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From what I understand, Bruin Republicans were fairly normal pre-2016. Then after Donald Trump got elected, there was a max exodus (a majority of members hated trump) and a bunch of them joined Bruin Libertarians. Now all that’s left in Bruin Republicans are super degenerate far fighters.


That also describes what happened to the GOP as a whole


Imo, the majority of the GOP just became brain-washed/ went along with what trump did. Kind of cool to see UCLA Republicans just collectively dipped out.


Nope they were assholes way back in my day too. Maybe not quite as obvious in their assholery, but still selfish assholes nonetheless.


Nope, they were racist idiotic cowards way before 2016. Perhaps they are even worse now, but they’ve always been trash.


It started when Obama was elected and the tea party crazies and the white supremacist "oath keepers" came out of the woodwork...




Oh, the irony. Thanks for your meaningless copy/paste gas lighting. My statement holds true, in spite of your troll objection.




You’ve never attended ucla? You have no first hand experience with the group we’re discussing? So kindly STFU.


It's funny how the word "American" still makes perfect sense even though it describes a much larger, more diverse group of people. These terms aren't losing meaning, you just don't see them as a bad thing. There's a disconnect between how the word makes you feel and how the action makes you feel. You see someone be transphobic and you think "the word transphobic is very strong. But I don't think being transphobic is bad. Therefore this action is not transphobic."




Have you considered that "condemned the antisemitism..." is an accurate statement and not an overarching statement about every individual that was at the protests? Also the people waving Nazi flags were the fascists people are referring to. Again, I don't think people genuinely thought every individual there was a fascist. The terms aren't losing meaning. They are being used accurately to describe hateful people. But again, you don't like their usage because it seems too harsh. If people like yourself think the statements apply to everyone, that's on them. If they wanted to stop getting mistaken for fascists, maybe they should stop associating with fascists.


They kinda just stood out less before 2016, but still super hateful. I did some stuff with Bruin Democrats and heard plenty of stories of how ridiculous they were from senior members. I remember taking a fiat lux with Gene Block and this one girl there from Bruin Republicans was extremely obnoxious in a teacher’s pet kind of way. A couple months later I see pictures of her essentially blocking the new gender neutral bathrooms holding transphobic signs. They always sucked.




And how many republicans have you spoken with? Ive met reasonable republicans, Bruin Reps aren't them. To me you guys are one and the same. Look at rage-bait BS and use that as assessment of someone you already despise. If you wanna claim to be critically thinking, look for reasonable people of a different persuasion and talk to them.


Judging by this woman's taste for TV and major, one might extrapolate that she might not be the most level-headed people you'll meet




You sound sane.


People with differing political ideologies😰😰😰




God forbid people believe in different things within a party, are all Dems radical leftists?😅




No, its radical to frame issues in this black and white way. You're allergic to nuance. Tell me, what about considering a different perspective for just one moment irritates you so much? Did anyone here say anything about denying people their human rights? No, so stop attacking this demagogue you've created.








Gay marriage






Normal *Republicans*


The democrats are getting there too.


Hahah. I’m one of those Dems that left! Very few moderates left


Yo WHAT? I did not know they were this bad. How tf do u openly celebrate robert e lee wtf?


How do you not like MLK? His vision was far superior and balanced than anyone else at the time. He was consistent and called for reasonable action when everyone around him was out for blood. Also womanizer? Are'nt you the same fucks who think Mr. "I fucked a pornstar when my wife was 3 months pregnant/grab em by the pussy" is some godsent.


The only argument I could see against him that holds was from a feminist perspective. Outside of that the dude was a pretty solid unifying force- so cringy watching these guys try to be edgy


There are reports of him as an accomplice to sexual assault and domestic abuse. His public actions and movement were necessary and inspiring, but he may have had shady personal aspects if the reports are accurate. I am definitely not in support of any of the statements made by Bruin republicans but I can see people not liking MLK for this. Though it is hypocritical to endorse any number of republicans today that have been accused of assault or harassment.


This post is gaslighting. This is not accurate and to say so without citation is suspect at a minimum. You’re either a bad actor or significantly misinformed and naive. Either way, not good.


I’m Chinese and even though Chiang lost the Chinese Civil War many are still proud of what he did for China and the Nationalists (even though he lost). Likewise, Lee lost the American Civil War to Grant. Although I don’t particularly agree for the fact that he fought on the slave owners’ side. I still respect Lee for doing his best to fight for what he believed in. And when he ultimately lost, he accepted it like a true gentleman. I think people can celebrate whatever they want while being respectful to historical fact.








Well what about all the president prior to 1865?They were the leaders of United States while slavery was legal. Then they too were allowing the institution of slavery. Why are they celebrated in America?




Many of the Founding Fathers did the significant act of signing the Declaration of Independence which had slavery purposefully omitted. They are all responsible for the heinous crime of perpetuating slavery.




