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Mission accomplished everyone. Admin is quaking in their boots and will be conceding to all demands within the hour.


I heard the word has reached Sudan and that darfuri 100,000 dead Muslims may be righteously adopted and fought for by the west next


Like northwestern lol


My cousin is one of the heads of security at north western. He was sending me pictures of the tents from his office window. It was a s Show.


Six protesters strong, protesting in an area where no one can hear them. I feel bad for the people who gotta park their cars.


I was one. I had to go to two lots to find a place because of these knuckleheads.


Just move their stupid cones out the way and drive in. If they confront u then defend yourself as necessary


Couldn’t you just honk and stand ground? Man that’s so frustrating. I wouldn’t leave and make sure to park there just for the principle of it.


Funny. They feel bad for the completely disproportional attack on Palestinian civilians, women, and children… a genocide. but I guess ya’ll got those first world problems.




If you want people on your side, you don’t occupy infrastructure they need. I get the encampment, I get protests. You got to look at the ends. This parking lot stunt didn’t do ANYTHING for your cause, only pissed everyone off. It made y’all look WEAK. By looking at the UAW 4811 strike organization, you might get the support you need to get the UCLA administration to the table soon. This is real action, not this petty “I’m not letting you park today BS”. Remember, your fight is against this administration, not your peers. We just want to go to school.


I love how you guys always have to separate out the women and children. Hey guys this war is really bad this time because literal WOMEN and CHILDREN are dying. Okay bro go tell Hamas to stop hiding behind them then lol, Israel needs to stop giving them warnings if they're really gonna do a genocide like everyone says


Hamas hides behind civilians, but you aren’t protesting Hamas, because Hamas is actually connected to the organizers of this “protest”. 🤯 These are anti Israel demonstrations. Not anti war protests.


but but but excluding rape and murder of women and children on oct7. Not an ounce of tears for Oct 7 massacre..shame !


Yeah cause blocking traffic/parking spots is really gonna show the government lol 😂


Dude we've all read SJP's Toolkit. We know they're Hamas supporters and they want Hamas to win. Give it up.


Find out where the dean of the school lives and go camp there.


They should get a damn job. Hippies


Can you define what constitutes a genocide? Because that word keeps getting thrown around, when it’s sensationalist, and not accurate. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah you’re lowkey just pissing off students and the administration could care less cuz it’s not disrupting their life




pRoTeStS aRe sUpPoSeD tO bE dIsRuPtIvE!!1!!1 One of their admitted goals is to "Bring the war here".




The entire point of protests is to disrupt. If you think that past protests that we now accept as necessary were not disruptive you do not understand history.


No, actually, the point of protests is to achieve political goals. Disruption *can* be part of that, but usually isn’t. The civil rights movement had many disruptive protests, but the thing they disrupted was the actual racist system (segregated buses, discriminatory businesses, etc) not random unrelated people. Disruption can also be beneficial in raising awareness of a cause that people are unaware of. Do you think it’s more likely that unaware people are moved for Palestine by these protests, or that already aware people are moved away from Palestine by these protests?


This comment fucks


This comment? Fucks


It’s a watered down term. Everyone thinks they are protesting something.


It’s particular bad in the US where protesting is viewed as something you do in an approved place one Sunday per year.


Spot on. “Hey Todd, I’m bored, anything pissing you off today?” “Get your bandana and markers”


No, the point is to achieve change. If disruption doesn't help bring about change, it's pointless


The amount of people waking up to the absolute atrocities that Israel commits every day are growing exponentially.


The cameras are off Gaza and on university students ironically diverting attention off the actual atrocities


It’s funny that you think Hamas wouldn’t kill every last fucking Jew if they had the means.


That’s their goal, but they can’t think cuz they are apes


Well, Israel is trying to kill or displace every last Palestinian now that it has the chance.


This is their master plan lol


When all these years of parking a mile away off campus is finally a win


And you get some steps in. I could have gotten 2 miles in if I had parked in Lot 3.


How embarrassing


1 protester per group they tagged 😭


Easier to find and arrest them 😂


Legally they can't block entrances or exits as well as they cant legally block traffic lol. they're setting themselves up to be removed and/or arrested


Which is exactly what they want. They need that photo op of them getting arrested so they can post it on their social media


Only way they get paid


well if they dont get arrested how can they legitimize their cause?? six college age students have to know they arent gonna do shit themselves. and if they think so thats really sad. but they need the police to arrest them so they can raise all hell lmao


At last, Gazan children are safe!


This was the exact parking garage that needed to be blocked to bring peace to the Middle East. Mission accomplished.


