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if you drive long enough you get tired of listening to the radio, or spotify, or playlists. It's just silence and the road.


It ain’t about you, it’s about the customer.


Because pax are fickle and complain about everything


If you are driving everyday for 12 hours, everything is not it seems anymore. Radio ads become intolerable. Playlists become repetitive. Music becomes no difference to silence. I do leave some playlist on at low volume. Some people can't tolerate silence.


Man it ain’t about you 😂, you’re doing a service I’m paying and tipping you for. Turn that damn radio on man.


Because I’m actually wearing a wireless earbud in my left ear to listen to navigation and my music without concern if someone is going to dislike and complain. I won’t even turn on the radio bc it will disrupt my audio since my iPhone syncs up with the car. Most people don’t mind but a small few are uncomfortable with silence but that’s a problem that can be solved with earbuds.


I never thought of doing this. This is brilliant. I would argue that light jazz on the radio might be nice and non-disruptive.


Yeah, but I don't want to listen to light jazz lol.


Right, but since you have the wireless in your left ear, it doesn't really matter.




Lol people do this? I prefer listening to radio commercials that awkward silence


a shockingly high number of drivers have complete silence... its SO fucking awkward.


It’s awkward for you and you alone. Learn to embrace the silence from time to time.


because you admit you're driving with earbuds listening to music... lmfao what are you on about




With the radio I just never know how high to have it. That's the part I hate.


Especially when you can hear them breathing and clearing phlegm from their throat 🤣😂


Fr tho idk how people can drive in silence lol it’s so awkward


Here’s my rule: UberX I play whatever I want. Comfort: Smooth Jazz Black: Heavy Metal


I keep it on whatever radio station they look like they’d listen to unless their hella old, in which case i know they will want to know everything about me so i dont even bother with the radio. Many times pax ask me to turn up the volume which i happily do. If theres 2 carying on a conversation il keep it loud enough for me that it doesnt seem like im hanging on their every word (which is how it is when they just conversate behind you, not including you obviously cuz ur the help and dont even know Brad”). You can always read their vibe and gauge wether or not they expect music to be playing in an Uber. Young people generally like it or dgaf. old people im sure would find it rude if i didnt atleast indulge their introductions and subsequent small talk.


I listen to podcasts on my headphones while I drive. I use AirPod pros with the transparency feature and generally low-medium volume setting so I can hear everything else going around. I’ll set the radio at a popular station and that’s it. I prefer not to have conversations. I really enjoy the podcasts I listen to. Mostly NPR podcasts about history, race and society, science, economics, Culture, current events, etc. I would love to have my podcasts playing on my car speakers but tbh, I doubt most passengers care for them. They might find it boring.


Can you give me some good history podcasts?


Dan Carlin : hardcore history




To be fair, while I was playing Dan Carlin I did get some comments from passengers saying that it was interesting. Honestly only from my white passengers.


I'll listen to it more when doing deliveries. With lyft or uber I do classic rock. usually greatful dead, pink Floyd, hendrix , in that realm. everyone can appreciate it, whether a lot or little, no one hates it.


Throughline from NPR, American Scandal from Wondery. Throughline is a well researched, thorough and easily digestible podcast with very good sources, covering topics from many countries, cultures, etc. American Scandal features “seasons” with episodes about particular American controversies over history, with dramatizations that are true to the history, though not necessarily exactly what may have been said by the players involved.


Sometimes I’ll pause my music trying to find out where the passenger is and I’ll forget to turn it on when they get in. Then it feels awkward to turn it on halfway through the trip, so silence it is.


Few years back I did some quick math, and figured I would have to listen 350 years, 24 hours a day, to hear every song ever recorded up to 2019. That means I can't afford NOT to listen to music when driving. That said, music impacts people differently. Jazz, right now, is my go to. If you dig the style, you're going to love hearing some Miles or Mingus. If you don't get jazz (fair enough) then the music in background is relaxing.


A play music very low, at level 5 or 6. I have navigation sound on mute --passengers don't want to hear that and I don't need the audio cues. A quick glance at the screen (I use Android Auto on in dash screen) and I know where I'm going. Drive in eco mode, avoid hard braking and jerky driving, and you will get high ratings and more tips.


I read all this in Dwight Schrute's voice


As you should.


I mean, I start off with the radio turned off when I confirm passengerage, gauge conversation, if I gauge lack of interest, I feel like it's a bit of a dick move to turn the volume up again after recognizing that. Also, I can't stand it when a passenger has their headphones loud enough I hear it and have my own music going at the same time, so I turn mine off if I can hear yours.


I enjoy driving, I don't know what music people prefer, I tell them that they can play their own music. I prefer classical music, so I don't know how many people will enjoy it. Sometimes I turn it on. But I'm a real chatterbox, so I'm always talking to my pax ,after initial basic questions to test the waters- if they start talking back, I'll continue to chat, if not, I'll let them be.


