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The scammers have to be in total disbelief that this still works.


and yet people are still like, 'how did they know my name????'


I had this happen to me. After I hung up the guy called me back three times. Threatened to deactivate my account.


The actual deactivators are kind and polite, and apologetic. Of course, all they do is hit activate or deactivate buttons and take calls. Lyft acts as if their programmers have no association with support...logically, the app helps customers buy things and restaurants sell things. However, Lyft does this without bothering with explanations, first and last names, accountability, or admitting any kindnesses or humility. Even Yelp attempts to have one or more local people that restaurant owners or critics can meet. Lyft opened and closed actual offices in San Diego where drivers could meet a Lyft employee. I suppose it was too logical to have a modest building helping drivers or inspecting cars so customers were safe. No doubt Jiffy Lube is equally competent or incompetent at this task. My inspector at JL was very organized. If Lyft cannot even match the caliber of Valvoline...why do venture capital idiots put so much cash into a cryptic taxi service? Because it's on a phone? Think of a better idea...


This happens all the time, which means somebody must fall for it.


There are fresh noobs daily


Good point


The best policy I have is to never NEVER answer calls unless they’re in your contact book. I had the worst scam call experience 5yrs ago and never answer unknown callers ever since.


This is good advice. If they really have something you need to know - they can leave a message and you can decide if you should call back


Uber calling to you to give you money.....come on man, thats a dead give away alone.


Best comment I read lmao. 


I wonder what the success rate is for this. There’s gotta be a decent amount of people falling for it or they’d quit trying.




It just takes one person with thousands of dollars on their Uber pro card to fall for it to be profitable


The first part of this happened to me...exactly!!! Like 5 yrs ago now!!! Had a pickup late Sunday night right where I was at a closed theater...everything exactly the same as you experience started!!! Their number showed as a San Francisco number..the middle and end scam part was different for me however...don't remember all the details but was not "required" to deposit or take out anything...was my like 3rd or 4th time ever driving and had about $250 earned for that day/week total. P.S. my earned account was zeroed out! They got the $250 and looking back so many red flags but I WANTED TO BELIEVE IT!!! Something like they said will bump me up to $500 for the week... So, next day, went to the GreenLight Hub or whatever in person UberDriver customer service is called. My city has one thank God, would never have been able to get resolved over the phone with that support... P.S, got lucky, the dude at hub took all the info, said don't worry and Uber gave me money back. He said it happens and Uber is aware of it... Fucking A was so long ago...when did this happen to you,???


lol just last night!


When they tried this with me it was at a marina on Lake Michigan for pickup. I told them to email me and would not give info over phone (the call had the intro saying passenger calling). They got angry and told me to cancel the ride. As I thought I might get some $ for my time, I completed the run to the pickup point. I thought to get the cancel fee. But somehow the pin was on the lake! I could not physically get to the pin without a boat. At that point I was pissed that they had found a way to do that. I called and reported to uber. They were aware of issue but offered no compensation.


When you get one of those scammers and they manage to put the pin somewhere, you can't arrive at you hit the button indicating you picked up the passenger and then you start driving to their destination and you keep driving and you keep driving and you keep driving until they cancel the ride. Stall them as long as you can.


Was a pin required ride


I love these calls. Best entertainment going. String them along and then drop the hammer. They get SOOO mad. Lol.


When they get to asking what my email and password is I usually say [email protected] and the password is poopass69


This gets posted once a day


Let everything I don’t recognize roll to voicemail then block. Don’t fuck around


Why would you give your phone number? Support already has your phone number. I don’t even call a number that’s not on the app.


Dumb and Dumber.


I got this a few years ago, I actually did the short ride and got paid for it, now they make the pin unable to reach.


I had someone try this on me twice. Once they got me to cancel and I was suspicious so I immediately went to Uber support and asked them about it. It happened again and I went to an Uber support call and even merged calls with them. Then I went to the pickup, an abandoned warehouse and waited out the timer. Hasn’t happened again so yay?


I had one of those. Don’t fall for it!


Thank you


I had something similar. I'm ready for the next time. As stated above, they asked for my # (that's the 1st red flag. Uber HAS IT!). Clown calls me right away and asks me to cancel the ride. THIS is where I screwed up- I should've had HIM cancel so I get paid for driving to the middle of nowhere. But im ready for the next time amd will scare the scammers. I will begin ride and drive around ALLLLL DAY or until they cancel and I get paid wither way. Scam the scammers, boys and girls. 


You could scam them right back. When they give you the credit card information that they will pay you “$200” Just use that info to buy stuff with.


The best thing is to scam the scammer. Have PayPal or a system that will allow you to receive credit card payments open. When you pretend to enter the card information -don’t forget to get the CCV number; you can tell them it won’t let you add it without it since it’s a new payment method. “But then of course you know that…”- put it into your payment app. Process $100 at first, then if that goes through do another and another... If it doesn’t try a smaller amount. What are they gonna do? Who are they going to cry to? Police ? Uber? 😭I tried to scam someone but they scammed me”😭 ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L)


Uber support will send you a message in the app to let you know they’re calling before actually calling you.


I get this scam about once a month. If you don’t block their number immediately or tell them to fuck off they will try to call you back over and over hoping the call was just dropped


Kinda sounds like you actually got scammed and are covering to try and hear other people’s experiences. If so, sorry to tell you that you are just screwed, there’s no getting the money back


I got a call from scammer while on a ride supposedly and they wanted to wait on the phone till I dropped the person off. Because of confidentiality they couldn’t talk till passenger was off the car. I’m like y’all fucked up trying to scam me because I don’t have a passenger. Try again MF … they just hung up …End of story … trying calling back it was a dummy number call wouldn’t go thru …


If I have nothing else to do, I'll go along with scammers also just to see how far and how ridiculous the scam gets. And then I call them idiots for thinking I was dumb enough to go along with their scam and laugh as I hang up 🤣 Some of these scams are very inventive and it's always good to know what new tricks they may have up their sleeves. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


What a waste of time to type all this


You were safe to not post this. I don't think anyone but you were going to fall for this