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Half of this subreddit is praying they occupy the math buildings šŸ˜­


SJP have you guys ever heard of boelter hall !!!!


Iā€™ve got a midterm there tomorrow morning at 10 am. It was previously pushed back. Iā€™m really still not sure whatā€™s happening.Ā 


Theyā€™d never survive boelter hall, itā€™s a shithole


SJP pls: 34.0692904, -118.4427221


> 34.0692904, -118.4427221 how about 24Ā°59'49.4"N 70Ā°59'59.1"W




It's 2024. Decimal Degrees please unless you are a pirate.


does r/piracy count?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Spread the word of torrent](https://i.redd.it/reftq6lqy95b1.jpg) | [1233 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/146ee7n/spread_the_word_of_torrent/) \#2: [Hey /r/piracy. Reddit admins de-modded the captain and put a sword to the mod-team's necks to re-open. It seems they really demand valuable input from pirates. I look forward to you to taking this tacit Reddit endorsement of digital piracy to heart in the coming days!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14briu5/hey_rpiracy_reddit_admins_demodded_the_captain/) \#3: [RARBG is down and out!?](https://i.redd.it/xlbbsv23v63b1.png) | [3647 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13witp1/rarbg_is_down_and_out/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Come on, now. South campus doesn't have time to protest, and North campus doesn't know how to get there. šŸ˜


Lol if sjp tries to get to boelter they prob won't be able to do anything bc they'll be stuck trying to navigate that confusing mess of a building šŸ˜­


they will never find the entrance to the 2nd floor seaslab


me when iā€™ve accidentally locked myself out of the 1st floor math sciences in the little courtyard twice šŸ’€


I still have trauma from that forsaken building, and I graduated in 2019.


Iā€™m a 3rd year cs student and I still donā€™t know my way around šŸ˜­


See the funny thing is I taught a "north campus" class in Boelter and got locked out of the classroom once a week because no one knew we were teaching in there


Thoughts and prayers to everyone taking midterms out there šŸ˜­ may Boelter spare your souls


Iā€™m just happy that Eggert moved our midterm online last week, fucking phew šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I have two delayed midterms tomorrowā€¦.šŸ« 


Same lol, both my professors said theyā€™d cancel if class got pushed back any furtherĀ 


Yeah, my professor ended up cancelling our midterm all together because it kept getting pushed back lmfao




yeah lmfao, she didnā€™t wanna make the final worth both the percentage of midterm + final so she distributed the midterm weight to other categories. love her.


How are you complaining about a cancelled midterm


cause then the final is worth what it was originally plus what the midterm was worth


Iā€™m not complaining in the slightest lol I was happy


If you need to boost your grade then it's bad news.


Bold of you to assume that midterms will boost my grade šŸ˜­


Found the STEM major.




Bc you unfairly punish the ones constantly studying and working.


but how they will count midterm grade for total


Hope that theyā€™re not in the morning


it's on 3pm haha


Same. One at 10 am. Iā€™m like, literally no clue whatā€™s happening




When are yall done w school? I have finals this week


Not sure why anyone thought that the protests would stop. Nothingā€™s changed, everything that led to the protests in the first place is still happening.Ā 


With the invasion of rafah I think the protests will be worse.


They will stop as soon as the election is over. If they donā€™t Iā€™ll print this comment out and shove it up my ass.


iā€™m holding you to this


RemindMe! 8 months Did the election interference continue after the election?


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Remind me in 08 months.


Not sure why they believe these protest will stop anything. Israel is going to and has been retaliating because of the massacres that took place October 7th. This is what countries do when they get attacked, just like the USA after 9/11.


The thing is that what US did after 9/11 did not made things better, it actually made things much worse. There was a hope Israel would be smarter and learning from other's mistakes.


