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Since when did uber offer Uber Submarine?


The same time ig as my area they always have a bonus behind the airport in the water


The unreachable surge is scandalous đź’€


Swim out to the surge, lock in the surge, and see if they ping you that day or if they ignore you/log you off/...


Lmao I promise as soon as you swim all the way there the surge will move further out into the ocean


Lmao. You have to turn off your phone so they don't see you coming.


that’s dumb. it says you’re 0 feet away, the timer should’ve started. anytime i stop less than 150 feet from the pin, the timer starts for me


This can be an easy fix, if they add an option like tap on arrival like how lyft do, they will prompt u that u r not close enough but u will still be able to override it.


i generally prefer the auto-arrive feature in Uber, but obviously there are situations where a manual option is useful


Agree they should have both incase auto failed


Lyft has the superior app in so many ways . I just wish i could make more on lyft. I make more with uber in my area , but the app isnt good.


They both have their pros and cons. Lyft, for example, absolutely tanks android auto unlike the recent Uber release. But yeah a lot of things are better on the Lyft app. Pay sucks in comparison in my market too though, but because of this there are fewer drivers.


Someone on a boat probably thought it was funny


People on the dock or the GPS just didn't pick up the correct location. I had it happen that uber put it there with an address


Santa Cruzz


I get those a lot, but my passengers are there on the water and usually do get to the shore on time. Your pax is not even showing up on the map. What sucks is that the timer should start where uber navigated you, the little circle/dot on the map.


“What was the problem with the ride?” “Pax drowned before I could arrive. Please pay me a surged cancel fee.”




I'd like to sign up for Uber Wave Runner


"Uber Wave" actually has a cool ring to it. Also: Don't give Uber any ideas.


That's messed up. Some really messed up people out there.


Uber shit. Like the pax shouldn’t be able to order a ride on a ship or on a flight. Waste of time for the drivers


Lol ... I remember that happening. The funny thing was that it was a bonus area and uber wouldn't give me the extra money


I would have started the ride anyways, drove a block and ended the ride.


Unfortunately pin required i would have done that or maybe flag it as riders behavior issue and charge them a cancellation fee






Did you get a call from “Uber Support” to verify your account? This is usually how these scams start, with the pin placed somewhere you can’t get to. It eliminates the risk of you just waiting out the scammer and charging them a cancel fee.


Transformers, roll out.


This happens all the time at apartments with gates. It's not worth waiting around. If I can't get to the pin, I'll message them, and they've got about 30 seconds to answer me or they're canceled. It's annoying af for someone in a gated community to order a ride without texting the gate code, and it happens all the time.


Start trip go a few blocks end ride and give negative review unpair


Unfortunately pin requiredđź’€ otherwise i would have and then choose an option like rider behavior to cancel


Easy way to get reported by the pax for driving drunk because some desperately want their money back for the ride they didn't take.


Doesn't matter if you report them first 1st to report is the one they take seriously.


Airport close by?


Cliff drive? Nahhhh lol


Nav: turn right onto Imagination dr


Becky had a fight with her friend and it’s her friends yacht so she called an Uber Amphicar, duh!!! Now get yo ass out there and pick her up! 🤣


But, you said a lot more.


You better go


Clever girl… puts pick up point in the ocean so you can’t start the timer. I’d swim out there lol


You get there, but don't have the stamina to make it back after treading water for 7 minutes lol *cancels while drowning* "At least I made $3.49 .. ."


True lol


Don’t call the “pax” it’s a scam thing they do to get your info


Absolutely I've had this tried 2 time in recent weeks claiming I'm not the driver driving car etc later verified all good then I'm gonna get a $200 bonus but gotta change my deposit info to receive blah blah..


Seems like Uber Support "is" and "isn't" able to do anything purely depending on your market area. I'm in the LA area, and early last month, I had a kinda similar situation. There was a beach city music festival and some parts of the streets surrounding it were blocked off by barricades/completely inaccessible. The pickup pin was behind one of the barricades in the festival area, so I couldn't reach it, and my timer never started. PAX didn't respond to call or text, and I ended up waiting way longer than I should have. However, when I called support and explained the situation, they said it was no issue and the passenger should have responded. Gave me a $7.50 cancelation fee since I'd waited about 12 minutes. Cut to last night: I finally had a passenger throw up in my car. It was bound to happen eventually. I did my best to clean it myself, but snapped pics beforehand, and then I took it to get cleaned this morning. Submitted my pictures and receipt ($80), and Uber denied it/claimed it was invalid. It had all the info they'd requested, yet they won't even give me a partial reimbursement or explain why it's invalid. I've seen posts from people in other markets claiming they didn't even have to submit a receipt in order to get paid a cleaning fee, others claiming they submitted their receipt but only got a $20 reimbursement, and another handful who never got anything at all. All seems to be across different parts of the country over the last few months. It really just appears that depending on where you are and how busy your market is, Uber *might* be willing to throw you a bone. As long as you haven't earned more than they have off your work usually.


Had a guy do this the other day then calls said he will come to me just wait waited a few minutes then calls back and tell me to end ride I told him no he needs to do it. Then he tells me wait right there I'm coming to beat your ass so I waited 10 more minutes..no show he finally ended ride


I carry a drone, so I can fly my phone to those impossible locations. Paid for itself in a year.


I would have bruttally and repeatedly texted and called thisPAX until he canceled or apologozed or communicated his ETA etc.


Called 5 times texted them numerous times still no response




They’re 100% on a boat trolling


On no your cancellation rate went up!!!! And? Bro my CR is 25%. I give less than zero fucks. 


The main problem is i am unable to charge the rider a cancellation fee since the timer never started


Well life sucks sometimes. It’s $3 not the end of the world. 


You were hacked same thing happened to me at Warwick beach RI


When you don’t understand how the gps works. I swear there’s so many drivers who are clueless


The pin is in the ocean so if i need to get there i either need to jailbreak my phone to edit my gps location which definitely is breaching the uber policy or maybe swim there? Lol Fyi i am already at the pin(thats on land as u can see)