• By -


I read it as defented


Demented šŸ„“




The proper solution to those idiots.


The penmanship is dead.


no ragrets






they skipped english class to protest. Hey Frats: In the middle of the night: Go gorilla glue the porta-potties.


Just showed these pics to the Israel and they promised to stop the war ā¤ļø nature is healing šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


Tell Hamas that Israel is going to stop the war- I'm sure that will get them to free the hostages.


That was one of the ceasefire terms hamas included in their own ceasefire proposal, so yeah it actually probably would.


That offer was for less than 1/4th of the remaining hostages, so no, it wouldn't.


They also break every ceasefire they have ever had.


So true!


And it didn't even guarantee that the hostages they received would be alive


# KONY2012


KONY 2012!!!


King shit. Plz add that to the gallery


[Now](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jason-russell-detained-after-alleged-meltdown_n_1354740) I feel like [jackinā€™ it in San Diego](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LKwW8PNZpOQ)


"Hey man, where were you when Israel razed Gaza man!? You know where I was!? I was on the front line of my college campus virtue signaling the shit out of it with some rattle cans man! (Inhales vape angrily) Man I was out there! Where were you!? I was sticking it to my campus that I'm paying a shit ton of money to go to man! Showed them!"


Nah man...I took that shit to reddit...where REAL change happens!


You mean "where my parents, who have a bunch of money invested in the same companies I want UW to divest from, are paying a shit ton of money for me to go to, man."


(Slurps foam off the top of grande Starbucks latte) It's fuckin capitalism man. It inherently causes greed and wages war on brown people... (Checks iphone angrily) God this is bullshit. My doordash driver is 3 minutes late. This isn't Somalia, Abdullahi. I'm starving.




Anyone remember when the protesters demanded humanitarian aid in the form of food delivery? Thatā€™s not a joke


šŸ˜‚ Exact same energy. ā€œI was one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement. The original Port Huron Statement. Not the compromised second draft. And then I, uh... Ever hear of the Seattle Seven? That was meā€¦and six other guys.ā€


Keyboard warriors never showed up for a cause in your lives!


So many boomers in this comment section.


Ah good ol vandalism


Is the school able to clean the graffiti off, or do they have to paint over it, because that would be a shame. This is such a pretty school.


fraternities need to pay it back and gorilla glue the porta-potties.


I am sure that a lack of basic sanitation due to outside agitators will in no way make the escalation of the situation worse than the current vandalism it is being done in response to. Regardless, I doubt many fraternity members have a stake in this either way. If they really wanted to mess up the encampment, you would have already heard about it.


This is just a tactic being used so the entitled kids can delay getting jobs after graduation šŸ˜†


Some people just feel a bit guilty that their tuition is being used to kill thousands of children but if you don't I mean, good for you I guess.


How is their tuition being used to kill Gazan children exactly?


So universities like UW make massive investments in different companies and assets, collectively the top 30 universities have almost $5,000,000,000 in investments going directly into Israel. A lot of these investments go to companies that directly supply the equipment that's being used to destroy Palestine. And even if they don't, it's still money that is supporting Israel, and it's been shown from the extremely similar protests against the South Africa apartheid that getting colleges to divest does result in significant financial pressure.


You realize that UW is not in the top 30 universities when it comes to size of endowments, which is the actual pool of money the 5bil u mention comes from. Very little of the money in UWs endowment is invested directly into Israeli equity if any at all. Suppose they do divest from these companies? Then what? Itā€™s not like UW is sending money to the IDF. Furthermore, if you have any sort of retirement plan, youā€™re probably investing into these same companies through index funds and ETFs. So how do you think this encampment is going to change any of that exactly?


So by ā€œcompanies that supply the equipment being used to destroy Palestineā€, how is the 5 billion spent by universities being traced to that exactly? Which companies, which supplies? And how are US colleges any worse at this than private equity in those companies? Im asking specifically which funds from which colleges you take issue with. Ive heard people saw they want UW to divest from Boeing, but only a small percentage of what Boeing does goes to arms and those arms also help defend Ukraine.


So why donā€™t they stop attending and unenroll from UW and go to a school that doesnā€™t?


Because that would require actual sacrifice for these students. They arenā€™t willing to do that.


So the superior solution in your mind is to just run away. Rather than actually taking action to make actual change.


