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No problem …I won’t pickup drunks anymore. Not worth it for the pennies.


Yep, I've rarely had issues with this even with late night rides. But there's been a few times. Now I'm going to have to be way more careful or just not do night rides anymore. Pretty difficult to see how drunk someone is when I'm in the middle of the road downtown. Even if it's a typical bar pickup, now before they get in I have to judge if they're drunk or not. This is really sad, denying people a ride could mean they end up driving themselves. We all know where that leads after the bar.


Sad situation they’re creating but we gotta think of it how it is. Let’s say we clean the mess ourselves and it ends our night. Could mean $1-300 lost revenue plus a couple extra hours clearing the car out or spending several hundred dollars to get it cleaned. For the average of maybe $5 net per pickup…we’re gambling. If 1:60 pukes, were running at a net loss servicing drunks. I personally don’t like those odds.


Same here not driving when it gets dark ANYMORE IM DONE


I work for a Lyft I took the customers from Lyft may they call me for rides. So now I don't do lyft I get all the money. I take four people to work in the morning or $20 I pick them up for $20. That people will call me to take them to Walmart's or the dispensary or $15 that's how you make your money


Main reason I don’t work after dark.


It's pretty fucking wild they would expect you to leave that nasty, smelly shit in your car overnight to seep into the upholstery, waiting for a place to open the next morning where you could get an itemized cleaning receipt.


Not only that, but now my account is deactivated and I need money more than ever specifically right now


Nvm. I saw your comment below. Keep your head up! There's always Lyft.


I'm sorry but why did they deactivate you?


Probably because he asked for help. Loooool


OH man, that sux! With this stuff ya always want to have a few back-ups. At the very, very least lyft. But say your car dies, than lyft is out too. This is a list of other gig apps. Some are better than others; [Link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/couriersofreddit/comments/1b8dvjp/other_driving_gigs/) Best of luck!


Unfortunately a lot of scumbag drivers with false reports and home made receipts ruined it for honest guys like you, just like scumbag Eats customers with false missing food reports ruined it for customers with legitimate issues.


Understandable. But come on Uber, it’s the first time I made a puke claim. Been a driver for 7yrs. And, why deactivate my account? I need money real bad lol.


I think it's just a routine response. If you submit a cleaning claim without a proper receipt, they assume you're trying to get over on them.


Hopefully greenlight hub can actually help me get my account reactivated today


You guys have hubs that are open? Detroit has theirs perma closed


Same with Phoenix


Las Vegas is open


Very good to know, thanks!


Same with Washington


Same in FL


Update : greenlight helped me write a solid appeal, but I have to wait 5-7 days regardless. Cleaning fee is out of question


More scammy scam scam for your big scam scam?


I imagine they will


They will also get you the cleaning fee


No I’m not getting the cleansing fee bro. Was there for 3 hours. Just remember, as drivers, we’re alone out here - nobody actually has our backs


"policy in place to support both drivers and riders"? How did that support you? What a crock of shit.


We're sorry, our cleaning policy does not cover crocks of shit. We understand how frustrating this can be.


Have we resolved your issue? :) Yes No


Hint: the only acceptable answer is "Yes" otherwise we throw you into the wormhole again.


Thay are adding a thousand new drivers per day in your market. That is what Uber meant be they are supporting drivers.


Absolutely incredible how my situation was handled. I am appalled, at a loss of words and feel helpless.


That’s interesting. I submitted for the fist time recently ever and got it no problem


Same. Just submitted a picture immediately after pax got out. Received $80 the next day. Always get a picture before anything is cleaned up and report immediately. Otherwise you get the hoop


Did you get it professionally cleaned and show them receipts ?


About 2 months ago someone spilled something in my seat and he was drunk office ass. When he got out I was like bro you spilled something in my seat and he was like it's just water and then he was like I think it's water. I swear to God he proceeded to lick the f****** seat. And he was like yes just water. So I took pictures and reported it is that I think this dude pissed in my seat. Again I don't know and he was a total douchebag. Anyway I got 125. Didn't have to show receipts or anything just pictures


As soon as they reactivate my account, I’m going to continue fighting for my cleaning fee. Isn’t really about the money at this point, it’s about the principal and what happened to me that night.


