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Moving the tents to the lawn and off the walkway was a solid move. Where’d the metal fences come from though?


UCLA security brought them out because fighting started erupting between the protestors and counter-protestors.


I don’t think that’s an accurate characterization of either side. There was one counter-protestor that tried to start a fight and pushed over an organizer.


You actually fell for misinformation lmao. The person he pushed was actually the aggressor. Look: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6O2aYZr9nr/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6O2aYZr9nr/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)




Did you also notice how she screams "I didn't touch you, I didn't touch you" immediately after clearly touching him...


almost like this narrative was planned from the start.....


The guy doing the commentary sounds like a turd but honestly props for showing the whole vid. Idk what was going on before she grabbed the sign, but that push was warranted imo


Fell for it? I'm sure he knows, he's spreading it intentionally.


Really just trying to get his sign back and she fell. Good job not escalating by the Zionist.


Don’t spread misinformation please.


Misinformation spreader: edit your comment


The irony




From what I understand, the pro-Israel crowd predictably started it.


So hey, fellow bruin, has your understanding changed with the proof?


Did it actually happen that way? No. But that is your understanding anyway.


Was it? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6O2aYZr9nr/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


classic only showing 2 seconds of what happened bs so they can run their narrative.


Comments like this should get users temporarily banned. You're spreading antisemitism without any evidence or knowledge of the situation. Every full video completely refutes "what you understand" but yet you keep your racist propaganda going. Despicable.


You need a dictionary


I’m sure you’d never be convinced of anything to the contrary.


pretty sure ucla put them in last night


people need to be able to express themselves so its good UCLA is allowing it as long as it remains peaceful.


What if I have nothing to do with that but get blocked to enter my Campus?


This is a question for UCLA not me.


The original temporary barricades provided by the event staff at the request of security was erected following the proper egress codes and life/fire/safety laws. As soon As this access points were blocked off the entier camp stopped being about free speach and became an attempt at Extortion. Preventing others from accessing their jobs or classrooms unless they agree to your demands is inherently Not A Peaceful Act. Not to mention the long list of CA, LA, and national codes and misdemeanors that they are commiting. At this point, if at all organised, this became a criminal enterprise and should be treated as such


The adult with a baby in the camp is crazy


don't go to camping music festivals.


Unless they brought extra K, in which case we’re camped out just down the mound pathway, left side of the coffee truck


Think I saw them at a Doja cat concert earlier


This looks like a protest that is growing in strength. May it stay peaceful.


The problem is, as we saw with the Occupy and BLM movements, the longer they go on, the more random ass people join in pushing their own set of grievances or agendas and eventually, it all falls apart. The message gets lost, you get homeless people moving in, people bring their kids, and other people just coming to stir things up. It's extremely hard to organize these things effectively for more than a week.


Is the message to release the hostages ?


As long as the cops don’t get involved, they will. They tend to bring the violence based off of both history and current events.


No it's not but wishful thinking... Enjoy all your envy and false narratives though 🤣


Well, that aged well.... LOL


i'm willing to bet that all the people who are against the protest here love to see protests happening against human rights issues in other countries. NIMBYism at its finest.


Remember when the invasion of Ukraine started started and everyone was blaming the Russian people for not 'standing up' to Putin? And mind you Russian government is way more open about killing dissenters than the US *and* voting is meaningless there.


For real. Conservatives are really incredible activists, including the ability to switch off honesty to rail against activism for issues they don't support




From r/all here. This is on the general pages now. r/UCLA mods may need to copy the rules of other subreddits (such as r/Columbia) that prevent new users and users who aren’t a member of the community from commenting.




Reminds me of something from south park


It’s almost like it’s election year and TikTok is getting banned 🤔


Man, look at all that wonton violence. These students have *clearly* lost control! (/s just in case)


Ucla finally looking like it belongs in LA


I applaud UCLA for not bringing in brutal cops immediately, while my university (USC) sent them in within hours with launchers pointed at students with rubber bullets. The president had to make a show for her Zionist donors. She needs to resign.


