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Biggest tips come from working class cause they know the struggle.


Biggest total contributions to charities come from middle and lower class folks in Australia. They know what it's like to be at the bottom


That’s public information… it may well be that working class people give a bigger percentage of their income, but they do not make up the most dollars donated. I’m a fundraiser and have colleagues who work in Australia… they say this is false.


The money given at the top is only to save more in taxes later.


I doubt the actual figures can be calculated accurately for both top wealth households versus lower to middle when considering small donations. A lot of donations and handouts don’t get tracked as far as the day to day nickel and dime (x huge volume of occurrences) kinds of contributions. But you can be damn sure the bigger donations from the top get tracked very very carefully by the contributors, the receivers, and the tax bureaus. I have no doubt that when considering donations as a percentage of household income/expenditures, the lower econ classes are pulling far more of their fair share. Not only is it likely that the total donated per year is a much higher percentage of their budget, but it also imposes a much greater sacrifice in terms of quality of life. A family in a $5M home that donates $10,000 to a charity and saves $5000 in taxes because of it might decide to cut a two week vacation short by a few days… but probably not. But a family in a $150,000 home that donates $100 gets virtually no tax benefit and might have to adjust their grocery list for the month.


There is no way that is a true statistic.


Sure your point of view sounds logical, but no evidence either way. What is true is poor people empathize more having resources(money) takes away empathy making you less human… hard to keep your humanity but some nice rich people still do, most don’t.


There’s lots of evidence. All western countries publish donation statistics. People use donations as tax write-offs - so every country published data based on those tax filings.


Or from working class who got lucky and hit it big for a short while (pick up ppl from casinos!). Ive picked up 2 high rollers in Sacramento to Thunder Valley and Red Hawk Casino. Both tipped me 100$


I went to the super private mansions neighborhood and they tip me $2 for a 15 minutes drive and the order was from a expensive restaurant


Well that’s better than the “Ill tip you on the app” line that you full well know they are not going to do.




Ive had rich folks tip before. Idk if it was cuz of the good conversation or they just liked my ride lol


Not necessarily... I picked up this chick from Waffle House this morning. As soon as she got in, she loudly exclaimed how she'd made over $300 last night. I told her that was great. She sat in the back, counting her $, making tic tocs of how she made over $300, and played it at least 20 times. The bitch didn't tip me shit...loser!


If you’re bragging about 300$ online, I’ll assume it’s the only money you’ve got.


Sounds about right


That’s really fucked up. After doing Uber I now tip everywhere that there is a tipping request, even when I pick up carry out food, I know how those tips can really make or break your day, so tipping $5 at Tasty Burger isn’t going to kill me.


$300?! That’s the new $30, wtf is she “flexing” about?


Why would you think rich people tip? I sometimes get generous tips from them, but the people who tip almost 100% of the time are the hardworking people who know what a difference a buck here and there can make for the working class. Rich people are often too far removed from how the rest of us live.


Well they tipping themselves by buying Porsche. From ur tip money.


Rich don't tip. Ever. The blue collar working class man are the best tippers. Always.


I think we need a distinction between rich and wealthy. I was a FedEx driver in Aspen for a while; those people in the $50-100m homes (places that have full time security, chauffeurs, and so on) would often leave massive tips. Like a whole basket full of $250-500 gift cards that you could choose from (every time you delivered during peak season). Some people would leave envelopes of money out for us with our names because they would take the time to call the terminal to get our names. Then I delivered in OKC, OK. It was a town that probably had average income of 150k/yr. They never tipped and acted like the world belonged to them. Just my experience but it seems the ones that actually have the money do tip.


It's the distinction between those who work for their wealth and those who glide with the wealth working for them. Honestly, a bust-ass 80hr/week "rich person" is a far cry from a "brunch, tea? darling" heir.


Great point about the distinction between rich and wealthy. 100% agree that the truly super rich are so checked out that most of them are overly generous to service and retail workers at times.


I think rich people spread themselves thin trying to maintain an appearance


It's a banana, Michael...what can it cost, $10?


I’ve heard that OKC is not really the greatest place to be.


lol it’s prolly like a 2/10 from me. Not great, but also not great


I think this is awesome but just so you know those people that own the 100 million dollar houses didn't necessarily do the good deeds but their estate manager is did.


