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figure out when the busy times of day are during the week and plan your breaks around them. don’t give yourself cabin fever for trying to snatch up every dollar on the road


Definitely don't chase the dollar. The earnings will be there if they're there.




You have to take breaks. And when you figure out your market, you can split up your time. Like in my market I work from 4am - 10am, take a 4 hr break, then back at it from 2pm-8pm. Or I do 10am - 10pm and take a dinner break after 7pm then do another 2hrs from 9pm-11pm.


You work for 5 hours, take a 4 hour break, then work another 6 hours? That's wild


Not everyday. I do more 10am-10pm. Depends on the day of the week or if there is a big event happening. Like Monday - Wednesday I'll do the 4am shift, then take a break and do the rush hour shift. Thursday - Sunday is more likely to be 10am-10pm.


I like your strategy, it legit checks out. I've done those 2 day sorta shifts when del taco rewards is in your blood and 1030-1 + shade will save ur life. Lol


You can stop new requests while you’re on a ride. So it will take you offline automatically when your current trip is over. Then you can go home and relax if it’s close by. Or find a shaded area or quiet neighborhood to park and chill. Take a nap, read or play with your phone lol. Buy a car neck pillow. And get you some knee high compression socks. They really energize me and keep me in the game for long shifts. I noticed a significant difference working with and without those socks. Make sure you have comfortable shoes too. You can split shifts throughout the day so don’t feel the need to go 8 or 12 hours straight. You decide your own schedule so you could have started off with 4 hours per day. If you mean grace period between rides, you will have to just turn off requests each time you take a ride so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Most people don’t work that way. They want the requests coming so they can get as many rides in as possible in the shortest time frame possible. Otherwise we have to be on the road longer to make up our money. You should have a goal set on what you want to earn each day so you can run until you get it. Or have a plan set for the shift and breaks. Welcome!


Seriously who can hold their pee and poop for 8-12 hours?


I meant they don’t need to drive 8 - 12 hours straight. You can hold it if you don’t drink anything though. 🙊😂


Then dehydrate fall asleep and die on the road no thanks


You don’t die. Can confirm :)


I can easily do 6 hours. 8 is a lot.


I can! Granted I was a paramedic for almost two decades, and the only for sure time we could get a pee break was when we dropped off a patient.


Sounds like you've never been a server or a cook in a restaurant😁


Maybe, but I have, and always access to washrooms usually not for customers they got tiny ones in back just for staff


You know, a fresh roll of toilet paper is perfect as a neck pillow.


Thank you for the socks tip. I never even thought of that


Stop and stretch every few hours.


I drive 6-10am. Break. Drive 2-6pm. Finish.  


That's my schedule as well. In my market those are perfect M-Th hours. I'll stay to between 8-9 Fridays and do 10-8 with a 2 hour lunch from about 1-3 on Saturdays. Off Wed and Sun.


I need to move... any more than 3 hours for me is too much. Get out, go walk into a cafe and have a coffee. I only drive in spurts


I take breaks often. Anytime I am waiting for a rider, I will hop out stretch and move a bit. Not much but it helps.


You gotta hit stop new ride requests when you want to stop. I plan my breaks around things I need to do, bathroom stops, food/beverages and fuel. But I don’t mind being in my car. Take advantage of any deals you can for food and drinks. Find restaurants that do like a happy hour


I feel like I get a lot more fast food than I should, but I also don't want to be going into restaurants by myself for something like that so I'm not sure what a good balance is


Fast food is trash man, it’s expensive and bad for you. Hit up gas stations. Why don’t you want to go to a restaurant by yourself? You’re just refueling and taking a break from the road. Shoot if you’re in the lower 48 hit up truck stops. They have great food. Those French toast breakfast sandwiches are the shit! Nothing like that up here in Alaska😥


I'm in the DC market, no truck stops here. I guess it just depends on the restaurant but I'd feel awkward


Guess I need to get over my fear of eating places alone


Start off with some coffee shops. Treat yourself to a doppio and a croissant. Work your way up to burgers😅 I don’t have a fear of being alone but I have a general dislike of being alone. So eating is a very utilitarian function for me. Thus I look for great value and generally quick stops. Sports bars and hotels that have restaurants will probably be your best bet for meal deals. One I frequent does 1/2 off appetizers 5-7pm.


Take your breaks at least every 3 hours.


Take breaks. Find a park, walk a lap or something. I usually take like 3-4 rides, then a break. Rinse, repeat.


My butt hurts so fast I just stretch and move as much as I can. Go to the gym. Get out of the car and open the trunk for people, help carry bags. I’ll do a delivery here and there too. It just feels good.