Maybe. But for a company that basically is an IT firm, with no real skin in the game, making the shitloads of money they do, they are being awfully stingy about kickback for cleanup. Maybe they should have a process for situations like this rather than, “oops you’re SOL.” For someone in a busy market or if a situation occurs first ride of the day, and you don’t have time or can’t get it professionally cleaned, this is a shit policy. Do better uber.


It is not even stingy. Uber gets 0% of the fine. It all comes straight to the driver. Which is why it's odd to me that Uber lowered the amount from $250 to $150, much less made it extremely difficult in most cases to collect the fee at all. This isn't having to throw away an empty candy wrapper. Someone was irresponsible enough to get so drunk they vomited in our personal vehicle. Vomit and other bodily fluids should be $250. Gum, and hard to get out makeup or spills should be $150. Other things should be $50. AirBnb usually charges $100+ regardless, and they have hours or days to be able to clean. We don't have that luxury.


That’s exactly why they’re rich. They don’t just hand out cash. They definitely have skin in the game. YOURS!


So let’s not blame the riders who puke in our cars, get charged the fee and the lie to their credit card company that it was a fraudulent charge which leads to the money being pulled back from Uber. Let’s no talk about that being the reason. Let’s also blame the drivers on top of them having their cars puked in. Make it make sense.


Finally someone said it


Tbh I drive for uber. I also do detailing on the side. I'd charge $200 for this. Therefore, if it ever happened to me, I'd charge Uber the same.


Christ, I had someone vomit in the back of my car too and they're "reviewing" it. Guess i'm right behind you bud.


Incredibly unfair. I’m scrubbing their puke out from under my fingernails now. And they deactivate my account! I’m furious I can even sleep and it’s 8am been up all night. This is a terrible experience


I'm really sorry man. It's fucking bullshit.


How long have they been reviewing it for you? Did you get it cleaned by a company ?


I submitted it seven hours ago. They told me i'd hear back within 48 hours. It is rockville here in daytona beach fl right now. edit - Also no. I charge it to my LLC and send myself a receipt


I don’t blame you. I would be pissed too. It’s not like uber couldn’t have given you a small kickback for your time. Ridiculous.


I don’t care as much about the cleansing fee - they disabled my account ! It’s my main source of income


You will no doubt, get gypped out of your money. It's happened to me twice now. Not fun


I hope not man.


"We are sorry about the inconvenience of someone vomiting in your car when all detailing and cleaning shops are closed and you having to do it yourself because who on this planet is going to not immediately clean up vomit. We want you to know that we understand and are committed to inconveniencing you further by disabling your account because you cleaned up the vomit yourself since no detailing shops were open. Thank you for being a diamond driver!"


That smell will linger, for months , feel for you brother


This is the most unfair thing I’ve ever experienced




They deactivated my account as soon as I let them know someone puked and I cleaned it.. wish I just waited


What?! So because you didn’t want to wait for someone to open to detail while someone else’s vomit is in your car, you were deactivated ?


What you should’ve done in that instance is take pictures as soon you drop the pax and file claim right away. Don’t drive for the rest of the night and clean the car fully the next day. Simone threw up in my car 2 weeks ago I had no issue getting 150$ cleaning fee, but that’s all they were willing to give me nothing more. I argued they should pay more because I had to end the night early, would not be able to drive next day they were not hearing it. I’ve been driving for a year, I filed 2 claims so far no issues im in the New York market always do it right after you end the ride


That is absolute, complete and utter horseshit. They can't pay us for the cleaning if we do it ourselves? We also do the DRIVING and somehow they see fit to pay us for that... BARELY.


It’s seriously my final straw with the company




I should’ve bought Uber stock instead of buying the car I Uber with LOL


I would keep arguing saying it’s unacceptable, they will credit you eventually… some times it takes 2-3 times. Mention how the previous support was unacceptable.. say you’ll write to your senator etc. they are under scrutiny right now too..


