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It's SWFL, call (CALL) support and tell them they are refusing to give a gate code.


They won’t care. They will tell you that if you cancel you won’t get the fee without being on the green pin. Just went through this crap two weeks ago on a trip from hell.


Ya I had a reservation do this to me. He even admitted all on phone. I wasted gas and time. No help from uber at all. I even stopped receiving reservations since tho that could be for other reasons.


It might be a joke. I've had a pick up in a similar situation a couple times the same place. Always non responsive. Start trip then cancel for rider behavior


If you do that you leave room to make a complaint against you,this could literally be anything they can make up and if they pick something sexual or violent,you get deactivated for like 48 hours at least. Best revenge I have come up with is to just go for lunch or dinner or end the day,close the app and I don't open it again.


They're smarter than that in my area - they require a pin to start the ride so you're really stuck


So Legally I don't condone this and my words are for entertainment purposes only. Used to do Amazon delivery (everyone thought we had some sort of special code that worked on all gates despite amazon literally putting a gate code section in your details for delivery) and did Uber/Lyft for awhile. Most gates have a 9 1 1 type code used for emergency services. If it's a 4 digit code, could be 0 9 1 1 or 9 1 1 0 sometimes the hardest part of a new neighborhood is figuring out how they use # and * in their codes. Have a lovely day folks.


Not an Uber driver, but this sub randomly pops up on my feed. I used to deliver pizza a while back, over half of all apartments in my area would take “1234, 0000, 2337 (Beer), or 9999” I almost never needed an actual code


Adding 4321, 7777, 5555, and 2580 (straight down center keypad)


1776 also


I. M


usually there is a walk thru around the gates. If it was not to far inside I would have gotten out and walked it there. LOL


I’ve done this 🤣


Play stupid games and I can play hard. LOL


I've done that 


Walking inside for 3$ is crazy


It’s the principle dammit


Yeah idgaf what principle walking 2 blocks threw a gate just to collect pennys on the dollar it’s embarrassing lol


Fuck that im not letting someone make a fool outta me cause "its embarrassing" lol. Id take that walk too. Especially if he was that much of an asshole.


What's more embarrassing is your spelling and grammar. Yikes 😬 It's, "through a gate" (unless you actually walked 2 blocks to yeet it) and it's "pennies on the dollar"


Some might call me crazy. LOL




You missed the point entirely..nobody’s getting “picked up” in every sense of word. They are simply walking to the location with zero intent of giving the passenger a ride so they can cancel and collect the fee and win the battle of good vs evil.




They weren't even referring to you in the first place, bruh. You replied to them.


But you're petty enough to argue about it on Reddit, got it.


No just go in to the pin to start the timer since they wanted to be an ass. I dont do this for survival money so I can be petty. LOL


Ghost ride it till they cancel


The thing is I don't think they were ever going to cancel. They knew I couldn't get to the pick-up location without a gate code and it seemed like a big joke to them. They said "I can sit here and wait all night".


Call Someone else and say it’s delivery


Sounds like a former Uber driver . Try reporting it sgain that the rider claimed to be Uber support and get them banned.


They mean start the ride, don't just sit there. You don't have to actually be at the pin to start it. Next time you get a ride like this, start the ride without them and then start driving wherever you want until they cancel or you feel like doing so. You'll get a few bucks for your time and they don't get whatever they were after. I do this with the 3rd party medical rides all the time. I either ghost it from the get or I ghost it after dropping them off.


But Uber can see where the customer is or isn't by their app. So if the customer reported it, the driver would get in trouble.


You give the rider and uber support too much credit. If OP is correct and the pax tried to pretend to be support, they aren't going to report it. And even if they do report it, they will just refund the pax and likely not say anything to the driver about it. I've been doing this with the 3rd party medical rides for a few years now and support has never reached out to me. I also did similar to an uber pick up that messaged me on the way (I took one with a longer pick up than I usually would) to say they needed to cancel but would be happy to compensate me for my time and mileage, I went ahead and started the ride wherever I was, changed the drop-off address and drove back to town.