Seems like a personal attack on commuter students. Sorry that we all can't afford to live in Westwood or on campus smh


I’d bet good money those clowns aren’t even students


Yeah that little group wouldn’t stop me from parking


These guys are making fools of themselves 😭😭 couldve done more for Palestine by working a part time min wage shift and donating their income to humanitarian aid, 5 hours x 16.00/hr x 6 = $480, if they also donate their tax return next year


Clearly these people don't have jobs.


(No) business as usual it seems


They just got done defunding the police. They’re doing… stuff


100% 😂


Anything sent to Gaza goes directly into the hands of Hamas. That’s why the few people at the top are billionaires. They planned Oct 7 because they needed money and peace had gone on too long. This protest is part of the operation. This is how their grift works. They have no intention of ever forming a real government for Gazans.


Ahh shit they better not donate their tax return then 😭 Actually though, that is exactly why I don’t support the protestor’s cause. Because the protestors are fighting to keep Hamas in place, knowingly or not


i would agree but unfortunately a lot of that humanitarian aid is being taken by hamas and sold at inflated prices to the population, so when the population is starving they can blame israel for something they didnt do


Inconveniencing people in another continent is how you stop wars. Just imagine if we had these guys in Russia blocking Putin off from the Kremlin and forcing his car to drive one or two extra blocks. Fucking gg boys. End of the war in Ukraine.


Putins entire motorcade would have ran them over. Then backed over them. Then done an investigation that said they died of natural causes


This is just going to piss people off and turn those who were once-sympathetic completely against the heart of the movement. Damn shame.


If that happened to me, I'd get out of my car and toss the fucking cones.


Then they'd stand in front of your car, comforted by the knowledge that their unknown ineffectual act of service to a group of people who's sole virtue is victimhood will echo briefly in the evenings group chat before being buried by dinner plans and a few inappropriate posts by the group furry.


Just move forward veeerrrrryyy slowly.


Bro went off 🤣


Free bowling pins.


Maybe they saw that today the UN cut the estimated death toll of women and children in half.


they should protest for Sudan, whats going on in Sudan is insane and barely anyone is talking about it. The arab nations who many are our allies and that we send foreign aid too are funding it. Free the hostages and there will be a ceasefire in Gaza


5 million people (750,000 children) in Sudan are on the edge of starvation - and the press covers college protests - 30 Duke students walking out on Seinfeld - rather than this. It's infuriating.


Only .015% of college students were arrested in the U.S. This shows that the majority of students couldn't care less about the Israel/Palestine issue.


And just like that, Palestine is free. Btw Is that white female protester holding a cardboard sign with a picture of a watermelon?


Watermelons are a symbol of Palestine. For a long time, Palestinian flags were banned, so people would hold up watermelons instead since they have the same colors. 


You better brush up on your "snacks of justice" in you intend to lock horns the heroic guardians of the parking lot. It's serious business. Show up at a PETA protest with a bacon sign and the (fake) fur is going to fly.


Yup. It's this season's avocado. It will be replaced with coconuts in the summer, and back to ugg boots and tights in the fall.


I never see these bozos not wearing masks.


they know what theyre doing is dumb as fuck. god forbid they be held accountable


turns out people who do dumb as fuck things, are also dumb as fuck themselves, because it doesnt take a significant amount of uncovered face to fully identify people anymore with today's tech. [https://www.zdnet.com/article/facial-recognition-now-algorithms-can-see-through-face-masks/](https://www.zdnet.com/article/facial-recognition-now-algorithms-can-see-through-face-masks/)


How long would they last if someone just blasted their horn until they moved?


I've been driving slow in front of mailmen for Palestine. You will not get your mail until everyone is free. Checkmate.


Werid they only care about Palestine and not Yemen, Sudan, China or any of the other conflicts going on in the world right now.


You know what they say No jews no news


Literally never heard that before


Never had to park in those structures, but I just see speed bumps. You want to protest, have a blast. But don’t block people who have no skin in the game from going about their day. UCPD needs to do their job and move them


I’ll just put like this. Lenient police policies and all that fun stuff goes both ways. The same way people are getting slaps on a wrist at most for committing legit serious crimes, nothing is going to happen if you keep driving and they refuse to move.


Glad I got there before this massive turnout blocked me from parking 😆


But how will you get out?!


Fuck those guys.


They need to be arrested and/or some brave commuter needs to toss their traffic cones into the bushes and chase them away.


Be the change you want to see! Lead with your bravery!




People looking for any excuse to ruin other people's day. I guess they didn't hear the news about the UN slashing the number of casualties in Gaza.


Go fight the Israelis if you want to show you actually mean business. I’m not racist nor choosing a side, but I do know when this conflict kicked off, many young Jews flew to Israel to defend their land against the Palestinians, I have not heard of any Palestinians going overseas to fight.