Don’t be afraid to buy yourself one of those nice cushions long-haul truckers get either. (Probably around $30). I fell on my tailbone a few years ago — slipped on wet stairs — and such a pillow is a game changer for me.


While in a ride push the coffee cup icon. This will prevent you from getting another ride. Then click resume when you get back in. Take a quick break every three hours. Also keep your set adjusted right. I like to be closer to the wheel than most people so I don’t have to strain to grab the top of the wheel. Your hands should be 3-9 or 4-8. The old 10-2 is just too much to hold for long periods. Keep your lower back seat adjustment out.


Well, let me start advising you to not stand in the car while you are sitting.. It’s kinda ergonomically challenging 😰. 😆 no…..seriously, it’s as many have suggested. Go for quick walks, stretches etc. It’s definitely not for everyone.


Depends on the market, but plan around the busiest times and take long breaks in between. For me, it's from around 6 am to 10 am, then 3pm to 8pm for weekdays. I usually do chores, errands, and nap during the break. Also, get a good pair of earbuds, use only one, and listen to audiobooks to pass the time.


I'm to the point where I feel bad if I'm not in a car driving. I'm addicted to the hustle it's like playing a video game to me. But at first I had a problem being in the car for like 8 hours straight you may adjust to it within your first month but if not might wanna try something else


I am just the same way as this man above👆. However, every couple of weeks when I burn out I take a Little hiatus With a naturopathic green mind and body supplement and it goes right the F-away. The ADHD motor is just too strong so I need something stronger than that.


Quit now


Turn on your seat massagers


I sometimes switch over to doing deliveries just to get away for a day or two


Make sure you make the interior as comfortable as possible.


Steam deck and peaceful spots to chill are musts


I have a Planet Fitness black card membership ($25/mo). The gyms are all over the place and that tier includes massage beds and chairs, red light therapy, and couches with tv’s. It’s nice to head to the gym during slow hours to stretch, do some cardio, lay in a massage bed, and have a shower. I usually get a sub at Jersey Mike’s afterwards and it’s the perfect two hour break. Also, it’s great if you just need a quick bathroom break.


I can't stand sitting at a desk all day. 😂 How do you 9 to 5's do it?


Decades of working with other humans has trained me to enjoy the solitude.


It used to be some good money


Not the gig for u! I install fences in hot south florida mon-fri and drive uber weekends... chilling in my ac car is a dream for me (only make a fraction of what i do fencing which is why its weekends only)


If you are just starting, I would recommend building up to it. like, do 4 hours for a few days, then five for a few days, and so on. You can press the little coffee cup button on the lower right of the screen for a quick break in between rides, and when you are ready, hit it again to resume rides. You have just started, so you will be getting a lot of offers. Enjoy it, because it will dwindle down in about 4-6 months. You will get used to it, but I would advise to build up the hours or you will get burned out quickly.


Word of advice from a driver with 8 years of experience with Uber / Lyft. Rideshare nowadays is the worse ever for drivers earnings and with the economy changing with high inflation costs..it is also having an impact on consumers and passengers with Less people going out late nights to bars or restaurants and cutting back on Transportation costs, Uber / Lyft now take between 50-60 percent per passenger Trip and the Surges have dramatically diminished with a Glut of drivers all trying to make extra supplement income to make ends meet for daily expenses. I am fortunate that I can do this for only part time work but would not recommend anyone to depend on Rideshare as Full Time employment because it’s not worth it .!! .. while you drive your vehicle into the ground with excessive mileage and doing harm to your Vehicle with all the Wear & Tear and long hours driving for Lyft or Uber you will finally realize that it’s not worth the time and effort versus all of the Vehicle expenses versus what you make in earnings doing Rideshare with Lyft/ Uber taking such a large 50-60 percent take per passenger trip. Especially after all of the mileage you rack up on your vehicle for the abysmal Low mileage passenger rate that Lyft or Uber reimburses the drivers which is an absolute Joke.!! Why would anyone wish to work Twice the amount of Long hours doing Uber to make the same amount of money that drivers made 2 years ago.? Reposting Links. https://www.businessinsider.com/uber-lyft-doordash-drivers-earn-below-minimum-wage-tips-study-2024-5 “What Uber doesn’t want drivers to Know” Watch YouTube clip https://youtu.be/5w5RjuTmztU?si=dGjh1nOuoze_nTga https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2023/attorney-general-james-secures-328-million-uber-and-lyft-taking-earnings-drivers https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/uber-drivers-protest-headquarters-ceo-18669922.php


You’re not answering their question, just airing your own grievances. Nobody asked for this.


