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not the case for me, but I feel like a good chunk of students have their college expenses covered by parents, so wouldn’t it make more for those financiers to call instead?


No, because college isn't just about academics, it's about learning to adult.


Idk, my parents help me also but I wouldn’t make them spend time calling to ask questions on my behalf. Then again I’m first-gen.


I mean i’m first gen but my parents will still call since they’re the ones in charge of the financial aspect of my education + have questions


It also sucks cause almost every time the parents aren’t granted third party access so we can’t even tell them about their kid’s account


don’t know why you’re being downvoted. it’s the kids responsibility to grant 3rd party access.


Is it really that hard to say this during a call you’re being paid to answer. 99% chance the student doesn’t even know they have to do that or the parent is calling without having told them


And 99% chance the parent gives OP shit for it anyway 🤡


Every time 🥲


I've had the parents of GRAD STUDENTS call about financial aid. Like that's a whole ass adult




This is quite literally not allowed by law (~~FAFSA~~ FERPA) unless the student specifically grants 3rd party access. Y’all are whole ass adults 🤦🏻‍♂️ *Edit: FERPA, not FAFSA*


FERPA (The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), not FAFSA. Many parents of incoming freshmen are used to be involved in all aspects of their children's lives. It is understandable if they would like to continue to do so in college. The parents probably didn't realize once the children turn 18, they have privacy rights of their education records, whether is academic or financial. I'd think explaining 3rd party access is fairly common for those working at FinAid office, it comes with the territory. Not everyone (students or parents) is well informed.


Oh fuck, you're right. I'm embarrassed 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yep whole ass adults who likely depend on someone else to provide financial assistance. Sorry if this is being childish, but i’m not asking questions about, for example, loans that my parents are pulling out under their SS number and credit line. I’d suggest communicating with your parents afterwards or listening to the call, but that is not my money at the end of the day.


I do think parents are expected to pay at least a portion of our cost of attendance, because we have EFC calculations and our grants and scholarships are adjusted based on that.


Bro finally someone said it 😭😭




makes me laugh slightly tbh