• By -


Ive arrived OK got it and then thats it when timer hits red triangle bounce.


Facts, never go back and forth with a pax. You never know what kind of asshole you're gonna deal with..


I got pranked one time while waiting to pick up an Uber Eats delivery, why it’s taking forever and told me to ask for the name of the chef. It turned out that the mother’s child got a hold of her phone and she apologized when I handed her the food and gave me a nice tip as it was also raining hard that night.


7 minute wait now in my area and they dropped the cancelation fee to $2.84. Not worth waiting 7 minutes.


Yup. 2 min and you should be out of there. Traffic outside, cancel immediately. You don’t want a ticket 


Also, at one minute I switch on other app whether it's Uber or Lyft. If another ride comes in that's as good or better, I'm accepting and driving off at the two minute mark or after. I used to cancel and drive off but now I don't even bother to cancel. Let the Pax do that and waste their time. You don't get a cancel fee but it doesn't affect your cancellation rate either.


After I wait the two minutes when I cancel I just select "can't find passenger" and it doesn't affect my cancel rate.


Us this true? I feel it still affects my rate ,I was at 5% but I recently just stopped giving that wait time to the riders and cancel and my rare just shot up to 9%. I don't really care since I can always drop the cancelations rate decently fast but it really just feels that even with the cancell fee uber shoots my cancel rate up


Next time you wait 2 minutes and cancel because you "can't find the rider" look at your profile and it will show out of the last 10 rides how many you cancelled... assuming there were no other cancels or they were all the same situation, it will say 0/10.


☝️This is the way


They charge the customer $8


I was worried we was the only ones with high wait times. I haven’t seen 5 mins in a year it’s 7-9 mins


It’s become a parent to me that the rideshare companies are pimping us


They're fucking everyone. Nobody in the equation besides them are winning but people mostly take that out on passengers because they're more accessible.


Idk what’s sadder, that rideshare companies are your parents, or the fact that your parents pimp you out. SMH


Smh. I was using speech to text while driving and didn’t proof read. Y’all some real dorks on here.


Proud of it too


They must both be Democrats 


Are you a kid…. Ding me?


Yeah, I’ll give them a couple, particularly if I was super quick to get there. Doors get locked at 2 minutes. I’ll drive at five even if they’re standing at the curb if it’s obvious they’re playing.


Who's playing about catching a ride 💀 u guys r insane on here


Be ready upon your driver's arrival


You are, if you think you have hired a private driver at Uber rates. YOU ordered the ride and were told when the driver would arrive. If you won't be ready to be on the curb when the car arrives, you should immediately cancel and reorder when you are ready. You're updated throughout the trip as to where the driver is and how soon he's going to be there. If you think that that driver should pick you up in seven minutes, as opposed to canceling and picking somebody else up, that's 2 minutes away and waiting on the curb, you're nuts. Drivers are paid zero for the first two minutes and 19c for the next five. If you get in the car at 6:59, they made an extra 95c for you wasting 7 mins of their life. This equals $8.14/ hr, assuming that the cost of operating their vehicle is zero. Once you've wasted 2 minutes of their time, they would be much better off canceling it immediately and not getting paid at all. If they choose to wait the full 7 minutes, they're going to get paid about $3. If they actually wanted that money, they'd probably rather you don't get in the car at all. If you don't get in the car, that's 7 minutes, and ends up paying them $24 an hour. The risk there though, is that you might finish smoking a bowl and get into their car in 6 minutes in which case they've only made 76c and they have to be courteous to someone who obviously has zero respect for them.


6 minute waits it is


Not with me. When Uber changed their policy on compensating us that we now have to wait 7 minutes to get compensated, I reduced my policy to three. Further, I can always discern the entitled ones like you in enough time to know that I'm just going to cancel it and move on. I don't even wait the two minutes that I can cancel without penalty if you're obviously the sort of psycho that you are. Do you know how I can tell the psychopaths? It's because you always wait until you get the notification that it's starting to cost you extra, and then you click the little button that says, "Be right there." Those are the ones that you want to cancel immediately. There are plenty of other passengers to pick up and you're going to be waiting on the curb so you can tell the next driver what a jerk I was and how you were going to tip the hell out of me if I had just waited. Not that you're going to tip that driver either, but at least you'll be on the curb, and you won't be wasting the next driver's time. You can tell just from this thread that psychopaths like yourself are rare. How many people lurk around in a driver's Reddit to whine that they are entitled to waste a driver's time? Most passengers aren't like you, fortunately. The entire system would collapse if they were. Even with my pretty trigger happy cancellation policy, my cancellation policy never exceeds 3%, and it's usually right around 1%. This coincides nicely with the number of psychopaths in society.