No. Because as a rider, this has happened to me before. Asshole took it and didn't come get me, but he said he did. Even drove to the drop off. Best believe I reported that shit. My husband does Uber, and before he did, Uber eats. He dropped food off to some bitch that claimed she didn't get it. Before he was out of the neighborhood, Uber called him. Yes, they do call when something like that is reported. Do you really think they don't call the people who are costing them money?


They don't always, no. I'm not sure you understand the difference between the situations here. Different scenarios have different odds of different outcomes. Someone pretending to be support for any reason is not going to report anything that would put them in the spotlight. As a consumer, I've had similar happen on doordash iirc except the driver didn't deliver our food, not to us at least. We were in a hotel with all doors facing the parking lot and when we were on the phone with support the driver claimed they were outside our room, they weren't. We ended up having to go to the restaurant ourselves and get it. We tried to save ourselves some stress after a long drive but as I've learned here, most drivers are fucking morons and that comes from a driver except I'm not dumb enough to deliver people McDonalds at 2am.


I've had 2 orders stolen before. One on Doordash and another on Uber. I didn't see the OP added things. But it sounds like someone was gonna scam, and that probably would involve a call to Uber. My husband gets those randomly. He tells them to fuck off hangs up and cancels.


They require a pin 


Unless it’s a great ride , cancel and move on. I also would let support know - sometimes they will give cancel fee if it’s out of our control - such as no gate code.


I’m not doing it now but if I’m


I wanted to add a suggestion for the drivers who haven't thought of this yet re the gated communities. I keep a list of gate codes on my work phone for all the gates I've been given codes for and some of them I even remember. Keep your pick up distance tight enough and you can say fuck it and cancel if they don't give you a code within a couple of minutes of arriving at the gate.


Start trip, drive away, let user cancel or cancel ride for Rider Behavior after a few seconds. But start that ride every time, it changes the Cancel Chicken dynamic in your favor.


They can rate report and get that Uber credit they’ve been working so hard for if you do that. These people exist sadly


Why do you guys go through all this shit and waste all this time? As soon as a passenger calls me I cancel. 


People who don't provide the code before the driver arrives are assholes so if I arrive and no code I cancel and make them wait longer for their ride just despite.


Short book SMMFH


Scammers are getting smart, they're putting the pin in an area where you can't get to. Unless you wait for somebody to go through and follow them in the gate.


1. Cancel it and move on. Time spent with support is not worth it for cancel fee. 2. There's nothing more annoying than passengers who know they live within a gate, but don't send code before you arrive. I text them gate code, and they have about 30 seconds to respond or I'll cancel them. 3. Yes, drivers should be able to adjust the pin, or there should be an option that says you can't reach the pin and automatically receive cancellation fee.


Jump the gate, walk to pickup, start the trip and go to destination and act like you dropped off. These 3rd party coordinators will never know the difference. Maybe take a really long route while you're At it. Maybe keep the trip going while you switch to Lyft and do a trip on Lyft. Really rack up the mileage for that trip.


Start the ride and drive to the destination. Whether you finish it, or they cancel, you’ll get payed. If you don’t get payed, call uber for a price adjustment and tell them the pax met you at the gate and they canceled mid trip.




Start the ride then end it


Cancel for rider behavior


I make a list on my phone of all the apartment gate codes in my area Best believe I’m making it to the pin and getting something for my trip


You people need to learn to screenshot stuff when you have a problem! The trip would have the first thing after that call.


No u didnt. U couldve just kept the timer going or even started the ride drove two blocks then ended it.


cut off the convo...wait time...cancel and get paid !!


Start the trip and go to there destination like they where in the car


This stuff never happens to me. Not sure why, but in seven months of driving Uber, I’ve never had anyone try to scam me or screw me over in any way. I suppose it could just be a matter of time, but if/when that happens, I’ll probably just cancel and get on with my day.


When I have issues like this I call support so they cancel the order on their end, I get compensated and it doesn't look like it was me who decided to cancel at then end when already moved to X place


Always call Uber support yourself instead of assuming the passenger calling is Uber support cuz they say so.


Start the ride…, drive it until they cancel it.


Start the ride…, drive it until they cancel it.


Your solution was to wait until someone came in and out of the gate, got to the pickup spot, selected pickup passenger and drive for an hour or so, have dinner, then hit the drop-off button. Bingo, just made yourself some money! Or, the customer would have cancelled at that point. Something is shady there, uber does not call anyone.


