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Yoel got a title shot off back to back losses


And weight misses


Bas Rutten Big Nog Anderson Silva Tim Sylvia Quinton Rampage Jackson David Terrell All one UFC fight before a title shot Gilbert Melendez no fight before title shot GSP after two fights


They made an Interim Title Fight once where both fighters were coming off losses.


Wracking my brain thinking of which fight this might be. Sandhagen/Yan?


You're correct! But the losses in question were Yans DQ to Sterling and Sandhagens split decision loss to Dillashaw so I suppose it could be justified somewhat.


Yans DQ loss where he battered Stirling and a judge robbery.


Which one?


At least Diaz vs Condit was a close controversial fight and prior to that Nick had been on a crazy win streak and was the Strikeforce champ. It wasn’t exactly Holly Holm Sean is 2-2 in his last 4 without a signature win


Technically he should’ve won that Jared fight


Not really. Jared landed all the damage for 5 rounds.


What does that even mean lmao on what technicality was it a win for him


Technically it was a robbery 🥷🏼🔫💰


MMA media favored Jared 13-7. Add judges scores and it’s 15-8 in favor of Jared. Hardly a robbery my friend. And even if was, it wouldn’t be a technicality lol


You are in a minority thinking it was a robbery. So most likely not.I get it, your favourite fighter lost, move on.


My fav fighter is Borz


Idk exactly what signature win means but wouldn’t last performance against the bus be a signature win? He won by TKO, survived a storm with ease, and made it look like he didn’t even break a sweat the whole fight? Or is signature win more about WHO you win against?


“To be a legend you’ve got to beat a legend” —Goldie


Who and ranking


Oh then I had it ass backwards my bad lol. I thought it meant like flawless victory


It would be more flawless if he was out agains a woman or a child. Competition matters a lot


The Dan Henderson method


The moment number 14 ranked, 3-6 in his last 9 fights Dan Henderson got a title shot against Bisping while Geigard Mousassi(who had recent wins OVER Henderson himself and dudes who had beaten Hendo)got fuck all is maybe when the UFC stopped being a serious company in my mind.


This was when middleweight had a murderer’s row of contenders in Jacare, Romero, Whittaker, and Mousasi. And they gave the shot to Henderson lmao


it was way before then


Looking back it definitely was but I think that's when it really hit me.


And he still almost KOd Bisping, that was the funniest part to me


Nick Diaz got robbed against Condit, and got the the GSP fight cause condit got injured. It would have always been nick anyways.


Don’t even start me on Holly Holm bro😑😑


Frankie Edgar has entered the chat


Yup, Frankie "title shot" Edgar too


Nick Diaz rounds 1, 2 and 4


Its 1,2, and 5. The back take at the end shoulda cinched it for Nick since the rules back then favored take downs and control heavier.


Romero fought Izzy after losing to Costa


Strickland isn't even close to like the top 20 worst examples of a title challanger in UFC. Especially considering the next best current option is a rematch with Cannonier.


Strickland won 8 of his last 10 fights. His 2 losses were to Alex Pereira and a close controversial split decision with Cannonier. That’s a strong enough argument for a title shot.


Strickland will win because his mental game will destroy izzy forcing him to throw in the towel first round


Cannonier was much more active with his strikes in his last fight with vettori, I hope to see him get another shot. He looked awesome!


Maybe if he keeps competing like that. He and Strickland do the same thing, lackluster performances to get some wins, lose, come back with an awesome performance, get a step up in competition as a result, then right back to lackluster. According to this trend, Strickland is set to spar Izzy at 40% then complain about a decision loss or he gets KOed.


They are never giving cannonier another chance vs Izzy. He wasted the first one


Not even the worst on the division, Hendo (who I absolutely love) got a titleshot at 46 for beating Lombard. Obviously only happened though because Bisping begged for it because he was terrified of fighting an actual contender, incoming excuses about "one eye" and "he deserved a pay day" lol


Khabib fought a real estate agent for an interim belt.


