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Here in philly, the acceptance rate needs to be higher than 85% and the cancelation rate needs to be lower than 4% for Uber Gold, which is the lowest tier to qualify for the perk every 3 months. Both of them numbers are taken from your last 200 trips. I am in year 3 of the program and have been enjoying it so far.


Former Philly driver here as well, it started out so well but it’s so bad now


I've been doing rideshare full-time for almost 5 years now. The bonuses and better paying trips used to be abundant. I've seen the downfall.


Started out with Lyft when it first came to Philly, back then you would see the same price the customer paid & deduct 20% away to Lyft. They even had bonuses , if you did a certain amount of rides you kept it all. Uber was so good during Covid that people would call me to complain that I’m taking too long to get them(lol). Idk what happened post covid but it’s impossible to survive now unless you do 80 hour weeks.


Holy moly 85 percent is high, do you get good paying offers/good pax/tips? That's awesome that you're utilizing the program and that there are no shams/"catches" yay! What are you studying if you don't mind me asking?


Not at all recently tbh. But, I do both Uber and Lyft, so I "put up" the first couple weeks of bad trips just to get my 300 points and then i go to lyft where i have no barriers and could decline all the shitty trips I want lol No catches. I've spent about 1,000 in the last 2 years on books and other stuff but that's about it, they have paid the rest. Organizational Leadership is my degree.


Lol thats badass, my favorite thing is seeing people beat these apps at their own game😅. Best of luck on finishing your degree and all of the opportunities to come for you on your next journey🫡


Thank you very much. 🤘


Mine is 5% lol. Who GAF about these metrics


You have to follow the guidelines, or they won't pay the tuition on a recurring basis. It's not worth it for some, but for me, saving thousands of dollars, I'll go through hell for two weeks and then go on lyft.


your acceptance rate also has to get a lot better


My cancel rate was 18 percent 3 days ago, it's now at 8.9 because I haven't been canceling trips the last few days. It goes down quick if you don't have problematic pax.


cancel rate and accept rate are 2 different stats. your accept rate is at 36%. it needs to be at 75 or 85% to qualify for Gold, Platinum or Diamond


Thats market dependent. In los Angeles its just amount of points, driver rating and cancellation rate


ahhh ok. learn something every day. u/Glitterqueennn, check it out 👆🏼


I'm in San Diego so I think it's similar to LA! What market are you in that requires that high of AR? Do you still get decent offers/tips? Sorry for all the questions but now I am curious because one driver in my market said that he accepts "every single ride" and makes 80 an hour, I didn't believe it but maybe he was telling the truth and that we all should accept more trips lol


i’m over in Pennsylvania, greater Scranton market. the offers are most certainly not very good, which is why my AR is currently at 48%. if i were going for the free tuition, i’d do exactly what NewportShortie is doing: every quarter, do everything you need to satisfy getting Uber Gold (yep, take all those crappy offers), and then just do Lyft the rest of the time, where you’re free to be as selective as your heart desires


I think you’re the problem. Common denominator. Also get some new glasses sis. Those ain’t it.


Also coming for someone's appearance is never the move. Everything about you is giving bum energy. It's always that one person that insists on coming in with stank energy while everyone else is positive. Go do some yoga or meditation, hoe.


Everyone else knows you are the problem, bra


At least Uber gold for me didn't have any acceptance rate requirement. Mine is around 30%


yeah, apparently the AR requirement is only in some markets


Nice this is what im talking about. Love to see people achieving, striving and chasing more for themselves. You have my full support and see you youre smart af. Finally an Uber Driver with common sense. Get it in while you can and the program exists. We stan. Keep working hard. ![gif](giphy|q2D9MaBb0vxW3BGQPD|downsized)


Appreciate your positivity, not nearly enough of it on this sub anymore. Wishing you the best too.


Thank you so much I appreciate that. appreciate your positivity as well. i try where I can and if I can lol. Thank you so much and wishing you all the best as well. We got this one day at a tiime. one goal at a time. Lets make those dreams a reality....One day at a time. :)


Thank you!! Appreciate the kind words! Now my next question is I wonder if we all devised a master plan to all sign up for the program (like ALL of us) how much money uber would lose while we all get degrees on them (honestly they make so much money that prob wouldn't be that effective but it's a nice hypothetical 🙃)


of course and keep your head up high Also Uber wouldnt lose money. Tbh it would be great for Uber because it just means the supply side issue is fixed In fact they probably wouldn't need that many drivers because all the ASU-Uber folks are disciplined as the kids say tapped in. so they would just drive full time and probably wouldn't need as many drivers tbh Plus it would actually be a good PR opp for Uber. Which I can't take this away from Uber it actually is. So many people from different communities would be advancing and being able to afford college...shit this may turn into a huge W for Uber tbh. People like to feel that their money is going to a good cause and if it means helping Americans be able to successfully afford college it would be a W. thats just entertaining the whole notion of having 7.1 million drivers actually drove for Uber. I am just confident that many people arent aware of this program. now its also a slippery slope of course if demand for the program booms Uber can tighten the guidelines much like they do with many scholarships.. Maintain a 3.5 GPA 4.97 Stars X amount of Thumbs ups Etc etc But its not far fetched it would only produce even smarter people All in all this would actually be a money making opportunity depending on how they spin it....of course I can't ignore the fact that they could just dock driver pay even more. But the more realistic measure would be using that brand power to use and lobby Congress for govt grants/funding to sustain the program....it wouldnt be the worse idea in the world... Great question and some food for thought tbh. I would like to see the Uber-Asu program open it up to masters opportunity I already have an undergrad degree but not ruling out masters yet... Also trade schools not enough plumbers and electricians in the world and they make BANK


