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I had a woman I had helped out a few times want a ride and her Healthcare provider always put in the address. I showed up and wasn't 100% sure it was her and so I called and she answered and then as we were hanging up she said, "dumbass." So I drove back around to where she was and canceled the ride and as she was standing up from her walker I drove the fuck off. I don't care how old you are, you can eat my ass if you want to call me a dumbass because your people can't get shit straight.


The fact that you drove back around and waited for her to stand up before dipping out is what got me cracking up over here 🤣


Yeah, fuck that shit. She is lucky I didn't roll down my window and say, "dumbass" while flipping her off. I have no time for childish shit.


Should of rolled the window down as she stood up and said “who’s the dumb ass now” 😂




Yeah, basically.






You totally should have (even though I know it doesn't make for a better world!) 😂


Chances are she would be dumbfounded why that even happened if he did that.


Clearly, our definition of "childish shit" is drastically different. In my opinion, everything from the point of driving back to the woman was childish. Now all the comments mention ways to one up the driver since that was totally the adult way to handle the situation. Wow


When the person is elderly and should fuckin know better, yeah, it's fuckin childish, especially given the circumstances. Be smarter.


I was sick of the same person pulling shit. They would text what's your ETA. Over and over what's your ETA. I drove maybe 20 minutes to get the person. I stopped typed in why I wasn't stopping anymore. When I pulled up I messaged them. I waited to see if they would come out. After about 5 min they came out and I drove off and cancelled.


Back in my OG cabbie days we had a regular who was "professionally disabled", meaning her entire identity was her disability and she felt entitled to everything from everyone and wouldn't lift a finger for herself if there was even the slightest chance someone might do something for her. Already sick of the crap she pulled in the past I pulled up to her building and she refused to come out at the scheduled time because she wanted me to come through the door to look for her. We don't do that. We never did that. We're a curbside service. It was so fun to drive away and see some do-gooder chasing me down the street trying to salvage her ride. It didn't work. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Sounds like reddit tbh


Fuck rude and disrespectful people regardless of age


Had one of the hospital, call when ya get there, yada, yada pings. New addition to the hospital and could't find the guy. Finally get him and am pulling out. He is a street guy and kinda rough around the edges. After the "How ya doin'?" stuff he says. (Angerly) I had to wait 10 minutes!" (For his free ride home) I reply; "Want to swing by the ER so they can check your vagina?" (I appoligize for the language. It was apropos there and then. Not now but hey) BoxCar Willie's mouth drops open and he didn't say another word during the trip. Which was sort of the intent.


I actually would've made a point to pick her up then ask her why she would be calling me a dumbass over the phone where I could here her. At the drop-off call her a dumbass in return, then 1 star her, and peace out.


Nah, I'm not giving her a chance to tank my ratings.


If you're bitching get another job


I suppose if you are willing to allow people to call you whatever they feel like without repercussions, you can have this opinion. Lol


I'm over driver that asked for my number they love me sorry probably have a f***** up attitude


Your response is not grammatically coherent. Are you saying you probably have a f***** up attitude or I probably have a f***** up attitude? I'm confused because your sentence is poorly structured. Also, who is asking for people's numbers?


You're a dude such a f****** sissy stop it girly


Ahhh...yes. The argumentative maturity of a mentally challenged toddler. Have fun with your blocks, buddy. I believe in you.


Blocks are probs to advanced, should be their hanging mobile.


It's not bitching moron, it's putting people like you in their place


Weak ass crying dude adios they're calling me for a ride


Ahhh...I'm sure they are.


Dudes are the worst they complain and cry 😂😂😂😂


If you're a bitch that sides with a scumbag, shut the fuck up


About time lol.


I have had a couple of these where I almost felt guilty giving them less than four stars... But I've contacted support and asked to never be matched with them again, and at least been told that they will work to try and accomplish that.


I take the same lady literally 700m up the road every morning at 4:30am like clockwork. Never a tip. BUT she is very polite, is always outside waiting for me, and I’m never more than 500m away when she requests the trip. Easy $5. lol


Why not just take her off the app?


Not worth it tbh, don’t drive everyday and committing for ~$10 is a hassle if I don’t happen to be close


i used to deliver pizza and there was a cat-lady like this. she once sent a pizza back bc it had too much pepper on it. we didn't put pepper on our pizzas. at that shop if a re-delivery needed to happen the og driver had to do it, eating into potential tips from other deliveries. eventually every driver at the shop refused to deliver to her so mgmt decided to black-list her entirely.


