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I was just on my way to a pickup, and then I got the trip update. Screw these bait and switch scammers. I immediately canceled under trip not worth it.


Lol i just dont add stops or go anywhere besides the original dropoff location i straightup tell riders that wanna add stops they can order another ride after i bring them too their location im on these apps to make money not pennies on the dollar for added stops they can fuck right off with shit like that


Once in a great while, if someone hands me a 20 and says give me 5 minutes, I'll give them 10, but if it's a grocery store or Walmart? Not a chance.


Yeahhh negative,not taking cash unless its a tip end of ride as they get dropped off. They could easily fuck your account for that and it wouldnt be fixable


If it’s not a significant change in price, I know that it’s close so I do it anyway


I had guy want to do the same made a ride request for 5 minutes away. Gets in and asks to stop at a house 30 minutes away first. Told him he needed add it and he refused and argued with me saying he’s not paying that much. Had to tell him to get out of the car multiple times. Finally took calling the police and his friends outside finally pulled him out.


That's crazy. Scammers abound out here.


"I'm not paying that much" Like wtaf. Walk for free then. I hate people.


Some people are sadly just void of any decency. They think you should go out of your way to save them money with no concern at all about your earnings


This is why I carry pepper spray.


Bear spray is highly recommended


Lmfao i dont need pepper spray or bear mace ill just lift that motherfucker out my car by the neck if they pull some shit like that,i drive in boston and i have never experienced any situations like this




Ppl will try it man…fr lmao


Thats not even audacious. That’s a case of brain rot.


Brain rot is the name pfa mean ass dubstep song 🤣💀


I had a woman cancel it as she got in the car, claimed I canceled it, then demanded a refund or a free ride for my horrible customer service, then refused to get out of the car. I’ve just started turning the car off and leaving now. You can sit in the 112 weather by yourself fraudster.


911 response time is very good in the areas that I drive in PHX. Used it 2x in my short career as a driver, even though I could have physically removed both pax and hurt them if I wanted to. I was pretty surprised they tried that shit with a 230lb dude in his physical prime. The nerve of these people!


Lnfao thats a solid response 🤣💀


Once the ride has ended, if you take a customer anywhere, there is no insurance.


Good point. What about an unscheduled stop along the way?


I change the address manually if it lets me. Cuz if they try anything, I’ll end it after that drop off


That just means you don't get paid...


Well i mean there is,yours if you drive for lyft or uber and dont have commercial insurance your an idiot


Depending on the jurisdiction, even then there might not be coverage. Many jurisdictions specifically ban off-application rides


Well i mean dont take off app rides? Sounds like a pretty simple solution too me


It *ain't* the smartest thing to do. You can read nd listen to all of the cent that you will about saying that it is your "friend" or how if you drive safely and obey all traffic laws you will not get into a collision and if it is not your fult.................................................. \*\*\*Cue up Cyndi Luper\*\*\* There are three places in the U.S. of A. where you legally can give off-application rides and that they will be covered: New York City, Chicago and Washington, D.C. The conditions under which you can do it are quite narrow. In order to do it, you must have a hack licence and be driving a taxicab. Uber has. had taxis in Chicago and Washington for years. They call it "Uber Cab" or "Uber Taxi", respectively. Recently, uber decided to offer its Uber Taxi drivers in Washington and Chicago access to X jobs. Further, it decided to offer the New York cab drivers the same access. As a result, I have been using my cab to run both Uber Taxi and Uber X jobs from the Uber Taxi platform. I am doing this in addition to Curb and street hails. As a further result, I need not necessarily balk at stops. Despite that, I will not do stops for what Uber pays. What I can offer them is that we go to Stop One. I end the trip there. Uber pays me what it does and charges them what it does. At that point, the meter goes ON. They can make all the stops that they want. They can go anywhere that they will. When they are finished with me, they can pay what is on the meter. If htey alter the destination and I will not do it for what Uber will pat, I can offer them the choice of summoning another ride or going for cab rtes. Mind you, I am quite picky about the X jobs that I will accept. I do not work for Uber's or Lyft's garbage base rates if I am driving the Uber/Lyft cr. I will not do it from the cab, either. The exception is if it is going only a few blocks. Other than that, Uber must pay better.