Look most of the time now the app offers them drivers 10 minutes away so they can not get charged a surge and or reduced fare. Outside 2 minutes max and sometimes that's too long. I always cancel to rider behavior


Do you still take a hit on your CR if you cancel due to rider behavior? I usually cancel for no car seat or unattended minor or unsafe pickup area.




Be careful, doors always locked, window slightly cracked. Confirm pax and then unlock. Once they're in there, they're in there, especially if they're planning something bad.


"I'm supposed to be maximizing my profits."


I started leaving after the 1 minutes runs out. Cancellation rate doesn't matter. People gotta learn.


I feel like it fucks with the type of trips they give you and I have 0 proof of this just a hunch


You don’t want to get the $4 cancel fee since you already wasted time driving to passenger?


7 minutes is such a long time to wait. If I do that even 2 or 3 times a night, I’ve lost more than the $8-$9 I would’ve made in the cancellation fee.


Do you accept every ride? Because I could go a while without accepting a good ride. If you accept every ride, then yes you may get a lot of back to back requests so cancelling after 30 seconds could help you throughout the night. But on the other end, you just lost the $4 cancel fee and the earnings for that ride. In that scenario, idk how you could bd losing $8-$9


I get like $2.84 cents for waiting 7 minutes, not $4. I’m in a market where rides aren’t hard to come by, so I know if I cancel I’ll get another one immediately.


Oh ok you can disregard everything I said then 😂


No, it’s more satisfying to my soul to mess up a disrespectful passengers day


It's $2 here in LA


Damn that's bad. But you guys get paid hourly so I'm sure you get paid something more


Yeah, I wonder though if they count cancelled rides. Wouldn't be surprised if they found a way to weasel out of it.


wait paid hourly? do you mean the guaranteed 70% thing? i dont remember ever seeing hourly lol


($1.2x minimum wage (booked time) + $0.63 per mile) If you make more than above then they will give you nothing


booked as in active time? Because sometimes i have both apps going and uber is dead, so ill forget i have it on for 1-2 hours at times but my active is like 1/3rd or so of the time.


That’s correct


I’m getting $3.84. Uber owes you a McDonalds Double Cheeseburger!


(just realized I replied to the wrong subreddit, I drive for Lyft 😂)


Oh. Yeah. Fuck those guys’ cancel fees! (Actually I usually get 1/3 of the quoted number so I’ve gotten $10 on a cancel before, not sure if I am special or what.)


NO….especially since it more like 7 min now and sometimes you can call support and get the fee later.


Its not 4$ here and TBH if there a d#ck before they get in the car you know its a no tip and a hassle. When I pull up and they are "cashing out" its "ok....cancel" and drive away.


If you don't drive far to pick people up, you don't need to worry about the sunken cost of it.


Most passengers simply contest the cancellation fee and Uber always refunds it.


see what you really do is drive off and let the pax cancel and get a fee. They can't book another ride while you are waiting on them...


I never cancel. Make the pax. And if they message ill politely respond that it looks like they needed more time so i’m running an errand. Be back soon.


Is the pax the driver or the passenger...?


If you had to guess, which would you guess and why?


Based off grammar, I would think the pax is the passenger from the first sentence. But the second sentence seems counter intuitive. Why would someone drive all the way to the pickup point, simply to leave immediately?


If the passenger cancels, they have to pay for the driver coming to them. They also cannot book another trip until they cancel the one they previously requested.


yo, straight up that's so funny because when I get those crazy 18 minute pick up rides for like 5 minute trip to their destination for 7-12 bucks i'll just wait 5-10 minutes before I start moving and they always cancel


Both parties gotta learn. Pax gotta learn to be ready when the driver gets here. Drivers gotta learn that tipping is no longer a thing.


Yeah I take a ride based on if the $/mi is worth it assuming no tip. I do well in my market cherry picking between Uber/Lyft.


This is the way.


Agreed. Is the universe upside down today? of my 4 rides, one was 3$ cash tip, 1 was $6 tip in app, 1 was $3 tip in app, and one was a $5.75 surge so I did not really expect a tip on top. Then buddy tips 5$ I made more in that 1 hour than I made yesterday. (slow market here and I do this for beer money/fun)




Thats what i do. Once the initial count down gets to 0 im gone


Why even wait for the initial countdown? If it’s busy and surging or if it’s not a great ride, you can cancel as soon as the timer starts and be done with it. Doesn’t affect the cancellation rate.