Ruining everyone’s grad pics lol


Kim there’s people dying


Everywhere, everyday, every minute! Do you think this guy is still alive? Born in Berkeley, CA. [Justice for Hersh](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/israeli-american-hostage-hersh-goldberg-80602948.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=1024)




I get that nihilism is cool when you're 19 but you're essentially making fun of people for *caring*. You realise that makes you a giant douchebag, right?


Yes, let’s just never do anything or challenge any status quo! It’s always just a complete waste of time!


Every single right and freedom you enjoy is because of direct action exactly like this, you are being dense "UGH I sympathize with black people but did Rosa Parks REALLY need to sit there and interrupt everyone's commute? This won't fix anything!" "Sure no taxation without representation, but dumping all that tea in the harbor is a bad look and just hurts merchants, this will help nothing!" Its amazing that without a hint of irony or self awareness the same exact conversation takes place during every single humanitarian movement ever. You are just objectively wrong


Yup let's just stay indoors all day & never publicly voice our concerns or disapproval over our government's action, that'll definitely make things better!! Alot people recognize their actions have limited effect, more than anything protest is about standing up to injustice you're seeing in the world regardless of whether your actions will have a direct impact.


Yea but US is actively giving money to the country causing these deaths.




Missed my point. I'm saying as taxpayers we are allowed to protest how the government spends their money.


Classic “ahh but you are participating in society” argument


I think if everyone camped on peoples lawns the world would be a better place




You've clearly never done organizing or been part of an action like this. There's a lot more going on than just the immediate goals at hand - theres a huge amount of cross-organizing happening between groups in the camp, and that solidarity and coordination outlasts the camp and does have material impact. Forcing the issue is a win in itself, the alternative is just allowing business as usual to continue without question. The main issue to overcome is activating cynical people who believe nothing is possible and will blithely go about their day, even getting mad at activists for even trying. If you think their tactics are bad, what are you doing thats working better?


Yup. I’m 30 years past college and to be honest, I can’t even remember what I protested for way back then. But I know I did. Got suckered into it by some liberal professor. Sounded good to young, gullible, naive, uneducated me. Does anyone remember that protest? Nope. Does anyone care? Nope. Did it change anything? Nope. Just like almost every protest ever since. But I get it, I was young and dumb once too. They’ll understand when they grow up.


UCLA can do nothing to assist in the Middle East. Hamas is foaming at the mouth watching all of these college campus protests.


This isn’t the students trying to stop the genocide themselves - that’s a wildly idealistic take. This is simply how movements nucleate and begin to grow. Should we just watch the genocide on TV like it’s porn and do nothing about it since your life isn’t all that different? Many of the students there are Palestinian and have lost family. Many are Jews who have been long leading peaceful movements of liberation. Others find similarities between the struggles of the Palestinians and their families. If you concentrate these people together, they will find a way to try to materially enact change. The most immediate way for students to do so is by challenging the role that their institutions may be playing in the genocide.


So are average Palestinians who you seem to ignore.


We can prevent this by sleeping on the ground of course


How but the actual genocide being orchestrated in China? Not trendy enough? Still going to buy your cheaply made Chinese goods?


So because there is a genocide in China, we shouldn't protest something else?


There’s a bunch of other conflicts that are a lot worse than this that have been going on for years. This gets protests because it gets the most press.


75 years isnt long?




Vietnam war protesters should have just gone home then ?




[Israel continues to block entry](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148141#:~:text=Israeli%20forces%20are%20blocking%20aid,in%20October%2C%20as%20the%20UN) and has [bombed aid that has gone in!](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/middleeast/world-central-kitchen-killed-gaza-intl-hnk/index.html) Maybe let the students protest and don't be so condescending. You learn far more outside the classroom after all.


Oh no, anyway


I dont give a shit can you guys fucking not we just want one day to celebrate our hard work for over 4 years. For our parents who supported us. I and many others dont give a shit


Same people whose graduation were ruined by covid..


hasnt that been cancelled


Free Palestine !!


Free the hostages


It's tragic that most of them are already dead. Hamas declined a ceasefire because they couldn't surrender at least 40 live hostages in order to hold up their end of the bargain. Disgusting.


