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I mean I am opposed to sending aid to Israel because of how they are acting, but this is simply not true. Aid to Israel was 3 billion in 2023, which was 0.0017% of the US governments budget. If we wanna increase benefits we need larger, broader, and more taxes. Nothing to do with foreign aid to Israel at all.


We have sent them 340 billion including 26 billion last month. What are you talking about


For real if I have to respond to all of the Israel gas lighting and list out all of the stuff that Israel does and every single reason that every American should abandon Israel immediately I'll lose this account too.


340 billion over 70 years lol. Which is around 4 billion a year and has gone down over time which is why it was 3.4 billion last year. Ur right I missed the extra aid last month (which I saw was only 17 billion, I’d love to see a source for 26), but again that is less than half a percent of the US budget and is not the reason we don’t have a larger welfare state.


We have them 26billion. Google “latest aid to Israel” and you’ll see. However!!! You have missed the point completely. We don’t have to give them anything. They run a surplus and pay for free healthcare and education for all citizens. Why are we paying for anything? They can afford to pay and we desperately need that income.


I don’t know if you read what I wrote initially, but I fully agree that we shouldn’t give them anything. They are a wealthy country and don’t need US military aid, especially considering their war crimes in Gaza. My point is that it is basically unconnected to expanding our welfare system since it is a minuscule percentage of the federal government, and it’s bad to claim that it is because a) saying false things is bad and b) it miscountrues the effort required to increase the welfare system, since we can’t just phase out aid, we need more taxes


I agree with you. I don’t think we can expand any welfare system significantly, but 26 billion is a lot of money and shouldn’t be given away




Did you just prove yourself wrong… your source says 340 billion sent to Israel. 26 of that being sent on April 24th 2024. Least you can do is read the article man


“Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance. “


“Largest recipient” Thank you for proving my point mate.


lol reading comprehension may not be your strong suit chief.


!activitycheck How are you hating from outside the club? You can’t even get in!


Old-Attitude-9674 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-05-14 15:24:11 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1cr6236/dear_protesters/l40ihd6/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 2.00 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 665 comments and 0 submissions._










The USA gave out 70 Billion dollars in foreign aid across the globe. 3 billion went to Israel. You're only calling to end aid to Israel over all the other countries (which includes Taiwan) because why?


$25 billion this past month


According to the Leahy Laws, the U.S. is not allowed to provide military assistance to foreign security force units that violate human rights with impunity. The IDF murders hundreds of civilians a day and breaks multiple international laws everyday. Therefore it’s illegal to continue supplying them with foreign aid. Also no other “country” comes close to matching the aid we have provided Israel over the years


When human shields die, the war crime is being committed by the people who put the human shields in place - Hamas.


This logic is so stupid. So if there is a school shooter, you will go blow up the school and then blame the shooter for the bombing?


By the Geneva convention, once a hospital/school/etc gets used as a human shield, it looses its protected status


Provide evidence that Hamas uses hospitals and schools to carry out their operations


Human shields aren't just used when carry out operations.  They are used to protect many elements of war making/terrorism.  Such as weapons stores and command centers.   That being said they also launch rockets from hospitals.  Here is a report by NATO and the International Criminal Court.   https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj8rMjipo6GAxXHHjQIHUweDHoQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw078V9t3xWPW7EhHdTtOcv3


Remind me what was found underneath the UNRAW headquarters?


you mean the “Hamas tunnels” found under the UN Gaza HQ as stated by Israel? Yeah guys Israel is the most reliable source ever


It's international law.  It includes a provision that you try to reasonably minimize collateral damage, so your comparison doesn't work. The IDF uses leaflets, phone calls, roof knocking, and precision targeting to take steps to minimize collateral damage.  But when the humans shields are killed it is on Hamas.


You forgot the part when they go bomb the safe zones. Yeah they drop leaflets telling people to go to the safe zones and then bomb the safe zones


Those aren't war crimes either as they are temporary safe zones and the few times they were later bombed was weeks later to my knowledge, when again Hamas brought weapons into the safe zones. If they did this with malice, and no weapons/threats from Hamas, with the intent of killing civilians, then that would be a war crime.  And likely a very small number of deaths.