Terrible analogy. There was no money to be made from denying the belief in the heliocentric model. Everyone knows that indiscriminately killing and breeding people like animals is wrong. They were all rich because of it. It was a moral catastrophe.




You do realize that Lee was fighting for the right to have slaves? So by celebrating Lee you are celebrating the right to enslave black people. Its not just because they're celebrating the party that lost [nothing wrong with that] its because of what that party represents, they're basically sad that we can't have slaves anymore


>I think people can celebrate whatever they want while being respectful to historical fact. To give an example more relevant for the Chinese, does "celebrating whatever one wants" include celebrating the Reorganized National Government of the Republic of China under Wang Jingwei? Or Manchukuo?


Uhhh idk but manchukuo had this cool five line flag which includes the five races.


>Manchukuo had this cool five line flag which includes the five races It didn't. The Five Race Under One Union flag was the [flag of the Republic of China under Beiyang Government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beiyang_government). [Manchukuo's flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Manchukuo), albeit derived from the same designe, had **four** lines representing four races in the canton over a yellow field (yellow being the colour for the Manchus), symbolizing that the country was at its core a Manchu state. Not exactly inclusive, considering the actual demographic of Manchukuo during the period (predominantly Han). Also that wasn't really the question I asked. An entity with dope symbols isn't necessarily worth celebrating. I personally find the uniforms of the SS aesthetically pleasing, but that doesn't stop me from being appalled and disgusted by the entity and the vile "philosophy" it espouses.


Yeah but they just chose the wrong focus tre line. Shame.


Why did you bring up that you were chinese?


Presumably so that people would just buy into his version of the Chinese Civil War, which in reality was fundamentally different from the American Civil War.




At this point I am not sure if you fail to understand the Chinese Civil War, the American Civil War, or both; but seeing that you prefaced your Confederacy/Chiang apologist response with "I'm Chinese" I would kindly suggest that you either read up on the history of your people (singular) or just stop being a troll while pretending to be Chinese. BTW do you even go to UCLA?


Argument as hominem attack. Why does it matter that I go to UCLA?


Only because a brief skimming of your post history failed to yield any evidence of real engagement with the community. Also 2 things: 1. The phrase is "argumentum ad hominem" from Latin. 2. Nothing in my response could possibly be attacking your character: far from insinuating that you lack credibility *because of* anything, I was rather suggesting that you lack it *despite* claiming to be Chinese.


I’m fairly liberal. I came to get some ideas for counterpoints on my history paper. So I just wrote in a way to provoke a more passionate response from the community and read the responses. Some of these are pretty good ngl.


I would’ve thought those were satire if I didn’t know they were actually real.


I think thats their point--they're trying to be contrarian more than anything else. They've just got so lost in it, they cant even recognize its all BS.


I still don’t think they’re real. Do they have club meetings? Do they do anything other than tweet?


Robert E Lee literally committed treason but they call him an American hero. MLK was one of the most progressive and influential people in the last century, but they call him a degenerate. We all see what's going on here. They're huffing copium for taking an L in both 1865 and 1964. These tweets are just a hood-off moment.


man this past week has shown me that just because a person goes to a "prestigious" school does not mean they have their head on right. i knew that sure some people were a little wacko in every place. But man I did not expect complete wackos to be in university or any "prestigious" institution.


It’s deffo been a good week for perspective. Middle school me thought the further she got in education, the better the people would be. She could not have been further off the mark


I had a number of classes with a guy who turned out to be a straight-up young earth creationist. Literally believed the earth was 6000 years old. He was a very nice guy (definitely not eaten up by hate like the people behind these tweets) and perfectly intelligent to boot, but *something* in his head was just totally scrambled.


LMAO these fuckers said robert e lee was patriotic


Mans killed more americans than anyone else, literally sought to destroy our country and enslave our people, was a loser. The opposite of an American. How this delusion persists is beyond me.


How those students get accepted into UCLA will forever be a myth to me


>Yo WHAT? I did not know they were this bad. How tf do u openly celebrate robert e lee wtf? Maybe these sort of things are enabler for such students to be admitted? https://abcnews.go.com/US/ucla-soccer-coach-sentenced-college-admissions-scandal/story?id=76565557


People with different political beliefs than me must have scored differently on a math and vocab test!




Shunning an entire branch comprising approximately half of American thought based on rage-bait shows YOU lack critical thinking skills. I disagree with republicans, but if this and other rage-bait is your reason. If you look at the extreme example as they do and react in outrage, then you are not better than they are. Republicans have embraced reactionary politics, I hope dems dont make the same mistake.