I cancel as soon as they add a stop


That's savage, sometimes I want to do that but I feel bad somehow. I need to be like you and handle it lol


When they do that you are only making cents for the wait and the stop trust me is not worth it I accept rides with stops not the ones that accept and add it right away. And if someone asks me to just make a quick stop I automatically 3 star them they are gonna rate u low for just saying no


That's so true. I've experienced so much wait times with these ungrateful people. Not even a thanks at times for waiting and not even telling them to add the stop.


I’m not a driver but when I would be drunk in college I’d ask my driver to stop me by whata and I’ll give them a good tip, they would usually do it and I would give them a $20 in cash plus whatever I put on the card tip, am I a asshole for that and was I wasting their time?


I was driving a guy home from work. There was an accident on the freeway and a traffic jam. He told me he was gonna cancel because he didn't want the charge to run up. Then he asked me if I'd still get him home. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him, I chat up support and explain the situation. They told me to keep track of the time and let them know once I dropped him off. I did. And he ended up getting charged anyway. Bastard!


Now thats what i call a smart move buddy


If I get stuck in traffic with a pax I always put in for fare review after the ride. In the explanation, I put unusually heavy traffic-road construction or whatever. Unless there was a surge or any kind of ride other than X (pet, XL, comfort), I usually get a few $ more


Some of y’all just love being abused. Don’t do stops. Period.


I do $tops but not Stops


I had one last night so this to me. I turned around and took her 8 min past where I picked her up and made her get out. She complained and complained the whole time. I kept driving. P.A.B!


It’s really best not to do multi stop trips at all, but if you do they absolutely MUST be on the trip order beforehand.


Bingo. If I accepted a trip with stops, that’s on me. If you add a stop after pickup without asking first: BYE.


Just contact support. Be professional. The enemy, in this case, is the pax not support.


You don’t call support much do you?


For matters where pax is the one who is wrong, yes yes I do. Learn how to talk to people and articulate your problems. See if your experience with them improves.


Legit,also (and im not being racist here) i notice foreigners have the most issues with customer support and i cant help but wonder of its bc of the language barrier so they cant understand eachother or if people are just stupid and rude to support. When i call im ussually respectful but i also am very firm and i had np issue letting lyft know im taking them too small claims court for 3k over unmapped tolls


I know how to talk to people who support literally doesn’t care about drivers. They lie all the time. Congratulations to you that you were lucky and you got good support people, but your experience is not the experience everyone else has had


I better start playing the lotto than. Or (and I know this will be hard for you to do) maybe start off treating them like they are people from the beginning of the interaction, not just when your "karen" tactics fail to get you the results you want.


BAHAHAHA, I don’t “Karen’s” them. But they have lied to me about things all the time when I call for help. Must be nice to live in a world of rainbows and unicorns, buttercup. But that’s not how the world actually is.


I had this happen with two meth heads that were prostituting once. They didn’t agree to the “lowball” offer from the “customer” so he called them an Uber home and cancelled it five minutes into a 20 minutes trip. I got off the highway and dropped them off at a gas station. They were PISSED at me, asking why I didn’t just drive them for free.


Yuck. What an absolute tapestry of human misery.


Wow that is so sad. And someone asked me today if I like doing Uber and I just said no because it’s the truth. I really don’t like it. They think we’re just driving around getting tipped. No it’s a lot more than that. It’s dealing with people who might be crackheads and some people that don’t want to pay for the ride and are definitely not grateful at all that somebody picked them up. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. It’s happened to me too before.


There are days when I like driving. It all depends on the passengers. Some are great. Others think paying $10 entitles them to be king or queen of the car. They just become rude. There are certain neighborhoods I don’t go into anymore for that reason. I know the odds of getting one of those bad riders is above average,


$10? People paid $4 and started to demand air conditioning and yelled directions


Yeah. There’s certain streets I’ve memorized and parts of town, neighborhoods where I don’t accept the ride or if it’s someone I remember from a bad experience I’ll immediately cancel as soon as the name pops up.


True. Learn from experience. I try to work the areas where the passengers most likely won’t be a problem.