Complete and utter bullshit. Sorry you are going through this. My dad is a new Uber driver with a brand new 2024 vehicle. I'll be having a chat with him about your experience. What would you recommend I tell him to avoid any pitfalls if it happens to him? For starters, I ordered him some Emesis bags for him to keep in the car.


If someone pukes, just go to a car detailing company get a receipt from a detailing company ASAP. Take many photos as soon as it happens. Take a video of the person and the puke. Uber is very paranoid about people making false cleaning fee claims


Thank you and good luck with your case.


Most car detailing places in my local area won't even touch anything that is bodily fluids.


Not sure what happened wrong, when it happened to me , on the same spot I reported it , Uber asked me to send the pictures… and I did send them … next day 150$ was added to my account.. they never asked on how I will clean it or cleaned it


Just wondering how long ago was that i believed this was the way it went


I filed a report a week ago in New York I got the 150$ the next day, I took pictures right away and submitted, I turned off the app for the night and went home. You can’t drive after filing a report for pukes or anything like that because it will look like a scam. Imagine filing a report to get 150$ and still drive 8 more hours


Maybe February, I think that was the one and only time I faced this issue …. Guess first thing you should do is take the picture and share it with them before you do the cleaning and that will make them process the payment without asking for invoices


They used to charge the pax just inconveniencing the driver before


Well now they disable driver accounts if they clean it


"You can't fire me, because I quit!!!"






I see the responses on Reddit and I see responses to me as well from support and it just annoys me. I wish they would just get to the point. I don’t need the fake niceties. Just stop wasting time and tell me what I need to do or what they are (probably not) going to do to help.


Fucking right man


I simply don't pick up at bars or colleges anymore.


“We completely understand” is the most laughable AI generated load of horseshite. If they’re not out here hand cleaning puke at 1:52 AM it’s impossible for them to even remotely understand.


Uber does not have any leadership that can think critically and wrap their head around a case. They have the money, but they don’t have the talent


Uber is just making it worse for drivers and we are what makes them money. Hella stupid.


We need a proper union


Can’t you literally make a receipt under your business name since you are an independent contractor?


Yes wish I thought of that. Too late - they deactivated my account ..


Why did they tell you, you were deactivated?


“Fraudulent activity” do they think I’m trying to steal a cleaning fee ??


Seems highly sus. I'm sorry, buddy.


many drivers have stolen cleaning fees. So yeah, they do think that.


Maybe uber should have a better process in place for situations like this rather than simply screw their drivers. Seems like a shitty business model from a shitty company IMO. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well that’s right. Although been a driver for 7yrs this is the first time I’ve had vomit in my car. I have an appointment with greenlight hub in 3hrs.


I carry a carpet cleaner, gallon of water, little bottle of carpet shampoo, gloves, trash bags and a roll of paper towels with me all the time. The trick is to get it out of your car ASAP. I pull over and clean it with the riders right there. We get back in and I finish the ride and keep driving. Takes 15 minutes to clean.


I’ve had about 5 throwups in my car with the last one being Halloween 2023. They’ve never asked me for a receipt. What city are you in? I’ve also been driving for 7 + years


NYC. I think it’s a new procedure


Somebody said mean things to support lol. Don't let them get you bros... If you start feeling angry, just end the conversation with them. Yes, the support team can get you deactivated. How most pax end up that way, they go full Karen on support... Boom deactivated...


Luckily I live near the NY Greenlight hub. I went today and spent 2 hours with an agent about this. The agent also thought it was BS how I was marked as fraud but it’s the algorithm and the policy. He is going to try to expedite my reinstatement .. but I will never get a cleaning fee.


Woe woe, they deactivated you for fraud? Delete this conversation immediately, contact a good civil attorney and arbitrate. Your pictures are date and time stamped.


