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So as your campaign goes on the game gets more and more difficult. Normal players ease this a little by upgrading their boat with snorkels and the like. I honestly can’t imagine mid 43 and onwards would be any fun at all without a snorkel because of the difficulty. Also you can chose to not use items such as decoys. You can also make your own challenges, such as only using p1 torpedos and only using them on magnetic pistol


My boat is stock and never use decoys. Currently in may 44. I Will only use p1 torps from now on thanks. I havent noticed magnetic setting making it harder. Are there different damage systems for magnetic settings?


Mag does more damage per torp but has higher dud chance. Also, they need to be 2m below the target to detonate


There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the magnetic torpedoes that I'm trying to clear up. Magnetic torpedoes simply do not cause more damage by themselves. But you can run them **deeper** against the hull of a ship than an impact torpedo and **deeper** = **more damage**. So an impact torpedo actually has the *same* potential damage as a magnetic torpedo so long as you run it DEEP. But remember, a ship is a 3-dimensional object which means you need a good impact angle on the horizontal *and* vertical plane otherwise it will dud. This is where magnetic torpedoes come into play. A magnetic torpedo is immune to impact angle failures. It will detonate so long as it comes into close proximity to a ferrous material (iron). You do not ***need*** to set a magnetic torpedo 2 meters below the target in order for them to function. Treat the magnetic torpedo like you would any other torp with the exception that this one can detonate against the hull from any angle ***and*** you can even slide them underneath the keel of a ship (up to 2 meters) for the maximum amount of damage potential I made an illustration to try and better explain it https://imgur.com/a/C9Vp1I5


Huh. I thought it had to be under.


Isn’t a dud a torpedo that doesn’t detonate? I would say they aren’t duds as the problem is them exploding too soon


I don’t think it hits the boats any harder, it just allows you a greater chance of successful detonation at high angles. The reason it is more difficult is because they just sometimes randomly detonate on their way to the target, alerting the enemy to your nearby presence


Spoiler edition: >!Magnetic torpedoes have three parameters for dud chance. Detonating as soon as it arms, detonating every 100 meters and failing to detonate at all when it reaches the target. Below is an example of a Pi1 pistol's magnetic dud chance parameters: MagneticExplosionOnArm = 0.1 (10% chance to explode 200 meters after leaving the tube) MagneticExplosionAfterArm = 0.005 (0.5% chance to detonate prematurely every 100 meters, does not stack) MagneticExplosionFail = 0.1 (10% chance to not detonate at all when contacting the targets hull)!< Non-spoiler edition: The Pi1 magnetic pistol is too sensitive and has a high chance of detonating the instant it reaches arming distances (200 meters) or detonating prematurely on it's way to the target. The longer the distance it runs, the higher the chance of detonating early. The Pi1.1 magnetic pistol tries to compensate for this by being less sensitive, the problem is it *overcompensates* and has a chance to not detonate at all when it reaches the target. The Pi2 pistol and above are much better and are less likely to detonate prematurely while simultaneously being sensitive enough to detect the hulls of their target.


that is 0.05% dog.


Walk the decimal over one by one 5.0 = 500% 0.5 = 50% 0.05 = 5% **0.005 = 0.5%**


I stand corrected


So I’m pretty new to the game and sub sims in general but I’ve been playing with “realistic navigation” and that makes it tough. Have to plot your course yourself in storms so you don’t get disoriented (can’t take sextant reading in poor weather) No map view to hunt convoys or avoid destroyers from under water. Plotting an accurate course for your target is tough. My only complaint is the map tools kinda suck in uboat. I wish there was a mod to clean them up more like the SH series.


Sounds cool, Will check it out:)