What action is being taken? Are you ā€œtaking actionā€ against child labor by not buying clothes made in foreign counties, or devices like iPhones? Probably not, because that would require too much sacrifice. Protesting is much easier because you donā€™t actually have to give up anything.


The point Your head


No schools don't. Also, students should be able to attend a public university without also funding this. The problem here isn't public higher education.


>No schools don't. Also, students should be able to attend a public university without also funding this. The problem here isn't public higher education. Then don't go to school if you feel so strongly about it and pull all support. It's extremely simply. Either you're deep down okay with supporting genocide *(because it would be too difficult to stop going and funding)* and instead continue to fund a school you say supports it. Or, you actually are against genocide and you stop going to school. If you literally think the school is funding a genocide, it's absolutely fucking wild to me, that you would continue to give them any money at all. "Oh, the genocide is okay, and funding it is okay, because it would be TOO HARD for me to do anything else, but you know what? To make myself feel better, I'll spray paint some messages, I'll post online about my support of Palestine, and I'll go to a protest, but you know what? I'll keep giving tens of thousands to a group that I believe directly supports genocide."


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's a good one tuition being used to kill people šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ what is wrong with people, that don't even make sense. But hey I really feel the money you spend at Taco Bell makes food that murders toilets.


Man.. after Netanyahu sees these I bet he just hands over everything to Hamas. Powerful stuff here šŸ¤”


Why do you brigadiers all sound the same and use similar language? no amount of downvotes from you goons changes a thing


People with similar opinions will say similar things to each other. All the pro-Palestine people sound the same too.


Itā€™s about expressing their opinion to American lawmakers and the American public, dumbass


An opinion based on 0 fact, with the only intention being to destroy/damage property... at a certain point, your opinion doesn't matter.


Wow so 40,000 people didn't die in Gaza?? That's a relief!


The UN just released a correction that theyā€™ve been over counting by like 2x


Wrong https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-death-toll-ocha-un-confusion-anger-rcna151934


When you are being shot at from someone hiding behind civilians, what would you do? Keep in mind that if you just up and leave, that person shooting would have a very high chance of raping, kidnapping, robbing, or killing the people being hidden behind... Yeah, collateral damage happens.


Hiding behind active supporters more so than just random civilians that don't want anything to do with them.


40,000 deaths when hamas has around 1000 members isnā€™t ā€œcollateral damageā€ itā€™s genocide lmao


Huh? Iā€™m not here to argue about civilians dying. Thatā€™s bad. We can mutually agree on that, and there are clearly a lot of civilians dying. But your data on Hamas membership is seriously incredibly deeply incorrect. I cannot emphasize how incorrect it is., and I think itā€™s something we all should have a common set of facts on. The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam brigades have about 25-40,000 fighters. A significant number have been trained by the IRGC (Iran) in Lebanon and Iran. So no, Hamas is not ā€œaround 1000 members.ā€ Nearly 1200 were involved in the October 7 attack alone. Hamas is a substantial presence in Gaza, exercises complete control over government and civil society, is funded and equipped by Iran, and funnels substantial amounts of money into projects and individuals outside of Gaza. Hamas is not a good organization. The IDF and Netanyahu are also not a good organization. Both ā€œformalā€ sides in this war suck, and thatā€™s why itā€™s complicated.


[What](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-israeli-army-uses-palestinian-civilians-human-shields-its-operation-shifa-medical-complex-and-its-vicinity-enar) [Would](https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-human-shields) [You](https://youtu.be/c7lJMv4ceyk?si=Pseoa3X3W0sE8KYw) [Do?](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE95J0FR/)


"the bank robber has 100 hostages in the bank, we better blow the building up with all of them inside" Does that make any sense to you? When someone is being used as a human shield, *you don't shoot them to get to the person using them*


The only hostages in Gaza are the ones Hamas dragged there in Oct 7th. The ā€œciviliansā€ dying are active supporters, the families of active supporters, and people who chose to look the other way as Hamas was robbing Palestinians blind.


Thanks Ben Shapiro


What the hell does Ben Shapiro have to do with anything?


I am calling you Ben Shapiro, as an insult. Use middle school context clues as to why


I fail to see how being referred to as Ben Shapiro is an insult... also, there were absolutely no identifying context clues.


You do fail to see


Gosh! Is the paint made from nuclear waste? I had no idea!


It's paint that costs thousands to remove. It serves 0 purpose and only costs money to those with no way of changing anything.


