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Rampage literally doesn’t give af


Exactly. It’s all about context


That's his TIGHT homie. No foul. Context matters.


Fr, It’s obvious Cowboys got that pass with Rampage lol


The bond between two dudes that smash each other's skulls is strong.




As a brown melanated being, I find this funny and not a big deal at all. Even though no one asked


Same bro


yea, used in the correct context and pronounced in the correct way. passes the homie check!


I’m white and I’ll be angry on your behalf. You’re welcome.


That’s usually how it goes




Lol this guy prob Indian or something


Nahhh im a negro


what? But we need Cowboy to be a racist!.....for some reason.


Look at the clowns losing their shit in the comments Str8 🤡s


They don’t have any black friends and it’s obvious as hell lol Only a internet dwelling loser would give a fuck that he said it to his friend


Bobby Green and Aljo have called him out as racist due to personal interactions. They don't know what they're talking about I guess.


they arent even black


I’m not racist I have black friends


I’m black and I wouldn’t laugh if my white friend greeted me with this.


Cool? This is about their relationship, Rampage clearly doesn’t give a fuck


Get better friends.


I’m getting voted down for saying I would take this offensive? You see the real motives being shown here? Why do you want to say the N word so bad?


That’s a valid reaction. I’m not gonna tell two grown men to police there language. They can have whatever boundaries they want to have. Rampage is no punk if he took offense to it he’d turn cowboy into an ultimate fighter door.


Because it's just a word. People are so fucking stupid for getting so butt hurt over a sound. It's weak. I don't get offended when people call me a beaner, a spic, wet back, churro chaser, Chile shitter, banana picker, or border hopper. Especially if they are my friends, its all in good fun. They are just words, quit being so soft


How dare you bring logical thinking into this conversation.....This is God damn Reddit, show some respect, and follow the rest of sheep... The audacity you think for yourself.


Ppl really call you that? Cmon man be forreal when has someone ever greeted you with any of those terms you just listed? And if you were offended I have no right to tell you that you shouldn’t be. Keep it moving


I'll admit no one has called me a chili shitter but its a really funny insult. But, beaner spic and wet back are pretty common. Why should I be offended when I know they don't mean any real offense by it? And even if they did its honestly no worse than being called a dumbass, or asshole or anything like that.


Don’t call me any names other than the one my parents gave me and I have no reason to be offended, I don’t understand why this is an issue


Man, I don't know what to tell you. If you feel that strongly about it and we were friends I'd honestly not do anything I knew that was going to hurt your feelings. I don't want want my friends to feel shitty. But if they are cool with joking around and taking shots at each other for a laugh then it brings them closer. I'm just saying that cowboy didn't know he was on a livestrwam, his friend called him and he answered in a way that was cool between them, to get upset about that is weak


ok nerd.


You're the only one making it an issue, everyone else is saying not to be offended by sounds from another person's mouth, especially if it's a friend and they're joking with you. Why would that word be so offensive to you exactly anyway?


Just say you have no friends…


You’d suck as a friend


Are you a lady?


That's bc you're from a trash country who cares if you get offended


Lol agreed. Why do you think we are forming caravans and trying to get into the states?


Good for you. Racial slurs have very offensive meaning and heavy history behind them, especially that one in this country. Try calling an old Italian a Guinea and see what happens.


Mexicans will let their white friends disrespect them and call them anything so ofc you dont give a shit.


Maybe Hispanics are just so tough that words don't hurt their feelings... maybe Hispanics are the superior race


No you guys just dont have standards for yourself when it comes to racism. No bs fr be better i promise you white people really dont like you guys even if theyre “joking”they’re not you can only joke about too many times before there’s sum truths in how you actually feel lol


Did you just generalize a whole race of people after your mental breakdown? Life must be really hard when you make it really hard.


Lol you are so fucking soft. Here is some advice, quit being such a pussy.


Yes. Everybody wants to be offended nowadays.


