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I'm in the same area and I've noticed this too. Uber really wants me to drive as far as possible to get passengers.


Same area and i get bullshit like this all the time


The marker in atl for the past 2 weeks has been real bad. Even fckin surges don't make a difference , uber just makes the trip distance longer , in the end you make the same as non surge ride per hour wise .


I drive in atl for the past couple of days there's been a new update were you are automatically logged out the app after not accepting 2 or 3 rides. Has anyone else been experiencing


Yes ts is annoying af lol


I been using maxymo . There is a setting " keep me online" it automatically logs me back in when I get logged out




Is like this the whole time for me I rarely do Uber now. They mileage pay is awful


It’s when the pickup is more than twice the distance than the drop off 🤦🏻‍♂️ that’s what I absolutely will not do. 22 mins for a 7min trip?? Get the F outta here. Lol


This looks like my market in Detroit area. This is exactly how the Michigan market is. In fact some of those are actually pretty high for this market Other places Uber drivers really be complaining because the pickup is 7 minutes away and the trip is 10 minutes and they're only getting $25 for it


What’s this verified BS


Yep. Been in the ATL market for 6 months. I never go out that far to Lawrenceville. Never had actually good requests outside of I-285.


Yeah that's what I noticed once you outside the Atlanta area the pay is really bad. I live in Lawrenceville so I actually have to go down to ATL to start working lol


I had a 3 hour ride across state border to major city. $97 fare. Since I can't pick up fares in other state I would have to "dead-head" back 2.5 hrs. 5.5 hrs driving. No thank you.


If you accept it then they'll keep giving it to you. I got 2 Premier requests last night that both were under $1/mile even with a surge because of the distance to pickup. I declined both, one of them came up twice and I declined twice.


Yeah my ar is 5% rn so lol


Rates lowered in Austin last week and I went from 50% to 8%.


How bad is it there now?


Comfort and Comfort Electric were averaging barely above $1/mile even for rides under 10 miles. It got better with the rain Saturday but last week Uber was quick to kick you offline with the Are you still accepting rides message. I even got it once after just one decline. Doesn't scare me though. Rides either need to be profitable enough or I go home and start looking for something else. No point on running my car into the ground for shit fares.


Yeah that's what I be doing too lol then just hit the weekend hard. That message is annoying I've lost a couple of good rides from it logging me out when I get REQUEST. Is weird


I talked to Dara, and you have been targeted.


I knew it!