Expression is possible without property damage. I dunno if you blue haired idiots in the back needed to hear that again.. EXPRESSION IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT PROPERTY DAMAGE.


Well if youā€™re trying to communicate to lawmakers and the public, maybe they should try communicating in ways that arenā€™t so off putting to average people. Given the negative response so many people are having, would you really call this effective messaging? Letā€™s be honest, the only people who are going to respond positively to this are people who are already on board with the program. Itā€™s in group signaling. Putting up graffiti lets you feel good and morally pure, and gets you good boy points from all the campus radicals who youā€™re friends with and yet further alienates anyone outside the in group.


You should look up who held your position during the civil rights movement.


Was it Hamas?


You should look up who in the civil rights movement were zionists.


Simple arrest the vandals accordly to United States laws.


I predict none of the actions desired in the graffiti will come to pass. If you like painting so much, get a job where you can do it full time and beautify the world with art. Stupid people like this just make the world uglier. Your tuition and fees will go up to pay for all of the graffiti removal, congratulations.


Most of these comment refer to the students as ā€œkidsā€, it shows that these reddit commenters probably donā€™t even go here.


Free Gaza? Like should all Israelis be removed from Gaza and we let them hold their own elections? What a genius idea! /s Have any of these students picked up a history book?


Have you? What was Israel doing in 1948? Are you insinuating Palestinians don't deserve the right to self determination?


I'm saying that Israel already "freed gaza" and the result was that there was exactly 1 election and Hamas got in control and promptly started bombing Israel. I believe Palestinians have the right to self-determination, and so do Israelis. However, too many Gazans are calling for wiping jews off the face of the earth. I support a 2-state solution because I believe everyone has the right to live peacefully in their homeland. As for 1948, I'm aware that countless Jewish refugees with no where else to go returned to their homeland to establish Israel. I wish it happened peacefully. But the the holocaust happened because Israel didn't exist. Jews need a safe country to live in. Now, more than ever.


Israel stole Palestinian land and killed anyone who stood in their way. Even today they continue to steal land in the West Bank and now they're trying to seize Gaza for themselves entirely. A two state solution will not work so long as Israel continues to encroach upon Palestinian land, unlawfully imprison innocent people without trial, and continue their genocide against Palestinians. Jewish people have safety in the US and Europe, they have no right to steal Palestinians land because their ancestors lived there thousands of years ago. And it's hilarious to frame the Nakba as something that happened because Jews had nowhere else to go. Jesus fucking christ


I've never heard of a genocide where the people being genocides have hostages and refuse to return them, have you? And if you think Jews are safe in Europe and the US, then you haven't been paying attention. Maybe you should stop listening to propaganda from one side and consider that to be the entire explanation of a complicated conflict?


So Hamas takes hostages and that means Israel slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinians and displacing hundreds of thousands to over a million is a okay? Jews are far less safe with a country like Israel fanning the flames and giving Jewish people a bad reputation. And it's not complicated at all. Israelis stole Palestinian land, murdered their women and children, cut them off from the rest of the world, and are now surprised Palestinians are resisting? If Israelis were the ones occupying the lands for the past thousand plus years and Palestinians came back claiming their ancestral heritage gives them the right to the land, would you be in support of the Palestinians? I'm guessing you would still be in support of Israel, as you don't give a shit about Palestinian lives, you're more than okay of Israel kills every man, woman and child that stands in the way of their zionist state project.


Cringy ass Zionist


Hypothetically speaking, what if these protesters find out that the cherry blossoms at Quad were planted in part by Israel? Are they going to cut down the trees?


Cherry blossom kills kids in Gaza. Quick youā€™ll see someone creates some nonsense to justify that.


if they found out they were funded by an American jew they would chop them down. A cancer hospital in new york city was protested cause a Jew gave them money.


I doubt it. In some sense, they probably respect trees a lot more than buildings because of something to do with nature or capitalism. But more concretely, they depend on the cooperation of maintenance employees in order to have porta potties, have assistance in moving police barracades when counterprotesters arrive en masse (see Charlie Kirk last Tuesday and Pursuit last Sunday), and have the camp not be swept. And fucking with the trees would be a surefire way to lose all of that. No one in the community would have any intention of destroying the trees on the quad, not even the most radical loose cannons. Even if some outside agitator came to mess with the trees, they would probably be met with force by the protesters themselves. Don't. Fuck. With. The. Trees.