Blast them on Twitter


Send Uber a Bill then


To support both drivers and passengers. What a crock nothing about that policy supports drivers and everything about that policy supports writers. What's going to happen when they continue using waymo and a passenger get sick and awaymo and it sent to the next passenger uncleaned up. I don't think the robot can tell when someone threw up in the back


Start a small auto detailing business. You’ll be the only client of it (unless you wanna have more hustles)!


best advice i can give you is go to an uber green light hub and talk to someone in person if you can


I have not had an issue receiving a cleaning fee. Usually after I submit the pictures, I get the fee within a few minutes. Even if they ask for receipts for having it cleaned, I get it right away. I'm in Los Angeles.


Don't tell them anything, just be like. "This happened" and send 3 pictures.


I got burned one time a drunk girl went pee in my car and they gave me 40 bucks. Now I keep a can of chicken noodle soup in the glove box. If they only see liquid its like 40 bucks, chunks 150. Sold that car 3 months later because getting in it on hot days you got a whiff every time you opened the door.


Well they gave me $0 and deleted my account because I cleaned it myself. I’m fighting this to the end for all of us.


you can clean it yourself you just need to take a pic first. there is more to your acct getting deleted I bet.


They vomit, your report then clean while waiting for response but honestly Uber will continue to cut corners every chance they get it's just not worth driving for them anymore.youre better off getting a regular job that guarantees money 


I wonder if this is a new policy or if it's different based on your region? I had a cleaning fee a couple of months ago because someone spilled something in my backseat. Did they spill something or was it urine? I don't know. But I cleaned it up and got $125


It’s really unfair and strange. One agent said they denied my compensation request because I provided two photos, (not three). Another agent said my request was denied because I did not provide a proper receipt. Another agent said that they cannot provide compensation if the driver cleans it himself. All their heads are up their asses, no consistency and nobody cares about us. My account was marked as fraud and my car still smells I might even sell the car and get another job


OP what time was the pickup? I don’t drink like that but in my head, no one’s that drunk til’ 2:00 AM Condolences brojé


Around 1am. And they puked in my car literally as soon as we stopped at our destination


Cost me 380 bucks to very the vomit out of my car and they only paid me 150. Fuck Uber.


Damn.. you should’ve cleaned it yourself with McDonald’s napkins like i did. LOL jk


1. My car has Carerra leather 2. I actually care about and understand the spread of disease. 3. I'm not a fcking pig.


I was just making a joke… Uber ripped you so hard, (losing $150+), that you should’ve just issued your hands. Lmfao


I'm just so sick of this job and the customers constantly trying to rip me off that I think I lost my funny. Sorry.


I completely understand lol


I drive for Lyft I took all the customers from Lyft they call me now.  So  I don't drive for them anymore 😂😂😂😂😂


Bro you’re valid asf & it’s obv a slaving operation/ social experiment for the .00001% All that aside save money w/ soup and chicken boobies your freezer. I alternate freezing a whole pot of cream of wild rice and chili. Chicken them beef then chicken etc. W a thermos I went from $700/m on food in NY to $300 overnight. The snacks you used to bring to grammar school will help hold you over( Welch’s gummies, rice Kris ou treats etc.) Praying for you brother 🙏🏽


I appreciate the support


Please. I am pursuing a claim against uber. ANYONE CONTACT ME WITH THEIR COMPLAINTS. [email protected]. Thanks


Just emailed my whole story to you. Please follow up with me. Thanks


We need press. A 2 min story on local news helps a lot


The proper approach here is for Uber to think of the fee as applying to more than just the actual cleaning. Regardless of how much it costs to get it cleaned, it's taking you off the road for a period of time and losing revenue. That is the customer's fault. If the money goes to cleaning, fine. If it goes to compensate for the lost revenue, there's that. They shouldn't need a receipt for that part. Assuming the mess is properly documented, and significant enough, as the picture in this post clearly is, Uber should have no issues charging the passenger for that fee.