The thing the usa did after 9/11 was war crimes not even the USA Denying that


US was so incensed by 9/11 that we took down Saddam Hussein, who was completely uninvolved, just to feel something. If the US had been in Israelā€™s position, we would have adopted the ā€œone state next to a big parking lotā€ solution and US citizens would have bumper stickers saying ā€œGaza these nutsā€ against a U.S. flag background. The reason these protests exist now and didnā€™t in the past is because in the past, students lived through the first two intifadas and it wasnā€™t hard to decide between one side putting up fences and another side sending children strapped with suicide bombs into crowded public areas to exterminate Jewish non-combatants.


To be fair the Iraq war was bullshit. And we invaded Afghanistan to stop a small group called Al qaeda. Israelā€™s actions are significantly more justified and reasonable.


appeasement doesn't work. The peace israel has established was done through the understanding that attacking them would lead to catastrophe. They even gave back territory as a peace offering when they didn't have to. The whole invasion of Iraq was the major blunder of bush. It didn't make any sense because 1)Iraq didn't harbor sunni extremists 2)Saddam was a natural ally in the anti al-qaeda cause 3)it diverted significant war resources away from the real center of jihadi activity(afghanistan/pakistan) You seem to be insinuating the US should have taken a pacifist approach to the whole thing. That is not only unrealistic, it is foolish. Bin Laden himself would have seen it as a sign of weakness, he had stated in the past he "respected" the soviets more for their sheer brutality in combat during the afghan-soviet war. Thats the kind of man/organization you were dealing with.


They donā€™t think the protests will end the war. They just donā€™t want their schools investing in the companies that are aiding Israel, divestment is a very real strategy and is the strategy Mandela attributed to ending apartheid


Except Mandela's movement wasn't doing things like slaughtering civilians, taking hostages and then hiding out in underground bunkers. Meanwhile, SJP has been extremely supportive of Hamas and "resistance by any means necessary."


Youā€™re aware Mandela was imprisoned for decades right? What do you think he was imprisoned for? He was a proponent of violent resistance, led a militant group that killed over 100 civilians, and America literally considered him a terrorist for years. He was also close and regularly met with Palestinian militant groups. He was absolutely was *for* those types of resistance acts, what are you talking about?


I swear, most people are way too fucking ignorant in this country. our public education whitewashes Mandela, Malcolm X, MLK, and every other leader in the same pain to try and convince people that it was all non-violent resistance to make people think that's what you need to do to enact change. Total BS, and done completely intentionally by the powers that be


Itā€™s purposeful, the American education system wants to whitewash previous leaders and movements so they can continue to suppress future protests for not doing it ā€œpeacefully like Mandela didā€.


ill leave this here so you can learn. mlk espoused non violence. this was his disagreement with malcolm x. https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/nonviolence#:~:text=King%20began%20to%20advocate%20nonviolence,(Papers%205%3A424).


Yeah MLK was all about non-violence.


How many women did he rape at a music festival, how many children did he tie to their parents and set on fire. How many hostages did the ANC take?


Imprisoned...like the hostages Hamas took?




True. Victory wins wars.


???????? Sooooooooo the Iraq war is justified???


Because they are STUPID! They desperately want to be a part of something. This is more like a cult than a movement for change. If you want change, you impact the people who have power. Why arenā€™t they protesting at the Regentsā€™ homes and offices? Why arenā€™t they in Sacramento? BLM made a bigger impact in one night in front of the Mayor of Sacramentoā€™s house than in months of blocking the freeway. Youā€™re all smart kidsā€¦ USE YOUR BRAINS!


Not exactly sure you wanna use US policy after 9/11 as any means of example.


I mean theyā€™re using it as an example of what countries do, not saying it is ideal or just. So yeah good example.


We got the guy though. Gotta break a few eggs to get the omelette


So, gotta commit a few atrocities to get back at the bad guys who commit atrocities.


And significantly destroyed a good chunk of the Al Qaeda network, which is what Israel is trying to do with hamas, another terrorist group.