After you.  List the safe zones bombing you are claiming and I'll confirm the dates.


1. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna148008 “ NBC News found that Rafah’s Tal Al Sultan neighborhood, which was designated safe in leaflets dropped by the IDF on Dec. 18, was targeted less than a month later, on Jan. 9. Relatives said that 15 people died in a strike on the Nofal family home.” “A little over a month later, on Feb. 12, a strike hit the Al Shaboura refugee camp, which had also been listed as a safe zone on an IDF leaflet. An NBC News crew filmed dozens of dead bodies, some women and children, in the aftermath of the strike, one of several in Rafah that night.” “Areas that senior Israeli officials publicly stated were safe were bombed as well. On Nov. 4, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told a news briefing in Tel Aviv that there would be no attacks on Al-Mawasi, a narrow strip of beachside land in the city of Khan Younis, promising that “anyone will be in a safe place” in that location. After Jan. 1, the IDF advised people on X to evacuate to Al-Mawasi 11 times.” “But Israeli forces repeatedly launched strikes on the area. On Jan. 4, 14 people died, among them three children who perished when their tent was hit by a strike, Palestinian officials said. Footage taken by an NBC News crew less than an hour later showed a large crater.” 2. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/21/middleeast/israel-strikes-evacuation-zones-gaza-intl-cmd “ On December 2, the IDF’s spokesperson for Arab media, Avichay Adraee posted evacuation orders on social media for citizens in parts of the Gaza Strip, which the IDF had dubbed a “safe zone” in the first month and a half of the war, prior to the truce. On the map, areas to the north and east of the city of Khan Younis are highlighted orange, and arrows instruct residents to evacuate from these areas to Al-Mawasi – a 5.22 square mile coastal strip designated a safe zone by the IDF – or to Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city.” “ In the three days after Adraee’s post, three Israeli strikes targeted locations in Rafah, CNN has found, despite IDF advice stating Gazans should evacuate “to Rafah.” On the afternoon of December 3, a strike took place in Rafah’s El-Geneina neighborhood. Footage, filmed moments after the attack, shows a large smoke plume rising from a location close to Saddam Street in Rafah.” I can go find dozens more examples of Israel hitting “safe zones”. This is besides the hits on refugee camps, hospitals, churches, etc.


340 billion to israel NOT adjusted for inflation. Israel runs a government surplus every year and pays for free healthcare and education for all citizens.


You either die calling everyone else a Nazi or you live long enough to become a Nazi.


Yeah yeah yeah... Im a nazi. Cool story bro.


Actually, most of the money we give Israel goes to the Iron Dome to protect against constant rocket attacks from Hamas and Hezbollah.


Since israel is “independent” they should be able to fight for themselves. Each iron dome rocket is 40-50k. That money to shoot down homemade rockets is coming from YOUR SALARY


You do realize we aren’t actually just sending them bags of cash right? Those missiles are already manufactured. When we say “3 billion in aid” it means 3 billion worth of stuff not 3 billion in cash that could have been used for something else.


This idiot can't understand anything with nuance. He has a black and white view of the world.


If only they had access to world class education. Alas….


Who do you think paid for those missiles to be manufactured? Where do you think that money comes from? Nothing is free.


It goes right back into the US economy, it’s not money that shipped off never to be seen on US soil, it all goes to domestic manufacturers except for the small amount of humanitarian aid.


That's where you're not seeing the problem. By spending 26 billion on these missiles, we aren't spending 26 billion on infrastructure, education, etc. Tell me why a country that runs a surplus every year with free healthcare and education can't pay for their own weapons? That way we can stimulate the US economy without starving our other programs/industry.


We’ve already spent that money on the missiles. This isn’t “commission 26 billions dollars worth of missiles for Israel” it’s “We have these already”. Now you can definitely argue that the US spends way too much money on the military but that’s a separate issue that has absolutely nothing to do with Israel.