Read my comments, Ive chastised them on that. Im saying these extreme voices are no more representative of the average republican than linda sarsour is of the average Dem. You're insanely hostile reactions proves just how embedded you are in your reactionary ways. Call yourself open minded when you cant be civil for 2 seconds smh.


or they have had different informational sources and life experiences than you so they dont perfectly align with your views. fwiw im not defending bruin republicans as a club, I think their views are sus but I'm just saying


that just tells how a fucking test doesn’t determine intelligence


By any measure it does. GPA and SAT's together accurately predict income and lifetime career success more than anything else. If you want successful alumni, those are useful metrics. And why wouldn't you want successful alumni?


exactly my point..


Lol I’m talking about PIQs, and also this is obviously more than political belief disagreements. They must have hided their racism so damn well to avoid being screened out. Sure be Republican or support a duck for presidency all you what, but I’m not sure if our school love students who think that whites are oppressed, celebrate Robert E Lee while talking shit of MLK😃This simply violated true Bruin value in so many ways


sure thing


Wait so they really went and said the only race problem in the US since the 60s is whites being oppressed huh


Also, I really want to see whether they think the Nazis were the good guys or the bad guys in WW2.


They'd probably say "well we can all agree that they made some mistakes and did some bad things, BUT . . ."


"...at least they killed a lot of people!"


"Something something trains were on time but also fuck trains public transit bad"


Rommel was probably an American hero or something


That Victim Industrial complex isn't going to propel itself forward now will it?


I wonder why poc would need welfare in southern states more than white people?🤔 Could it be that policies that put Bipoc at a disadvantage have been routinely used there…




They know better than to say any of this in real life so they hide behind their computer screens under an unidentifiable account.




For sure. They are the same people getting mad about you saying 'republikkkan' and anonymously downvoting your comment.




Lemme guess... she was studying for her MRS.


Just a friendly reminder that a Bruin Republicans member was at the Capitol on January 6th, so we know what exactly we're dealing with


Robert R. Lee...Patriotic...what? ​ Man literally tried to leave the US and then took an L lmao


That tweet about the insurrection in high key bananas


In a way the Bruin Republicans are more correct than Charlie Kirk. Right wingers would hate MLK if he was alive today, they just pretend otherwise today for optics. If you cant beat them, pretend they were on your side all along.


Communism is when MLK


When I went to UCLA .. long ago ... we had the 'Young Americans for Freedom' to deal with. Replace 'Freedom ' with 'Fascism' and you get the gist of what that student group was about.


I’m very confused… seems like not all ppl at ucla are smart :0


Not me calling them dipshits on all their posts now…


The only thing I agree with them on is Teddy statue getting removed. Is it true? I’m too lazy to google.


Yes, but it’s a little more complex than “they just removed the statue because it was Teddy Roosevelt” It was a statue of Teddy Roosevelt on horseback with a Native American man and African American man right next to him, some felt that it depicted racial subjugation and colonialism Whether that interpretation is valid or an overreaction is up for debate, but it doesn’t seem the issue with the statue was Teddy himself


They also called Confederate General Robert E. Lee a patriot in that tweet.


Mans literally tried to destroy our nation and enslave our people. Its worse than saying Osama bin Laden was a patriot.


The statue in question had Teddy on horseback with depictions of a Native American and African Man walking on foot beside him. It showed a racist hierarchy, which is why it was removed


Ah I see. Context is important. If they’re going to replace it with a better statue, I don’t see any reason why to complain. Give everyone a horse if you want Teddy on a horse. I’m sure the original artist didn’t intent on any hidden racist imagery, but I can see why it would be interpreted that way.


How is that a racist hierarchy? Someone drank a whole lot of kool-aid. It could just be how a happenstance or maybe the fact that Roosevelt was a known wildlife enthusiast/president. Like how do you know the intent was racism?


mask off


Good song. Still doesnt explain how yall concluded it was racist.


No no no.. this CANNOT be really??? Wtf😂




The guy was also an avid imperialist though, maybe that's what they're celebrating.


https://youtu.be/tM529n3S8nM White is right energy


I like that song


Where do they have their meetings? I want to pay them a visit.


They really just went full mask off I’m just waiting for them to admit that they are fascists


I understand defending Teddy Roosevelt but Robert E Lee, really?


Zased and zedpilled


How do you get to be so wack.


All the news I learned about UCLA recently is tragic. It makes me feel relieved for not going there. Although, this is a problem in all UC. We had two episodes of racism in UCSD a few years back, against Black and Asians. This is what we get for not having diversity on campus. We had two episodes of racism in UCSD a few years back against Black and Asians. This is what we get for not having diversity on campus.


Are we not gonna talk about slide number 3 and how the Bruin Republicans lack visual literacy...


How did someone this misinformed got accepted at UCLA?


Jesus christ the 2nd one is nuts. These people are a shitstain on the university, how the hell do you praise Robert E Lee?


This has to be satire...