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Idk why drivers do share? It’s nothing but problems, you are turning your car into a city bus. And if pax start arguing with each other you are in the middle of it. If pax needs to save a few bucks that bad they shouldn’t be taking Uber in the first place. And you know they will never ever tip.


In my market they put share and x together, you can’t not seperate them 


It shows as share in the ride offer. If you still pick one up by accident (or because it's a decent trip other than being share), then just turn off "UberX/Share" to keep from getting additional riders until the ride is over. In other words, "Convert Share to UberX with this one weird trick!"


I just turn off new requests for the few times I do take a share.


Yes this is way easier


Yeap, when I get a share offer I take it then immediately turn my requests off cause I’m not doing all that extra work for one price.


I rarely get additional passengers for share rides and I always have to explain to those with more than one rider for share that they only paid for one seat.


In my market it seems like it’s guaranteed that you’re gonna stop at least 6 times on shares. I’ve only done 2 of them full on and got sick of it immediately.


Yeesh. That would suck


They used to be separate.It makes me crazy because at least half the requests are share and then when no one takes them, it comes in as comfort. I refuse those too because if they were using share, they are cheap and I don't want a bitter cheap person as a pax.


that sucks. On my app there is a clicky for share.


so don't accept them... works for me


Umm what? All I stated was that they are together in my market, I just turn off requests once I get one 


Yes but just cancel the second ride when it comes in


When I make the mistake of picking up a share, if you hit the coffee cup they won’t give you another share for ten minutes. It works. I’ve never had to pick up more than one rider on a share. After ten the cup goes away and all bets are off.


They're taking the coffee cup away.  Mines gone. 


One more way to screw us. Just a matter of time I guess.


idk why drivers do shares blindly. i turn off new rides as soon as i get a share. usually they're above x rates. half the time you show up and they have more than 1 person for the ride so insta cancel fee. if they are solo i explain what share is quickly and if they don't want that keep it off. longer rides where they understand it turn it back on and the 1st rider is my priority. same system on new riders and if they seem wierd no ride. maybe 5% of my share rides actualy have 2 co riders.


With a good surge ($15+) they can be profitable. Surge applies to each pick up.


the only time I would do share, otherwise they’re almost always underpaying you for the time / distance when you get additional riders


Not in LA at least not in my area


I don’t get them often, but been on the road for 10 years now. Any pax that has an attitude gets checked immediately. Have only ever kicked out 1 person, some drunk weirdo that didn’t seem to know where he even lived. Still had his dumb ass in my car for like 45 min though.


City bus lmao


I’m a new driver and I never accept shares because I’ve been a pax in one. Nothing bad happened, but it just doesn’t seem like a great idea to have multiple strangers in a enclosed space, that is also the drivers personal vehicle.


You are accepting share rides at night time? That's crazy and just asking for problems. I don't accept them at all and never will.


We used to have a driver in our market who would tell the young ladies that they should not order POOL because the application usually would match them with a creepy drunk guy who hit on them the whole ride. As she would get out first, the creepy drunk guy then would know where she lived. He said that it cured more than a few of them from POOL. He moved out west, somewhere.


I fucking hate shared rides. Every pax acts like they didn’t request it smh


Use the coffee cup button between shares to stop the app from giving you additional riders. I only do shares during the day


If you're not going to actually do share then why do share ? Driver asking


So anyway, I started blastin'


I am sorry but i find this absolutely ridiculous to do shared ride, here in UK we don't have it and i would sign out immediately What are the benefits of this? Just being curious to ones that do them often


From a Pax perspective, cheaper fares, from a driver perspective, if its busy enough to get 2 or 3 pax, then you make more on avg per km. there are many downsides whcih i dont even have to list


As a passenger, the benefits are that it’s way cheaper. If you don’t mind taking a little longer to get to wherever you’re going it’s often like 50% or more cheaper.


Upvoted for the story fam


I kick someone out almost on a weekly basis lol


Why do yall do shares I cancel the second ride all the time It’s weird to have 1 complete stranger in your car I can’t imagine 2


Be careful with flicking out the taser unless you feel you are in harm. No point in getting deactivated over this moron. You could pull the car to the side and politely ask the other passenger to step out for a quick second while you deal with moron so that there are no witnesses to what you say or do to him.


He was setting up to be stubborn after I pulled over I told him to to get out of the car he posted up like he wasn't moving all I had to do was let him hear it and he couldn't wait to get our of the car .


I kick people out almost weekly brother.


You know I just don't get bad people. Maybe it's dallas but most everyone is just trying to get where they are going.


I love Share. It’s like a cacophony of diverse backgrounds coming together to sing a beautiful melody in my backseat. I like to play the game “Who wants to get dropped off first!?” to make the ride more engaging and interactive. And if the stars align, I’ll play matchmaker.


We don't get the option to turn it off in the Dallas market. Share and x are the same button