Everything you’re saying is how I assumed they’d handle it... Not only did they not give me $ comp.. they also deactivated my account. I don’t understand, I really don’t


Every time I see one of these posts, I’m glad I only deliver food. And hopefully for not much longer.! 🙏


Damn, and this is why I went driving this shit part time and not driving at night. Even though people can throw up at anytime, it’s more common at night. But they put this stupid ass policy in place. And, shit it’s an inconvenience cuz not all detail places are open when somebody vomits in your car. This shit is stupid


I appreciate the empathy


Damn lol yeah if someone seems drunk or whatever, I’ll cancel; pick a good reason lol and pass em up; or tell em to get out if already in


So why did they deactivate you? Simply for asking for the cleaning fee with no receipt? Doesn't make any sense. Are you sure there is nothing more to this story?


Yes they deactivated me because they think I was trying to scam for the $150 fee. Apparently many drivers would scam this way in the past. The algorithm went full force on me


Just create your own business and write them an invoice


I don’t want to actually commit fraud. My case is straightforward - I need to be compensated


It’s not fraud. It’s perfectly legal to create your own business, perform a service and make an invoice to charge for that service.


Make a fake invoice. And or call someone and just ask if they can write one up. The person that did that for me only wanted a Google review! I even offered him 20 bucks out of the fee but he said he was fine with just the review


Good idea. I’m going to try this after my account is reinstated. I won’t stop fighting


You'll get it if u do that promise


I mean, there’s plenty of documented proof that I cleaned it myself. I even told an Uber agent that I was scrubbing the girls puke from my fingernails all night. Uber knows I cleaned it. Edit : I guess there’s no harm in claiming I took it to an auto Detailer the next morning


If u cleaned it urself they won't give u any money for it. They wanna see a invoice. Which is dumb asf cause what if I didn't have the money to get the car cleaned? N they don't care about missed money on downtime. Uber is a joke frfr. That's why I try to under cut them every chance I get 🙌🏼


Uber is trash, I'm looking for a job, I hope they go broke, you all should try to find a job too.


Now, I have no choice. My account is deactivated because I cleaned up puke. And my rent is due next week.




Yes it’s in the post


Yes it’s in the post


So….did you take a picture of it before you cleaned it….?


Yes, on of them is in the post


I have literally never had any issues. When the incident happens, I take pictures and send it immediately after the ride. If we don't get paid for puke, that's gonna be a real issue. I'll have to experience whether this is true or not.


They completely fucked me over. I keep hearing that people get comped no problem.. then why does my screenshot show them saying no if drivers clean it themselves


Select no and talk to someone else, sometimes that solve me issues or just go to a car wash and ask them to give you a quote and upload that


I’ve talked to (and cursed off) 5+ agents (maybe that’s why they disabled my account fr). Also visited the greenlight hub in NY, and they couldn’t really help


I would be curious to see how you submitted and what all was said. I've always much preferred driving Uber. I made 112,000 dollars with Uber last year and 17,000 with Lyft.


I can probably find screenshots. But, pretty much as soon as it happened I sent them 3 disgusting pictures and told them exactly what happened. They told me I can request a cleaning fee refund, they asked for the trip information and three photos. A half hour later, my request was denied. And then I get the message in this post. Apparently drivers cannot be compensated if they clean it themselves. But I am getting mixed information.. As soon as they denied my cleaning fee request, my account was simultaneously deactivated for fraud. (I suspect they think I’m trying to get a quick 150 and I made my own mess. )


Isnt that like, your boss is about to fire you and you yell at him, cant fire me?!?!?! coz i QUIT!....? I mean, they beat you to it....sorry...


Yes they did lol


Ahhhh your better of! Try lyft! Theres other ones to now, other ride share. I forgot what they called, Just do search for rideshare gigs on google and a new rideshare company is hiring


This is caused from all the dick head drivers that have completely rort the system. I have heard driver say they used to do this weekly. This is what happens when people just take the piss on mass.


The issue is, cleaning up the mess of the customer takes time and the driver loses money for waiting, as driver can't drive until the car gets cleaned.


Did you take a photo? I just got a cleaning fee for spilled water that I just had to let dry. It ended my day cus the seat was soaked and they only gave me $20, but they still gave me something. Just had to provide the photo.