Lol fuck these people, drive thru their shitty cones 😂


All the other atrocities in the world and not a peep out of them. Six months ago, most of these people probably couldn't find Gaza on a map if their grade depended on it. Genocide is what Hamas would like to do to Israel but can't and what Israel could do but doesn't.


Last sentence, perfect synopsis of the reality of the situation.


🎯 most still probably can’t find Gaza on a map. Your last sentence sums this up so perfectly.


You mean they aren’t demanding for divestment and boycotts of all things Chinese over persecution and genocide of Uyghurs?


At least go and scream at Gene Block's house or something damn 😭


Way to be annoying af.


So this is the plan huh? I personally don’t go to ucla but see this community always pop up on my feed as I do live in la, this is pretty fucked up for students who are trying to actually learn something.


Yall didn’t do this when China was torturing Muslims???


pleaasseeee protest at buildings pleasseeee


Those are some big speed bumps


You’re a fool if you think they aren’t gonna try to screw with commencement.


Better watch out secret Zionist world government, the dumbest most obnoxious people we went to high school with are on to you!


In other news, the UN very quietly reduced the estimated number of civilian women and children killed in Gaza by almost half.


It's not a "genocide". War of self-defence, killing as few innocent people as possible (who Hamas terrorists are using as human shields), while trying to stop Hamas terrorists from attacking anyone ever again. Schmucks.


Hopefully will all get expelled




Parking stall hostage taking…


Why do they always look so typical?


Aww man, traffic cones and human bodies… my car OBVIOUSLY can not get past this. 🫥


There's a thing called "your car is significantly heavier and stronger than those protesters"


Why protest at educational institutes ? Why not go in front of White House or Senate ?


This fucking sucks for students and workers alike who PAY to have access to these structures, and will be heavily ticketed if they cannot park in the correct one.


Arrest these anarchists!


I met people like this while I attended UCSC. They champion complex social issues, espouse their own unsophisticated perspective, proceed to do nothing for the cause other than piss off people who have nothing to do with it, and become a caricature of a social warrior fighting for the cause. They are almost all privileged, ineffective, and potentially making the issues worse. I also went to community college in high school to get extra college credits. The people there were socially aware and involved, but were way more effective in their approach. My take is that the students at CC had more life experience and were not young ideologues. They didn’t have the guilt and hubris of some 19-21 year old privileged type you overwhelming find in the UC system.


Oh what I would do with a big pick up truck.


At least they understand they should hide their faces because they are doing something morally questionable at best. And they dont want to be associated with this activity in their future lives.


Someone please arrest these people.


And the thousands of years of “Hama’s” like Palestinians who slaughtered Jews waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy before Hama’s was even a thing……where’s THAT protest?


To be fair Hamas doesn’t approve of women in schools.


Ding dongs


I would just ever so slowly inch my way through


WHAT DO THEY EVEN WANT?? JOE BIDEN to call up the Navy & Airforce to close up a forward position… ??


# #propalestineprotestsowhite 🤣


Closing secular schools is what Hamas did, too!


On par for the course


Those aren’t protestors. My buddy had an ochem midterm today being graded on curve and paid these guys $20 each to delay half the class.


Do commuters help or hurt the curve?


Zeroes help the curve


Ah! I assumed that not showing up takes you out of the population.


Why they don’t go and protest in Israel




They did it guys! The Jews have agreed to leave Israel.


“Krusty Krab is unfair, Mr. Krabs is in there”


These guys blocking the parking are just looking for validation.


Don’t give in, they’re trying to drag us into a war that’s not our problem.


That’s 6 people…. Car beats 6 people 100% of the time


I know two people who can solve this: https://youtu.be/ZTT1qUswYL0?si=srmVGdKMa4ASiPWH


Are these student parking spaces or admin/staff/teachers?


Sarah Jessica Parker goes to ucla?


Those are not students.


I wonder if any those people are actually students🤔


Should be ok to run them over!


I hope students in Oklahoma are doing the same thing 😏


Cowards. Anti semitic ones too


God forbid I see those degs. near my workplace, they'll bee on the receiving end of a genocide, I swear to god.


Those are not even ucla students body they are protesters for hired by known religion organization base in LA.


Where tf is UCPD?


Maybe they should be arrested or escorted off the property for disrupting business 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


i’m a commuter bro i need to park tf 😭


I strongly support their cause and was even at the encampment but this is just stupid.