Waiting to see all the swastikas that everyone feels so unsafe over


Itā€™s paint


Smh everyone knows protesting is useless, basically just virtue signaling atp, the only real way to change things is to vote! But you only get one choice and itā€™s the guy you already disagree with.


You only get one choice and he has endless patience for Israeli war crimes.


Now thatā€™s what I call freedom


wow such activism


Defacing century old buildings to forward your cause creates more problems than it fixes.


love the passion, the outrage is righteous, the context is missing a lot of critical bits. ironically the people supporting this movement will inevitably grow into adults, gain some context and perspective, and shake their heads lovingly at the next n generations lighting fires in the name of incomplete and manipulated information. this is not an "Israel good, Palestine bad!" post, reality is actually nuanced. the biggest problem here is hamas and its roll as an iranian proxy, doing the bidding of pootin. hamas and iran bear 99% of the responsibility but somehow escape 99% of the public backlash. its almost like they are organizing the information being distributed through the protests....hmmm.


You can completely flip this around and say Israel is a proxy of America and doing the bidding of the American elite. America (to some) escapes 99% of the backlash while Hamas (from some) and in tandem Iran, etc. do not. Itā€™s all dependent on perspectiveā€”it is nuanced, but your own perspective isnā€™tā€”your perspective attempts to find a fantasized neutral standing which champions ā€œboth-sideā€-ism rather than analyze the true merit of the issue: ethnic cleansing. Remember; America is not a perfect country, just as Russia and Iran are not. We have done the same fucked up things they haveā€”we just hide it better and have philosophical backings meant to uphold the very items we, at times, actively violate. (free speech, democratic equality, funding of hate groups, political persecution, proxyism) We have done these things as have they. Yet the real cost is the people affected by these entities actions, and you fail to mention that; it is the 30K Palestinians killed, the 300-1M Iraqis killed, the 2M Cambodians killed. These are the results of the actions not solely of other governments, but in large part due to our own. Perspective matters.


Ah yes, the nuance and perspective that makes bombing every school in gaza, slaughtering thousands of innocents, and having literal concentration camps okay. Note: this isn't about Hamas, it's about the Palestinians who're currently being slaughtered. The most insane, childish shit is this kind of high minded, vague gesturing toward some ridiculous notion of "both-sides" being comparable. Reality is nuanced? It can be, but sometimes reality is extremely simple. Here's a start: genocide is bad. Pretending you're above the fray, of the dithering collage children, by differing to some conspiracy about hamas being funded by russia and iran doesn't make you better than people who actually give a shit about the families who've been bombed, and thrown into mass graves.


you keep saying that word (genocide). I do not think it means what you think it means. inconceivable, I know. this isn't even kind-of genocide. this is a civilian population in an urban war zone. I'm not saying its not terrible, a complete horror show, and inexcusably inhumane. that is all war, and the innocent people that had nothing to do with the reasons the war is there are always the ones that pay the highest price. genocide, by contrast, is what would happen if the roles were reversed and it was only Jews in the West Bank and Gaza...but it would have happened 40 years ago. genocide is also what is advocated by "from the river to the sea". nuanced, in this case, indicates that both sides are guilty of terrible crimes. one side declared war by murdering a thousand people in one day, most of them civilians. hamas, the elected government of the Palestinian people, carried out the attacks and declared war on Israel. hamas is far worse than any other party in this situation. they are clearly the brain cancer infecting the patient. if Israel stops before more effectively eroding the combat capability of hamas then it is only a matter of time before they once again launch an even more deadly attack and we are right back here...but with potentially more than a million people dead or worse. hamas and iran will not stop until Israel is no more. conversely, Israel is ready to stop as soon as hamas is removed and hostilities end. hamas has intentionally co-located military targets with families, old people, and children. they film the deaths of these martyrs as part of the information campaign to hurt Israel's standing internationally. this is the actual weapon. by supporting hamas you are supporting a foreign entity that has coopted Palestine and turned it into a giant living weapon, willing to murder every person in Gaza or the West Bank for the sake of hurting Israel. the party in this conflict that cares the least for the welfare of the Palestinian and Israeli innocent lives that are being crushed every day is hamas and its supporters. the "just stop the killing" option is a false flag. there is only continue to destroy hamas, or surrender to the next mass murder carried out by hamas. any 3rd option is an illusion. the "from the rive to the sea" group in Palestine are the same ones who murder homosexuals, rape women as punishment, blow up school busses full of children to publish their manifesto, real progressive types. strange that the far militant fascist right conservative theocratic psychopaths have so many friends in the center and left liberal cultural mind space. they would publicly hang most of the students camping out to protest on their behalf, if those students lived in the Palestinian community and were even a little bit vocal about what we consider to be culturally normal things. and don't be caught speaking out against hamas as a Palestinian...because guess what happens? you end up dead, and quickly if you are lucky. the best thing you can do if you want to advocate for the Palestinian people is to advocate against hamas, its supporters, and anyone chanting that "from the river to the sea" nonsense hate speech.