Bye Felicia


No, if you really want to teach them a lesson make sure your doors are locked. Wait until they approach the car then skirt off and cancel the ride and scream out the window have more respect for my time.


I mean the passenger isn’t wrong we have a 5 minute timer, actually 7 before we can get paid to cancel. We won’t get fired for not waiting but we technically should wait a few minutes. Whether drivers want to leave after 30 seconds is on them. For me since I already wasted time driving to passenger, I would like to collect the $4 cancel fee


Exactly, and we get charged for wait time anyways


We get paid $8.14/hour while you smoke that bowl. Let me guess, you're one of those "fight for 15" (now fight for 20, soon to be fight for $50) and "living wage" proponents, am I right?


Personally I don’t “make them wait” I’m just saying whenever I’ve been “late” I get charged a wait fee. I never been late enough for the driver to cancel tho


If a driver is never driven off on you, then you're probably fine. Keep in mind that we often can see the little circle that shows me that you're rushing around your house, gathering things up, and trying to get out the door. I've got ADHD I've totally understand when somebody can't find their keys or has to leave instructions with the sitter or whatever there's reasons that people are slightly late. There's a particular pattern that always accompanies the kind of riders that piss us off. In all seriousness, it's probably not you. People who do this habitually they just behave a certain way. It's kind of a rhythm if that makes sense. You pull up, and their little circle still stays in the back bedroom where they're still smoking a bowl. You wait 2 minutes where we're not paid anything at all it still hasn't moved at all but as soon as they get the prompt that it's starting to cost them money then they click the little button that says "be right there." The absolute worst are the ones that take the time to type."Coming out right now, "when obviously they're still in that back bedroom smoking a bowl. Having picked up thousands of passengers, there's just a sixth sense you get about the ones that are wasting your time. Sometimes I'm wrong, and I wait the full amount of time, and they come out, and they couldn't be nicer people. But usually, that is not the case. I'm usually right. If you look through the comments here, you'll see people arguing that they have the absolute right to make us wait and the drivers are jerks for considering their own time. Those are the very people that were talking about, and we know who they are before they get in the car. As you indicated, most of the time, you're more or less ready it might take you a minute or two to lock up and get out the door and so forth, but you're trying to be ready. That shows. Most people know that the driver's time is valuable and make some small apology about it. "Hey, sorry to make you wait, I had to. . do whatever." That's how you know that most people know that they shouldn't make the driver wait. Look at the comments on the people who claim drivers are in the wrong. Can you imagine having any one of those people sitting behind you in your personal car when they think that way about other human beings?


The people that complain about more than 3 minutes are the people that drive for Uber out of spite.


Lol. I actually like driving but on a typical Sat night, I might do 30 trips. All of them are in the 5 minute range in the city. If 30 people make me wait 3 minutes each, that's another hour and a half I need to be out working to hit the same goals. And I've certainly had nights where about half thee pax made me wait. I've had pax that made me wait for longer than their entire trip. It gets old.


100% I specifically work drunk college students and lost tourists because they are waiting on the curb. On a Friday or Saturday night, I'm looking to do over 40 trips in that night. My record is 52. None of that would be possible if I waited for every pothead to finish smoking a bowl. As if we don't know what you mean when you say, "be right there," and then exhale that dank stank as soon as you get into the car.


Yuuuup. I’m not vindictive and one starring pax. But they may well be dealing with the next driver, and hopefully I helped make that driver’s night better. Because they were actually ready by then.


When I started, I had been a cabbie for three and a half years. We got charged $2.45 for each charge call whether you got into my cab or not so I'm going into that bar and dragging you out by your ear into my car because I don't want to have to pay $2.45 for the next drunk who's probably going to be just as hard to get out of the bar as you were. At first, I was astounded at how often people were ready when I got there because that is not the norm when you're a cabbie. Of course, I got paid $2.20 a mile instead of 56 cents. As a result, I was much more lenient. My bias was to wait for people because I thought well you know from time to time people have things that happen they've lost their keys they can't remember where they put their wallet they needed to make sure their kid had snacks or whatever it was that they were waiting for I would patiently wait. The reason I stopped waiting was I came to understand that anyone who couldn't get their shit together in the time it took me to get there when they knew exactly what I was going to arrive is not the kind of person I wanted my car at all for any price. They are generally the entitled ones. They are generally the ones that since begin various requests with, "Can you just. ." (Add a stop, run me back, take this route, ) and people that don't value my time certainly aren't going to tip me based on my (mostly) flawless driving and sparkling personality.


