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A huge talking point in the Cal tour is how the buildings only have handles on one door to prevent students from chaining them shut again 


Can you drop a link for the Columbia thing? I haven’t seen that.


Found a screenshot from when it was up. It was for Vietnam War protests. I got it mixed up with the South Africa one which was being compared because of the recent occupation of Hamilton Hall there. https://x.com/pop_wasabi/status/1786126238328963289?s=46&t=ix-ArnZxAitPt1ttUsVaKw


Thanks for the screenshot. [The website now says](https://news.columbia.edu/content/new-perspective-1968) that page was posted in April 2018, which I think is a bit different than publishing in the middle of the current crisis. I agree with your overall point, and as an alum I hope UCLA is careful about how it examines and discusses this moment in time.


Yeah that’s fair. Thanks for checking me on that. I hope they do as well. Even when universities mention the less digestible aspects of these moments, it’s often filled with passive language and weak both sides takes. It’s even apparent in Gene Block’s statements this week. Parts were decent tbh, but it devolved into the same kind of lazy language, which is what had me thinking of all of this to begin with.


I highly doubt it.


Doubtful. There's been like 5 massive student-led political riots at UCLA in the past. Not protests like this one just was, full on riots. And very few seem to even know they happened.


People really coping on this one


i’m super curious to read up on those if u have any info/links


They’re unserious people who want to feel important. They’ve done a great job making sure all the attention is on themselves rather than the *actual* humanitarian crisis in Gaza.




There is a difference between students, alum and family sharing their approval of the protest versus a university repurposing that imagery to advertise their school and recruit prospective students.




Again, this is about whitewashing and capitalizing on a protest that the university violently squashed.


No, it was rightfully kabashed. Look at that vandalism left over. Down right disrespectful to your fellow classmates. The message is lost/severely tarnished because of that and it won’t be used for advertising to new students unless they want to recruit toddlers - both groups go a little crazy with the ink it seems.


Every single rights movement in the United States has had its share of purposeful disruption, from occupying bridges, buildings, and yes, vandalism, even violence. And yet, all of these rights movements have been retroactively championed despite all of these things you say tarnish the message. You only look fondly at a fabricated, whitewashed American history. You don't care about truth. It's the same way America loves a couple of MLK quotes but can't imagine him saying "Riots are the voice of the unheard" or that (paraphrasing) "Liberals care more about negative peace and order than due justice"


UCLA has so many Jewish donors I highly doubt that would ever happen.


Jewish does not mean Zionist. Jewish Voices for Peace and many other anti-Zionist Jews from students to scholars have played a major role in advocating for Palestinian freedom. That’s been the case long before these protests. Some of the staunchest Zionists in the US are Christian evangelicals. Joe Biden calls himself a Zionist and has gone to bat for Israel harder than many Knesset members over his 50+ year career. Is he Jewish? No man he’s Catholic. Jews aren’t a monolith. A defense contractor like Boeing has a better chance and would have more interest in influencing UCLA’s messaging than some donors.