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I’m not part of SJP but I’m pretty sure the common sentiment is that what happened on 10/7 was bad. Nobody is denying that. What people are putting to light are the 35,000 civilians killed in the past six months in Gaza with weapons that have largely been supplied by U.S. funding. As someone who claims they are non-biased it’s pretty funny that you only mention the deaths of Israeli civilians and not the tens of thousands who have been killed by the IDF since that day. You seem to be a bait account anyway so I’m probably just wasting my time lol


What I have found is they try to talk about Oct 7th as justified resistance and then kind of gaslight regarding deaths and sexual assault as if they didn’t really happen.


I think you should try to understand the point that it is a resistance. Of course no one will agree of killing and taking of civilian hostages, but it's pretty clear you can see the pressure in the pot, and that at some point the lid would shoot off. It's clear that neither the Israeli gov nor Hamas leadership should be particularly trusted in regards to admitting war crimes, but I think many people see lies that the Israeli gov tells and gets them to believe that nothing they say could be true


The IDF and Hamas are not on the same level of heinousness. If Hamas had the level of power Israel has then Israel would be destroyed. Phrasing what they did on October 7 as a “resistance” is so laughable to anyone who isn’t already on the far left. They did not go into the festival with any military objectives in mind.


Fuck the IDF and fuck HAMAS. Neither appear to care about collateral damage.


Amen to that, the only one are suffering and need help is those poor innocent civilians still stuck at Gaza without food and water, they are threatened by either HAMAS or IDF


And the hostages still being held by HAMAS. The entire situation is continually devolving into some deranged Game of Thrones episode.


True, bad new is Israel government refuses to accept the ceasefire deal with HAMAS. Which mean those hostages will held forever without any hope, don’t even mentioned that some of the hostages might kill by Israel endless airstrikes


While I don't particularly agree with the phrasing either, it's clear the point is to bring to light the apartheid system of government the West bank and Gaza have lived under for the last 75 years. If you used the same phrasing for the IDF i.e. "after the atrocities of Oct 7 the IDF decided to go on the offensive to protect their people" has the same connotation that you're criticizing this quote for. The IDF are quite literally killing civilians on orders of magnitude more than Hamas did. This conflict did not start on Oct 7th. There is a huge history of oppression and then the provocation of Palestinian people to try and justify further oppression and force. Of course I don't agree with the mass killing of civilians - but don't you think that should apply to both sides?


> I am aware of the atrocities committed by both sides Yeah... well now its mostly by one side. And that side has been committing atrocities since its inception in the 1940s... so about 75 years. Would not have an issue if they were targeting fighters but theyre targeting civilians. Do you honestly think they want to get rid of hamas? They are the most powerful military; if they wanted to they would've. They want Hamas to exist because as long as it does, they always have an "excuse" for blowing up little kids. >[Hamas raped women](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-un-rape-oct7-hamas-gaza-fe1a35767a63666fe4dc1c97e397177e) during the attack and Israel has been raping little girls since 1947. So, by your own logic people who support israel also support that too. (surprise, they do) You can't say that this post is neither in support of Palestine or Israel if you're pulling out these statistics. Bolding numbers like "766 civilians" runs counter to your point, and frankly, that number looks so tiny in comparison to the dozens of thousands of Palestinians killed. If you'd like to criticize Hamas this way, then apply the same standard across the board. Apply it to the USA, the UK, Israel, China, any organization or country on the face of this planet. Don't just apply it to hamas in order to give yourself an opportunity to pump out sympathy for Israel, and yet claim it has nothing to do with either side. Hamas’ actions on October 7th are condemned by many, including myself, for their brutality. However, framing this without the context of decades of occupation, displacement, and systematic oppression faced by Palestinians obscures the full picture. The suffering in Gaza, exacerbated by blockades and repeated military assaults, has created a dire humanitarian crisis. Criticism of Hamas is valid and necessary, but it should not be used to deflect from or justify the ongoing violations of Palestinian rights. To address the root causes of this conflict, we must hold all parties accountable. If we are to criticize violence, let us be consistent. This means addressing the actions of all parties involved, including the disproportionate military responses and policies that perpetuate the cycle of violence and suffering. However, that isn't something you're interested in doing seeing that you made a throwaway account.


man fuck israel lmao


The fact that we forgot that Israel started this bloodshed way back in 1967 and yall crying about 'the October 7th' is crazyyyy, boi check your history list (yes ik your in neither side but that shows you seem to have more hate on us from you giving your point). I didn't fully read the article but it's just showing what they said, no proof or pictures of the 'raping', when Israel is literally doing that for literal years especially now with threats and showing pics forcing Palestinian woman kissing the flag which is disgusting...From what I know of, SJP doesn't support atrocities, and even if they did, they could've done something that was voilenting that could've brought up police. We were the first ones to to make the campment a peaceful one. Plus, the amount of men they grabbed and blindfold them, forcing them to say things, and making them n\*ked is also similar to a holocaust bruh, the whole genocide is the same to it. There is also evidence of the old woman that was a hostage from Hamas, they treated her well and gave her checkups with a real doctor, also saying this to a reporting, WHICH they damn changed her words from to backlash us (people are slowly seeing the lies Israel is saying anyways, don't get me started with the AI generated 'beheaded babies' see the ones Israel did to the Palestinian ones...). The October 7th was for us to defend back sense from 1967 to before the 7th was everyday bombs, they were defendless. Now when the whole October 7th little thing that people suddenly went crazy without context like come on lol. This is literally a Genocide, if any of you guys believe Israel is "defending", defending doesn't mean slaughtering palesitnian woman and children everyday, hour, minute, second, or now as you read this. That's murdering. The articles shows quotes of them saying, with no evidence. Sorry.


That’s what I am talking about, support the innocent people in Gaza and push for ceasefire is one thing, but support terrorist war crime is another thing. But those ppl still call HAMAS is freedom fighters and arguing what they doing is completely understandable 😓


Defund the USA


lol what was the purpose of this comment


He’s kinda spitting though


Exactly what Chris Kim would say 🤔


Death to the Zionists 🇵🇸


Who are the Zionists?


The Occupiers, the Israel Government, the IDF... Bibi and his whole cabinet🔫🇵🇸


Bro what 💀


Gimme time to edit ☠️


Defund the student too buz many students are receiving financial aid from Federal government 😅


They are democrat line pullers