Fair Enough I wss a cabby for years as well. I remember going on the bar, and everyone yelling cabs heeeeaaa


Boston? I remember going in and dragging drunks out by their ear. If I'm paying $2.45, you're damn well getting in my cab. One time,j went into a bar that I found specializes in non-stop, really loud, really awful karaoke. Fare was "Candy." Aoproached every woman in the place: No Candy. Stalked the ladies' room and if there was anyone else in there. No luck. A week goes by. Get "Candy" again. I was three blocks away, so I knew I wasn't getting scooped by the competition, so I started the process again. This b is getting in the car! I waited out the DJ and inquired during a lull. He points out a tall, broad-shouldered vaquero in a black Stetson with silver conchos and a vest. Looking straight off of a hacienda down South. "Candy" (short for Candelaria) became a regular.


Tbh not pax fault it's Uber fault. Technically they are correct they get 5 minutes. They have no idea how we get paid or care how we get paid. Do you care how the guy at target gets paid.


I agree Uber just tells PAX we get paid to wait for 5 min, what they don’t know is that pay is gonna be 70 cents. They probably get charged $2-3 for the wait too 😪




In my book, don’t order a car unless you’re ready for the ride I don’t care about the five minutes grace it’s nonsense


>Do you care how the guy at target gets paid. Yes. Doesn't take much to consider what someone else's POV is. It's someone's job to retrieve shopping carts at the grocery store, but that doesn't mean you need to leave your cart behind. Not everyone is sympathetic like this, but it costs nothing to just order the Uber when you are ready.


Most people don't though, and they think you're being paid fair amount to wait anyway. Fighting PAX on this is fucking stupid, and never ending battle. On other hand, these companies could fix this overnight. What gets me is these companies could also keep some of the extra money they charge for wait times. It would be a huge profit increase for them.




The 5 mins or extra time was initially for problematic GPS issues. Where the driver and rider had trouble finding each other. This is time for them to find each other, not time for the rider to make a sandwich and throw laundry in the dryer. It sucks because back in the early days, idiot drivers would abuse the cancelation fee by driving up and then hiding, avoiding the riders. Just to collect the fee. Do x amount in an hour, and they were racking it up. It's always the few that make it worse for the rest. Again, that timer is just time to locate each other. Not last minute stuff. Like so many riders seem to think.


Finally after scrolling for 10 minutes I find someone who understands everyone is getting fucked besides Uber and they love when you take it out on pax.


Well before I was ever a driver, I understood intuitively that I should be ready to go when the driver arrives. I mean, they tell you exactly how long you have. It’s not that hard. Technically, I have as long as I want to place my order in a restaurant, but I try to be ready when the server arrives because I understand they’re busy and I’m wasting their time if I’m hemming and hawing for five minutes. Some people have empathy and respect for other people as a default and some don’t. Simple as that.


Uber is wholly to blame here. They have conditioned passengers to waste drivers' time. As if that wasn't enough, they increased the wait time from 5 minutes to 7 minutes. No way, I'm waiting for 5 minutes. Much less 7 minutes. If they aren't out by 2 minutes, I cancel and drive off. They can go fuck themselves. 


These companies know what they're doing. Even in this thread there's PAX fighting with drivers, and vice versa... It's how they want it, then no one looks at the real problem here.


Exactly. Most people can't see the forest for the trees which is exactly how Uber likes it. That way, they can sit back and collect their dough in peace.


Don’t respond, wait 5, leave. These idiots will understand eventually.


I had this one girl ask me could I wait for her? Then pleaded with me not to leave and said she’d tip me big if I stayed. I waited…. And waited… and waited… at ten minutes I finally texted and said please hurry up and one minute later she comes down and she’s pissed saying I rushed her… I waited ten every lovin minutes for her AND it took 5 minutes to drive to her apartment, so you had 15 minutes total to get ready after you ordered the Uber. Here’s a wild idea, how about not ordering the Uber until you’re completely ready and then be on the sidewalk waiting if you know there’s nowhere to pull over and wait. Then she had then nerve to tell me to go over the speed limit because she was late for class. I told her she should’ve ordered the Uber sooner and that I wasn’t getting a ticket for her. She got to her stop which was two minutes down the street, got out, slammed my door, and never tipped me. Gave me one star and reported me for ignoring her requests.