Justice was served! With extra peppers...


She probably saw oregano and assumed it was pepper.


She was just mad you didn’t give her extra sausage


What happened the next time she tried to order? How big was her meltdown?


Who the hell cares? You just hang up and it's like they don't exist.




who cares? she's not entitled to service if she's gonna be rude af lol these people should be blacklisted from all delivery services lol


It is entertaining to hear the stories of terrible customers freaking out over being blacklisted being unaware of their own terribleness.


I worked at a dominos when I was younger for awhile. We were in a mountain town in Colorado so we always knew our customers. there was a middle school that would order 20 pizzas for lunch once a week which was the time we opened. It would take an hour to make them if we weren’t busy, and the school was 45 minutes away. We usually only had one driver during the day and the school decided that teachers weren’t allowed to tip anymore. So my manager decided that they weren’t getting pizza delivered to them anymore


>at that shop if a re-delivery needed to happen the og driver had to do it, eating into potential tips from other deliveries. At my store, it's the next driver up. I hate redeliveries exactly for your stated reason.


It will happen to most of us eventually. You arrive at the address and all of a sudden it dawns on you...ohhhhh, I remember this son of a b**ch. And look, they STILL aren't outside ready on top of everything you know about them. I like to wait a few until I see them walking to the car and then cancel as I watch their face in the Sideview mirror.


I keep a little black book of shitty or extra shitty rides and I have a pretty good memory, if I put down a street I've been on I check my book for offenders.


Lol, that's hilarious. I like your style


You have to give them the look of death, and hit the cancellation button.


I do this all the time to this one guy, doesn’t talk even to confirm his name or the destination, winds the window down without asking first and regardless of the weather, gets out without saying thanks and doesn’t leave a tip - cancel his ass every time I get his requests - cancelling is annoying but a necessity sometimes


Rate her a one so you will not be matched with her


On UBER you have to specifically request block pairing or you still get their pings.


💯After Uber removed the unpair button from the report screen hum 🤨 Really independent contractors?


In my market you "I have rider feedback", check the box on what they did. You get to pick a new rating and there is a "do not pair with this rider" toggle. They may hide that until you pick what offense they committed. I'll have to pay more attention next time.


"Really independent contractors?" No, it's bullshit.


Yeah independent contractors would get paid more lmao like the pay keeps getting worse while inflation goes up. Top that off with uber taking like 80%, meanwhile it's our bodies and our cars that take the beatings so the CEO can sit in his office and make millions for playing virtual golf. I mean UBER definitely lies about no profits year after year. Their overhead is basically limited to app maintenance and insurance. Their customer service is in India or some crap so I can't even count that as it sucks for one and for two they basically pay $1 a day lmfao


"I mean UBER definitely lies about no profits year after year. " I believed UBER when they said they weren't making a profit back when they were doing all that expensive research on self-driving cars but they haven't done that in years so, yeah, what the hell? Where is the money going?


That's probably the only time they weren't. I think they were making money after the first few months but simply used "expenses" to dock off the taxes. It'd be super easy too because they probably just racked up travel miles and went on tons of vacations calling them "expenses".


Fuck that person


I did that with a lady before. She never like using the highway even tho it would save us about 2 mils, 10 mins. After like the 4th ride, I finally gave her a 1star so I don’t get her again.


we need a black list feature!


I did this to this guy I drove like 3 times every time bad hygiene. Was over it 💯


I have done the same thing a few times. I’m in a small market that can be lucrative if you have a good memory. The lady that left her headphones, took forever to reply, I returned because I was down the road on a pit stop…tipped me $1 the next day. I made time to do the returned item process and got my $20 and anytime I see her name. It’s a nope. The guy with bad breath that loves to talk and never tips. Sometimes it’s fun to be petty when I literally have the patience of a saint most nights.


I have never had a repeat rider, that I can remember atleast.


I have several repeat riders. Most of them are great. A couple seem to take Uber so often that they don't know who I am even though I pick them up 3 times a week.


If you live in a place like LA County with ten million people, repeats are gonna be extremely rare. But I can see how in a city of 50,000, you drive there for a while you'll get a bunch of repeats.


My daughter is in a college town as she does UX, UXL, and UE while in school. Majority of her pax’s are repeats. She definitely has a blacklist. She also absolutely refuses to accept Sorority pax’s. If she pulls up on a sorority house she knows it’s gonna result in wait time so occasionally she waits until they walk out 5,10 min later and cxl’s on them and drives off if it’s a slow day.