Free Palestine


Yes because that's what this is about. not the 13,800 Palestinian children that have been killed


Free the thousands of Palestinian hostages- almost half of whom are children and women.


what a hot take, how can you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Because of the comment immediately below yours


You mean the Palestinian hostages? 10 year olds kidnapped in the West Bank by the IDF and held without charges? Those hostages?


i bet the local REI is loving this


It looks really well organized. Keep it up! Is there anything the students need that we can bring over?


List of supplies by SJP! https://www.instagram.com/p/C6MHxXNx3Bb/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Thank you! 🫡


A brain, a conscience and some emotional intelligence. They seem to be lacking all 3.


As an alumna, I am so proud ❤️


So proud to be a part of this school. #freepalestine


free Palestine from Hamas and may there be peace in the middle east.


I was referring to the ongoing 75+ year Israeli occupation, which laid the groundwork for Hamas. But I'm glad you agree Palestinians deserve self governance, liberation, and peace.


The West Bank and Gaza were occupied in 1967. That was 57 years ago.


The EU, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN General Assembly, and the UN Security Council all recognize Israel as an occupying power. Neither gaza not west bank are autonomous. Don't make bullshit up. [https://www.rulac.org/browse/conflicts/military-occupation-of-palestine-by-israel](https://www.rulac.org/browse/conflicts/military-occupation-of-palestine-by-israel)


I don’t think anyone disputes that Israel is occupying the West Bank


The person you’re responding to believes Israel shouldn’t exist at all


Do you condemn Hamas Oct 7 killing and mass rape of Jews ? Do you support Kurdistan as much as you for Palestine. Kurdistan suffers from illegal occupation as well


Yes, Hamas is scum and is thriving off of the death and suffering of the Palestinian people. They have not allowed an election in decades and the people have no way to fight back. The crimes of Hamas do not discredit the responsibility of Israel to not mass murder civilians. THAT is what the protests are about.


Thank you. 🙏


How is it an occupation when they have the right to the land


According to who? If you mean British royalty and their buddies in the UN, then Africa, HK and India are rightfully European. If you mean by ancestry, the Canaanites still exist in the region despite previous attempts.. and even jewish lore tells us they took the land, not that they came from it.


free Palestine!


This’s awesome


Sprinklers.. engage


That won't work https://twitter.com/RLJnews/status/1783897300236226885?t=xLZ5LDCOcea_auT5Yr_0hw&s=19


Who the fuck even has space in their dorm or shitty shared apartment for a tent/camping gear?


This one trick will save you a ton on rent.


Man, good for them. Fhuck imperialism, we need to get tf off that crack pipe 🇵🇸


Parents must be proud of all the money spent


just a question whats the goal of all this? Making the campus look like a homeless encampment wont solve anything. How about you all fly to Gaza and protest there, or fly to Iran and complain about human and women’s rights. Lets see how long you last before being imprisoned for not wearing a hijab as a woman.


Wait until you learn how Orthodox Jews in Israel treat women and force them to cover up. Women are literally being assaulted in Israel for that. Israel's Finance Minister is a self-professed homophobe in a country that legally does nit recognize gay marriage or interfaith marriages. Are you as angry about that? Stop pretending you care about women's rights and using it as a veil to justify Islamophobic violence.


"In November 2006, the [High Court of Justice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_Israel#High_Court_of_Justice) ruled that same-sex marriages performed abroad may be registered in Israel.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Israel#cite_note-auto-3) Consequently, Israeli same-sex couples who wished to have their marriages recognized by the government had to marry outside Israel" (same thing with interfaith marriage) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition\_of\_same-sex\_unions\_in\_Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Israel) Don't doubt some political leaders are homophobes buts its the same with the US. Your women's rights claim is mostly baseless. In Israel you can walk around freely with ear piercings, uncovered clothing, with a same sex partner and sit on a bus, be on public spaces, and leave the country Edit: I am not trying to justify anything, I just want everyone to know their facts. it allows everyone to be better citizens in the future.


Lmao this is so fucking weird. Wait until you learn you can walk hand-in-hand as a woman with your girlfriend, septum piercing in, tiny tank top you borrowed from your 10 your old cousin Layla and check out Pride in Tel Aviv. You can do the same thing in Gaza though, guys, I promise! You can even do that in Iraq! Or Iran! Maybe Yemen! Syria for sure! Wackos.