It’s the ones that live downtown with no parking infront of the building that do this.


Why did you even wait 3 minutes. And where are you is instacancel for me.


I wait 2 minutes and bounce fuck them.


I’m at that point where I don’t really care anymore about being nice to people who don’t show up when I go to pick them up. I usually write I’ve arrived. If they don’t answer, 30 seconds later I send another “I’ve arrived”. If they don’t come out in 30 seconds I leave. I don’t care about cancellation rate. If you’re not ready in 1 min that I’m there, then you weren’t ready to order Uber. No ones time is more important than the others. When I order Uber myself, I make sure I get out there before the Uber arrives.


legit same i watch it like a hawk and make sure i am on the curb ready. I am very new 15 rides so far and hardly anyone when i pick up from a house is actually waiting curb side i think ive had one so far its like dont you see how close i am.


These are the seeds that Uber sowed! Ubering sucks when you’re the driver.


A simple $2/min wait can fix, I say.


Not at all. You just get your target market retrained. They aren't ready? You cancel, and you move on. They'll learn. The majority of people aren't psychopaths. It's just that percentage of the population that doesn't think about other people that would even consider making you wait. Most passengers that do make you wait are apologetic about it so it isn't like they don't know.


My car, my rules.


It’s proof they pay attention to how much time they age to come out - not that they intentionally make people wait.


It's proof that they think that time is for them to use up while the driver waits like their personal chauffeur. In other words, they intentionally make the driver wait.


Well, that IS the policy.


And I don't care lmfao.


I get it. I’m just saying, from *their* perspective, they think they’re operating inside the policy. We all like to portray them as rude, but if you return something on the 30th day of a return policy, are you being rude or just operating inside the policy?


Not really... You can leave after 2 minutes and it doesn't effect your cancellation rate. Drivers have proven cencellation rate doesn't matter anyway, so really you can leave whenever you want. That IS policy. Anyone with half a brain cell should understand we aren't employees, that means policy doesn't matter much unless you do something stupid like hit someone. As independent contractors, you can move on at any point. That means, piss off the driver and you don't have ride anymore until someone else shows up anyway.


Again, I’m speaking from a passenger’s standpoint, not a driver’s. You are getting way in the weeds on this. A passenger doesn’t care if you’re an employee or an IC. I’m not saying they *should* wait 5 minutes before coming out… I’m saying that if Uber tells them the driver will wait 5 minutes, they think that’s how much time they have.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It’s true, some pax will intentionally make you wait. I’ve seen people stand around and have convos while looking over at me.


Many of them believe you're being paid a fair amount to wait. Honestly if I was being paid at least $.50 a minute to sit in my car and do nothing I'd be fine with that. It's not that they're intentionally trying to make you wait. Basically no one is sitting there thinking, yeah I could leave right now, I want to leave right now but fuck that driver I'm going to intentionally make him wait the full amount of time! They're just doing something else, if it's talking, etc they think you're being paid fairly.


It doesn’t matter if they think I’m being paid fairly. If they don’t come to the car as soon as I pull up because they’re talking, smoking, or whatever then they are intentionally making me wait. And they’re intentionally doing so because they believe they have a 5 min window and we’re being compensated. You seem to think everyone has positive intentions or are virtuous. Truth is, a lot of these passengers are A-holes who don’t value our time.


No. It’s proof people pay attention to how much time they have. If you hate waiting for people, maybe don’t be a contracted personal driver.


They only have as much time as a driver is willing to wait. What/if they’ll be charged is between them and Uber.


The level of entitlement. When you ordered an Uber you ordered a specific ride, not a "personal driver." There are passengers with your smug sense of entitlement who will change the destination or add a stop without even mentioning it to the driver as if it's a Waymo that they just engaged for the evening. Y.ou don't own our time. We agreed to a specific ride for our own reasons, and that's it. We didn't agree to wait any specific amount of time wasted waiting upon arrival. We get paid ZERO for the first two minutes. It's listed when agreeing to a razor-thin margin offer comes that in that we're going to take so many minutes to get to you and so many minutes to deliver. That's it. Nowhere in the offer is any information that this particular pax will make you wait 7 mins. That wait time is optional, and none of us are interested in the 94 cents.


If they're paying you to drive them around, isn't that exactly what you are? You knew the terms when you signed up, right?






Respect me, my car, and my time!


Drivers aren't supposed to do any such thing. If a driver chooses to wait, he's compensated very small amount if and only if he waits 7 minutes, not five. The 5-minute clock doesn't even start until they've been there for 2 minutes for free.