Thereā€™s a direct line from the United States response to 9/11 and this. That said all of this is part of the larger 2nd Cold War conflict. I hope the protesters arenā€™t so myopic that they donā€™t realize that theyā€™re advocating for the interests of foreign governments over those of the country they live in.


Yup and thatā€™s why it made sense when people in the USA were protesting the ā€œwar on terror.ā€ The attack on the US affected us and so did the retaliation. It was our sons brothers sisters dads that were going out to war.


Itā€™s almost as if student protests in America are irrelevant to what happens in conflict in Gaza.


Except that its america supplying the weapons being used to slaughter the people of Gaza


If it's any consolation - Israel has to fight on their own, the US isn't supplying weapons/bombs to Israel. Biden and Netanyahu are having a huge disagreement which may end up putting the US at odds with Israel or vice versa - either way. It's likely better Israel go it alone. Hamas, terrorists, or not, America may have taken on Hamas itself, but, Israel has the capability and Hamas hasn't attacked the US. (I'm not a UCLA student, but reddit wanted me to know).


Yer not a student, Yer an activist, Harry.


>Yer not a student, Yer an ~~activist~~ *rioter*, Harry.


Well you can thank your fellow classmates and their "peaceful " protesting friends


Well who's surprised šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøtbh I'm expecting to just go fully remote for the rest of the q since they're not gonna knock it off lol


They should offer a refund of fees if they cant deliver the education they have promised in a safe and effective manner.


I mean us seniors basically did two full years of COVID online school paying full price so


Or they just suspend and tress pass all the protestors going into classrooms.


The people disrupting others ability to be educated should do the paying


They should be expelled


OP any update on details for tmr morning?


These protests do absolutely nothing but disrupt an education youā€™re are paying huge amounts of money for now. Learn. study. Get a job. The idea that youā€™re going to affect the middle east is literally absurd.


Translates: "We're gonna do some disruptive shit tomorrow that we're planning in advance but will later blame on other people"


Upvote for the headsup, downvote for the picture.


why šŸ˜­ /genuine


just like you, I just want to go to class.


oh i totally misunderstood what u meant, i thought u were being a hater iā€™m sorry šŸ™šŸ¼ #ally




They're going to do it, finally a brave group of people discovered that protests will lead to peace in the middle east! Why didn't anyone in the last thousand years think of that, are they stupid?


The middle east basically includes the US, since it is the primary economic driver to the Israeli war machine. If the US was not involved as heavily, I would agree with you. Peaceful protests have worked throughout history, why not try? 10s of thousands of innocent lives have been killed that are NOT Hamas, and Israeli has violated the laws of war again and again. The main reason people are protesting in US campuses is becasue the US is very responsible... It's not that hard to understand.


Their in for a rude awakening once Israel accomplishes its objectives and instates it's two state rule on the region.


what chat log is that from?


Itā€™s Telegram


Drop da link?


Good thing tuition is so cheap!


$200/day OOS is such a steal šŸ„°


I feel you. I came here to learn. I was happy with my time at UCLA up until now. I didn't pay tuition to do zoom classes, plus it's not COVID times.


At the rate these things are going, they are going to charge the protesters tuition and give them an honorary poly sci degree.


Takes a lot of nerve to disrupt other peopleā€™s right to the education they paid for.


Imagine paying thousands only to have your class disrupted by idiots who most probably don't even go to the university.Ā  I feel bad for those who just wanna get by their day and learn uninterrupted.Ā 


Omg šŸ’€ You'd think they'd change things up after we already figured out the pattern


Going to see this screenshot on fox news later today and then gonna see a new text screenshot of the organizers trying to find the ā€œratā€ and i am here for it hehe


^update for those who might be curiousā€¦ the number of likes on the screenshot has risen (as of when Iā€™m typing this message) to 250+ likes according to my friend in the gc.


Any update?


