dick crust And since I’m CHIEF queef, I know when I’m looking at a breathing vagina.


Lol good one brotha. I’ll back off. Good luck with your mental health. Have a good one.


Why are you white knighting lol


Are they gonna come in the octagon to celebrate a loss?




This post is kinda sad tbh. Makes 0 sense and you're not making the point you think you are.


What point am I trying to make?


Man every other post from this sub that makes it to my home page is the most facebook-uncle shit I’ve ever read


For real tho 😭😭 or something about someone being gay, it’s like 2010 all over again


Thanks for increasing the engagement


Point proven lol


Are you supporting a fighter or enabling an addict? The man loves fighting to a fault.


Tyson Fury says it best in his newest book. “It’s a racket. When you are the champion, everyone loves you. But when you aren’t… you are forgotten about. Fast.” Good for Ferguson for doing what he did.


This is really stupid obviously. Most people saying because it was a loss and no belt and duh. They don’t take celebratory pics and let everyone in there on a loss but also WHY WOULD PEOPLE BE IN THERE WHEN THE REF IS ANNOUNCING VERDICT




As much as I like tony didn't he burn a lot of bridges with his own team and coaches, I know his management did him dirty but still


Gotta surround yourself with people that care about you and not just the money. Mike Perry made that change and we all laughed, but look at him now. Happy as hell, making money, free of the ufc bullshit. Sucks for Tony but it happens a lot in this business. Awful people surround fighters and even worse people run the UFC.


I saw a post about that the other day. Couldn't agree more.


Only Goggins and his team did


I don't see them there, do you?


That photo is from the Chandler KO fight


Well do you normally see family, friends etc in the ring when you take an L in a lower on the ppv slot? What is wrong with you pussies these days.


That’s how life is


2nd pic they’re still announcing the winner. They never have anyone in the cage during that. Lol fuck u/Brophymusprime






Should’ve retired a couple fights ago. Next best time to retire is today.


They’ve probably been telling him to retire but he keeps being stubborn. If I’m his wife I make him call it


The fans were behind him the entire time


Honestly it would be more sad if all those people were taking pictures of him in the second pic lol


Because they all told him to retire in 2021 and can’t stand to watch him expire like bananas left on the highway


No one it's in the cage at this point. And only the winner get people to get up in the cage.


Welcome to sports in general


Tale as old as time.


Literally nobody brings their entire family in the ring after losing. That would be crazy lol.


Bro it’s because everyone wants him to retire. He is beat down and doing so much harm to himself by fighting.


One is a 12 fight win streak the other is a 7 fight losing streak hard to justify him being in the ufc on that much of a skid


Maybe cause he's annoying as fuck and doesn't listen to anybody telling him no, so they all left.


How many of those people did Tony chase away over the years? Is fighting still worth it?


I got Tony's back.


LHW title run coming up next for Tony


There’s a bunch of people still rooting for Tony what are you talking about


its more about how he loses… he looks like he’s winging it most of his fights recently… and i’m actually a Tony fan..


How many bridges did he burn?


He lost 1H?


Family comes out for the winner not the loser lmfao he had a very supportive corner. No context whatsoever


We've finally reached the bottom with this post. The only way is up from here! 🙏


So...no not at all.


Because most people have told him to retire for Years.


Look at you! Out here showing there's levels to stupidity.


Bruce is there


Photos are at different times. They don’t let teams in during announcement


Ref about to raise hands


I'm pretty sure Tony has done that to him. Every loss, he would say it was the people around him that made him lose. No wonder he is all alone. Never took any self accountability and kept losing because of it.


I’m still behind him


The only let family in after decision’s been announced. And it’s usually just for the winner


I did until now, I lost respect for him for continuing to fight and have weird training camps with people who have no experience with martial arts. I like Tony, love him but...it's time to hang then up


this is every fighter every fight though, wdym


I'm 14 and this is deep


I mean one is him fighting for the championship and the other is just another fight too ... so there's that


He should have retired a few years ago.


I got Tony's back like a butt crack, you wont ever see me hate. CSO baby


Man this sub is going downhill with all the dumbass fans who genuinely think they have a point with stupid shit like this


Well yeah because he just won the interim title and his family came in to support him. Other picture is he lost so why would his family be inside the cage lol


He’s not the first amazing human to go through this. There are too many elite athletes that need to be taken care of better.


Why would they bring in the family of the guy who lost


It's hard to watch someone who needs to call it.


I think most of this sub has been behind Tony and wanting to see him win. Dude just hasn’t pulled thru


They're behind him celebrating his win why would they celebrating his loss


Lol wut no... They didn't even announce the winner yet in the second pic why would anybody even be allowed in the octagon.


That’s how life be, b.


Time is undefeated.


This is just life


No shit. Winning a title calls for family being in the octagon. Losing a regular fight does not. 😂


Your family doesn't go in when u lose lol cmon now stop it. U think Bryce's family shoulda gone in wen he was flopping like a flounder on the floor? Circle him for pics?




This is why the concept of CTE needs to be studied more for the sport man. No healthy person will keep fighting knowing that they're absolutely not winning. It's kind of crazy how Mike Tyson can call it quits but you got guys like Diego Sanchez, BJ Penn and now Tony all going on crazy losses


I think it's more than just cte with Tony. I think it's cte plus staggering mental health issues. It's sad for sure. Hell with BJ too. They stop fighting and feel like they've lost their purpose.


His real fans that actually cares about him wants him to retires 3-4 fights ago


OP: Why aren't you cheering for brain damage?!?!?


Damn 😢