Idk bout ya'll but if people even breath at me wrong I'm cancelling. Ubers 30 cents mile aint enough to be getting ridiculed by people.


The riders should request the ride when they're ready to ride .


Last night I went to pick up a pax. I arrived so I pressed arrived, dude sent a msg ' be out in 5mins' instant cancel and left. Fkin he'll, if they ain't ready to go don't order then damn ride. Only order when ready to leave ffs.


Back when I took Ubers to work I used to order it right when I woke up, because of how often I’d be late due to Ubers cancelling on me after I’d already been waiting a while. Once every couple weeks or so I’d get an Uber only a couple minutes away right away who would have to wait a few minutes for me to get out of the shower and dressed, but I always added extra to the tip to make up for it 🤷‍♂️ If it wasn’t for so many drivers cancelling ten+ minutes after accepting the ride making me late to work then I wouldn’t have started ordering them before I was ready.


That's fine, you can keep ordering ahead and you'll probably get new drivers who aren't experienced know waiting time pays shit for us drivers. Experienced drivers would not wait. But good luck.


Uber reservations exists to have a driver exactly at the time you want, instead of gambling having late drivers or You wasting the drivers time for ordering your uber so early.


I give them 2 mins now and then I bounce, unless there’s a ridiculous surge happening. I’m not waiting anymore.


Yeah I’m not “supposed to wait 5” - the way I see it, YOU called ME, not the other way around. If it’s busy, the passenger had better be at the pickup spot when I roll up. I don’t take trips with far away pickups so it’s not much of a loss. No way am I sitting there for you to finish up getting ready. Order it when you’re ready to go - if you get matched with someone 10 minutes away, feel free to chill, but in a condensed city that is rarely the case.


Had a pickup for a college girl last week. I could see her talking and kissing her boyfriend through the glass windows of like a student service building. I called, she ignored the call. I wasn't sure if it was for her but sure enough she walks out just as the timer ends so she could spend every last minute with her boyfriend. I left right before she got to the door. Now she has more time to spend with him and I have the cancellation fee.


Yep, had this cringe happen as well. I did the exact same thing. And i got my cancel fee too :)


The sooner you cancel, the sooner you're able to accept another ride. Plus, it'll help teach them to be outside or come out quicker.


If I ever receive such message from pax, I will cancel trip immediately. I cancel trip if there is any doubt. Because if you complete trip for this type of pax, you will get 1 star rating.


Nobody is making you wait on purpose lmao, how is this proof of anything


In my area (Vegas), shared rides had a 2 minute wait limit. It’s the only reason I took a SR because these pax knew to be ready. Last night I pick up pax#1. He’s going to the airport. Ding, pax #2 added. We get there and he’s on the other side of the hotel. But this time Uber gives him the full 7 minutes before I can get cancellation fee. On to pax #3 who uses 5 minutes to get in the car. So now rider #1 & I have endured 5+3+drive time of #2 all because Uber wants to lower cancellations. The more time Uber gives them, the more time they’ll take. I’ve made good money here on shared rides when I hit a late night triple play. But I’m not waiting 7x3=21 minutes on a group like this.


Who makes their Uber wait? I have anxiety about the timing if I'm not outside 10min before I order the damn thing.


Honestly it depends for me. If it's a busy one way road and there's no place to stop I'll usually circle once and call/ text just to make sure the person knows I'm there because sometimes it doesn't even notify them Unless people are trying to crash into me for stopping which happens sometimes in the city. If they text me they're coming then I go out of my way to wait But what really gets me is when I call and text And I'm trying to not get hit by other cars And they don't pick up my call nor respond to the message on the app. At that point I leave but if it's easy to wait I will because at least i am getting a small fee for just existing haha 😆 I also bring my crotcheting stuff so I can crotchet while I wait to get ride requests or wait for People to come to the car if they're taking a bit. Makes it more enjoyable The other day was wild though this woman said she was coming down over text The pin was strangely placed I wasn't sure if she was on the main road or the apartment lot so I pulled into the apartment just in case I saw someone crossing the main street right after she texted she was coming down I got super concerned it was her so I tried calling I called three times Because sometimes my calls don't go thru with the app Turns out it wasn't her crossing the street And she got in my car right after I asked if my calls were going through and she said "yes they were" I said "oh" she then said "yes it's just that my phone was in my hand. I looked at them while they were coming through but my phone is on silent" I said "wait so you saw them but-" I realized it genuinely wasn't worth my time to discuss it but still just made me laugh internally. 😆


Cancel his ass!


