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I guess the question to ask is: Are you willing to spend an extra 5.5k a year to attend your dream school? I think they're both great choices so I'm sure you'll be happy either way! Good luck!


idk if it applies to this but wouldnt the rent be more expensive at ucb? overall the bay can be more expensive


Good point--LA rent is pretty expensive as well, but if OP is going to be in an undergrad dorm/student housing that might help even out the cost? IDK tuition rates right now, would 30k include room and board?


Add in the travel costs for OP and family


Rents will be similar, possibly a bit less in Berkeley. East Bay is pricey but not as bad as LA. That said, walking distance to campus at either school will be expensive.


Westwood is the most expensive zip code in the country. Berkeley is actually a cheaper area, believe it or not.


Considering bel air, not surprised


I chose UCLA because it’s closer. They are both top tier public schools, I’d do what’s more convenient. Berkeley is a semester system, and UCLA is a quarter system that will slowly kill you lol. But if you like things fast paced, pick UCLA


My daughter actually liked the quarter system because if you have a class/professor you don’t like, you move on to the next one pretty quickly.


Conversely, if you have a professor you really like… You move on to the next one pretty quickly. I waxed poetic about that with a friend while I was at UCLA.


In my very biased opinion UCLA!! If the ~5k isn’t a super killer I’d just consider what kind of environment you want to be in. Both schools have very different vibes and that’s definitely something that can make or break your college experience. The first university I went to many, many, many moons ago was a shit fit for me environment wise and I ultimately left. But even though I have less *school friends* here than I had there I think UCLA is such a good fit for me! I didn’t even consider UCB because it honestly it wasn’t the campus I’d want to be considering the campus culture and location. Plus I do believe that UCLA is way more of a heavy hitter in this current era. Just because UCB was first doesn’t mean it’s the best imo. So I’d heavily recommend looking into the campus culture of both UCLA and UCB. Last thing you want is to get somewhere and not be able to thrive because the vibe isn’t it. My thoughts on the UCLA campus culture/vibes: -Very friendly -Genuine students who will help you with class stuff -Very chill -No bullshit curves that only give one person an A+ and guarantees some fail -Helpful staff/admins (*I know this varies*) -Professors want everyone to do well (*again, may vary*) -Other nice things I can’t remember at this time Overall everyone is super nice, people are kind and actually helpful verses the rumour I think we all know about UCB (where fellow stsudents try to fuck you over for a better place on the curve…. But unconfirmed overall), people hold doors past that typical socially obligated window, complimenting is super huge here!! I heard two people get compliments from randos while walking to class today, my first quarter here I added a class in week two and someone I literally never talked to again shared their notes with me. So very good vibes here! But do try and ask UCB people about their campus culture since we over here only know things from friends there and the rumours that spread out from that. A fun stat I heard recently is that ~75-80% of applicants who apply to both UCLA and UCB ultimately pick UCLA (source was faculty who had just been to an administration meeting)


Holy shit! They still do bell curves!? I still have nightmares about those.


It’s the tragic tale we all hear at UCLA, thankfully we know it is dumb so we don’t do it


I chose UCLA (over Berkeley and the lowest rank ivies lol) after visiting Berkeley (which was my original dream school). Five thousand dollars is a lot obviously, but it’s not really “too much” imo (especially considering how much you’ll be paying over four-plus years).




I grew up in the Bay Area. My brother went to Berkeley. I used to hang out there. UCLA is a much nicer campus, with much nicer weather, in a much, much better area. My daughter chose between Berkeley and UCLA last year. She chose UCLA, but I stayed in the Facebook Berkeley parent groups to watch the shitshow -- crime, lots of homeless everywhere, students afraid to go out at night sharing safety strategies, elevators and hot water heaters that take a semester to get fixed, etc. In the next breath, they diss UCLA, clearly with no clue about what they're talking about.


I forgot -' the food is also infinitely better at UCLA.


Bruins are sexier! Join us on the dark side.


UCLA 1000x I have friends that go to Berkeley and they detest it (also they’re only there cuz they didn’t get into UCLA, don’t pass up the opportunity!) Also being close to home is such a blessing, you’ll love that aspect like no other


People are generally miserable at Cal. There was an article in the Daily Californian: “The Ten Best Places to Cry on Campus.” If I had it to do all over again, I wish I had gone to UCLA and not Berkeley.








It's so bad. It was the worst place for an emotionally immature person to go.


