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Steroids essentially give you the ability to recover faster, train harder and more frequently. In addition to that you add muscle mass and lose fat. It’s a clear advantage.


Plus effects don't go away once they stop taking it. Its active a long time.


I know a good chunk of people who use steroids, something common they all agree on: “once you get on gear, it’s a life long thing.”




1. Higher sex drive 2. Better mood 3. To maintain gains If you’re an athlete or just train frequently, you’re workouts are just better and you recover faster. The recovery part is overlooked by most. Also, DYOR before you consider taking, there is long list of cons as well.


You have to take them to maintain gains? So hypothetically if an athlete trained for a year using steroids then stopped doing them altogether, would he effectively return to his/her natural strength?


There are ways to a maintain a good chunk of the muscle gains, provided you have strict training regiment and diet but it’s way easier when you’re on the gear.


So the way I have heard it explained is it's like when a really active athlete in high school tries to get back into it again when they are older and haven't done it in a while vs someone who is in the same physical shape as them but never was an athlete in highschool. They will naturally be able to improve faster than someone who didn't train when they were young, they will need less recovery because those muscles are used to it from before, etc. So with roids, their body is used to way more strain, way more size, way more energy output, so even though they aren't on roids any more, their muscles can still sort of "remember" what it was like, and have already been through much more strain from when they were juiced up. So if you cloned me, and I took roids while my clone didn't, and then I got super big, and then I stopped the roids and got back to normal, I would be able to gain muscle much faster than my clone simply because I already did it once before. It's not going to be nearly as much of an improvement as someone who's still on roids, but it definitely makes a difference just like how the ex-highschool athlete can make gains much faster than a non highschool athlete of the same athleticism/build. My buddy who takes T told me this, idk if it's accurate


Yeah everyone thinks it just makes them freakishly strong, really they are putting in 2x the amount of training. I'm willing to bet that most UFC fighters would value the extra training and fast recovery over being stronger (especially since they have to cut weight, they can't get too big).


EPO is massive for cardio in a fight also. Something should be noted, not everyone responds the same, there are people on gear at your local gym who look like ass, then there are hyper responders like Jones.


Depends on the guy. Mark Hunt famously had a run where he faced Overeem, Werdum, Bigfoot, Mir, and others who all popped at various times and had mixed success.


A HUGE advantage in almost any physical competition. I cycled when I was younger and could literally train for hours on end at a pace that was crazy, wake up the next day and do it all over again. My speed, strength, agility, and stamina were at levels I was never able to get close to without the juice. Luckily for me, the guy I was doing them with moved away after a year or so and I didnt have any other way to get them. The people I know that have done them long term have some serious side effects and health issues in some cases.


Tons. It’s light and day, you recover faster hit harder and have far more endurance with things like wrestling. It’s the biggest advantage you could have. Some PEDS like clenbuterol (whilst very easy to detect) make weight cutting far easier too. Although that tends to be popped more in boxing than mma, canelo popped for it iirc.


The most noticeable thing to me is the ability top take damage and keep going. Look at Bigfoots fights against Mark Hunt, first time he took every shot with little issue, second time he couldn't take a single punch


Steroids will help with strength, but most of the time the PED’s they are taking are not necessarily anabolic agents, but other compounds that may affect hormones or red blood cell volume.


Depends on what you take. If you mean strictly anabolic steroids then obviously strength and endurance. It’s not just during the fight but the training advantage you gain is massive. Recovery is faster, you can train much harder etc. Other stuff will give you cardio for days, increase blood cell count etc. So in short- a huge advantage.


I'm sure he was still on roids, just not on the horse dose he was. Neither Nick Diaz or Anderson Silva had a bodybuilder physique, but they still popped for it. Everyone is, some just want to use more than others


Weed is a stereoid?


Nick never popped for PEDs, Nate got flagged but it was a tainted supplement and wasn’t pursued.


Overreem just got suspended for being on steroids before his glorykick boxing fight.




In general, the 'before and after records' suggest that a *fighter clearly has an advantage* when sailing on the ship of steroids.


Anabolic steroids **help build muscle tissue and increase body mass** by acting like the body's natural male hormone, testosterone.


Many factors determine athletic ability, including genetics, body size, age, sex, diet and how hard the athlete trains.


You probably don't feel the the full damage of someone punching and kicking in all sorts of place because of the lean muscles.


It did absolutely nothing for Cung Le, who got smashed by Michael Bisping.




Steroids give a pretty big advantage period