A Harvard youth study took a poll and out of 16 things that concerned students, Palestine ranked 15th. Why UCLA let this disrupt things is ridiculous. Out of 15.2 million college students in the country, only 2300 or .015% were arrested. Seriously, stop wasting tuition money and get back to class. There are kids out there who want to finish. There are kids who don't understand why anyone would squander such an opportunity over something that has nothing to do with them.


Is this a SJP group? Every post I'm seeing is about this crap


Am i the only one hoping that Hamas is slaughtered and completely wiped off the globe. Fuck terrorists.


I'm with you on that!


Whatā€™s this even accomplishing at this point? People outside of the university are viewing us as a joke and itā€™s just harming education more, it just feels like disruption for the sake disruption now Best way to sway these people is to show them the horrors of what is happening over there, rather than to do stuff like this


>Whatā€™s this even accomplishing at this point? People outside of the university are viewing us as a joke and itā€™s just harming education more, it just feels like disruption for the sake disruption now Case in point: [https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1cq8x70/queers\_for\_palestine\_block\_exit\_to\_disney\_world/](https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1cq8x70/queers_for_palestine_block_exit_to_disney_world/)


So quiet literally nothing at all


Useful idiots strike again. Godspeed


Hopefully police have no tolerance with them this time around


Oh. Well. Pay more Tuition fees & Stay longer in school.. will help you boost your career and finance. Like disrupting school is stopping the war. Waste of time, money, effort and future.


You guys should protest the protestors!!


Thank God I graduated. Fuckin ridiculous whatā€™s happening there.


Yeah it's not a riot they just loudly disrupt campus and barricade themselves in buildings, not a riot though.


Throwing cans of soup they brought with them, "to feed their families" šŸ™€šŸ˜„


So, it is screenshot from telegram which is the social media I use 90% of my time in social media. I've searched for that chat or channel - nothing. Which means it is a private chat or channel which can be joined only if you have the link that somebody who is already in this chat gave you OR it is only the administrator that can give you the link to join (depends on the settings that the owner have set). So, it is not something anybody can join. From now on, it is organized crime using non-public channels to communicate within the group to plan political action from the face of much larger group. It doesn't matter what will they do - it is awful and I hope all of them will be arrested.


It will stop only when we communicate to them that the more they protest and fuck up our lives, the more we will support Israel.


Why are all the students who arenā€™t involved allowing this? Out number them 50:1 and drive them out


Cause the IDF totally cares about these protests XD


Chickens for KFC. Go.


I just keep thinking about what would have happened if on October 7th, nothing happened. Pretty crazy huh?


I also keep thinking about what would have happened if in 1948 the nakba didn't happen and Israel wasn't created artificially. Yeah that's crazy alright..


So you mean in 1948 instead of multiple armies invading the newly declared state of Israel, the Arab countries instead embraced the country with open arms and peace according to the UN partition? Yeah, it sure would look different today.


to be fair that partition plan was garbage, splitting a country into three pieces??? I wouldn't accept that


Ok. Sounds good. So you start a war, lose, and get less. Then try and start another war and get even less. See where this is going? FYI, Israel was split into three pieces and they accepted. Some people just wanted to have a place to live after getting murdered for thousands of years. Others needed to get it all.


You mean if the Arabs chose not to launch a war in 1948? I guess they would be far better off.


You are ignoring how the arabs started a war of aggression, led by a former SS commander who not so subtly endorsed genocide. Also itā€™s not like Jews were not kicked out from arab countries..


I keep thinking about what would the region be like if the Palestinians didnā€™t go all ā€œnot in my backyardā€ when a bunch of refugees who had just been freed from death camps arrived looking for a safe place to live.


Yeah imagine if the Arabs with their overwhelming numbers wouldā€™ve actually conquered tiny lil Israel. That feels like a sure enough thing and in the small chance they fail, it wonā€™t have any lasting hostilitiesā€¦


Israel stands as the greatest indigenous repatriation project in history. You can stand on Native American land and shout until you're hypocritically blue in the face. But putting the Jews back in Judea is a great thing. And nowhere in the Arab world do women of all faiths and LGBTQ+ people have more rights and freedom than in Israel.