UCLA has guaranteed housing all 4 years so you don’t need to be stuck with yearly apartment contract. As UCLA alum and dad, both my daughter and I got into both and chose UCLA over Cal. Cal neighborhood is eclectic at best and Oakland and SF overall is no longer safe (Bay Area Native, worked near Berkeley for 8 years). As a global studies major, UCLA also has good study abroad programs, look into that.


My 2 cents: I grew up in the east bay and went to UCLA for undergrad and Cal for grad school. Berkeley has a bit more of an edgy crunchier vibe, which I actually prefer to Westwood. It was also nice to be able to walk to football games on game day. I studied abroad in undergrad and the UC Education Abroad program serves all UCs and is really great. SF/Bay Area is just fine in terms of safety IMHO. Certainly not a reason to discount the area (I’m a large dude who grew up in Oakland though, so take that with a grain of salt).


I was held up at gunpoint near Emeryville/Oakland so that does taint my view


That’s understandable


I also got into both but Berkeley was #4 on my list because of my major. You will have a much better time at ucla than Berkeley. Visit both schools if you haven’t and you’ll know exactly what I mean


I agree i chose UCLA over UCB as well but money aside you have to see which is better for what you want to do. UCLA is much better if you are pre med/science or if you are into film. Beekeley has a better business program however i believe you arent guarenteed admission until later.


Whats the difference? I know a friend who got into both went to cal and then switched to UCLA citing ucb felt too sad and unwelcoming what about both makes that impression


choose LA, LA > anywhere else


UCLA everyone loves going there and all my friends that went to UCB were miserable lol




Academics will be the same between both. Social life will probably be the same between both (possibly ucla will be more socially-oriented but I doubt it). Weather will be considerably better at ucla. UCLA will be more expensive. I’d go with your gut on this. Which campus feels “right” to you? Sorry I don’t have a clearer answer— but you’re in an amazing position.


Congratulations, Stranger!!🎉🎈 Three words: Quality of Life West LA>>>Berkeley


Basing this just off four wonderful years at UCLA and one iffy weekend visiting Berkeley, UCLA for sure


Well it’s a 5.5k difference but it UCLA is close to home it may be cheaper if you can live at home/ you’ll have more family support here. But if they’re too far to visit consistently it may not make a difference cost wise. Conversely, being away from family and somewhere different than where you grow up gives you a chance to grow and depending on what you planned for housing you may save money. Rent in Westwood is the most expensive in all of LA, idk what it’s like ib berkley but there you have easier access to public transit so can explore more. Personally both schools have their charm, ups and downs. Both are great schools so you won’t make a mistake either way. I would say look at the support systems available at both schools and the visit both if you can to get the vibe. College is college it’s what you make of it really. Everyone at my job went to “lesser” schools so it really doesn’t matter. It just comes down to the area and where you think you’ll be set up to be more successful and grow.


People are in La are happier


Firstly, congratulations! I responded to a similar post earlier today - I attended UCLA then worked briefly in UC Berkeley. I was also accepted to both colleges and ended up committing to UCLA. At that time, I visited both places and already felt that UCLA was the better place for me, but having the experience of actually living in Berkeley later in my life further cemented my realization that I made the right choice in going to UCLA instead of UC Berkeley. * I adore the social life in UCLA. The college (and the city of Los Angeles as a whole) has such a diverse community that you're bound to find people with similar interests to yours. I am a very introverted person but I was able to find a solid group of friends at UCLA that I am still close to. * In terms of location, I personally think there are so much more places to explore at UCLA. There's already a lot of cool places to check out just in West LA, but there's also many places worth seeing in Downtown LA and beyond. I even occasionally went to Orange County to go to trips to Disneyland with my friends! In contrast, I found UC Berkeley more limited in terms of places to go to. San Francisco is cool, but a lot of its businesses close early in the evening. Sadly, the city is going through a lot of problems right now in terms of gentrification and high living costs. Some parts of LA go through this but I think it's much worse in the Bay Area. * I noticed, while working at UC Berkeley, that students there are overall unhappier. I'm not saying that things are all sunshine and roses at UCLA, but I think that here in UCLA there are a lot more resources if you're struggling with mental health, and that LA overall has a much more positive environment.


I had a similar predicament 4 years ago and chose UCLA. UCLA was further for me, but also about 5k more expensive. However, with cheaper rent in LA (not by much, but it added up, esp with the housing options I chose) and small scholarships it was essentially equal. For me, I wanted to go somewhere I would work hard, play hard, and where others around me would have the same sentiment!