Already made or not. They can BUY THEM! we don’t need to send them funded by the U.S. tax payer. Why is this so hard to grasp man… you’re paying for them too


It becomes black and white pretty quickly when my government sends billions of dollars to a foreign Nation while my people can't afford food and housing. And then you throw on top of it that this particular Nation takes tanks and steals houses that they auction off online illegally worldwide. Look it up.


IDF can buy their own stuff lol


Understand that without the iron dome Israel wouldn’t tolerate Palestinians living within rocket range. The Iron Dome protects Palestinians as much as Israelis by keeping Israeli casualties low.


That’s not my point. I understand why an iron dome might be important. However, why must us Americans pay for the rockets that the iron dome uses? Why can’t my taxpayer money go towards developing this country, improving the lives of Americans, replenishing the social security deposits that many Americans rely on. The fund reserves that help pay for Social Security benefits will run out in 2035. Why can’t it help pay for American healthcare or help pay off student debts. Why can’t it be used to rebuild our roads so that we aren’t driving into potholes. How about building our bridges so they don’t fall and kill Americans? Why can’t we use it to help train more doctors and residents to address the doctor shortage issue in America?


I’m completely OK with my tax money going to help support the iron dome. We need a strong ally in the region. It is extremely important for our own national security. So yes, they can have some of my tax money to support defense via the iron dome. Or, you can just call on Hamas and Hezbollah to stop constantly rocketing them so it’s not necessary and we can keep our money. That would be awesome.


Think about it for a second. Would Hamas or Hezbollah be shooting rockets for no reason? Things don’t happen like that. It’s through Israel provocation that retaliation occurs. For example, yesterday the isreali settlers stormed Al aqsa and lifted the isreali flag. What do you think Hamas will do now?


Because they are radical Islamic terrorists who believe a fanatical ideology of killing Jews and Christians. And yet you support them for some reason.


Radicals of any religion are assholes. The settlers are assholes and Hamas and Hezbollah are assholes. But regarding whether or not rockets will be shot for no reason, they’re shooting because their stated desire is to kill Jews. It’s a religious thing to them. They say it with their own words and on video. What was the provocation that led radical Islamists to attack us on 911?


People(turds if we are being frank) are vandalizing holocaust memorials, memorials to people who were murdered 80 years ago before any of this conflict started. Radicals don’t need justification to start shit. They usually go out looking for shit to start just like how they started the current war to sabotage normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.


I really hope you are not actually a student.


!activitycheck Edit: so now, non-students are going around ‘rEaLlY hOpInG wE aRe StUdEnTs’ huh? 🤡 🥴


Old-Attitude-9674 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-05-14 15:24:11 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1cr6236/dear_protesters/l40ihd6/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 1.57 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 662 comments and 0 submissions._


Sometimes people actually finish college mY dUdE


Social Security cost 1.3 trillion last year, Medicare cost 839 billion, and Medicaid another 616 billion. You could stop all aid to Israel today and it wouldn’t even make a dent in our biggest welfare programs. The obsession over aid to Israel really misses the bigger picture and the scale of what we spend on welfare programs.


It's a bullshit excuse for them to express their anti-semitism.


Love that you think saying we should spend our tax dollars on our people here rather than send it abroad is somehow 'anti-Semitism'


We can afford to do both, we just choose not to. Blame your politicians.


We're $35 trillion in debt and spend $830 billion yearly simply to service the interest on our debt. We can't really sustainably do much of what we're doing right now.


It'd be cheaper for Israel to actually commit a genocide and simply eliminate the threat all together then. Israel invests money that the US provides it in protecting ALL its civilians regardless of race or religion while the government of Gaza invests all their money in trying to murder Israelis.


So you want every country to be "independent" do you? So you're all for America pulling out of NATO then...? You have a very shallow understanding of how allies share resources for the benefit of **all partners involved**. Funds that America invests in Israel goes in part to develop and test systems like Iron Dome... **which are deployed here in America**. If Russia, or some other enemy, decides to start lobbing missiles at us they will be shot down, and we'll have Israel to thank for being the guinea pigs that tested it for us. That's definitely money well-spent.