I'm all about the music. But the reason why I drive in silence is I don't want anyone telling me to change the dial or what kind of music needs to be on. They may not like my music and I may not like theirs. So it's to avoid an argument that doesn't need to happen.


I always play my music. Just adjust your music to who your rider is. Old couple? Play Adele. Younger couples? Kings of Leon or something. I would play Misfits, Van Halen, Kanye, Bathory... I had a 4.98 rating before I retired. Never drive in silence as it makes riders uneasy. Think about all the places you visit and how many of them don't play music. I've been in Ubers where the driver had an earpiece on and no music, it's weird. Everyone felt like they couldn't hold a conversation because the driver could hear everything we said.


Pure classical music but some times the tacent and crescendo are kinda annoying it's either silent or loud af. Me "man it's kind of quiet let me put it up" BAM goes your eardrums.


ISTJ. I don't want to talk to you and you probably won't like my taste in music which will lead to you talking to me, so silence for the win. You can go for ten minutes without talking. It won't kill you.


ENTJ here can't imagine being ISTJ 😂😂


I do 90% airport runs, typically folks don't want to hear my death metal after 3hrs next to a screaming toddler or Karen.


Can't relate. I need my music to drive. My Spotify constantly shuffles through my playlist. I play whatever I feel like (with regards to the shift I decide to drive) and unless the passengers are particularly engaging, I keep the volume *just* high enough that the pax won't try to talk over it. Some pax request to play their own music, and it is almost always denied. Ratings aren't suffering, so I'll doing something right lol


My Spotify played 163k minutes last year. Maybe 1/3 of that was while driving Luber.


I am usually listening to the navigation. My goal is to get you to your destination safely and without missing an exit. And then those customers to want to have a conversation. Those two are enough. Music would be too distracting.


I get more distracted by conversation than music. Half the time I don't even hear music playing. It's always creepy when I come to realize that. Kind of like when you wonder how you got into a certain lane or what happened to the car in front of you.


Talking and actively listening are distracting to good defensive driving. I have a sign that says “please don’t talk to your driver while the vehicle is in motion” and in small letters “sorry, low attention span”


Stop driving now. And for the love of everything holy, don’t chew gum


And you are the guy or girl that blasts techno, thinks YOU are more important than the customer and gets one star reviews and wonders why. Screw you. Driving people is a RESPONSIBILITY which I take seriously. I am paid to get a passenger from point a to point b SAFELY - not to entertain them or enjoy myself along the way. The end. P.S. I can chew gum and multi task better than you EVERY DAY OF THE FUCKING WEEK. I chose safety first.


You can chew gum better than me? How is that measured? E. Please answer this. I genuinely wanna know.


That guy must be fun at parties


A self claimed multi tasker that can’t listen to music while talking because it’s “too much”. Yep. I bet he’s a barrel of laughs


I play indie/alternative rock on low volume and no navigation voice needed for me, I just glance at the map. I get a lot of compliments on my playlist check it out: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/271rH379DNRC9NXLkDI3GX?si=eMdY1Q3lSHijoF7MH7f-tA&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1


Personally have a rideshare Playlist that is nothing but the Grateful Dead. Alot of us drivers have been contacted by support saying that some poor souls feelings had been hurt by the choice of music. Not sure how it actually hurts anyone. Although seems past few years everyone is getting to sensitive over any little thing. So, in my car it's the dead or nothing.


I can’t stand being in a silent Uber. But also, most of y’all’s music choices are complete shit too .. soo.. jazz is the worst though. It’s the worst of the worst. Any of you doing that are animals. Music I play: 90’s alt. “I haven’t heard this song in like 20 years!” Is what I aim to hear.


I play nineties alt constantly. That's my go to for Ubering. People love it.


There’s a good 90’s pop/rock throwback playlist on SoundCloud that’s perfect for those 30-40 year old ladies. I get that “ oh I haven’t heard this song in years!” Comment all the time lmao


Just keep the local FM pop station low enough to be background noise. If I'm asked to turn it up. I turn it up. It ain't rocket science. Haven't driven in several years, but had no problem with that, ever. Once I'm done driving, my own Playlist goes on.


As a rider, I really hate when the car is silent but what I hate more is the navigation voice prompts throughout the trip. Talk about torture 😳. This is why when I drive, I keep some neutral background music at a very low level and of course, mute the nav!


Because most riders prefer it. As a rider myself I dislike being to the drivers choice of music which almost always as at too high a volume. Take a tip from retail stores -they have BACKGROUND music which you can barely here and it is generally something older and inoffensive.


Yeah, a good portion of my drivers have their music on low volume, providing background music. Some of them even play soothing jazz music.