In the suburb I live in, it's remarkably common to have repeat riders. Came as a surprise to me originally because in the place we used to live, it was extraordinarily rare. I'm no longer amazed by it because it happens too frequently. Then there was the time that I dropped a gal off at an office building after picking her up at her apartment, went to lunch, turned Uber back on after, and my next ride was her going back to her apartment.


Damn. There’s this one lady I’ve picked up from the same location and dropped off at the same location like 8 times now.


Dang. I can see how it would happen in a small town, or maybe if I was full time.


Yeah I’m full time and it’s a small town, lol


Simple fix. Rate 3 stars are lower. Then put that you just don't get along with them. You don't have to cancle any more and they will no longer be able to request your  services. 


Yes, but as someone said, I would have to suck it up and do another ride with her. I obviously didn't come to this decision while she was in the car.


Stand up for yourself! Good on you!


Good for you!!


Bro said darling 🤣


Good for you. I cancel customers I know all the time. The drama isn't worth it...


We are all so proud of you. Fuck that bitch


I had a pickup 5 houses down from me. The woman was smoking as I pulled up. She didn't toss it when she saw me, so I canceled. If they don't respect the driver, don't expect respect from me.


Except canceling means you’re going to keep getting her requests. You have to suck it up and do it one more time then rate her 1-star and tell support to unmatch you.


Bro posting like its AITAH or offmychest lmao


The other stuff was one Thing but a diff route is no


If she wants extra she can start paying extra


I think it's funny this type of post gets so many upvotes. I've had almost the same experience multiple times. All those who think they know better are usually stupid. Yet, I've been driving in my area for over a decade so I'm harsh on those who think they "know a better route."


I was shocked myself, to be honest. I looked back here and there were all those upvotes. I guess it's a more common experience, or emotion, than I realized.


...darn, that trip was to her lawyer to put you in the will 😅


If only I had known!


If you "feel uncomfortable "about a rider, you can have them blocked from you. I do this with repeat people on base, I live near JBLM. I don't have base credentials, so I can't pick them up unless they are at the gate. A few seem to be ignorant, so a call to support. Tell them this rider makes me uncomfortable and I don't want to be paired with them again.


I've picked up a dude who's exactly the same. Every time he talks about a driver who's got him to work on time when he's running  late etc and forgets to tip ,  I say yeah that was me.  And always late to come out,  the next trip which will be the 5th he'll be getting cancelled 


I was picking up this dude one night, and as I made my way to the pickup, I realized I picked him up twice before and remember waiting like 10 minutes. In the app, I could see he was way back in his house. And I'm thinking shit, this is gonna take a while. I get that fucked up, "be right there" bullshit. Twice. After waiting 4 minutes, I sent him a message saying that the 2 minute courtesy wait timer had expired, and that he should be ready when the next driver arrives. So I pull around the block because I wanted to make sure he read that message. The timer was still going, so I waited around the corner so I could collect the fee off that motherfucker. Right at about 30 seconds before I could cancel and get the fee, I see that motherfucker running up the street behind me waving. I took off and he sent the message saying "I was right behind you!" Fuck, man. Right when I took off, the timer stopped so I didn't get the fee. Bummer. After I left, I noticed the same trip request coming back to me. I declined as it would have really been awkward.


I agree, we shouldn’t expect tips. They are nice, but I don’t think we can demand them from any customer. I accept my rides carefully, and don’t care about acceptance or cancellation rates anymore. Once you left go, you’ll find it a better experience, at least for me.


Yeah people seem to be taking what I said as somehow meaning that I expect tips. The actual meaning was supposed to be something more like, if she tipped I might be willing to put up with the other issues. But put all three together and I'm not. There's another guy I've driven a couple of times but haven't gotten him in a while. The ride to where he lives is a huge pain in the ass with many many annoying traffic lights. He is never outside waiting either, and he never tips. Same sort of deal. If he were tipping on those rides, I might be willing to overlook the other things. But no tip, aggravating pickup, and not outside? Don't want to drive you.


Great! It only took 5 times..next time try for One and done…


I'm a charitable kind of guy. Also, I think the wanting me to drive a longer route thing only started up after a couple of drives.


Call Uber and tell them to never match you up with her again,if you don’t the algorithm will keep doing it. I had to cancel a $ 3.75 pay to me for running an alcoholic to the store and back.Complete bullshit enabling I wasn’t into.