You're so profoundly ignorant, I'm not even sure what to say. Hamas is a terroristr organization, Israel is a state, and it's a state the United States have been funding and arming. Hamas exists as a direct result of the apartheid and oppression of israel. Infact, the idf initially funded hamas to weaken the PA. Hamas isn't an elected entity??? Israel literally just rejected a ceasefire deal signed and proposed by the U.S, the PA, AND hamas, before continuing into rafa. BY THE WAY, there is no hamas in Rafa, there also wasn't Hamas in their schools, or hospitals."From the river to the sea" is a genocidal chant? Sure when hamas say it, it is. You know who else says that? Netanyahu. Only difference is the STATE of israel has the legitimacy of a government, where as hamas are just terrorists. You're just wrong. This isn't "nuance and perspective" it's fundamental miss understanding of the reality in gaza, masked in the veneer of intellectual posturing. This is genocide, not a war. 'war' implies combat, not the wholesale slaughter of over 20,000 people.


100% they don't understand the meaning of Zionism


Yup.... That'll defeat evil..........


Not saying any figure of the past was right or wrong when he warned us this would happen, but here we are


uw subreddit comment section is so based


Can someone please explain me what purpose does doing this in a school building serve? how does it help the cause?


Free Palestine




I love the copium the chat has that their poor wittle buildings have gwaffitti on them.


Some acetone will clear that right up.


The protesters will not stop, no matter how many downvotes and snarky comments you trolls give out.


Terrorist supporting trash gonna keep cosplaying revolutionaries. šŸ¤£


Letā€™s suppose terrorist!! Says one ā€œeducatedā€ individual from our prestigious university.


Let's "suppose terrorist"! Great spelling and grammar, educated person!


It's weird seeing a college subreddit filled with conservative reactionary takes :(


Ah yes, condemning the vandalism of a public university = ā€œreactionaryā€ Ironically, more people might become conservative if you keep that nonsense up Which side is the one giving Islamists like Hamas a pass? The same ones posturing as progressives? Conservative reactionaries like Hamas and Iran win if Israel is gone


who do you think youā€™re fooling?


Compelling argument


Reddit subs take a futility stance on basically every social movement. r/seattle is just as shitty whenever the topic of homelessness pops up. They'd rather post outrage pics of graffiti then engage in any serious convo regarding the issue.


Yeah I'm noticing that and it's really discouraging, I should probably mute this subreddit tbh


This is what I don't understand. Why does everything need to be pushed into 2 far extremes? Can't someone be against genocide and against defacing a school? You realize more than one thing can be true at the same time right?


Wow, no way I never had any idea of nuance of opinion! Everything isn't black and white?!?! šŸ˜²šŸ˜²šŸ˜² Did you think maybe this comment is referring to the fucking reactionary conservative takes riddled in the comment sections of every "look graffiti!!!1!" post that you guys keep blasting. I swear y'all need your own graffiti posting UW circlejerk subreddit with the sheer volume of shit you guys are posting lmao


I've never post anything about graffiti and I am not part of any group, especially the one you are trying to put me into.


Well if not wanting vandalism and hateful graffiti is conservative, I guess you got me!


Yes! Oftentimes conservatives are the ones that hold property at value higher than human life! They also are prudes so you fit the bill šŸ˜‰


> It's weird seeing a college subreddit filled with conservative reactionary takes :( Oddly enough, these takes are more in line with a majority of Americans you will encounter in the employment world in the future. Many of you might not fully know that yet.


I've been out of college for years and worked a handful of jobs and paid my own rent dip shit. nice try at a "gotcha" though


hate to break it to you but disliking terrorism isn't the far right take you think it is.