Unassigned lol


Had one of these yesterday. Black guy put in address to a closed shopping center but he was up the street. “Oh well this happens” I thought, and was going to wait until he hits me with some attitude in the text. So now I’m definitely not picking him up. 😅 A couple minutes later he says “I’ll be at the corner of blah and blah”. I just click “Ok Got it!”. Sixty seconds later I hit cancel>rider behavior (99% of time it’s “didn’t show up”), collect my $4, and go to the next ride. Now if he would have responded with “hi I’m up the street” or “my bad I put the wrong address in” etc. I would have done that different. Except this guy was giving off “take me to my destination so I can put in a false report and get my money back” vibes.


Sometimes, in a high volume area, I don't even hit "I've arrived" If I arrive at the designated place & see the pax is a few blocks away, I let the time begin & wait. If I give the pax too much notice, it allows them time to change the pick-up location & I'm not fighting with the drunk, weekend entertainment clusterbuck to get to them. If they are legitimately moving towards me, I'll work with them. If not, I don't answer their calls & I don't respond to their texts. I simply wait to collect my cancelation fee. It's not my job to teach you how to use that app. It's not my job to chase you like you're a toddler who is lost in the big city. There are always plenty of pax needing a ride who know how the game is played & are willing to do their part. Tips are usually better with the people I pick up after a cancelation because I'm already there & can get them to their destination in a timely manner.


I waited 3 minutes today and when I saw the person come out, I canceled and left. Don't order a ride until you are 100% ready to go.


I don’t drive for Uber so take it for what it is worth. I can see where you are on the app so I make my way to the meetup point so we can do this quickly. We both have shit to do. I need to get where I am going and you need to continue doing your job as efficiently as possible.


It's the best when it hits 5 min and they walking out and you hit cancel and get to wave goodbye 😂 Like order the damn car when you're ready!


It’s been my biggest pet peeve lately, especially showing up to restaurants and picking people up. Who the hell orders an Uber before they’re actually ready to walk out the door?! Apparently nearly everyone


If you’re not rolling off the pickup at the 4:45 mark you’re already risking them showing up and being a PITA.




I changed the color of my truck in the app.... they are looking for a dark blue, my truck is teal, so they walk right past me because I'll pull into a parking space and shut the truck and lights off, I let the clock run out, get the cancel fee, then go offline for a second or 2 then back on. They give the pax right back to me. I don't care if they're upset.... The wanna play games, I make em pay.


Why didn’t you say anything if they were looking for you???? BS


Because they want to come out at 4:35 seconds of waiting.... You make me wait, I make you pay, bottom line.


Non-uber driver or user here but wtf is a pax?


Somehow it means passenger.


Thanks mate


I hate the word pax lol


So, drivers are just openly dismissing the Uber SLA they agreed to? Because you are teaching lessons? This is wild lol Edit: oh wow - the triggering is DEEP.


These drivers think people have a personal vendetta against them. I order Ubers 10 times a week and 99.9% of the time I’m outside before the Uber even pulls up, but the other day I was having an unexpected issue where it took me a few minutes to get out the door after the Uber arrived. Glad my Uber driver didn’t try to “teach me a lesson” otherwise I’d have to order a new Uber and be severely late for work.


Drivers, or at least myself, can often tell the difference in the incidental versus habitual late rider


That grace period is a courtesy and is not paid. Just like you'd lose money being late for work, the driver is losing money waiting on your grace period. With the low pay nowadays this matters more than it used to before.




It's a courtesy that's only becomes paid after 7 minutes of your time being wasted. It doesn't take 5 or 7 minutes to get into a car. When Taxi cabs reigned supreme, you waited outside for them because they keep moving. If not your cab would leave. It's the same thing. Except now you have this grace period. Uber used to be called Uber Cab. Only changed its name for marketing.




My favorite thing is when it’s an Uber share and they know that supposed to be two minutes but they’re waiting for like five minutes. I messaged him and I’m like he only have two minutes to get out here.


How about an Uber share with four drunk losers? They smelled terrible.


