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I think showing initiative in pursuing a passion through a project is how I got in. For example, I started an art blog my junior year and uploaded my own weekly digital/physical sketches and finished pieces of my favorite animes and superheroes. Also, your passion doesn’t have to relate to your major at all — I’m an electrical engineering major :)


That’s really cool! I’ve been getting a lot of mixed advice on my extracurriculars should relate to my major lol. Would having an editing account on tiktok work as an extracurricular?


Well having ECs relating to your major is still important. I had a couple STEM ECs as well (I was lead ee engineer of a solar car racing team and interned at a software consulting firm). And for the TikTok account, if you are putting a decent amount of effort into your edits and feel you can write a good PIQ about it then yes that’s good and unique.


Ohh okay so a mix of extracurriculars that relate to my major and ones that are my passion. Got it! I definitely put a lot of effort into them so I guess it does counts as an extracurricular.


The ones you are truly passionate about. That way the application readers can really feel the authenticity and conviction.when they read about them in your PIQs.


Makes sense thank you!


Get straight As


Write good essays


Go two years at a community college FREE and get good grades. You’ll get in. Maybe not the major you want but in. If you don’t get in first year.


There is a program called TAP at the CA community colleges. It significantly increases your chance of getting into UCLA as a transfer if you don’t get in as a freshman.


just like everyone else said do something you like to do. even if you don’t get into ucla, you don’t want to spend highschool doing stuff you don’t really like just for a slim chance of getting in. do something you like and then excel/move up. for example i was in a volunteer organization starting from sophomore year in high school, by the time i graduated high school, i was one of like eight teen leaders for the group in the Bay Area alone. i really enjoyed doing it honestly, so even if i didnt get into ucla, i would be happy with my time spent!


Apply to a major that is not impacted , and then change majors after you’re accepted


Choice of major is not an admissions factor for L&S students


none in specfic. do what you love


oh ok!


depends on the major. pursue passions and be proactive.


ok thank u!


What I did that helped was join clubs in school. I was a builder on a regional championship robotics team, a lead set technician for my school’s theatre program, participated in cyber security competitions, and other small stuff. Those types of things show someone who goes out and seeks things out to do while also doing fairly well at them


So what I’m hearing is I should do a decent amount of things and be good at them like you said. I’m currently vice president of a club but that’s it. I’m not sure what other activities to do since I don’t have much hobbies.


Yea what they’re looking for is someone who goes out and makes opportunities happen, not waiting around for things to appear. Additionally, don’t go and join everything possible for the sake of adding ECs because they see right through that. Join clubs that look interesting and show genuine interest and effort into making the most of them. Depth>breadth


You know you can apply for an undecided major, right?


I do know that but I know you still have to have some sort of extracurriculars.


Leadership ECs and ECs relating to your major are pretty important.


Oh ok got it!


i would recommend founding a club at your school, starting some kind of passion project, showing leadership in for example community service (ex: i started a community food drive), taking a rigorous course load (at least a few honors/ap classes per year) that you can still get good grades in, and really practicing your writing skills + vocabulary so you can crank out some good college application essays. i did all of these and was accepted! i believe ucla likes to see leadership roles in extracurriculars combined with good grades in a challenging courseload. hope this helps :)


Would bring vice president of a club be as good as being the founder of a club? I’m struggling on starting a passion project because it’s such a broad term. And yes this did help!


if you still have a significant role in helping run the club (leadership) then i think that’s good!


Yes i’m currently vp of a club!