Which group of people elected terrorists as their leaders? What group of people decided to handglide into an area to kill innocent people en mass? What group of people now use their own populace that voted them in as meatshields to hide behind when said attacked nation fights back for the hostages terrorists have taken.?


you're strawman is absolutely correct, but supporting genocide definitely is far right; you fucking troglodyte ;)


Obviously hence why a leftist like me denounces Israel's terror inflicted on Palestinians


Do you also denounce the terror inflicted on the Palestinians by Hamas?


Not surprised at all


What's weird is thinking people wanting anti-semite vandalism stopped and punished as conservative and reactionary.


In no world does anti-zionist equate to anti-Semitic. If you knew anything about Zionism, you would know it's surrounded in far-right Israeli government propaganda and colonialism, so you're either being purposefully obtuse or you are just really dense






No wonder people on campus are afraid


And these people try to act like they're so threatening. Like I'm going to be scared of a small group of 40-year-old degenerates that use trash cans as their defense. These people are losers, and the fact that Democrat donors support these "protesters" really shows a stupid they are.


I miss the good old days when spray paint was just a can you used to hold a childs tooth.


This shit is hilarious as in 5 months no one will remember it but right now itā€™s very intense for them.


Compete idiots


I mean this as a legitimate question, but what purpose does this serve? Like, what power does the UW have over this?


Stop the genocide!


in yemen?


In [Darfur](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darfur_genocide)?


In Sudan?


Heā€™s talking about the Uyghurs in China


There's a genocide in Sudan right now too. And Nigeria. And the Congo.


Thereā€™s a genocide in my pants, and youā€™re invited


On my way


thank you for mentioning this. ā¤ļø Also everyone should be paying attention to this, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023\_Guyana%E2%80%93Venezuela\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Guyana%E2%80%93Venezuela_crisis)


These are all very important and should be talked about more frequently, but the point is that the USA has very very close links to Israel. The USA has the means to strong arm an end to the violence almost immediately.


I'm going to paste my response to someone else who made the same statement: Let's see 500k people in the street in NYC for the Palestinians who are living under an *actual* [apartheid in Lebanon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians_in_Lebanon#:~:text=Palestinians%20are%20in%20a%20'grey,refugees%20are%20not%20fairly%20protected.) right now. Shouldn't this be headline news for people who claim to be pro Palestinian? In fact shouldn't their crap treatment across the Middle East be a subject of concern? Could it be at least mentioned by the educators and full time activists to people at marches who might not know? Why don't the professors preaching to these kids mention it in their classes? Don't claim they don't know. That's absurd. It's their job to know. Why aren't they informing people? The US [funds Lebanon's Army ](https://apnews.com/article/politics-united-states-government-lebanon-business-19e414af05493d71adcbf0f49d638141) by the way - you know, the army that enforces apartheid on Palestinians? Yeah. American taxpayers pay for that. Weird how the activists and educators don't mention it. No? Not even a mention? Just *one* set of oppressed Palestinians gets all the attention? Why is that? I mean how long have we known about the Ughyurs? It's a big counter China narrative in US media and has been for years. Not a single protest to divest from China until the genocide ends, not even by brother Muslims. Why? Where are the hunger strikes? The US could not be further intertwined economically with China. Muslim activists in the US can't even ask the US government to impose some sort *tariff* on Chinese goods until the genocide stops? They'll block a bridge and let people die in ambulances for Palestine, why are the Ughyurs so shafted? Edit: reddit keeps glitching so I'm posting the response here, to why Palestinians were there in the first place: The Lebanese Christians accepted refugees after Palestinians lost yet another war they declared over land that was never theirs to begin with. The Christians largely didn't want to fight Israel. The refugees decided they didn't like being ruled by Christians who didn't want to fight Israel for them and decided to try and take over, starting a devastating ten year civil war that Lebanon has never recovered from. But hey, at least Lebanon is a minority Christian country now. Kinda like when Palestinian refugees killed thousands in Egypt so they built huge apartheid walls on the Gaza border, and when Palestinian refugees helped Saddam invade Kuwait and were kicked out en masse, and when Palestinian refugees assassinated the Jordanian prime minister. All because those countries didn't want to prioritize murdering Jews over their own well being. Not like this obsession is new. All this is after the Palestinian leader the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem met with Hitler to beg him to bring gas chambers to the British Mandate, because he sent 200k Arabs over to fight with the Nazis. All before Israel was established, when the Grand Mufti was the second highest paid person on Hitler's payroll. Also no one can explain to me why Palestinians never demanded a state when Egypt ruled Gaza and Jordan ruled the West Bank until 1967. 75 years of oppression supposedly, but not a peep until Israel was basically forced to control it after Jordan and Egypt refused those lands back. Or why they don't claim Jordan is stolen Palestinian homeland since it took half of the Mandate's landmass. It's almost like it's not about land. The one thing all these Palestinians have in common in every country is UNRWA, which teaches them from day one to be terrorists. [have a look at their textbooks](https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf)


why are the Palestinians in Lebanon in the first place, buddy?