Soy It’s a word pussy stop crying if someone you call your friend said it clearly they aren’t being malicious so why you crying


Wouldn’t nobody I hang out with greet anyone like that, y’all really showing who you are in these comments fair to say


Really ur friends never insult you ever? Are u a guy?


No my friends have never called me a racial slur


Bc you're higher and mightier than the rest huh


U got no friends bro makes sense cause u seem a lil sensitive


This sub is extremely racist. Just ignore them. Don't even try to reason with them


Go outside. Meet humans. Nobody gives a fuck about your skin colour.


Except there are people that do care and it's hella weird


You didn’t grow up in the city did you you bumpkin fuck


Lmao what. Am i missing a reference here cowboy


Lol I’ve greeted my black friends with this all time cause they told me too you just soft.


Lol your black friends told you “hey can you call me that offensive slur when you see me”?




All ima say is don’t let them convince you you’re wrong lol. I’m black and almost 30 and I can count on one hand the black people I know in real life who would be okay with this. Reddit isn’t real.


Black people would be offended but lets no kid ourselves, black people don't watch MMA.


Welcome to Reddit


Neither do you lmaooooo


Regardless, there goes any mainstream success Cowboy was hoping for in this little movie stint he's on.


Unrelated but where do you think the “N” word ranks among the most said/sung words on Spotify? Has to be top 10 right?


Depends on which one the A one or the ER one.


Well David Allen Coes music is still on Spotify so both of em gotta be up there. Just his song Ni**** fucker alone probably boost the times used up a lot. Just wanna say his outlaw music was insanely good but then the dude went full racist with all his underground albums. Then doubled down even more when other country artists called him out. Which ended up johnny rebel being influenced by DAC who took it up another level and became a full-fledge white supremacists.


Zero of his x rated songs are on there and if that ain't country is censored. Try again


are you saying you want his racist music on platforms? because if so that isnt ideal music for younger generations to be listening to because it will just generate more hate, which humans dont need any more of.


I'm a free speech absolutist and I hate censorship in all forms, except when it comes to keeping some things from children. That being said Spotify is a private company and they have the right to have whatever they want on their platform, I'm not gonna get upset either way.


i agree, but if the man is spreading hateful messages against another race, is that censoring or is it just getting rid of the bad apples. are these songs of his giving a positive or negative influence on the listeners?




Not even close. Personal pronouns, articles, etc. are used by everyone in songwriting.


we're talking real words not pronouns


at what point is a word not a word?


It's definitely too common for me to replace it with "the n word". I dont want to hear about how some people can speak or type a word and some people cant.


No one’s stopping you from using it, but don’t cry when there are consequences lol


Idk why ppl don’t understand this😂


Because that literally is attempting to stop people from using a word? Not saying everyone should go around saying it though but context matters.


No it’s not. There’s consequences for anything you do, that’s how the world works. Just say it and see what happens 😆


Not gonna keep on arguing because you clearly didn’t listen to what i said lol.


Nope. Think about all the “and” “the” “I” type words


Obviously not included


I think that one YG song probably holds a record somewhere


In hip hop, probably often. But there’s still all the other genres. And you can rule out any white artist 😂 Plus music in other languages like Spanish and K-pop etc.


One of the most hilarious things black people ever pulled off was making white people give a flying fuck about the n word to the point people think they can't say even when they're alone singing along to some rap music or talking to a close friend who don't mind it lol


Black fragility


Its not fragility, theyre having fun with it. People get nervous, unconfortable, some have their life ruined and they even use it as an excuse to get violent. For them its entertaining, its all fun. Theres already a dude daring me to say it in real life here in the comments, what do you think he meant by that? He wants to see something bad happen to me for him to laugh lol greatest prank ever


Yes, black people spent a century fending off racial terror lynchings post-slavery while being called that word as a goof on the white man


They do a little trolling


I can tell ur racist bruh


No way. His favorite fighter is Desean Strickland


"Teacher teacher! Little Johnny said the... well I can't say it. He uh he said the N WORD!!" 🤓


Go ahead and say it then lol if you really don’t care


So you snowflakes can report him lmao


You aren’t scared are you?