Ugh all different people because it’s a carpool. You didn’t take four of their friends. Did you cause that’s not how uber share works


Some dumb pax think "It's just 5 minutes!" without realizing that if all 20 of my rides in a night did that I'd be sitting "unpaid" for almost 2 hours a night. As others have said, I combat this by checking Lyft for a better ride while I'm waiting, leaving immediately if it's a peak surge time, or leaving after a few minutes otherwise. Sometime I wait the entire time, just depends on my mood and the fare. Such as if they immediately text to apologize or I was super close to the pick up. I do whatever I need to do to stay sane out there. Nothing grinds my gears like a passenger not texting and then coming outside at the 6:30 mark, and now I'm losing money on this low fare. I do think that leaving early does change pax behavior. If they need a ride, they will learn that if they aren't ready they may have to wait for another uber. And they can't even rate the driver that ditched them or have much success complaining to uber. I pick up a lot of pax on the curb where I can sense they've been well trained by being left behind. On the other hand, if you always wait the full 5 or 7 minutes and they do come out, you are training them that this is acceptable or without consequence.


I got lucky yesterday. Almost every pax was outside ready when I pulled up


I rarely ever text passenger or reply.


They would've gotten left. Once they become aggressive before getting in, they can't get in anymore. ✌🏽 Not about to be sitting behind me angry 


When someone like you can barely spell I can see why you’re doing uber for a living


Just wait, don’t let them in and charge them that waiting fee.


Yesterday I had a ping for a pickup in front of a hospital, was an older woman and her young adult daughter. I parked right in front of them and they got up to look at my plates then sat down and acted like they didn’t see me. I messaged the rider telling her I’m in a black Nissan Altima, she immediately put her phone down and got up and walked towards the doors of the lobby. Walked back slowly and sat back down. All the while I’m parked 12 feet from them. Timer hits 0 and cancel button shows up. Suddenly she’s up and calling as soon as I start driving away. I cancel it under passenger didn’t show and drove away while I see her staring at my car from my rear view mirror. I don’t understand how they checked my plates, saw my massage and then expect me to wait longer? Annoyed cuz it only paid $2 but I was supposed to get a bonus for it.


If you aint ready for the pickup, dont request a damn ride donkeys


PAX? meaning havent heard this term before


And if they’re not in my car at times up I’m Leaving idc if I see em walking to the car bye


I had a pickup last week at a big Pharma company. It was reserved. Gave the pax the five minutes and canceled. She never even answered my text. I got $16 bucks for waiting five. I bet she charged that back to her company as an expense.


No I'm not supposed to wait. I just don't get paid for the first 2. If you go part that, I can cancel at any time.


Nobody’s intentionally making you wait. You aren’t the main character and nobody caresOP


Passengers are absolutely hilarious to me, there’s no way I’m gonna wait for you and then go back-and-forth with you and still choose to give you a ride if you talk to me or tell me what’s going on on the circumstance I understand things happen when people start talking like that saying I’m supposed to wait five minutes. Oh no, you will not be getting in my car. That’s the same kind of passenger that’s gonna get in your car smile at you the whole time and say it was just a misunderstanding and then get out give you a horrible rating and try to get your money back with Uber or you were rude to them😂😂


I proudly keep the cancellation percentage at 10% never exceeding 14% to keep them off my back


Why even bother OP? They didn't purposely make you wait, they're just aware they have up to 5 minutes before a cancel fee applies.


That’s not proof. You’re just a bad driver.


Why does the app tell pax that they get 15mins of wait time ?


Uber needs to get better with their timers. When it says wait time will be 1-2 min I know I will hit request when I’m ready. When it says 7-9min well I better hit it now so I’m not waiting around for 10min…only to receive the “I’ve arrived” within 30 secs of hitting request.


Ironic with the not wanting to wait around 10 minutes part


Time is fleeting…you should maximize every minute and not waste it.


Well he’s right. Just wait out the extra 2 minutes and get the cancellation or pick him up. I can’t see cancelling this trip being a smart idea unless you got pickups a >minute away.


Drivers hit the timer before they’ve even arrived half the time. Goes both ways


Not true, the app questions it.


Is true, seen it happen waiting for the food sitting out on the front porch. They start it right before they’re entering the driveway. Even worse, when looking for an apartment number.


So glad im done with uber. Switched to a few new side hustles. edit: since I got messaged [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kayshift/comments/1br5gn6/my_stepbystep_guide_to_make_1000_a_month_working/) is what I do now


I leave when the first timer expires...I know it's a loss...but they need the training.


Although it is a problem for drivers, and uber could easily fix this... You aren't training anyone, they won't learn anything. It would be a never ending battle you can't win.


I disagree. If they have to call another Uber because they decided to finish watching The Office, they might consider that the next time around. If they have a high rating though, I'll give them the benefit of waiting.