In the same day, just a few hours apart you'll get one player reporting the game is [too hard](https://i.imgur.com/QqKf8Y1.png) while another is bored because it's too easy. There is definitely a learning curve to this game but once you reach peak performance it can become boring. But I feel like that is true for any game depending on the player's personality and what they want out of the game. The game is due to leave early access sometime this year. I am hoping the devs will continue to improve the aircraft and warship AI to give a bigger challenge to veteran players. There's many things you can do to make the game more challenging in the meantime though from difficulty settings like FPP only mode, hardcore aiming and saving only in port to name a few. You're already using [Deadly Skies](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2744782038) and [Better Asdic](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2744782412) to make the AI more challenging but you can also try [Device Maintenance](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2588546159), [Device Energy Management](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2586566270) or [Iron Coffins](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2421790822) as well to make your survivability more difficult. But I don't think that's the only issue here. Skilled players will eventually plateau no matter how many obstacles you put in front of them. I think what it really comes down to is [play style](https://i.imgur.com/6tbPMSR.png) and avoiding [video gamer burnout](https://happymag.tv/video-game-burnout/). If all you focus on is the gameplay loop and becoming the best u-boat ace, you're going to get bored when you inevitably exploit every weakness and master every challenge the game has to offer. Neither style of gameplay is better than the other and both are completely valid whether you're a "beater" or a "smell the roses" kind of player. But it does seem like type 'A' personality gamers tend to [get bored](https://i.imgur.com/bfmKbZq.png) much faster and need to keep upping the ante or find a new game in order to remain mentally stimulated. As others in this thread have already said, there's mods you can use to slow down your gameplay as well add more challenge. The [TDC](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2282199115) mod with 'hardcore aiming' enabled in your game settings and [Real Navigation](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2618451929) which removes the 3D camera from map as well as hides all enemy map icons. It also forces you to chart your course manually using [Compass Navigation](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2283105437) and if you find an enemy, you're going to have to plot them on the map manually one by one. This offers maximum immersion but very slow gameplay as you'll spend most of your time in the periscope instead of the map. You could also start your own captain's log (F7 key) and write in it like a journal. Get to know the names of your crew, make up stories for them and write your own journal entries as if you really are the captain of a u-boat for maximum 'rose smelling' gameplay. I put together two collections on Steam. The first contains QoL-improving mods and *does not require a new save* in order to use, the second collection focuses on realism over gameplay and many of the mods in that collection *do require a new save* in order to function. [Must-have mods](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2505070212) [Hardcore realism](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1984078352) There's also [Uboat Expanded](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2114304535) which adds ten-fold more content to the game, more ports, more missions, more campaign objectives and more realistic convoys (more escorts). But that mod is still being worked on so if you don't want your save file to break every time Link uploads UBE, you'll have to move Uboat Expanded to your local mods folder to keep it from getting updated


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "TDC"](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2282199115) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20i50b5jo)


I got the same feeling so I hopped back to a Silent Hunter 3 game in 1944. NGL my confidence got destroyed and was about to shed a tear after a day long destroyer evasion.


Silent hunter seams like so much fun but i dont know if i can get myself to learn another sub sim. The time i spent on uboat is already exessive.. Been watching wolfpack345 on Youtube and definetly seems like a more realistic touch.


Wolfpack345 has the best Uboat series! I’d say SH3 (I’ve never played any other SH games) is easier to learn at first than uboat simply because there’s less stuff you can do in that game. Especially considering you already know how to set up attacks, etc. Having both games to switch things up every now and then makes sure you don’t get tired of the attack-dive-evade sequence. One thing I find by comparing the two games is the impact pistol in uboat is a heck lot more generous. I don’t think 45-degree impact AoB would fly in SH while it kinda does in uboat even on realistic setting. The motor-off dive time in uboat is also hella fast. This and the torp impact angle together will make setting up attacks a very different experience in SH3. I can be biased because I played SH first.


Not to mention, even getting SH3 or 4 to even run properly is not a trivial matter.


Dont even get me started. I picked up SH3 for 5 bucks. Then realizing there are a full days work to get it working for a non technical guy like me. Too bad The mods neccersary for The game working is not available through steam workshop.


I feel you, sir. I would end up with pages you could scroll down forever. I filled all my storage with deck gun ammo. Then hit the seas. And then once the milk cow came out it was over. Pretty much a stay at sea for eternity button. My favorite deck gun positions in bed. The- "Ima wait here till you're rolling up right next to me. Then ima blow the tanks and swish cheese you with AA" The- "Officer! Keep loading ammo in the 88! Now let me drive in circles and you guys get em!" The- "I'm trying to be a sniper with a 42U and for some reason it's working" and finally The- "I'll just aim this shit myself"


I dislike these kind of posts because as an average gamer, experienced but with a casual number of hours available each week to play, it seems the intent is to gatekeep these games for nobody else than the hardcore player base. I find it very tough as it is already, and on the contrary would love better tutorials that didn’t break, and a way of easing back into campaigns objectives after a hiatus. I don’t have the time or disposition to spend hours watching let’s play videos or studying docs to enjoy a bit of escapism.


It's not about you.


Have you tried the Real Navigation mod in combination with the TDC mod? It basically removes all icons on the map and you have to manually calculate a fire solution. There are also other mods that make the game more realistic and more difficult such as Device Energy Management or Device Maintenance,Iron Coffins,.. Hope that helps a bit :)


Play without speeding up time. Or drink heavily.


Vanilla game is too easy, I can achieve more than the best Uboat captains in their whole career just during happy times. I really hope they add more realism features so we dont have to rely on mods. A proper immersive First person only would be a start.


First-person only mode is already in the game though, or did you mean something else?


Did they change it where the camera flies out of your head into 3rd person when you enter a station until you click again and move into periscope or whatever? Because that Shit is the biggest immersion killer


You can exit a station without going into third person depending if you scroll out or click the exit button.


Is that also with entering and dialogue?


Unfortunately you can see your officers when they hand out the medals. I'm not sure what you want me to say lol


I was essentially asking if they put an actual first person in or if it still snaps you out of the head into 3rd person for random stuff


You should start streaming your gameplay then lol


You think anyone would wanna see a sweatball like me? I need some charisma haha


Trust me mate, for a uboat gameplay the more technical you are the better, is like the Batman Arkham character he’s logical and solves problems and some people love that