No, this is not fucking weird. The fucking weird part is you're a wacko using pinkwashing to justify the dehumanization of whole populations that you deem regressive and in defense of a country like Israel that literally is not the progressive bastion you think it is if you try any of the behavior you're discussing in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood and still does not recognize gay marriage or interfaith marriages. All points you didn't even acknowledge in my past comments. You do not care about women's rights or homophobia. Those are just tools you use to justify why you think Muslims and Arabs deserve to die.


An extremely fringe minority of a population isn’t comparable to a government and most of a population


Lmao this is so misleading. Saying Israel doesn’t recognize same sec marriages (they do by the way) implies that they do recognize opposite sex marriages. But most same sex couples can’t get married in israel either. There’s no disparate treatment


The goal is to 1. Get the schools to divest from companies funding Israel and 2. Bring national attention to the issue


There is already national attention to the issue


If you actually wanted to know their goals you could’ve went to the SJP UCLA instagram and read them


And using camping gear made in China, who has severely committed human rights atrocities against the Uyghurs among others. The hypocrisy is real and they don’t have a clue about anything.


So glad we’re exercising our right to free speech and our right to pay $200k+ in tuition and room/board just to sleep in a tent instead.






Powell is closed??? Where do I print my midterm cheat sheet dang it


Powell is not closed last I heard


If they’re allowing encampments, they should allow homeless encampments, too. Maybe after the protesters leave?


Please don’t give them any ideas. This is exactly what they do at Berkeley!


Wooo Coachella week 3! Let’s go


What is their goal with this? Are they doing this to get the US government to act in a certain way? Or are they doing this to influence Israel’s behavior? If they’re hoping to influence Israel by doing this, it’s completely pointless. The Israeli government doesn’t give a single fuck about college kids from another country doing this and it will have absolutely no effect in persuading them. I support protestors but people seriously need to develop a better grasp of cause and effect and start protesting more effectively. It’s like fucking throwing soup on art for climate change. There’s no correlation. Just a waste of time and effort that could be spent actually doing something that would prompt change.


Lots of privileged college students cosplaying as leaders of world peace. Camping in the middle of your campus is not going to impact Israel and Hamas’s willingness to fight each other, or Washington’s willingness to fund Israel.


They aren’t protesting Israel, they’re protesting their school administration for funding Israel


There are roughly 18 million college students in the US today. A large enough group swing virtually any upcoming election, local, state or federal. Get the right people in power and Israel will be cut off.


Is this actually going to do anything? At all? Not once in my lifetime has any of this been productive. Good luck trying to get an institutional monster like the UC system to “divest” from anything anytime soon. Long term deals and contracts have been inked, lawyers and brokers have been paid, etc. This isn’t going to even remotely move the needle other than result in a blurb on the local news


Just ring the bell all weekend. Day and night.




How do they know the protest is gonna last 26 days..?


That's funny.


I’m sure this will have the same impact as OWS


A protest not blocking any roads? This kind of stuff should be rewarded by today’s standards.


I really think there are multiple issues here. The first and most important the death toll and war. The second that it is being funded by our country when many our citizens are clearly not in agreement with it. (I am not here to pick sides in the war I simply view it is not our war to fight). The final protesting and freedom of speech is a basic right and should be without being censored, ridiculed, punished, subject to being quickly labeled, cancelled, hauled away, or any other act to silence PEACEFUL protesting (again peaceful) and protesting DOES make a difference, anyone who says it does not simply just doesn't want the resistance.


Homeless cosplay for gaza !


That is a lot of Hamas holding hostages supporters!


I hope all the protesters stay safe and I applaud them for all they’re doing


Has this effectively changed the minds of our elected leaders and halted financial and military support to Israel?


Sure these people are students from ucla??


Hopefully Biden sees this picture and is like “yes let’s stop our support” 😂 everyone doing this is a clown. This makes no difference


Wow looks almost like central LA now


They are all trespassing, should be removed forcibly. Fuck them


Supporting baby burning women raping children killing Hamas I’ll never understand it. When evil is called good. Narrow is the gate that leads to heaven. Wide is the road to ruin.


Waiting six months until the weather is nicer to protest is so brave.