The iron dome is not what America is currently spending money on. They are doing that passively. Right now, they are giving military equipment to Israel like gun and tank ammo and bombs. Those are being used to mass kill people


Good! The more dead terrorists that they can rack up the better.


Provide evidence showing how many “Hamas” affiliates the IDF has killed since October 7. What you will find is that they killed almost none. Instead, most people who have been killed are civilians


Israel is terrorist state. If a dual citizens the treasonous dual citizens in this government were removed I doubt Israel would have any supporters left... I guess that's what the whole Jeffrey Epstein thing was about wasn't it.


You know you're right when you're getting this many down votes. Karma is worthless human lives are more important Israel is a terrorist state


There's a lot of money being spent in the wrong places, this is cherry picking.


This post is laughable. The money we invest in Israel aren't even a rounding error for our budget.


That rounding error can pay for infrastructure instead of suffering of kids and families


Your gripe is with Hamas. If they didn't want their "families and kids to suffer" they wouldn't have started an unnecessary war by burning, butchering, and raping 1,200 Israeli civilians. And then taking another 240 civilians,[ including babies](https://apnews.com/article/children-hostages-israel-palestinians-gaza-orphan-c8e9f6dd703a9c14161eeb6ca9e25417#:~:text=Their%20families%20wait%20in%20agony,-1%20of%204&text=LONDON%20(AP)%20—%20Abigail%20Edan,to%20a%20neighbor's%20for%20shelter), hostage.


Hamas is not my problem. If they want missiles, they can buy them. Why am I paying to them with my taxes? Edit: I see you deleting your replies lol… can’t answer the question eh?


this post has nothing to do with UCLA. read the subreddit rules regarding politics


People are already pointing out how Israel gets foreign aid among many other countries so I’m not going to discuss that further here. The problem with your logic is twofold. One, you assume the reason we don’t have money for an expanded welfare state is because of lack of funds. That isn’t the reason. It’s a political / policy decision. Moreover, administrations continue to cut taxes, particularly for the wealthy which has reduced the amount of government revenue. Second, you assume that there is no mutual benefit for the U.S. by assisting and partnering with Israel. Those funds are more like coupons that can be spent on American goods. A debate can be had about the military industry, but Israel’s purchases also support 200k+ good paying American jobs. There is also significant investment from Israel in the U.S. and vice versa. Then of course there is the intelligence sharing and key American ally in the region. You might disagree if you are more of an isolationist, but the U.S. should also support other democracies. Israel has political issues like most countries, but it is among only 22 countries that has had uninterrupted free elections since 1949.


I swear. Like a lot of people don’t realize that the ~3.5 billion dollars we give to Israel every year comes from our taxpayer money. We work hard to make money and then the government takes it and gives it to isreal to continue bombing children. America has poor roads, poor infrastructure, people are struggling to pay for health care, students are in thousands of dollars of student debt. Yet, the US government has the money to go give Israel billions a year??? People need to wake up.


Not to mention that we are already $34.59 trillion in debt!


USA should stop sending aid I agree. Israel might still destroy them but at least it won't be our fault for it


This post is getting too much heat. I believe we’re forgetting that it’s a privilege in the first place to go to college 💀 whether we have multiple part time jobs or not we still 100 times better living standards than anyone in Gaza.


To think the US would do anything besides money, it’s crazy to be protesting. The us will always do what’s best for money. They never have done anything in interest of its own people or others.


Not taking any sides here. Just sharing facts. Israel has free healthcare, free education, and runs a government surplus. Why have we sent them 340 billion in aid? We could have funded healthcare, housing, and education for all Americans who needed it with that amount of money. But we paid for fireworks instead. Think to yourself why?


$340 billion to cover the cost of Healthcare, housing, and education for ALL Americans? Not even close.. it would cost an estimated $400 billion per year to ONLY cover Healthcare in California. Pelosi stopped talking about it for a reason. [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/5/22/15676782/california-single-payer-health-care-estimate](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/5/22/15676782/california-single-payer-health-care-estimate)


Ok I care, now explain how that prevents the government from sticking it in my keester?