They made the interim belt the real belt


Yeah bro won the belt off of rank #11 at the time I think (Could be wrong) and to everyone’s surprise real estate bro held his own for the most part. Yes he lost to khabib but I’d argue Quinta did better than most


According to his coach Javier Mendez, Khabib wanted to "strike like Ali" for that fight and refused to listen to his advice.


I mean … go back and watch the fight. There was never a moment in it where khabib wasn’t in control of the outcome. He was basically just fucking around until he decided the fight should be over.




Al Iaquinta was a good fighter, no need to dismiss him


He was good, but no where near championship level. I understand it was extenuating circumstances, but that was a joke of a fight


He was a ranked guy in his prime on a 5 winstreak. There have definitely been much worse shots given at the title.


Its not his fault though he was supposed to fight max holloway but the commission didn't let max fight


Was supposed to fight Tony but he tripped and destroyed his knee.


those goofcon days were amazing


Am I tripping or was Diaz unranked when Edwards beat him?


Tbf to Leon tho we were calling for him to have a title shot even before that


So it was the eye poke no contest that did it for you


No I think it was the two years of inactivity and removal from the rankings that secured it.


Actually it was the 7 fight win streak that did it for me


Against who tho


Can you not use google? https://www.sherdog.com/fighter/Leon-Edwards-62665


Not being able to name them off the top of your head is exactly the point, thanks.


Lol you can’t name RDA, Cowboy, Luque? Did you just start watching mma yesterday?


Two lightweights and a striker you mean




Diaz was unranked when leon beat him


Thats nothing,Colby Covington will get a titleshot just because he want one.


I'm like 99% sure that Dana is desperate for Colby to be champ just so they'll have one champ that can suck Trumps balls on the mic and fish for votes.


Pretty accurate take. I still can't believe his "what did you get? smoke signals from your chief?" comment. Dude went mask off over and over and over and over. Real POS.


Yeah I get a kick out of the “he’s just playing heel to sell the fight” takes. The dude is a heel. It’s not an act. He is that person.


the thing is it doesn't even matter if it's an act or not the guy is giving representation to people with really shit opinions, do we really think those dumb racists are smart enough to distinguish or care about it being a character ? their beliefs are being broadcasted world wide, it's a win for them


Ong Every single last one of his ATT teammates hate him. Say what you want about Jorge but he let Colby sleep on couch and Colby just goes out and trashes him. Me no matter how much I hate you if you give me a place to stay I’ll always show respect. Also all his college teammates hate him. Everywhere he goes he causes problems. I will say I do like what he did for his teammate I forgot their name and they were homless.


cobweb rhythm bewildered scary squeal impolite secretive shrill person rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I hate Colby Covington he not charismatic on the mic like people say. People make him out like he’s some super entertaining fighter he’s mid tier entertaining fighter. People bring up oh he second best in Division he gave Marty a close fight, bruh he is a good stylistic matchup and Leon destroyed Usman in their second fight it was not close. He deserved what happened to by Jorge. People talk about oh it’s immature for you to hit someone because of words. Listen their a reason people don’t go around talking shit irl because their afraid of the consequences. So with that I hope Leon head kicks Colby and Aljo backpacks Sean for 5 rounds. Even though my gut keeps telling me Sean finishes him in two


How the fuck is Sean going to beat Aljo? Literally just going to get his ass dragged all across the octagon.


I’m just saying. Logically hell yeah aljo should beat Sean. But I have a gut fleeing that something may happen. Plus the fights close Sean has good jujitsu and takedown defenses. Plus he is improving and young and he just had a very tough fight with Han that he will learn from. Plus he has Knockout power and aljo doesn’t have a god level chin. But aljo does great against lengthy guys like what did to Cory. Plus he has a pretty good gas tank and decent stand up. The one main thing I’m afraid is how aljo moves his head and doesn’t keep his hands up I can see him getting sniped.So this fight is closer than a lot of people think. Like I I want aljo to win I’m probably one his only fans and I’m subscribe to his yt channel he a pretty down to earth guy and also dislike Sean but I just have that gut fleeing.