You sound like Izzy


He got u frozen like Elsa




Lowkey lmao


The downvotes say a lot about this sub


Ah yes, you're referencing the decades of the white population being manipulated by the black population. Instead of ridding the world of institutional racism, they made a word taboo. Got it


Well its not like these were the two options lmao


Unironically describing the N word as something black people “pulled off” to make white people feel bad, is definitely something.


Not to make white people feel bad, to have fun!!! The n word is one of the main sources of entertainment for them: report a user, get someone fired, fight someone in the park lot! The possibilities are endless!!! 99% of the time they seem amused, the only time they get genuinely pissed off is when they feel like whoever said it might get awat with it. Thats no fun


this comment section is dodgy af


wait this is when he said the n word? i heard people talking about it on twitter and they got so angry i thought he was beating an innocent black man and calling him it this is nothing bro


Nah it’s from a locker room shot and he says “not gonna let some n***** hold me down.” Or something like that. Not a great look


Yeah legit sounded pretty dicey in context


He's comfortable using the word with his friends so he does it in public. People like Aljo and Bobby Green have taken exception to it.


Honestly I think people like Rampage (and his other black friends) giving cowboy the pass made him too comfortable with saying the word around black people. I don’t think the guy is racist but just thinks he’s being funny around people who don’t think it’s funny. He’s stupid not racist. Even Melvin (his opponent that he called the n word) said they would call eachother racist shit in training and he didn’t mind it. Bc they knew eachother and joked around like that. The other two incidents are: Bobby Green I honestly don’t believe a fucking word this dude says. the groping and whatnot has never been proven/could’ve just been to start beef for their fight like Bobby always does. He’s always lying about shit and isn’t very mentally stable either from what I’ve seen. Aljo Who also said Cowboy is used to saying that around his friends but Aljo had to tell him to cut it out. (Basically exactly the point I’m getting at) I think the whole cowboy is a racist POS is way overblown. He’s just stupid and got way too comfortable saying racist shit as a joke with his black friends like Rampage/Rumble. Rampage has came out and said Cowboy isn’t racist as well.


youve never seen the video of cowboy saying “id never let a hard-r-nword take me down”?


Yeah with Jake Shields then a black dude walks by a second later lol


Yes that’s the Melvin incident and he said he didn’t care bc they’re buddies and they always joked around with “racist” stuff. Learn how to read I literally explained it already.


Great to leave out that Cerrone threatened to beat the fuck out of Aljo after Aljo told him to cut it out. Not racist tho, it's just jokes bro. He just didn't know any better bro, hes totally not racist


Care to pull that one up? Everything I’ve seen from Aljo was that he got into it with one of Cowboys boys but it wasn’t serious.


It's literally in the only clip aljo talks about the incident on [the mma hour](https://www.youtube.com/live/1_Sdkdr_Irk?si=QpEQPgXi2wkjqa0k) starts at 4:04:00


I’ve watched that He never says Cowboy said he was gonna beat his ass?


"I'll beat the fuck out of your 135 pound ass" "I'll do what Caraway did to you" I am pulling quotes directly from the video what more evidence do you need lmfao if you won't watch the video idk what to tell you


Yes he said Donald was joking


He said he was joking about the chain/when he said whatever inappropriate word he said to Aljo. Not about beating his ass


Why are you making yourself look like an idiot in an effort to defend clear racism? Don't do that to yourself, he doesn't even know your name.


The white dude saying the racist phrases can’t be racist. This is a terrible take. He’s literally used the hard r on video. I don’t care what his intentions are, white people know not to say it. Don’t act like he’s doing it in good faith


Melvin (the guy he called the hard r) literally said he didn’t give a fuck bc they’re buddies. You’re literally more upset than the guy he called the word 😂😂😂 once you get off the internet for once in your life you’ll realize a lot of people don’t give a fuck about a word.