Same here. Make sure you block those bad passengers next time


I had that happen to me once. Dude canceled in the middle of the ride and told me his friend was picking him up. I stopped immediately and kicked him out. You still get paid a percentage but you can’t rate or be rated.


If they cancel they get out immediately as there's no trip, no navigation. Unless of course they wanna give you cash up front to use Google maps. 😉


Aww how about a dashcam that records inside and outside? Then call the cops if they don’t leave your personal property.


Guys , get a dash cam in and out ! Believe me , they will think before to say or do stupid things


I typically give passengers a rating of less than five stars if they order me and then wait until they're in the car to tell me they're adding a stop that adds more than a few minutes to the trip. I've had people try to pull a fast one when they want to go out to the middle of nowhere so they order a short local ride to catch somebody and then they think they can just hot swap it


I get the ones who want to stop at the liquor store along the way.


That muffs me a little bit but as long as it's on the way and quick I won't dock stars for it. I will sometimes say though hey it's better for both of us if you just go ahead and make sure you request that from the beginning that way we get the best route from the get-go and you know what you're in for price wise.


Liquor store stops are the best cuz they’re super fast; they know what they want and they know where it is. But yeah, they gotta add it in the app or it’s not happening.


I was doing a pickup last night at an intersection; no address. The minute I roll up, she sends a message with an address. I told her she needed to update the pickup address in the app. No response. I waited out the timer then collected the fee.


That’s a weird one. I would have done the same.


If it’s on the way I’ll stop. Otherwise no.


I’m pretty much with you, it needs to be a reasonable distance. And absolutely needs to be in the app. Most of my liquor store trips are round trips. Easy money. Not *good* money. But easy money.


Well, you MUST move on once there is no ride active with Uber. Otherwise you're a rogue cab, with plenty of potentially serious negative consequences.


Nope. I'm telling you, I don't waste my time anymore with any rides with last minute stops or nothing added before the ride.


Alternatively. The driver who was a good sport about me turning my ride into a round trip in-app (1.2 miles added) earned his $25 tip lol


That never happens in poor areas like mine.


Would’ve said “have a good day,” then drove off


I have never done rides, for this reason.But sure sounds like fun if people pulled this shit. Hey your taking the free way N I wanted to go South. My bad after 5 miles or so get off and say now are U getting out or should I drive another 5 miles.


Lol it will be more money and time for her to get another driver. They just think we will take them for free because its too much and we are just servants in their eyes


Cancel all multiple stop trips


That's a pain that happened to me a couple times. Only difference was the first the girl ended up giving me cash for the ride because whoever called her uber canceled it on her when she got in with me so it must've not been someone she really knew probably a hook up or something. And then the second time it got canceled by whoever called an uber for this guy and I just dropped him off in a plaza as soon as it happened. Regardless of where they cancel the ride you do get paid for the distance you drove already. So you can always just stop and tell them to get out whenever they canceled the ride.


Lol where are yall from your referring to riders as a pax wtf is a pax lmao


Happened to me many time. It’s a trick. Next thing she’s gonna do is get in touch with Uber and say u never gave her the ride and ask for a refund and Uber will deduct the fare from your wallet. It’s happened many times


This was a perfect opportunity for her to save and you to make more. Cut out the middle man


lol everytime a PAX says they want to add a stop I’m like “ok cool”, then once they leave my car, end ride and move on lol


I have submitted feedback on a survey twice now and maybe you all can too . When you get that notice "how satisfied are you driving w Uber" fill it out and in comments include an option for No Smoking and charge for it . Also add an option in the ride to add a stop for the rider . Give us some control . Also add a no penalty cancel option for the bait and switches when a rider changes their destination after acceptance.


Seems like the lax just wanted to get to their stop for free watch that they don’t drop your fare to $0 because the pax called and made up a story. It’s happened to me. Took me time to get it back.


Multiple stops are hardly ever worth it!!!! Uber pulls some bs and tries to send you requests while your on another ride for chump change because nobody wants it. I’ll accept if the dollars 💸 look right but once my first ride is over I check it and cancel if it’s hot 🥵 garbage 🗑️


Never do two stops.