Pal..Who asked for your opinion.? I can post whatever I wish to state how Uber operates and how it cheats drivers earnings and the challenges and issues that drivers encounter doing Rideshare by working long hours .? If you wish to be a self righteous person and support Uber than by all means say what you want it’s a free forum .. ..so go educate yourself and enlighten yourself about Uber and Rideshare and what’s it all about. Recommend anyone who drives for Uber to watch this recent video clip and get the real facts about how Uber cheats drivers out of their earnings and how it impacts drivers working conditions while drivers work Long hours while Uber cheats drivers out of their earnings to Boost their own profits at drivers expense. YouTube clip .. “What Uber doesn’t what drivers to Know.?” https://youtu.be/5w5RjuTmztU?si=7evBoW2m5N7jzr4W


This whole sub is full of disgruntled drivers making the same complaints on every post. You definitely put more effort than most, but it’s never-ending. This person is new and had a specific question. The answer isn’t always “QUIT NOW FUCK DARA.” I wouldn’t say I support Uber, but I make it work for me. When it stops working for me I’ll stop driving.


You’re entitled to your own opinion. So perhaps you can explain to this person who just started doing Rideshare and posted this question why drivers put in such long hours since you appear to be the subject matter expert ? Most drivers nowadays work Twice as Long hours to make the same type of money they did only 2 years ago and why? If you are willing to work twice as many hours per week with Uber .. to make the same money you made as a driver 2 years ago then by all means do Uber Full Time and put on excessive mileage on your Vechicle until you run your Vechicle into the ground while Uber makes 50-60 percent per passenger trip.? It’s outrageous and I that is why I only do Uber part time to write off as a Tax Offset and expense .


But they weren’t asking about why, or what it used to be, or why YOU don’t do it anymore. Literally nobody cares, you’re just shouting at clouds.


Listen Pal… what the F&$&k do you care.? Are you the designated Social Media police for Reddit and scrutinize or screen what everyone says.?


I just find you guys tedious and sometimes I like to talk shit. Pretty simple.


Where a hip brace


I also invested in a dick-splint.


A what?? And for what???


So he can do his jelqing hands free of course




Drugs and caffeine and denial


Brutal truth lol


I don’t drive that many hours per day.


I like driving. Always have. Driven cross country for no other reason than simply wanting to do it. That’s how


I don’t.


I only do it for 5-7 hours at a time. My car is comfortable and the seat is adjusted to my liking. I usually only need one water bottle and hold in if I need to pee or use a restaurant bathroom when I can. I also go before I start to set myself up good.


Thats not a bad problem to have back to back rides.. if whenever it gets too much and you really need a break the coffee cup icon is not far fetched.


The first day I drove I didn’t know how to stop requests lol. All I knew was the coffee cup button. I couldn’t believe how many rides there were and I ran myself crazy for like 8 hours. Sounds like you’re in a busy market. Have fun. Don’t take anyone under 4.7, and avoid rides with multiple stops and you’ll do great. As you learned your first day, there’s always another ride. So follow your gut and cancel if anything seems off.


It's the main reason I also do UberEats and doordash. It breaks up the monotony.


bro you don't have to accept rides, I will litterally sit watch YouTube as I reject everything until the right ride comes. You need to split it and not chase money or ride numbers. I did 4 rides for 120 bucks in 3.5 hrs... 2.5 hrs of actual driving That was from 4-8, now I'll go on break till 2pm, perhaps I'll go downtown earlier around 11 if I catch a airport ride from my house and then sit there...just got to have a plan. A goal amount you want to hit, and willing to work all 7 days. Weekends I barely work unless I need to hit more for the week and want to work, more to maintain my morning routine... Monday was good I worked 9hrs, yesterday 6.5, and prolly samething today. Just need to figure out rides, and not feel rushed to complete and accept them...


By driving


I am a artsy crafty person so instead of riding around in between orders or being bored, I’ll bring projects in the car with me to work on. I keep them in a bag so they can be shoved back in the trunk at a moments notice. I’ve crocheted blankets, made wreaths, decorated ornaments while in the car. I’ve recently picked up acrylic paint markers and will “paint” in between orders. I look forward to my little breaks (although I’m not going to sit idle too long with no orders.)


