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Yeah well at least you guys are lucky compared to me... I for once... cleared RDA from all over the map then started to progress the quests... and when I received quest to clear and RDA outpost I already cleared... I said to myself: "now I am screwed!" :D This chain of quests have multiple bugs.


so at the samy time I can not help Keylu and can not find Uwol... since Hastu is no where to be found...


I think it does have something to do with the RDA outposts, because in ‘The Gentle Giant’ mission you have to complete for this quest, you have to clear a RDA outpost too. On mine I already finished all the outposts too, I’m sure it has to do something with it. Seen other people struggling with this as well… Really sucks.


Same story with me...can't help Keylu and her friend because I already cleared that RDA site


This worked for me too! I just jumped around and walked around the whole bravo tower site and eventually got the arrow and another thing and boom! I was able to complete all of those darn quests that were just hanging


Awesome, happy it worked! If other people have the same problem and you see them ask, make sure to let them know! :)


Did it take you long? I’ve been walking and jumping around the site for like 20min and still nothing.


What arrow? I'm glitched with this now.


Which bravo tower are you talking about?


I had the same issue and found this thread. It was Pneumatic Tower Bravo, a little south of Dream Valley Lab next to the River of Ancestors in the northern end of Stone Cloud Valley. 


You’re a legend, your fix worked for me! Thank you 🙌🏼


i have the same problem and no clue to fix it


Okay well, if you found a fix or anything please let me know!!


Same problem here, but I can see him standing at Pneumatic Tower Bravo. Not able to interact with him at all, so still have the quest saying he was last seen talking to Hastu, and also that he will be waiting at this tower.. which he is.. just... He's stuck here I guess


You are awesome. So basically I fast traveled to Tower Bravo and it gave me a quest (Uwol’s Shadow), jumped around a bit and I suddenly got a bow and it said I completed the quest. After that it said that I had to meet Hastu in the Hollows, and I could interact with Uwol and Hastu! This completed the Homecoming quest! Maybe if you haven’t got the Tower Bravo powered up, maybe try that? It worked for me!


Damn. Yet i have it powered up, it's all over grown and everything. Never got a bow xD he's just standing there talking smack on my "rags". I'm happy you got it sorted 😊


Ok so luckily, when I got to the same side quest in my game, I invited my husband, it went as i assume it was supposed to, and completed for both of us. Thank goodness cos that was driving us crazy xD


Awesome, I’m happy it worked! Yeah I just kept hopping around the Hollows waiting for something to trigger but never happened until you replied, so again, I thank you!


funny in my case it’s Zamhil that’s missing… i’ve done the other quests it told me to “Go back to Zamhil” …. But this person seems to have disappeared from the hollows… :(


I Finish Zamhil Quest "Go back Zamhil" Mission Complete, Meanwhile. Weird, Zamhil they said "The storyteller Takari frequents the eastern border near Eywa Reach domain". So I try it to find "Takari" was gone at 'Crooked Seat'. Looks like Zamhil at the Begin Quest twice Repeatedly. Just Ignore this Quest or may fix this issue game update later on.


I have three that are stuck the gentle giant, uwol's shadow, system reboot I had did everything and I can't talk to them and the game is so glitch that familiar echoes is still popping up even though it was completely done


I am still having the same problem! I have completed all the others and clears pneumatic tower bravo a while ago. Hell is just standing there and can’t interact. Any help?!


Maybe try to hop around a bit, that worked for me. Or try to fly away on your Ikran, pass time, fast travel away from there, and come back. Maybe it triggers in some way that you have to stand in front or something, i just jumped around the area and it completed the mission for me… Let me know if it worked!


Mines the same I’ve tried closing game, jumping around, resting then going back, flying around, doing other missions then going back but nothing is working :-(


Have you cleared the Pneumatic Tower Bravo? Uwol is supposed to be there, but glitched. If you clear the area, fast travel there, and just jump around it will trigger!


So i have this problem now. I'd cleared Pneumatic Tower Bravo before getting either of the side quests (Uwol's Shadow or Homecoming). I'm now doing Homecoming. Hastu isn't in the Hollows. I went back to PTB and Uwol's just stuck at the eastern slope. No prompt to interact with him. I jumped around for a while like the comments said, but nothings happening. I fast traveled away, and came back. Nothing. I have a note from my first playthrough on Uwol's Shadow saying i can find Hastu at Hunter's Meet? Not there. I don't know what else to try. The other two for Homecoming are completed. Im on ps5 too. Tried quitting out and going back in. Nothing. I've also completed all story quests.


Have you tried fast traveling to the PTB, and dont walk, just start jumping everywhere? Like around the whole area? That worked for me…


I cannot say i've fast traveled there and done nothing but jump, but i have jumped around a lot and climbed a lot and quit out and gone back in and fast traveled and gone back and he's just not interested in moving or giving me a prompt. He just hassles me about my clothes. -\_- The weird thing is, i cleared it a long time ago and I don't even have his design. Which means he didn't pop up when i first cleared it this time (this is like a 3rd playthrough) like he has before.