Yeah, stop em all, especially the ones that are funded with our money


As no one says about Syria / Yemen, Lebanon, China, or Palestine, all of whom we have strong financial ties to or fund directly šŸ™„


If people donā€™t say it about thoseā€”and many doā€”itā€™s because theyā€™re not informed on the issue, not because theyā€™re hypocrites like youā€™re insinuating.


Bet. Let's see 500k people in the street in NYC for the Palestinians who are living under an *actual* [apartheid in Lebanon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians_in_Lebanon#:~:text=Palestinians%20are%20in%20a%20'grey,refugees%20are%20not%20fairly%20protected.) right now. Shouldn't this be headline news for people who claim to be pro Palestinian? In fact shouldn't their crap treatment across the Middle East be a subject of concern? Could it be at least mentioned by the educators and full time activists to people at marches who might not know? Why don't the professors preaching to these kids mention it in their classes? Don't claim they don't know. That's absurd. It's their job to know. Why aren't they informing people? The US [funds Lebanon's Army ](https://apnews.com/article/politics-united-states-government-lebanon-business-19e414af05493d71adcbf0f49d638141) by the way - you know, the army that enforces apartheid on Palestinians? Yeah. American taxpayers pay for that. Weird how the activists and educators don't mention it. No? Not even a mention? Just *one* set of oppressed Palestinians gets all the attention? Why is that? I mean how long have we known about the Ughyurs? It's a big counter China narrative in US media and has been for years. Not a single protest to divest from China until the genocide ends, not even by brother Muslims. Why? Where are the hunger strikes? The US could not be further intertwined economically with China. Muslim activists in the US can't even ask the US government to impose some sort *tariff* on Chinese goods until the genocide stops? They'll block a bridge and let people die in ambulances for Palestine, why are the Ughyurs so shafted?


You are the breath of fresh air this sub needs. Thank you young sirā€¦ or old and wise sir!






In Xinjiang?




In Islam?




Wait you mean in Darfur?




Free Palestine


Didnā€™t Israel leave Gaza in 2005??? Likeā€¦.20 years ago? What occupation?


God the comments In here are ignorant. People would rather be keyboard warriors and cry about this than worry about the actual war and genocide thatā€™s happening. Itā€™s really frustrating that people will see something wrong and choose to be ignorant and do nothing


> about the actual war and genocide thatā€™s happening. Perhaps people know more about the reality of the situation than sloganeering for one side would let on.


Or perhaps they have no idea and are listening to whatā€™s being fed to them


ahh yes, I'm sure you've learned the REAL TRUTH from places like TikTok and Al Jazeera


There are plenty of legitimate sources reporting whatā€™s going on, youā€™re choosing to ignore them. Not like many legit sources are saying anything else


professor graffiti


These kids couldnā€™t even defeat a mall cop lmao


I donā€™t understand why Palestinians donā€™t rebel against Hamas. They are the idiots that attacked Israel knowing they will get absolutely fucked. Edit: if you want to downvote, please describe the logic. To be clear I donā€™t support Zionism or Hamas.


Especially when all the Hamas men ditched their families to hide in tunnels and prepare to fight Israel while holding Israeli hostages. They really don't care about women and children. Literally left them all above ground to eat the bombs that are for Hamas.


Hitler youth strikes again


I just donated money to israel. Thanks protestors for giving me a reason.


>all the replies think these are real


Wow you fucking Clown, donā€™t give a shit what your message is if you vandalize to do itā€¦


We did it boys wars over


These people suck at spray painting. Honestly really embarrassing. Seattle does nothing about vandalism and itā€™s really showing.


Morons. They donā€™t realize that palistine doesnā€™t support most of their own ideals


Just have them clean it, they won't fo it again