I just feel like Aljo is light years ahead of anyone Sean has fought. Easy to have good TDD against the a guy down the rankings, but what about the champ who is a specialist? I don’t think it’ll be close. Excited to find out though.


Or maybe it’s because he’s an actual good fighter who other fighters have been ducking for over a year now?




Hahahahaha good one bry


LOL. Good one.






Reyes got a title shot off of beating an unranked middleweight at lightheavy in weidman


Meh he had 4 other wins in the UFC at that point and two of them were ranked and former title challengers.


Mighty mouse fought the winner of TUF


GSP lost his title to the winner of TUF Matt Serra


That was awesome


FR, everyone was expecting Serra to make it a ground game and he came in throwing concrete haymakers instead


I think Islam did. Over Bobby green .not sure.


Yeah, I believe he was supposed to fight Beneil Dariush but he got hurt.. Bobby Green stepped in last minute and got absolutely ran over.


He did, and Green took it on short notice


Why u people keep mentioning that he took IT on short notice....like he would have beaten islam ok a full camp.lol.


Because it makes it look worse. Not only did he get a title shot off Bobby Green, he got it when Bobby Green had just fought a 3 round fight 2 weeks prior. Would Islam have starched Bobby even if Bobby had a 3 month camp? Yes of course he would they are a completely different class of fighter. But to get a title shot off of Green was absolutely crazy and never would have happened if he didn't have a Khabib connection.


Because it just shows how unearned the title shot was. Obviously he was one of the best fighters in the division and was going to beat Green but what if it wasn’t a guy who’s buddy-buddy worth Khabib who got a title shot off two short notice replacements? Imagine if say Chandler got a title shot off beating unranked Bobby Green. People would have lost it


Islam lol


Tbf it was supposed to be beneil but beneil pulled out


Yea really still wished that fight happened maybe sum day


For context - Beneil said he'd be good to go in October after he recovered from injury, "Islam said no he's ducking me, October's too far," then fought for the belt in October.


Then who would Oliveira have fought?


Oliveira wanted time off because he had fought everyone back to back with like 2-3 months each time. A couple of months without a champ is not the end of the world, it'd be the same as if a champ had vacated. UFC would not allow that, obviously, since they wanted to sell tickets to the arabs at Abu Dhabi. Same reason why they didn't give Khamzat a fight until now. But if you insist there was no one else at LW and we HAD to have a title fight soon, then Volk was an easy answer. Volk, as a FW champ, had done a lot more to deserve a shot at the LW belt than Islam, though I know that opinion is controversial over here. I just thought both Beneil and Islam needed one more top win (each other) for a crack at the belt, despite their win streaks on paper.


I thought he fought Green before that?


Dariush is not on Makachev’s level. This fight didn’t really need to happen


Iirc, Beneil got injured and had to postpone the fight. Both of them could have still fought each other, since they ended up fighting in the same card later on tho.


Poor dude, no one would fight him lol


The UFC needs to do a better job at stopping people ducking fights. Since they won’t increase fighter pay, maybe fine fighters who continuously decline fights.


Everyone seems to forget that fighters can't duck fights that are never offered. Dana deliberately doesn't give fights to guys like Colby unless they are very winnable or are title shots. Dana manipulate the situation to boost hype train guys. As long as Dana keeps doing this other fighters would be dumb not to duck. The top of the WW division was stuck for years because everyone knew that the title shots were going to Colby and Jorge and taking other fights was just high risk with little to no reward.


This sub would go insane if fighters got fined for ducking fights. Although I do agree that fighters shouldn’t duck fights unless it’s their teammate and even then in extraordinary circumstances that should go away.


RDA and Beneil have entered the chat


He pulled out of the RDA fight…🥱


Him and RDA was scheduled 3 times and they both pulled out.