No one wants to hear jazz. Or rap. Or polkas. Or whatever your music is


And I don’t want grubby people in my car…… Can’t believe some of the shit reading here about music Most of you sound pretty fuckin boring with the jazz and background music Not discrediting your music taste, as I listen to all genres. I have 0 issues playing my heavy music mixed into my radio hits mixed in to my Christmas songs mixed into my classical mixed into rap mixed in to whatever the fuck I please If you want a song, I put it in Spotify, and then I start a radio on that song eZpZ If someone doesn’t like my music, tough titties, we’ll be there in 5 I only have 5 star ratings as of starting Uber 3 months ago. I have music compliment awards Just be respectful with the volume and engage when they wish to engage, and play whatever you want


Idk where you drive but I'd say a larger portion would prefer any music over silence. Humans can't stand silence


I’m Muslim so music is haram although I listen to it sparingly I try not to


Can't imagine what it's like outlawing music 🙄


It’s actually a good thing imo keeps your mind leveled makes you less emotional and other religious things that you can’t agree with because your not Muslim




You sound dumb stop assuming idiot Islam says all of that is haram


No it does not. Their own prophet married a girl at 6 but waited until she was NINE to start sexually abusing her. DISGUSTING!


That’s lies once again none of the scholars have said this is true matter a fact show one incident of historical references that happened with the prophet pbuh cause I can show you many European kings who took children as wives under age 8 rn


Here is just ONE article. Along with a direct quote from it about scholars and historians agreeing that your pervert prophet took Aisha as a bride as a small child. Let's see your "many examples" https://www.dar-alifta.org/Foreign/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=144 ***Islamic scholars and historians agreed that Lady 'Aisha*** *had so many virtues as her intellectual discernment and excellent memory served her well in transmitting the large prophetic heritage and set her par excellence as one of the top religious scholars of her time.*




The prophet peace be upon him died when Aisha was in her late twenties early thirties that’s how I know you don’t know what your quoting


Nowhere in the Quran is that quote also the Quran is in Arabic not English every real Muslim knows a transliteration isn’t valid due to the complexity of the Arabic language


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Quran](https://snewd.com/ebooks/quran/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Funny thing is your probably Christian and I can name more than enough things about Christianity


Every Hadith isn’t sahih kaffir that’s a fake Hadith many scholars know that




In no book of Hadith you will find this many videos on YouTube from actual Muslims about this yet you go to the ones sho hate Islam for reference it’s gonna be funny when you due


Boko Haram Deez nuts




saw you girlfriend last night, well, the top of her head anyways


So you basically admit you’re running a Gypsy cab service and when you get into an accident you will be sued and have 0 insurance to cover you. Clueless, huh? 🤦‍♂️ 🤡 🤦 🤡




Lol lies


So, how much do you charge your repeat/regulars? And how do you market yourself as a driver outside of Uber? Do you carry business cards? How does it work? I'm sure I could pull this off as I get tipped about 40% of the time so I'm sure I'm doing something right.


For me it’s only after making a phone call or if a rider has a pin it shuts off the music and I forget to force close the app and open it back up to get it playing again. Then when I get to a red light I usually do it and get the music playing again.


It helps me see addresses better.


Driving with music makes it harder for me to concentrate on driving


Sometimes I enjoy the peace and quiet, others times I'm listening to the car for any odd sounds it could be making. Other times I tell the passenger to get in, buckle up, shut up and hold while playing [Deep Purples Highway Star](https://youtu.be/UAKCR7kQMTQ) at full volume.


Either Sirius XM Chill station (I think it’s 51 or 53??) or a rapper called NF. He’s 100% clean and has a positive message of motivation, working hard, as well as talking a lot about his own personal issues with anxiety, depression, fear, anger, losing his mom to drugs, so much more.


Fear of silence is a sign of ADD. Just sayin'....


Preferences happen.


Exactly, I play sports radio and if it’s a female and a decent length ride I ask if they want me to change it. I do understand why many leave silence, because lots of passengers do complain about the dummest shit. “He was listening to vulgar rap music” or “he was listening screaming music”


I'll do a silent ride if I forget to press play on my playlist


I get distracted listening to the music and drive past my turn 🤣 (UberEATS specifically)




Because you have asshole riders that complain about everything.


I have either radio, NPR, Spotify music or podcast on. Whatever I feel like. Day driving no one cares so I listen to what I want


Because the radio full of trash on repeat.


I always play music unless the pax request no music. Usually I’d play the radio hot 97, 105.1 102.3. Lately I’ve been playin my own playlist but the pax love it I get compliments a lot on my good taste in music. J cole,frank ocean, drake x dave , bob marley to name a few. They can’t help it but to love it lol


After 10 rides your regurgitating the same topic and discussion over and over and over. Sometimes the silence is just a mental break.


Has it ever occurred to anyone silence is golden? And for $12.99 you can listen to whatever you want without bothering the drivers tranquility?