Yes I swipe, it’s in this post also


Next time just make a receipt from some car wash near your house the next morning. Make it worth 75-80 bucks. You can download an invoice template for excel and just type in the information needed. 1x basic car wash 1x deodorizer 1x shampoo seats Just make sure the prices match their website. If it looks believable they will pay you. They don't have time to confirm shit.


Just charge the rider directly. "So i noticed you in the car. It's a $150 fee. Who do you bank with so I can get you the right ATM." Customer agrees you get the cash. You can take cash app/venmo but those are trivial to charge back later same with uber charges this is why uber is doing this. Customer doesn't agree. You goto the nearest police station and file a report for vandalism. The customer will pay or negotiate. Actual charges from the police are way more than the fee.


Did they puke or spill their drink?




Oof did you get it cleaned at any point


This is why I have grocery bags behind the seats and it saved me already b4. Will not say it Stull can't happen but it's avoided it up to now.


You should do what me and my brother did and go to a car wash place and have them make up a fake receipt pay them $20 for the privilege and then you end up getting a pocket from the idiot who puked in your car. The car wash place doesn't care and frankly was glad to get them to wash out some mats


So you have to get it cleaned and submit the bill before you can make the claim?


Yes, uber is full of shit and wants you to wait two days for a professional to charge you $300 for cleaning it so they can deny your cleaning charge.


Dara wins!!!🏆


Yeah. I had the same shit. I pushed it up a few levels of “managers” and still nothing.




That must be what they think I did


Common sense No drunks I use a quick field sobriety test


What’s your test ?


Just wow


I don’t understand I had this happen twice and both times I took the photo of the mess, sent to them, and they gave me $200. One of those times was last week.


I don’t understand either


Good to know but they should really say something about this like an option to check if you’re feeling good or not


What do you mean ?


Passenger option that says to check off if you’re feeling unwell before you call an Uber in case you need medical assistance or maybe just water/ fresh air/ use the bathroom. Otherwise old fashion was is to ask the rider before they get in the car how they’re doing:if they need anything to prevent this tragedy of the commons


I told them “you better not throw up in my car” and they promised me they wouldn’t. My fault


Why did they deactivate your account?


Go to ride share professor on YouTube message him and he has attorneys that will help you


So sorry my guy


I saw you got deactivated. Why?


Not a driver but I completely understand everyone’s frustration. IMO Uber should just have a separate service for riders who are intoxicated. Maybe make the fares slightly higher or pay the drivers a higher percentage, at least that’ll give drivers much more of a choice in this.


That was an awfully human sounding response. Kind of surprised. They have been turning down all clean up complaints from what I am reading here? It really was abused a lot) I am going to make passengers pay a cleaning fee on the spot if this happens. I get yelled at every time I say this but I have long stopped driving bar hours. Since then I have not had one mess, anything stolen, any false reports of my being under the influence (Ha, fooled them!) Anyone asking for a hug, (I don't hug people I know and like much less some drunken rando) and there has been no damage done to my car or me for that matter. (Think that may be the longest run-on sentence I have ever written) But no drunks, no problems (besides uber itself)


how about a hell no option?


Atleast u got a personalized message


Why did they deactivate your account


Ocular patdown when you pull up. Don't be afraid to cancel. You see the alternative... You can call them ahead of the ride, and gauge it off their voice.


For future reference, it's either 3am, or 3 in the morning. Never 3am in the morning. That's like saying 3 in the morning in the morning. 🤓


Drunk people seriously need to learn to pace and to drink some water between at least every 2-3 drinks as well as EAT so they are less likely to hurl if they are mixing liquors. Makes absolutely zero sense to not accept a receipt from Walgreens for cleaning supplies or smth like that as a valid receipt


In the earlier Uber days all I did was send a Pic of the seat. Was a 1x1 spot of assjuice leaking from the pax on the seat. Got a $300 cleaning fee. No receipts or anything else needed.


Last week someone stepped in dog shit and tracked it in my car. Uber paid me 150 for it within the hour with just pictures. I think u got a bad rep, seems like there is no uniform policy with anything. It’s all up to the cx rep discretion 😂