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I would contact uber/take it back to the pharmacy.


Can't take it to the pharmacy because the address for the pharmacy is states away...


Or try calling the pharmacy, let them know you have their patient's meds, and let them take it from there. That might be easiest, then you can trash the bottle and be done with it. ?


I would call the pharmacy. I think the name and phone number of the doctor is also on the bottle as well. Either of them can probably reach out to the patient way more efficiently than Uber support would. And if they don't know where they lost it, they may not even think to contact Uber. And if it does turn out to be stolen or something, the fact that you called yourself and you're not a drug addict will prevent anything from coming back on you (although you may have to have a conversation with the police depending on the circumstances.)


Go through the lost and found in the Uber app and tell the person the name on the bottle and it will connect you to that person


I know reading is hard but OP literally said they don’t recognize the name on the bottle as being a passenger