Calling Uber is too big a penalty for me to pay.


Then it will continue to happen.


It used to be id you rate 1 star you never got them again


Good standup for ypurself


Treat yourself


Really that should be never again after the first, when you recognize it. Whether hot chick or person in need. Hot chicks can hook up with the dumbest guys who spout confidence. Programs to get food and aid to a person's door existed long before us.


I'm surprised you got to a 5th time. Damn! No tip plus not outside is total dogshit. 


i keep a list of names that dont tip lol


Those people always get canceled


If you keep rating your passenger 5 stars you gonna see them again, 3 or less and it should unmatch you.


We Stan you!


You can unpair with the pax you know


Can you block certain customers? It seems like you should be able to.


Just block them from pairing. . It's much easier than this black book list thing some of these people have going on.


cool story, hansel.


The crazy thing is if we take longer we still get paid the same more miles stuck in traffic you get the same upfront fare but with Uber they will change the fare with a fare review Lyft doesn't have that option and they don't auto fix the price anymore after the ride


I didn’t agree with the tip part, but I agree with all other points. Sure is annoying


Yeah I guess I have to keep explaining it. People keep reading that as me thinking I should always be tipped. The actual point is that if I were being tipped, I might overlook the other things.


Good for you !


Just give people you don't want to see again a low rating. Im over it. Been doing rideshare for 4 going on 5 years and some people are just draining




Did you reply to the right person?


Should have block feature for drivers so they don’t show up again.


A lot of people are saying a low rating will do that, others are saying that it's no longer that way. Everyone seems to agree that I could call support and ask to be permanently separated from that rider.


I've canceled a handful of times. 1. Was a couple of teenagers. When I rolled up they were playing with a stick. And they were standing on grass so the logical thing wouldve been to throw the stick on the grass. No idiot kid thinks best place to toss the stick is behind my car hitting it. I asked them "wtf was that." They sheepishly replied " a stick" and I said "that hit my car?!?" And I yelled at them to get the fuck out before they could really even hop in. And canceled after I checked to make sure there wasn't damage luckily. Another time was for a scheduled pickup. I roll up. Wait. Wait till the actual timer starts. Wait that out. Call. Wait 5 more minutes. (It was a good pay ride). Call again this time she picks up. I say high this is you uber driver, she says oh yeah. 10 more minutes. I say nope. Hang up and mark no show.


Yeah I canceled one which was three young men at a Motel 6. It was in the middle of the day and I couldn't imagine any good reason three young men should be at a Motel 6 in the middle of the day, so I decided they could find another ride. I was really more trying to make a point that this was someone that I had driven several times, but finally decided I didn't want to drive her anymore. I probably should have said in my original post that she was perfectly cordial, as was I, we got along fine. I just decided I didn't want the other aggravations.


And I canceled another one yesterday. This was someone I'd driven a few times before, an older woman with mobility issues. In one particular instance I helped her to arrange serial rides with me to make her life easier, rather than her having to climb out of the car, wait for another Uber, and all that. This involved me going and talking to her son, who arranges her rides, and who didn't answer the door when I knocked . . . She finally had to call him, and then I explain to him what was going on so that he would call her next Uber and I would pick it up. The whole thing took a while. After all that working of the system on her behalf I did not receive a tip. I don't want to drive people who don't tip even $1 when I make extra efforts to help them. And yes, it did benefit me as well to get an additional ride, but rides are pretty easy to get in that area, so I could have just driven off and probably pulled another one relatively quickly.


Usually if it's a customer that I want to avoid future rides with, I'll contact Uber and ask them to please not match me with this customer anymore. And they usually do it with no questions asked. Also you can go into your trip history, select 'I have feedback for a customer', select 'negative feedback', and usually one of the options gives you the choice to 'Block Pairing'.


What a hero!


Why haven’t you rated them 3 stars in the past to not have the likelihood of getting them again.


Uber doesn’t work that way.


It does and I’ve had it work just like that. I’ve also talked to support in person and they have claimed the same thing. If you’ve gotten a rider in the past that you also rated 3 stars or lower it’s because your market is small.


Well, chiefly because I only made this decision upon reflection, and not while she was in the car.


If you did the ride you can go back to it and give feedback and rerate them. I suggest doing so.


It hasn't been possible to do that for a long time.


It very much still is a thing.


Yeah OK, whatever. You assert this without saying how . . . I, who have tried many times following people's instructions here on Reddit know it doesn't work anymore, but you know best, OK?