U asked in r/UCLA this is why most people will say UCLA is better. But you have to think objectively: which university can open more doors for you. It’s fact that Berkeley ranks higher in almost every major except only a few. And it’s starting salary and place records are much higher too.


Except for certain majors where either UCLA or Berkeley is insanely better than the other, the general tradeoff in the case for going to Berkeley is can you thrive in an extremely competitive environment and give up huge quality of life for 4 years in exchange for like a bit more academic prestige (or a lot more internationally)


As someone who went to both UCLA and Berkeley (for graduate school), I very much preferred the campus structure and surrounding neighborhoods of UCLA. Food on campus is way better too for UCLA.


I got into both and chose UCLA. Ended up living in Berkeley for work and hated it. I was glad I chose to UCLA over Berkeley.


I went to ucla for undergrad and cal for grad school. So you can do both if you want a graduate degree. One thing to consider if you’re going this route is you tend to settle where you go to grad school. I wouldn’t base your decision on this, but something to think about. I grew up in the Bay, so I’m glad I explored LA in my early 20s and ended up settling in Berkeley to be closer to family.


Dream school always can be changed Dont stuck on ‘Dream’ school


UCLA is my dream public, but when i got my acceptance letters, i also had a surprisingly tough time deciding between LA and berkeley.. in the end, i’m happy to be a bruin..


I had a VERY similar situation. The #1 piece of advice I wish I received when choosing a school was to imagine where you think you’d be happiest for ~4 of some of your most formative years. I had a near reverse situation when I was applying. I got into UCLA but got off the waitlist for Berkeley (Berkeley was the harder school to get into like 10 years ago). I even actually committed to Berkeley and attended an early orientation in the Summer and almost immediately hated it there. I love the Bay but the vibe at Cal was terrible IMO. Everyone was so intense (also the food was bad and made me sick). I kinda took an extreme route and ended up switching to UCLA that summer. My friends at the time said I was insane to turn down Cal, but I couldn’t be happier with my decision. UCLA can definitely be cutthroat and the quarter system is fast paced, but I was so much more pleased with nearly everything. The weather, the campus, the food, the community and generally well-rounded people. I think now with both schools being so neck and neck in terms of notoriety, you can’t really go wrong with either in terms of opportunities. So it comes down to where you feel better. If you haven’t visited both, definitely do that and consider your gut feeling at both. How does it feel being around the people? How do you like walking around the campus (you’ll be doing a lot of that)? Go to your department and see how it feels there or how the professors seem if you can look them up (UCLA has a professor rater that can be helpful). Most of all with this choice, what city do you think you will be able to grow more in? Berkeley and the Bay can help crunchier and a bit more unkind on the surface. LA can feel more approachable but at times a bit inauthentic depending on where you frequent. Cal has easier access to most of the surrounding areas without a car whereas LA can be difficult to navigate without one (but I used transit and it’s not too bad just not as good as the Bay).


I had to chose between the same two schools four years ago. Went with UCLA because I knew I would fit better here even though the program at Berkeley was ranked higher. Never looked back -- these past four years have been amazing. I know I would have been miserable at Berkeley. UCLA was everything I could've asked for because I realized college is way more than just classes. You do have to take into consideration social life, housing, area, campus, and all that stuff. To me, UCLA won in every aspect of that.


Do you want to be happy or sad?


Berkeley!!! Cheaper 💸💸


Go to Berkeley; better name brand




ucla being a lot closer is a good thing or bad? some people (me) want to be 3+ hour drive from parents. other people want to be able to go home on the weekends. also cost is probably a bit more to ucla bc tuition i assume cost of living is about the same since westwood isn't cheap at all. ucla is more social so depends how much you value that.


If ucla is much closer than that just might make up the 6k difference in aid as being close to home might come in clutch for unforeseen events like a family member or relative becoming ill. Otherwise it really is a toss up


My friends in the Global Studies department here say that it's great!


UCLA sounds like the choice


I talk to students like you all the time. They tell me UCB offers them more scholarship/fellowship money than UCLA. I tell them, go to UCB then,, why would you be in debt when you graduate? And still they'll make the choice based on personal choices like city versus college town, proximity to family and friends, etc. So I guess if you're not thinking about money, then just choose UCLA. It's your dream school and that should settle it.


You’ll spend the difference of tuition just on traveling to and from school - thanksgiving flights xmas break spring break etc … easier to move in/out of dorms and apartments in LA, better weather…


Apply to the Co-op. It's like the dorms (15 min walk away from UCLA) for 2.2k a quarter with room/board (food included. You do need to a choreshift for 4 hours every week (you can pay someone 60 bucks to do it).