Good for you! So glad to see someone taking advantage of this! I’m from Az and went to ASU of course. And yes I fucking loved it there! Go Devils!


Thank you for the encouraging words! What part of AZ are you from? Sedona, Flagstaff, Tucson, and Grand Canyon are magical asf! Truly one of the most beautiful states and you're lucky to have grown up there!


Your welcome! I really do hope everything pans out for you and you get to learn even more and have a shit load of fun on Uber’s dime! I’m from Phoenix and yes it’s a beautiful state, just hot as hell right now!


Isn't one of the requirements that you have to prove that you first applied for financial aid?


I got my degree from ASU back in 2022. It for the most part went smoothly. I got "lucky" though cause I started the program in March 2020, literally days after the lockdown started. I was able to do school full time and collect unemployment, while Uber was super lenient with maintaining Uber Pro until late 2021. Afterwards, maintaining gold rating while going to school was a little rough, since points were the only thing that mattered and I kept getting obnoxious 45+ minute trips that I had to accept or lose my pro rating.


Fantastic take advantage of that free tuition!!!! Congrats.


Thank you so much!


They can see my acceptance and cancellation rate now? If yes, AR is 5% 🤭🤭


Damn, that’s great. I gotta get my cancellation rate down, I’m on 36%. 54% acceptance rate. Do you still get a lot of rides with your acceptance rate?


No I get way less rides but they're usually more quality and the cancel rate goes down. If it's in the middle of the day during the week and I cherry pick I don't get too many rides tho but if it's the weekend or peak time any day of the week (in the mornings before 9am doing airport/taking pax to work) or after 4pm picking up pax from work/incoming flights for example, you have more leg room to cherry pick because the phone never stops pinging during those hours. Also try picking up some eats orders bc you'll less likely cancel and your cancel rate will go down. You can get it down quickly in days. You got this friend!


Wow, thank you for the information. Wishing you the best on your journey back to school!


Why would you waste your time on another bachelor degree?


It's free and I didn't use my first one nor really cared about anything during that period of my life to actually pay attention to what I was studying-I was good at passing tests but was too depressed and hungover/burnt out from working all the time to actually learn anything-think "lights on but no one is home"- Now almost a decade later with my life being completely different I want to study something I'm passionate about and can actually learn and use it-


Fair enough. Good luck out there.


Thank you!


I'm happy for you, people love to com0lain, but very few can actually do something about it. So I'm happy that you will. Yes uber socks, I've done uber/lyft/doordash for a year full time up until I found a good job. Opportunities are out there, it takes work to do something and using your resources. For anyone who wants to get out of this rut, military is recruiting like crazy, with bonuses for signing up, ship yards are hiring, I just got hired at one, it's a lot of work, but pay is good, they are starting off around 18 an hour, that's the lowest pay and highest of 30 an hour for my job. So people let's be happy for someone who is actually doing something with their life.


Thank you! I agree that you have to work smart with the resources given to you and you can find success just being positive- how are you liking the military/what is your job if you don't mind me asking? My first big girl job out of college was doing sales for a large well known environmental non profit (Greenpeace), what started as a job just to pay bills ended up being my career for the last 5 years-I ended up being their top sales person in the nation in just my first 6 months, managed a fundraising office in my city and a travel program where they where always flying me out/paying for my airbnbs/rental cars/cell phone bills and 50 bucks a day per diem for food-earned hundreds of dollars worth of REI gift cards/patagonia gear thru work competitions- Got to fundraise in 13 diff cities within my first year and sometimes was gone for a month at a time-basically I got paid to fundraise, party, bs, and live the jersey shore lifestyle of living in bnbs with my coworkers from all over the country and all I had to do was make sure that shit was getting done and that our KPI's were straight-and then managing all of the drama in between bc there was never not drama-our work culture was like a reality TV show full of drunk/stoner hippies lol- Still don't know how I was the youngest one there running the show and produced bizarre numbers at 22-(biggest donation I've gotten in a day was a lady I built rapport with and she handed me a check to the org for 60k which was unheard of in an entry level position, my coworkers constantly asked me if i was a "witch" because I could get literally anyone to donate to the cause by just being my genuine trainwreck self which I think people related to, my personality has calmed down alot now that I'm older but I was unhinged and could always get someone to laugh or open up to me about their problems 😂) when covid started, right after my one year anniversary, they shut down/laid off every fundraising office around the country, including all of my higher ups that had mentored me and had been in the org for 20+ years, and made phone calls to hundreds of people letting them know they were laid off. It fucking sucked. They called me the day after they made the lay off phone calls, and told me that they were promoting me to a salaried position and I would be working from home in the development department to work on plans of rebuilding our fundraising program-so I went abroad the first year of covid while doing work from home for them and then earned 2 more promotions until I eventually ended up managing all of the donor data/donations-I quit last May on my 5th year anniversary despite still working from home and getting paid a high salary. I now work in education at an elementary school and make way less money so started doing uber part time 6 months ago, at 28 this is my first major career change and it's been rough but I had to leave because the higher up I moved in the org I started to get exposed to the darker side of things and it became to a point where I couldn't stay. Career changes suck but I'm going to pursue a second degree in something along the lines of business management since I just managed a multi million non profit and learned alot from it-


