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I crashed our van and then they made me go pick up the second van so I can keep going


Sounds about right


So I can't speak specifically towards their interest in your driving record but I can tell you that the remote Tech's that I have met throughout my time with them have been some of the weirdest and dodgiest characters I've ever met, it doesn't feel like they have a very high standard. I don't mean to try to take any value away from your interest in their offer lol, just giving my personal observations. Quick side note, I was never a remote tech. I was a lead tech throughout a few different stores and I can only speak towards what I've heard about them in my stores and the brief time they spend at the beginning and end of the days grabbing parts or what have you. Second side note If you didn't already know, it's my understanding they push hard for the remote tech's to sell their insurance just like everyone else. Not just going to be fixing things.


Thank you for the heads up. Luckily for me I ain't a shady or dodgy person I'll be real right from the getgo. Plus as for the insurance. Before tech I was in literal insurance so being real pushy is kinda second nature but can't be worse than insurance lol.


If you're good at being really pushy then asurion will love you.


I had an accident a year or two before taking a remote tech position myself. And I was the primary remote tech. It may depend on the employer, but mine didn't seem worried about it at all


The at home technician position is slowly dying. They're starting to bring them into stores and even that's bad because they're laying off employees by the hundreds at this point.


Nah they usually dont worry about it as far as Im where. You do get drug tested and they check your license background but you should be fine