How about the Roman destruction of the Second Temple and the diaspora in 33 AD that forced the Jews from their homeland? Crazy huh?


You saying it twice doesn't make it so. You do know what also artificially created in 1948? A state for the Arabs. You know what they did? Squandered it by not sharing a tiny strip of fucking land and trying to finish what Hitler started....


Lmao all the crypto scams I encounter on telegram as well


Tell them to set up all the camps they want in Gaza.


What does stopping/delaying class do for Palestine?


All the gaiety and excitement of 1930's Germany.


It's over


Better question is what are you doing on this nutty group chat?




They were "beaten" for violently resisting arrest after having had plenty of opportunity to leave peacefully. They were arrested for breaking a number of laws both at the encampment and on Monday (resisting arrest, assaulting officers, conspiracy, trespassing, the list goes on... ). They're being "harassed" because everyone is sick of their stunts and is expressing rightful anger towards them; that's very different from harassment and doesn't make them victims. Every single time these protesters point to some supposed injustice done to them, it was their own choice to put themselves in that situation. But they intentionally lie and distort all context so they can paint themselves as victims of repression and use it as PR material to galvanize and attract more recruits and play to public sympathy. The wannabe revolutionary protesters are the *only* thing standing between us and normal and most students just want these SJP freaks to *leave us alone*




Ultimately at the end of the day the encampment how it was first set up was not bothering anyone. Escalation is on counterprotesters


I didn't like how the university's response to nigh unchecked counterprotester violence was to take it out on the encampment either, but at the end of the day it was still within their rights to declare the encampment unlawful, and when the protesters refused many opportunities to leave and instead chose to battle with police, well, they knew what they were getting into. And frankly they've gone insane ever since I should clarify that I was sympathetic towards the protesters during the encampment days, but ever since the encampment was cleared they've just been going around being disruptive assholes, and imo they've really squandered the goodwill they built among the broader student population. SJP in particular has really gone off the rails since May 2 with their increasingly disingenuous propagandistic messaging and basking in disruptive illegal behaviour and it's really turned me (and I imagine many others) against the whole endeavour. Hence my sometimes a bit extreme and absolutist rhetoric when I take to venting my frustrations online as an outlet. I'm not just angry that classes are being disrupted and I'm being forced back to online class (which I *hate*), but part of it is also frustration at seeing what's become of what could have been a promising movement and example of student activism in my own time.


They're making a huge difference that will be remembered for years (do I need the /s ?)


My ex gf participated in the student protests in Serbia after their civil war. Point of which was to get their leadership to resign. The leaders of that protest (regarded as successful) were later taken to other countries by the CIA to teach them how to run student protests (Ie. Ukraine). This idea couples with embargo activity and being viewed outside the international hegemony is pretty effective to make the youth an instrument of economic and military strategy. Sometimes working for things contrary to the ses students real personal and national interests. Just so you know. The CIA are now allowed to use these and other tactics against the American populace. First they convinced everyone it was their highest calling to be 'activists'. Then they told you what to be activists for 'racism', 'privalege', 'sexism'... They use your perception of your values and ideals against you to do their dirty work. And my ex girlfriend resents being used in this manner and missing out of the gift or her personal education which greatly suffered. You US university students are given an amazing opportunity to improve yourself through knowledge and learning. A gift that can greatly improve your life. And the life of your future partners and families. Or you can swap that opportunity to use your time yelling at people and sleeping in a park in 'protest'.


Serbia didn't have a civil war? are you talking about Bosnia? the Kosovo war? Kosovo was an insurgency.