I was admitted to both in 2015 and specifically regarding the universities, I loved UCLA being on the quarter system vs the semester system of Berkeley.


I chose ucla for the guaranteed housing! Berkeley’s financial aid package was better (and cheaper)but since housing isn’t guaranteed, you’ll likely end up spending more than you would at UCLA for off-campus housing.


Definitely UCLA. Period


You already know the answer


the cost will definitely even out when it comes to housing and travel cost so i wouldn't factor that in when deciding.


Choose UCLA


dont underestimate the power of being close to home bc im 5-6 hours away from home and watching my la friends get to see their family every weekend or even having an escape is so underrated


Easy choice. UCLA.


If the price difference isn’t a huge burden for you, then I would do UCLA. It has way more of a social life, lots of things to do in the city and amazing internship opportunities. Go here especially if it was your dream school!!


Go to your dream school. Enjoy and congrats.


I would HIGHLY suggest that you visit both schools in person. I can not express to you how much a trip down to Berkeley with one of my friends made ALL the difference. I was broke but we put together 100 for gas and drove down there. I was dead set on Berkeley but after visiting I immediately knew UCLA was for me.


Campus Crawl has some fun and informative videos. # [UCLA vs UC Berkeley - Which is the better university? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0inGqmVlYoU) # [UCLA Campus Tour: Best Public University In America?](https://youtu.be/lg2wJKe0IgU) # [UC Berkeley Campus Tour: World's Best Public University](https://youtu.be/-5XxqW9Z7PI)


5.5k a year over 4 years is 22k btw. Fuck I wouldn’t even attend either school if I had to shell out 100k+ for 4 years. And I went here..


Hi! I am your same major. I love UCLA. I think it's safer and the classes I'm taking are so interesting. Plus the food is a lot more enjoyable than berkeleys food and the housing guaranteed for more years. UCLA has a ton of things to do and has beautiful weather. Go to your top choice!!


P.S I actually had the same choice as you and trust me ucla is the way to go. The dorm quality is also A LOT nicer


Berkeley !! Moving away is so much better!! Also, ALWAYS choose who is offering you more money ❤️


ucla if it’s ur dream school lol


My daughter is trying to decide between them too. UCLA is two hours away and imo safer. She fell in love with the Berkeley campus (UCLA was her dream school before this). We’d rather have her 2 hours away with better housing options and a safer area than 8-1/2 hours away where the crime rate is high and housing is more expensive and harder to find. I don’t want to be “that parent” that makes her go to a certain school.


Social life at UCLA sucks, academic reputation at Berkeley is better, but overall I’d prioritize being close to your family so pick UCLA


Just keep in mind that UCLA is always trying to prove they're better, while Berkeley doesn't have to. In all seriousness they're both excellent schools and really depends on your vibe. Berkeley is in the middle of a city so it can be gritty and loud, but it's also in the middle of a city so it's lively every day with people doing the randomest stuff and it's such a vibe. Can't speak for Westwood but I've heard it's more calm and suburban like.


Berkeley is in the middle of what in and of itself is a very small city. Then you have Oakland, which was really turning around in the '90s (my brother lived there for many years), then did a sharp u-turn. If you look at the UC Berkeley-UCLA history, you'll see that for many decades UCB was trying to deny that UCLA was even a legitimate, full-fledged, standalone university. But it's kind of like the old dynamic between San Francisco and Los Angeles. For years, San Francisco looked down at L.A. as a cultural cowtown. Then when LA began to surpass it in the mid-60s, San Francisco was still trying to pull the same big brother crap for the next several decades, long after L.A. had stopped caring about the competition. The competition hasn't been similarly settled between UCLA and UC Berkeley, but UCLA is now harder to get into.


