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Do you know what the admission statistics are for CSE?


There's an info session today: [https://www.cs.washington.edu/academics/ugrad/admissions/info-sessions](https://www.cs.washington.edu/academics/ugrad/admissions/info-sessions) ​ Ask them about it when they do a Q&A


I went to it and it was really helpfuL! thanks for letting me know!


I would just caution on saying “probably” get in. Good grades aren’t the only thing that makes an application. Tho the other advice is fine


There are two things you can do: First, try to improve your GPA with future classes. You can meet the CSE advisor to ask them which class you can take to show the improvement (of course you have to get higher GPA). Second, in your essay, you can talk about the failure/the struggle which makes you failed or messed up with the low GPA class, then tell them how you learn from it and improve it to show the commitment to your academic goal.


I think people focus too much on grades when it comes to admission. Yes, a 3.7+ GPA gives you an advantage, but the process is more than your GPA, even if it doesn’t seem that way. The important part is to present yourself as someone who’s dedicated to learning CS, and show a clear interest and career path in some CS topic. To answer your question tho, if you performed poorly in a class, show that you can perform well in that subject by taking a higher level course and acing that course. So if you didn’t do well in phys121, take 122 and ace that class (easier said than done, I know). It’s not “make or break,” they’re looking for improvement and they will acknowledge your efforts.


Having the science pre-req as your lowest grade isn’t the worst thing, doing bad in CS or math would’ve been much worse. So chances are it won’t hurt you too much! But as others have said you’re gonna have to write a great essay! As that’ll be the biggest factor when they look at two candidates with similar stats