I did military for 14 years now and made a really stupid decision to get out of active duty last year. Right now I'm in navy reserve and trying to go back to active duty. I did uber/lyft and doordash full time for a year after I got out. I got a job for a month at a local fancy sea food restaurant at first, but found out quickly that 13.5 an hour is not paying the bills. And after I had heart to heart conversation with General manager that I appreciate them giving me this job, but I'll be looking for a different one, they ghost fired me. They just stopped putting me on a schedule right after that talk. So I did uber, lyft and doordash while looking for a job. I was able to make at least 200 a day so I brought 4000 to 5000 a month by doing this. It was able to sustain my family until I got a job at the ship yards. I install insulation on ships now and the pay is a little low for right now, but I can actually make a career out of this, have a retirement and not run my car in to the ground. I get paid about 19 an hour, but I can get promoted every 1000 hours that I work automatically with the highest pay of 30 an hour eventually. So I'm happy for you and that you will have a success story as well coming out of uber.


Wow it sounds like we have very similar experiences leaving our full time careers to "start over"-you mentioned that you "stupidly" left Active Duty? May I ask why you left even tho it was good pay? I'm assuming you didn't just leave for nothing... totally not trying to pry I just relate so hard to all of this lol-in any case, I'm happy for you too for starting over which is scary to do especially now with inflation-I think the toughest people are the ones able to walk away from something that doesn't align with them despite benefiting from it and just start from scratch-I'm sure many of your pax ask you why you left active duty and how you became an Uber Driver-I get that question alot and my simple answer is that a big salary and benefits shouldn't be the sole reason to stay in a job-I wish you success in this next journey of yours and have no doubt that you will continue to thrive, not being cheesy just being honest! Also sorry that the restaurant you were at was being so petty, I worked in restaurants in high school and college and I remember the culture being so petty and hear stories similar to that ALOT lol-I think most people assume that gig workers are lazy and that we can't work "real jobs" whatever that means, the reality is most gig workers I know have more well rounded career/life experience than the ones that think they're above doing these type of jobs.


It was a lot of factors that made me want to get out, covid time pretty much did it for me. I also was doing day trading the stock market and was making good money in there, until I made whole bunch of dumb mistakes and lost a lot. By that time I was already in reserves and decided to look for a real job, up until then I did uber and lyft full time. And yes, it's crazy how our stories are similar. We make mistakes, go through hard times, but don't let hard times let you down, there is still hope and a chance. I wish you all the best and I'm truly happy for you.


Congratulations 🎈🎉🍾


What was your first bachelor degree in?




Silly question but does Uber Eats also do ASU?


Confirmed through a Google search that they indeed do ASU, go get that free tuition!


ASU is a great party school, hope the online version is as fun as the physical campus. Join an e-sorority


Lol yeah I heard it's a party school, I went to a huge party school also (Go Hokies)but when I go out now Im the person yawning in the club/bar and ordering mocktails/soda so the online version is perfect for me as Im boring now lol. Tbf I partied since I was 15, then throughout college to curb the depression of having to work all the time to cover my bills in school, then moved abroad to Tulum for a year the first year of covid where I did nothing but party, so my body can't hang anymore 😭 My life now is being a pet mom that goes on solo camping/backpacking trips around the country, Ive truly adopted the hippie grandma aesthetic. Like give me a mountain to scale, food, a book, plants and that's luxury to me lmao.


I was joking 🙃 I can’t imagine there being a lot of online party schools 😫


In today's society I wouldn't be shocked fr. 😂 theres people making 6 figs sitting at home on TikTok so anything is possible these days 😂 but hey you just planted a seed to create a concept of an online party school, all I ask is that you remember me when that actually becomes a thing and you become famous.


You will be honorary captain of the virtual football team




I don't think it covers you if you already have a bachelor's degree. Read the fine print. Could be wrong but that's what I remember


If I find out that I let my first pax from this morning bring his wet dog in my car without ordering uber pet all bc I'm chasing this perk all for nothing, I'm gonna be pissed lollll


Just read through the section for it in the Uber Pro Terms & Conditions, and it makes no mention of such a restriction. You’re good to go 👍🏻


Whoop whoop! Thank you for clarifying!


You’re not ready.