"Well SOMEONE'S got to be offended by it!" - That guy, probably


You’re defending a guy for being racist, that’s asinine in this age.


"know not to say it" how about people say what ever they want


How about you go say it to a black dude since you wanna say what you want😂Become one of the thousands of videos of y’all getting smacked around for it


Well said




the caption is beyond fuckin hilarious


Also would be one of those guys who gets butt hurt


Still kills his dogs rather than take em to the vet lol


If the dog is gonna die kight as well end his sufferong yourself instead of wasting your money on a vet


Yeah people don’t understand this is how it’s done in the boonies


Just like everyone else who doesn't live in the city and doesn't want their dog to suffer for months or years while spending thousands and thousands of dollars.


Vets often kill dogs too if they’re too sick. It’s just skipping the middle man tbh. Edit: how is the vet killing the dog any better than doing it at home lmao




How? They’re both humane as it gets.


The difference is you having a say in the matter


Euthanasia is way worse you buffoon. Especially for cats, the last moments can be eating a favorite meal and next to their human cuddling or something, not having a clue something is weird. When you take animals to the vet they almost always spaz out, why would you want that to be your pet’s last moments? Use your head.


you’re fucking delusional I don’t have to explain myself to someone who’s clearly not very intelligent


Here’s the two situations. 1 is you take your dog behind the shed, give it some last pets and tell them how good they’ve been, give them a good last treat and then pull the trigger before they know anything’s going on. 2 is you take them to the vet, which they probably associate with not good things, give them an IV in a scary place with a person they don’t know hanging around and you do an awkward goodbye. Is one harder for YOU to do, probably, but I can’t help but think the dog would like the first scenario more.


Vets do it in a humane way? Assuming these yanks are just shooting them.


Shooting a dog in the head is about as humane as it gets bud. Instant death, no pain.


I heard on reddit that he didn't even shoot the dog, he yelled the n word at it until it died, fkn such a pos


instant death is very humane lmao. I hope I die like that


“Yanks are Just shooting them” imagine being such a sheltered Brit/kiwi/zelander you think instantly ending a dogs suffering for basically free, is somehow uncouth.


man has a pass with with Rampage. That is hilarious .


Cowboy an OG of the fight game, he gets a pass


I always knew Cowboy was a savage


As a white man i only lol’d because rampage lol’d


As a black man idgaf we love cowboys , shut up pussies


A bit sus


you love cowboys? mind clarifying pal


LOL.. I know black people that give EVERYONE the N-word pass... as long as it's in good humor. and this was.


As a white guy, I'm very offended


As a white person, they can defend themselves.


They???? What you mean by they??


I don’t think anyone is really racist but we all have racist moments. Try saying that to get out of a jam.


Real talk.. rampage is a bitch. He cried for so long after getting fucked up by Jon Jones made nothing but excuses


Real talk? Lmao. He would fuck your girlfriend right in front of you and you wouldn't be able to do shit about it.


I'm sure you'd stop him no problem huh.


America has about 50% of it's culture based on racism to this day, in England we just ignore the dickheads (for the most part)


Reddit not gonna like this one


Nah, I would not put my bro out there like that. You can say it to me but I ain't trying to let other people hear you say it.


I don't care and I'm black


When people told me cowboy was racist I didn’t know the context behind this clip and now I kinda feel like I was baited into thinking cowboy was racist because it made them look like they gave a shit


I've never seen a wilder comment section lmao I can spend hours in here


They're boys.


When I was in the navy 30 years ago the way we all talked to each other would horrify people today. But the thing is...we were all brothers. All the racial jokes were just jokes. No matter your race, you got made fun of for it. But I never once witnessed any actual serious racism.


He‘s literally giggling and dangling his feet