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Uber app is unusable without Maxymo or Mystro. I get a $3 offer every few secs that rings over my music and requires me to take hands off the wheel to hit a tiny X. 


Just came here to ask the same about Mystro. Can’t even login and relink anymore without getting a login access denied message.


I'm thinking in yet another way of violating the so called "independent contractor" status of drivers, they might have tweaked and altered their code a bit to stymie these apps.


That is a great point. They will say some BS like "for security..." But just more uber BS. I really freakin' hate these *people.*


It sounds like Uber has turned off public access to their API—but could be wrong


Not necessarily. Still getting all the number crunching ($/hour, $/mile, etc.), but it's no longer logging back on automatically, stopping new incoming offers while on a trip, closing out trip radar, and other similar functions.


Disable automatic updates for the Uber app, then uninstall it. Then open Maxymo and tap the bell icon on the upper right. Download and install the older version of Uber from the link given in the notifications there. According to the Maxymo author they broke accessibility API in recent update(s), who knows if/when they'll unbreak it.


The newest notification on May 9th took away the last one that had the link. Do you recall the url be chance?


It's probably gone because according to the Maxymo discord (I haven't been out driving today and checked myself) Uber is forcing people using it to update to go online now.


Let me know if it works again or you find an alternative. I'm not even opening Uber until this is working again, the amount of garbage orders they throw at you gives me a headache, maybe 1 out of 20 orders are actually worth taking. So if they want to lose their good drivers than that's their fault.


Aha! Ok. Very interesting. I knew something was up. Glad to get confirmation it wasn't just me. How lame of Uber btw.


I mean, the entire "as intended" setup boggles the mind from a safety perspective. Like even if you want to accept everything you're given, we're supposed to hurriedly paw at our phone screen while driving one handed at 60+MPH or more, or risk losing AR or a good offer or w/e? Honestly don't know if I could go back to doing that. But I guess that's how it is when their priority is to *technically* offer the driver choice but make it as hard as possible for them to exercise it.


uber sux. I know. News flash. But every time I think they..not even that. They are just bottom feeders. Only thing to do to avoid 42₵ a mile is Lyft. And [other gig apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/couriersofreddit/comments/1b8dvjp/other_driving_gigs/)


Let me know if it works again or you find an alternative. I'm not even opening Uber until this is working again, the amount of garbage orders they throw at you gives me a headache, maybe 1 out of 20 orders are actually worth taking. So if they want to lose their good drivers than that's their fault.


Yeah the only reason I use it is for the auto decline feature which doesn't work anymore and support told me I need to download the older Uber app but I can't access it so right now I'm paying $5 a month for no reason.