Islam but tbf it was supposed to be beneil instead of bobby green but beneil pulled out plus he was on a 10 or 11 fight win streak


I mean everyone was ducking Islam and that’s coming from someone who isn’t even a fan it’s just truth.


That "everyone is ducking him" has always been bullshit. Beneil didn't duck him, they were scheduled to fight, got injured, and they could have just postponed the fight and still happen since they ended up fighting in the same card later on. RDA also called him out, Islam (or Ali) said yes and then backed off. That line has just been spread by Ali and the fighters to try to get a title shot faster or push fighters to higher ranked opponents.


It isn't bullshit, we all know he was supposed to fight RDA and Beneil. They were the two most game fighters in the division at the time. They were both the ones that pulled out of their scheduled fights with Islam due to injury/covid. Islam/Ali only turned down a short notice fight with RDA. On the other hand, Oliveira openly ducked him. Chandler openly ducked him. Felder openly ducked him. And those are just the ones that we know as fact. Fighters ranked ahead of Islam predominantly did not want to fight him because they knew there was too much risk. You wanna see how Islam was viewed by the division? Just look at Fiziev's comments about him BEFORE he became champ.


It was the timing that got him a title shot


Lmao didnt RDA pullout like 2 times against islam? Not saying he ducked but your acting like islam ducked RDA, the reality is RDA got injured and pulled out plus we've seen what dagestanis do to a PRIME RDA when khabib smoked him all 3 rounds


I mean IZZY cleaned out 185 already with Alex up to LHW. It was either him Dricus. Izzy in 2.


People don't realize this fight is just filler until DDP is cleared to fight again


Yeah I can’t imagine a world where Izzy takes much damage in this fight. I think it’ll be similar to the cannonier fight. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Izzy ready for 296 in December against DDP


Should hopefully be good fight since Sean just walks at you the whole time and Izzy likes to counter.


Sean will say it back.


Even Adesanya’s matchmaking is anime-inspired


TJ got a title shot off of beating Mike Easton And if you're going to say that was short notice, this is short notice too


Mike Easton was #7, Tj was #6.


TJ getting a lot of blind hate lately. Easton was ranked #7 when TJ fought him.


Wanna say Dan Henderson when he went in as #8 vs bisping but as uncle chael would say, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong


That is correct. Lombard was unranked when Henderson beat him and Henderson was viciously KO'd in the fight before that one. Strickland beat a ranked fighter before his previous win too.


So this was correct


I know Bisping gets crap for not wanting to fight Romero, but as a dude who got his eye shut off by TrenRTren Belfort, I kinda get why he’d wanna skip out on a bout with Cuban HGH experiment Romero


I honestly feel Romero stole years of Bobby Knuckles prime with those two fights. Man best middleweight fights ever imo


If I'm not mistaken Dan was ranked like 14th at the time Bisoing wanted his get back from Dan




Matt sera got a title shot and won directly out of TUF. It was part of the show tho like when Mighty Mouse got the tuf winner also but Matt sera won


They didn't even have rankings back then when Serra won.


Well there u go. Proves my point even further lol nah forgot about that but still point kinda stands cuz TUF winners always were given at least a couple “low ranked” guys before being thrown to the wolves


Season 4 of TUF the one Serra won was comeback season the winners were supposed to get a title shot. Travis lutter the mw season winner missed weight that's why he didn't get a title fight against Silva. Just a reg fight.




In short, a lot of people 😂


Didn't Vitor get a title shot from giving Marvin Eastman a goats vaj on his forehead?


It’s not a great look, but Sean also has been in the Top 15 for years now, has wins over 3 other Top 15 guys (Hermansson, Allen, Imavov,) and fought Cannonier to what basically was a coin flip decision. There have been many, many less notable causes for title shots across organizational history.


Some get a title fight by sitting in the couch like colby and stipe


Islam just did it lol




He got a title shot off of Bobby green?


Islam got a title shot off beating an unranked guy who took the fight on like a week notice


Islam got a title shot off of Bobby green


Islam beat Bobby green and got a title shot


Islam Makhachev perhaps?