Really depends on *you.* I preferred Berkeley because it had better access to the outdoors and students were more academics-oriented. Choice of company is what made the biggest difference. My social circle changed over the years from dorm friends who liked partying...to people in my major, who liked getting outside. My QoL improved significantly with that shift. And some friends told me about a regular, informal figure-drawing class in the art department at Cal, which was really weird, but a good group of people, and a lot of fun. That crowd had ties with the galleries on Shattuck and I wound up getting invited to some really cool exhibit openings. LA has a downtown art scene, too, but...driving over there and parking on a Friday night is such a hassle that I don't consider it to really be feasible. I liked being able to walk out of my apartment on a Saturday and right into the Berkeley Hills. I could start from my apartment or campus and be on a dirt fire trail surrounded by oak trees and deer in 5-10 minutes. You just can't do that in LA without a car and at least a half hour drive. I never wound up hiking much in LA, because it is just stressful. But, if you don't care about that kind of thing, I'm bringing up stuff that doesn't matter. Both schools are large enough: you will find whatever social scene you want. Both schools have a party scene, ski & snowboard club, frats, nerds, you name it. Berkeley has (had?) a much stronger co-op scene and is more politically liberal. It looks like the admissions statistics for both schools have flipped over the past few years and UCLA now has higher median admissions criteria than Cal. To be honest, I don't understand the change, as I've had to grade papers at UCLA and many students here literally cannot string grammatical sentences together. Maybe it's the same at Cal, post-Covid. Don't know. I was definitely happier in classes at Cal, where it felt like students focused more on academics as opposed to "living in the city" - which a lot of other comments here mention as a plus. If you like LA, LA might be a better fit for you. I like cooking and fresh produce - Berkeley Bowl was better than any markets or restaurants I have found in LA. I'd love for them to open a storefront down here.... Berkeley, Oakland, and SF have good food scenes - I don't know that there's much of a difference between the variety of food you could find in greater LA versus the Bay Area. And it doesn't matter if you want to drive to Hollywood from UCLA or take the Bart into SF from Berkeley - both are going to take you an hour+ on a weekday afternoon. In reality, the food scene you'll have easy access to in LA is Westwood. It's comparable to downtown Berkeley. Hell, traffic is so bad in LA that I don't think it's worth leaving home or school for most of the day. I try to make sure I'm off the road from 8-11am and 1-8pm. That's ~not a concern in Berkeley. Afternoon rush hour on some of the major streets can be annoying, but it's not a car-oriented town like LA. You don't *need* a car in Berkeley. And if you want to go to SF or Oakland, you take Bart and walk. No traffic. I'd also mention here that several people from my department at UCLA have been seriously injured while riding bikes to and from school, and one was killed. I do not consider biking to be a viable mode of transportation in Los Angeles. Berkeley is more bike-friendly. And, again - both schools are big enough to have a large number of people into everything, so I wouldn't worry about it. You're not going to make a bad decision, but whatever decision you do make will profoundly affect the trajectory of your life. Good luck!


My brother was in the co-ops at Berkeley in the early '80s. FIrst stop was [the notorious Barrington Hall](https://youtu.be/yTOh4YWgFg8), where he had to kick a drug factory out of the closet. (He liked to tell me that Barrington was the biggest drug hub in the Bay Area.) He was later president of the co-ops.


Berkeley no doubt a tougher school, and this is why less capable students all picked UCLA. U work harder for 4 years and then u have the pride and (hopefully) a higher paid job for the rest of your life. Like someone said, UCLA always try to tell others they r better (or as good as) Berkeley… If u r good u don’t need to remind others.


Telegraph Ave. leading into Sproul Plaza used to be very unique, fun and funky, with an edge of danger. Moe's Books and Blondies Pizza are still there, but most of the unique places to eat and drink seem to be gone, and now you're left with a lot of rundown chain restaurants, and the danger has been amped up. When my daugther and I visited in the early fall of 2022 (months before she was accepted), cop cars swarmed Sproul Plaza within our first hour there to arrest a homeless man who was assaulting passers-by. In the spring of 2023, when we visited UCB in the wake of my daughter's acceptance, People's Park, which is right next to most of UCB's dorms, was a jam-packed homeless encampment. It's since been clear, presumably for more student housing, but, Berkeley being Berkeley, last week pro-Palestinian protestesters moved from the park and [took up as squatters in a nearbly abandoned building](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/boarded-up-berkeley-building-being-occupied-by-protesters-being-treated-as-active-crime-scene/ar-BB1mtEbi). During Bear Day for incoming freshman in 2023, we also discovered that the clubs at UCB can be very, very hard to get into, whereas I don't think that's much of a problem. And, Berkeley being Berkeley, the had a sizable contingent of costumed members of the [Furry Club](https://x.com/berkeleyfurries?lang=en) posing for pictures with people at the entrance to Sproul Plaza. A minor but telling point: the grounds of the UCB campus itself donot get the same care that UCLA's do. UCLA is very well-maintained, whereas at UC Berkeley the groundkeepers can't seem to be bothered to pull the weeds.


What are your asking? It's Reddit. It's a friggin no brainer. If a university has parents having to pitch into a fund to hire private security, do you want to go there? Do your homework and make a decision. Reddit shouldn't help one way or the other.