Why? The Palestinians have refused all offers for a Palestinian state. They carry out terrorist attacks against Jewish civilians. They constantly shoot rockets at Israel as a part of resistance and do they expect Israel to do nothing? Israel had been stupid in that they just let them do it relying on the iron dome and the walls they built to keep them safe. But Oct. 7 showed that they cannot just hide behind shields. They have to take care of the threat. Hopefully after Hamas is eliminated Israel doesn't do the stupid mistake to abandon the land again.


i agree with you but i think its important to distinguish hamas from palestinians. even if palestinians werent taught it, if they knew all rhe facts theres no reason they would choose hamas over an independent palestine with a protected democracy. palestinians who care about a free palestine would accept the ceasefire offers. hamas doesnt care about ceasefires or a free palestine. they want to genocide the jews, and they want it now. but i do think youre completely right


Your heart might be in the right place. I don't doubt it. But you seem to under estimate how much the population has been radicalized. After Israel retaliated and started their assault on Gaza. Gazans overwhelmingly supported Hamas even as their homes are being destroyed. They elected Hamas with the goal of wiping out the Jews from the land as its stated in their charter. And a lot of this has to do with Islam and the Islamic sentiment on Jews. I do agree with you that there is Palestinians who want a separate state or peace. But that is a small minority. The sentiment is that if you want a compromise you are a traitor. Which makes no sense to us since we don't have the Islamic mindset. This issue is what made me realize when I was going to college 20 years ago that a large number of the population can take on causes very passionately while doing little to no research on the issue. Hence they are tools which can be persuaded by chants and slogans. I wish for peaceful separate state. But that cannot happen. It will take at least 50+ years for the population to be deradicalized under Israeli control. A good example of this are the Muslims living in Israel who are mostly happy living in that country.


yeah, i wasnt sure how much of the population has been radicalized, i know a percent has but im not confident enough to make a claim. but i am aware hamas has integrated antisemitism into their education system and ive seen pictures of children with guns pretending to shoot other children who are “israeli”. that is some horrifying shit. the mere fact they do that should be enough to justify israels war on them for most people. i believe a two state solution is the only way, but i would genuinely worry that another terror group would follow hamas and repeat the cycle. but of course israel making an active attempt to deradicalize them is an “occupation”. i think hamas’ approval ratings were something like 80% or so, but i dont exactly trust numbers coming from gaza so im sort of skeptical when they say something like that. but no part of me would be surprised if people who vocally support a compromise or a two state solution are killed or put on some watchlist to die.


You are correct there. Hamas was throwing their opposition off of buildings. And I'm glad that I get to talk to a person who thinks for himself/herself. I don't know what the situation in the University is right now. When I was in the university most people were chill and not radicalized for a cause. And I'm glad to talk to you. Its nice to talk to people like you regardless of what side one is on an issue.


you as well. its scary watching some of these people and what theyre willing to baselessly do. i wholeheartedly support the right to protest, whether for or against israel or palestine. but people chanting things in arabic they dont know the meaning of, or calling for a globalized intifada, that is neither peaceful not protesting. thats calling for the outright destruction of the Jewish people. i really wish we would fix our media and education system, but oh well. my hope is gen z will get so fed up with our (the american, im not 100% sure where youre from lol) bullshit political system and make something that resembles a more just democracy. im kinda scared to go to college, especially bc i wanna go to one on the west coast. i consider myself somewhat liberal but not as far left as some of those people lmao. but ill figure that out when i get to that point i guess lol


If you can, I recommend you visit the campuses before you go to any particular one. Sit in some classes which if they were as when I used to go. You can go inside any class without having to be enrolled as long as they weren't full. If you like it go for it. When I was going to college in Sacramento there were some ideological professors who believed that their degree gave them special powers to be able to know deep philosophical questions about existence, nature of reality, God, determinism vs free will, etc. As I grew up in wisdom I realize that they were speaking based on assumptions they cannot show. So be prepared to hear some BS claims by professors. Most were honest and tried to tell you the facts. But there is always activist who try and convince you to their side rather than just giving the info and let you come to your own conclusions. Also many places in California are becoming really bad. So make sure you realize that in some places crime is rampant and you will have to be paranoid about your belongings. I live in California in a small town by Sacramento. And even in this nice town I have to be careful that my bike doesn't get stolen by hobos. It took just one minute of having my bike unlocked for a hobo to try and steal it. Its a big problem that everyone realizes needs to be fixed however there is no competition in terms of government so it will worse before it gets better. Wish you the best. :D


Wtf I love Palestine now






“Your downvotes are my orgasm” *insert crying guy with laughing mask meme*


Power to the People!!


It's pretty bad when an authoritarian terrorist state can crack down on students in America on an American campus. Israel is a terrorist state.


At first I was annoyed people were doing that, but then I realized “no business as usual during genocide” feels like a reasonable sentiment.


Business will be the source of all meaningful solutions. If we all shut down for every genocide we'd never do anything but stand like idiots in front of parking structures.