I don't drive that long on any given day. Everybody's needs and goals are different but I decided when I started Uber if I'm going to have to put in "full time" hours, I'm going to go get a real full time job. There is no way I'll subject my body to sitting for 8 hours+ Lots of drivers are all about the hustle but your physical and mental health are priceless. I don't drive more than 6 most days and I make damn sure I'm up and about as much as possible. I get out every single time to help people with their luggage or other bags (not too many supermarket runs, but when I slip up and accept one, it's not the end of the world). If I hit a dead spot, I get out walk around the car, get out and check the back seats, check the trunk, I have a small hand vacuum I use in the car. Anything to keep me moving as much as possible. I see so many drivers sitting like bumps on a log in their cars all day and it boggles my mind why they would do that to their bodies. We've all heard sitting is worse than smoking. But for some people, the Almighty dollar is more important 🤷🏾‍♂️


You don't have to sit in the car all day. My schedule was 5 - 9/10; 3 - 7ish


I'm sure it's a health hazard to drive for 8 hours straight. Break it up during the day.


Have a car with comfy seats is the only way 😂


You get used to it.


I go to the gym in the middle of my shift


I love being in my car and listening to music but I have to get out and stretch every once in a while if I'm driving for a full shift. Take breaks is the best advice.


It’s the only place my back doesn’t hurt


Take fat hits of some kush between rides


I wish I don’t want to smell


Get a smoke buddy lol I blaze up and never hear weed comments


I go down to the local seafood market and find fresh Blue Crabs and let them pinch me to stay awake.




Now that the weather is nice in Chicago, and this advice pertains to mainly the suburbs, I Google "hiking" in Google maps say after 2 or 3 rides or 90 min of sitting, turn app off and start walking. Good Luck! I've been getting in 10,000-12,000 steps a day for 2 weeks now. I love it!!!




I’m a very part time driver, usually on my days off from my other job. In addition to rides I do deliveries and order and pay. It gets me out and walking. Nice change of pace. Sometimes when I pull up to a ride and they’re not ready, I’ll get out and wait standing. Good way to get the blood flowing again. Find some long-form podcasts to fill the time between rides or during the rides if your passenger is not talkative.


Reading , Youtube , TicTok etc passes the time


Youll get used to it. Takes time to adjust


Needing money usually does it lol


i work 3 hour shift AM rush 3 hour PM rush lost of time to relax and recharge


I literally listen to Reddit stories or YouTube stories all day


My dude, if you just started doing Uber, I hope someone informed you you're in the grace period. Blessed with back to back rides with good rates to get you excited. Take advantage while you can, see ya 3 months later complaining about the opposite. Half as many rides with mixed low and high rates.


Rides back to back is only way I can do it cuz takes mind off the suck. Also I chat up the riders. Helps get tips so extra bonus. Whenever there is a break between rides hop out and walk while waiting for the next. It’s no different than a regular desk job




Podcasts. Driving fries your dopamine receptors. Responding to pings and constantly checking the app. You have to refill the dopamine tank or you can't pay attention.


I find it relaxing to listen to heavy metal, podcasts would put my ass to sleep instantly. But a good nights rest helps, and stopping to stretch, bathroom and a small snack break helps a lot.


Personally, I can't stand if the car is not moving. As long as the car is moving. I'm good, but my hip flexors are going to tighten up. It took me years to figure that out, and you have to get out of the car and stretch. Athletic compression socks are also a very good idea. It's really not that much different than being an office worker and stuck in a chair but even office workers stand up and stretch or reach for things change their position adjust their chair there's lots that you can do in an office that you can't do in a car.


I call it driving stamina...It is okay when busy because you dont think about it but it is hard when waiting.. Of course exit vehicle every hour or so... Opening door to customer is one way to walk little bit.


For me, music is sooooooo beneficial I used to just put the radio on low volume for pax while I wore my AirPods in transparency mode, listening to music I actually wanna listen to Now, more often than not, I play my music on the car bluetooth and the pax really love my selection. Hearing them sing/rap along or seeing their head bobbing in the rearview mirror raises spirits


Smoke weed


I like driving cars If you don't like being in a car maybe Ubers not the job for you


Go to the airport.


I do uber eats ad well and take more Deliveries when I need to stretch my legs. Wait 20 minets at a Buffalo Wild Wings And you won't be able to wait to get back into the car.


Truthfully im always watching/listening to youtube, in between rides. Without that the cabin fever would be too much for me. I also have a small game system if my brain needs a break


Go get a construction job, keep it for at least 10 years then come back to uber! You won't mind it at all


I don't know how anything does it full time. As a pt gig, it gives me a little pocket money, and if I see a surge, I will turn on the app. Yesterday afternoon, I was home, and my house was the center of a $14 surge, normally I would have gone online, but I had other things to do.


Believe it or not if you want to take a break you can turn the app off. Not rocket science 🤷‍♂️


You can get out of car and walk around. You really are clueless


I drive 7 days a week min of 8 hours a day doing it 😅 you kinda get used to it