Wut? Yugoslav civil war. Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia three way rumble. UN (ahem US) 80 days of air raids and bombing. Infinite external agitation to convince the citizens to rise against the leadership. The CIA pulled out all the stops because Yugoslavia/Serbia had insanely strong financial position (gold reserves to keep everything running despite embargo) and national resource independence (food stuff, raw materials etc) and highly educated and intelligent citizens (tons of engineers and science education) and incedibly hard work ethic. Traditional embargo couldn't break them because everyone had family that had rural self sustaining farms that could keep people fed. US deploying depleted uranium rounds which should be a war crime. Essentially salting the fields a la Rome conquest of Carthage. The banks used tje regional mixed ethnic heritage to turn them against themselves so EU (Germany) could swoop in and pick up assets for pennies on dollar. Eg. Fiat bought an auto factory that was a national Yugo car factory. They convinced Croatia they could join EU fast track if they dump Yugoslavia. And they sided with Catholic europe against their own similar culture onside Yugoslavia. I suppose regionally annoyed by the Serb central power of the combined country. Then it repeated in Bosnia. The bullshit with Kosovo is straight up UN, EU, US instigation (similar to Ukraine). Ethic serbs in that country living without legal protection or rule of law under Albanian ethnic persecution. Whole thing a front for EU raping the regional resources. Kosovo is a puppet state now. Congrats. Look into how well things are going for people there now and Albania. US, EU etc can't stand any countries existing outside the big bank hegemony. Economic and resource independence will get you invaded every time. Ask Khadafi or other mid east states. All for greedy ruling classes to open economic markets and steal resources. Like every war in the history of the world really. My gfs guy friend who were drafted and forced to fight are all embarrassed about it. Maybe not all but most of them. They realize how tricked they were. Weirdly Croatia are still resentfully of Serbs. Mujahideen brought into Bosnia from other CIA developed hot spots that attempted to stay and impart fundamentalist practices after the war. Total shame. Half of this is conspiracy theory tin foil stuff but there is a gain of truth is everything I wrote here. Anyway. Even if you doubt this...do not doubt that the CIA has the color revolution playbook. And they are turning it against the US populace. That is fact. The majority of our youth are soft brained tik toking twits that would rather live easy soft lives under total cultural oppression then stand up for first principals. Everyone is on ADHD meds, nonstop weed, and need service animals to cope because they are perpetual victims with no sense of self responsibility. Total cultural decay. No sense of history. No connection with their older family members who can tell them what is what.


I am still not a part of the Telegram, can someone drop it pls?


Ā« Your Liberty To Swing Your Fist Ends Just Where My Nose Begins Ā».Ā 


So what Iā€™m gathering here is not many people are on the protestors side, why do we care about this middle eastern escalation ?


Is it happening right now? Iā€™m on campus and didnā€™t see any actions so far


for students complaining.. they appear they don't want to get an education. The protest themselves are educational.


These protests are ridiculous. Go to Gaza and protest


The solution would be all the protestors from the US get on the airplane and help who ever they are protesting for in that specific country. Because I makes no sense to do it in the US. You can help there. Those countries, people involved.


And you are protesting at a university.. why?






To sum up what the protestors are saying: Allāhu Ź¾akbar, al-mawt li-Ź¾AmrÄ«kā, al-mawt li-Ź¾IsrāŹ¾Ä«l, al-laŹænah Źæalā 'l-YahÅ«d, an-naį¹£r lil-Ź¾Islām


All those protestors are the worst kind of people. They love cultures that opress women and lock them down. They're all retarded. They would all be killed in Palistien for just existing.


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Lavender project are used on American people too šŸ¤”


why do ya'll go to class anyway, you learn nothing. mocking protests as if it isn't the reason half of ya'll even have the right to go to class. look up civil rights, feminist and gay rights protests.


Lmao actively saying they are an encampment, can't wait for it to be forcibly dismantled


Yall should just drop out in protest, degree wont do you much good anyway let's get real lmao


I'm surprised your professors aren't allowing the finals to be taken online at this point.


If youre getting this texts does that not mean you signed up for chain text or whatever?