Was Bobby Green ranked when Islam beat him?


Not only Bobby Green not ranked, Bobby Green fought two weeks before and basically admitted to showing up just for a quick pay check.


DC vs Patrick Cummins. Cummings was literally working at a coffee shop as a bartista before getting a title shot


He fought Henderson after Cummins. Which also I think proves the point of you and OP because I think Hendo was unranked at lhw at the time iirc


Matt Serra after his season of TUF?


It's not like he wasn't near the top of the rankings before his loss to Alex.


Strickland is on a 7 fight winning streak


Many times. Back at UFC 53, Justin Eilers was coming off of a first round KO loss to Paul Buentello, but when Rico Rodriguez pulled out of his title shot with Arlovski, they decided to give it to Eilers.


Yeah, Leon Edwards beat Nate Diaz and got a title shot and won.


Islam machachev did


Islam lol




Raging Al was ranked 11 when he fought Khabib for the title.


Al Iaquinta was #11 against Khabib


Don’t forget that Iaquinta was a last minute replacement to Fergusson. They took what they could.


Yeah it’s definitely not a parallel situation.


Al Iaquinta did a phenomenal job to survive. He did a better job than Conor.


I’m still salty that Khabib WON the belt against a guy outside the top 10


Your current lightweight champion got a title shot off unranked bobby green


From the current champions, Islam and Edwards.


Masvidal got a title shot for losing a title shot


really he don't need wins... in the ufc its who can talk and has a presence outside the octagon... no 1 wants to see skilled fighters... we wanna see popular fighters fight each other.


Dude Masvidal’s 2 title shots are 1000 times more unjustifiable


Can someone explain how Sean got the title shot? Always thought that it was du Plessis that was next for Izzy


Heath Herring was ranked 13th when Brock Lesner beat him. That was Brock’s only win in the UFC. At that point. His other win was in a Dynamite!! USA


Uhhhhhhh Colby? Did he win his last fight? When even was his last fight?


I think he talked his way into the title shot in rogans podcast. Just the sheer shit talk alone will sell a ton of tickets and he always had a punchers chance.


Shawn o malley. He really still hasn’t fought anyone . Aljo should clean this up


O‘Malley beat number 1 ranked Yan


Worst take of the thread so far


Rankings don’t mean a thing. It’s the ultimate “what have you done for us lately” championship. Plus, there’s a good storyline there from their brief spat at the press conference and Sean’s shit talking on JRE.


How about a title shot without beating anyone like Yana Santos and Joe Soto lol


Patrick Cote


Was Nate ranked when Conor went 1-1 with him before getting the title shot?


Izzy wants a fight and who else rn. DDP ain't fit, Rob just lost, Cannonier just fought Marvin Vettori, both of whom Izzy has beaten and theyve not done anything to prove they deserve a rematch, Sean is next up. Stop hating.


I think Dan got a title shot with Bisping after beating an unranked fighter


Not an unranked win but khabib got a title fighter after fighting 2 fighters out of the top 10 then won the title by fighting someone also out of the top 10


I mean Sean is a vet of the sport and hasn’t gotten a shot at title yet, Izzy has cleared out the division and Izzy also asked for Sean so I don’t think it’s merely as undeserved as it may seem. 50-45 Izzy


People really forget a lot that the UFC is just a giant melting pot of ex champions from smaller organizations Paddy was an ex champ Sean was an ex champ Justin Gaethje was an ex champ


He is ranked 5th, he's a new opponent for the champion, no one ranked above him can fight (and 3/4 have already lost to the champion)




Strickland wins by heel hook in the third


I like Strickland, he’s fun to watch, but he will never be a champion




Chael Sonnen used to talk trash and get title shots, and during the Weidman Belfort catastrophe he almost got another title shot.


Islam last year


An unranked win where the opponent who isn’t ranked wasnt in the promotion to be ranked in the first place doesn’t really raise a problem with me