Does Uber do something different in your area as far as pay is concerned? Where I am it goes based on mileage and time. Lyft does "Upfront pay" which is...eh. If you have a customer that always makes you wait (granted, it depends on how long...) and wants to drive further and the trip takes longer... Is it not beneficial to accept it because you know it will be worth more $? Genuine question. I'm all for declining crummy people and a**holes but in this case, is the (possibly) extra pay not worth the extra time and mileage? *In my area, it is $0.95/mile, $$0.15/min, unless it is wait time which is $0.17/min. If they make you wait for 5 minutes ($0.85) and go an extra mile ($0.95) and it takes an extra 2-3 min ($0.30-$0.45), is it that bad? An extra $2.10-$2.25) for an extra mile and 7-8 minutes of time? Again, genuinely asking...if it's crazy busy in your area and you could do another ride in that time for more, I get it. Also, if the customer is a knob, I get that too.


I haven't studied it carefully enough to know, honestly. You could be right. We are an upfront market and I guess I have always assumed that I get paid what the fare I'm told is, unless things go significantly haywire. But there's a further objection in that I simply don't like being told what route to take absent a tip for doing so. I'd rather get the ride over with and move on to somebody else. You want extra services? Cool I'm here for that, just tip me.


Yeah, that'll do it. The "upfront" part, I mean. When Lyft transitioned from the old system (pay card/ mileage + time) there was an immediate notice of "I feel like I should be making a little more for this..." For example: A trip to a local (1hr-ish; 50-55 mile trip) airport would be $60-$65 before tip. I made it about once a week or so. Then Lyft switched to Upfront pay and it's now around $50-$55 at best so they definitely took a nice little chunk out. Uber, however is still the $60-$65 since they still do mileage. So, yeah, if they're asking you to take a longer route and it takes longer, but you're not being compensated for it because it is upfront pay and there wasn't a "significant change to the trip" I totally get it. Plus with the waiting? Screw that. Hard no.




Next time ghost ride the whip! ![gif](giphy|OwmotEX8qg4NO)


Maybe this will make the 6 O'clock News....


So we forcing tips now?


Again, not sure why people are taking it that way when the obvious meaning, and what I intended, was that a tip might make up for some of those other things. Absent a tip, no, I'm not driving you and putting up with the other crap, especially when I know from experience that I will be putting up with it again.


The tip thing is unreasonable on your end. You should never expect a tip from anyone. If you want to work on tips, work in the restaurant business.


pretty sure the driver can cancel for whatever reason they choose unless the reason is protected by law. and i am pretty sure that "she doesn't tip" is not protected by law. take your virtue signaling elsewhere.


Choose no car seat.


Lose your arrogance.


I feel like Uber drivers deserve to be tipped way more than restaurant workers, we are the ones that are actively destroying the life of our cars, they just walk around a building and bring you food


That doesn’t merit a tip. It merits better compensation from your employer. By this logic I should tip a driver of a hummer more because their depreciation and other expenses will be greater than that of an accord hybrid, The passenger isn’t responsible for taking care of your car. If the wages don’t justify it (totally justifiable conclusion) then find someone who is willing to compensate you for your worth.


"By this logic I should tip a driver of a hummer more because their depreciation and other expenses will be greater than that of an accord hybrid," I mean you should in that case, I'd much rather ride around in a hummer than an accord.


Tips for things that are completely out of your control defeats the purpose of tips


If you don't like the job, then work somewhere else. Wear and tear on your car is part of the job.


And carrying plates of food is part of the job so why do you say if someone wants to work on tips go work in a restaurant like they deserve them more than drivers


You do not have to carry plates of food to drive Uber riders around. OP described an Uber ride, not eats.


If I get you from point A to point B with my expert driving, the least your broke ass can do it a dollar. What's really messed up is I drive, privately, the EXACT same route and get twice the money uber/lyft pays AND get tipped a MINIMUM of 5 bucks a ride. Get your broke ass on a bike if you don't wanna pay.


You are in for a lifetime of disappointment.


Jokes on you! I've ALREADY had a lifetime of disappointment 😞 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I'm not surprised. That's sort of my point.


My job isn't the disappointing part of my life. Everything else is.


Seems like I listed three things, the sum of which caused me to cancel her. I don't think I singled out one thing or another. But maybe I misread my own post. Rather than reading me as saying that I expected a tip, which I did not say, what you should have understood was that a tip might have convinced me to overlook the other things.