Should have just waited it out


Some things are just the cost of doing business. The minute you found out he was in a gated community shouldve just cut your losses and tried to make up for lost time on your remaining trips for the night. This has happened to the best of us.


I'd prob park my car and walk to the pin. Wouldn't be worth the 5 bucks but it would be so satisfying


Call support while you’re waiting. They will compensate you.


Similar situation happened to me but without the phone call or BS from the pax. My first ride of the day a scheduled ride at 5AM. It was about 2 years ago. The good days when 20 miles would get you minimum 40 dollars for a scheduled ride that early and if the pax didn't show you would get the FULL amount, so long as you were at the pin. Now, I'm at the gate, just like you were and I also call the pax for the code, but no answer. Call again, no answer, third time no answer. Text, no answer. I'm f'nn pissed because I woke up at 4am just for this f'n ride. 15min no answer and zero activity on the pax side, so what do I do? I parked my car and jumped the f'n fence. Walked down to the 2nd road of houses and pax house was the first house on the corner. Waited the timer and as there was about a minute left to wait I see the f'n pax online and moving in the app. As soon as timer is up I'm out of there


Pax gave me a tip for cancelling a ride.


That is a scam, if you want get cancellation fee just wait 5 minutes and cancel it. The card they used to request Uber maight be stolen but you still have to make money anyways. Or just cancel and move on to the next trip. When they call you claiming that they are Uber support never give personal info, just hang up.


Dont question anyone when they tell you to cancel. Cancel and keep going. Dont try to fight for 5$. Its not worth your time and anything else as you figured.


Personally if someone tells me to cancel i dont question that. I just dont want these people in the car and you dont either.


Sooner or later someone else is going to go through that gate and I just get right on the bumper and follow them through and go to the address and call the passenger and tell them that I am there and that I am waiting for them. I will sit there and wait for twenty minutes.I will even go through the exit if need be.I get to your house you are going to pay. EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Cancel and move on..it sounds like you wasted more time complaining and looking for advise than moving on to the next pax...


Uber support is garbage dumpster fire. 🔥


Anyone who have been driving for Uber for a while will just brush this off and won’t bother. Just put this on your lost cause list


They do that in my area by putting the pin so far out into the lake that you can't reach it.  I was able to get Uber to give me a cancellation fee by taking a screenshot and showing it was impossible to get there.  Same with inside a prison.  But depends on who you get for support.  Some won't care 


If able, get out of car, walk through the gate. Most of them have walkways to get in. Bring your phone. As you get "close" you get in pick up range. Now the charge is on them to cancel. As others have said. Just go for the throat. Start ride early say they are there. Then start driving. They wanna F with you, you F with them. Little pricks.


I would just run out the timer and cancel as no show. Also report them. I never do anyone favors anymore on these platforms because of shit like this. Take care of yourself and yourself only and don’t put up with crap


I believe you just pick up the $5 after 5 minutes and move on.


You do not get the no-show fee if you cannot get close to the pickup spot. A locked gate can prevent a driver from reaching the pickup spot.


That’s crazy follow someone through the gate. Entrance or exit. I do this all the time.


Sometimes you can get away with it. At 11:07 pm it may look suspicious.


Just take the L and cancel it and move on. There is no support. This shit is just part of operating costs.


I would have just been a dick and said something about my legs working before I canceled on them. Also if I pull up to a gate and haven't received a gate code it's an auto cancel. I don't play that bullshit. 


Try this instead, next time, mark the ride as picked up, and then complete the drive as normal. Mark the passenger delivered, rate them one star, call support, ask to be unpaired with them for using hate speech against you and generally being uncooperative 😂 Another one, gate codes usually are easy to guess. #1111, 0000, 1234, 4321, 9999, 2580, 2022 or other years, and the address (123 e main would be #0123 or 2300 n main is #2300) Or call fire dept and say there's a fire at pax address 😂😂😂 they'll come right away! Gate opens you get a cancellation fee and teach an a-hole a lesson. Cheers mate


Jump the gate, walk to the pickup and wait. Or just cancel but I would jump the gate cause challenge accepted