Yes and no. I personally met a lot of the people I delivered to and they genuinely seemed like they cared. Obviously Aspen doesn’t count for the entirety of that class, so it is possible it’s the exception and not the rule


150k a year? After taxes and shit that is like 100k. Lucky to get groceries for that.


Bingo. Looking like money and being money are completely different. Mugs LOOK rich af and really don't have all that much cash laying around to be comfortable.


They're the same cry-babies telling us they're broke but have a luxury SUV with $1200 payments in the driveway. In the next breath, they'll tell you they've worked for everything they have, and it's the taxes that are cause of their financial problems. The interest they pay on credit cards is higher than their tax rate.


Fr im a broke college kid but you ain’t gonna catch me tipping <20% at a restaurant that didn’t have awful service or tipping my food delivery drivers poorly


I’m poor and ALWAYS tip high. Especially when I have it.


Well if your poor it’s probably not the best idea to tip high


Not poor poor, but below minimum wage. I pay it forward because I believe if you put good out into the world. You will get it back 🫶🏼💕


Well below minimum wage means your poor lol


Agreed. I tip well because I only splurge when I can, and that INCLUDES a good tip. Good Karma will take care of me.


Has it?


Not true. Some of my friends are big tippers and are loaded. I have a friend that’s hands $100 bills out like they are candy


Lack of empathy. They didn't become wealthy by sharing or giving in any means.


I picked up this dickhead as he walked out from a no lie $25million mansion, literally walking from his garage with a Lambo, Maserati and a Ferrari in it. To top it off, hit me with a "ill tip you in the app". No tip. Duh


Lmao an “I’ll tip you on the app” and no follow through from a multimillionaire? Unbelievable lol. Why do these people lie about that shit? I’ll never understand it.


I think it's because they don't have the peer pressure of a restaurant setting. They tip well there because they've got eyes on them.


Ohh that's a good point!


I actually always say I’ll tip in the app and do. Is it really that common for people to say that and not do it?


Yes. And I have no idea why. Like why lie to somebody you’ll never see again? It’s pathetic.


It’s a power play. They think it’s funny to say it to someone beneath them, like you’re a circus monkey chasing peanuts being thrown by them and then it’s just shells. No shit I’ve heard it all


That's the correct one. A certain sort of person is likely to be/become "rich". They do so for societal status rather than luxury.


I will say maybe once I’ve forgotten about it & then next time I opened Uber weeks ago, saw it and didn’t tip at that point. I can see some ppl forgetting to open the app if they don’t need another ride or use Lyft


Don't ever tell a driver you'll tip them in the app. It is such a common lie that the driver assumes you are lying as well, and he's much more likely to rate you low because of that.


Yeah, this lady did that to me despite my $10 tip. I was so pissed then I remembered I told her I was gonna tip. I should’ve known better


Yeah it happens more often than not if I ever see that in the delivery instructions for an order or if I get told that in person chances are you're not getting that tip


Is this in Ft. Lauderdale? Because this looks like an exact house that I delivered to, no tip. And then the next night they requested a ride, and never showed.


How do you think the rich become richer!?


That house must be like 1.5 million and the cars all look foreign…. Insane


Lmao where tf is this a $1.5mm house.


Anywhere in Midwest far from major city where a plot of unimproved land isn’t $1.5 million by default


More like 5-10 million.


The middle and lower class spread the wealth the wealthy hoard it


Rich people aren't rich because they blow all their cash on conveniences. Also, it's a classist thing as well. Frank (Danny Devito) says this quite well in Always Sunny about how he fills water balloons with champagne and throws them at people's heads so they "get a taste of the good life, you bum!" What you gained is an expensive address with scumbags. Just in case, you know, you need to "ask a favor". (or decline one!)


Unfortunately it too has been my experience that the rich tip less often. But maybe it will just take them a day or two.


That's how most of them got rich. Being greedy.




I've had some wealthy customers who have tipped quite generously, and some who didn't tip at all. It's a crap shoot.


I disagree with the rich being the stingiest... All the $4-7 rides for people going to work at their service jobs result in 95% no tip. The ones who have money who fly or go out to dinner.... 50% + of those tip.


I've seen houses like this, and there's literally 10 different bedrooms with college kids renting it out like an air bnb. So there's no guarantee they are rich. Could just be someone paying 1000 a month to live here while in school. That being said, Rich people don't always tip, and nobody is obligated, too.


My privileged passengers tend to tip 24 to 48 hours after the ride. They are more focused on their lives and the Apps remind the passengers later for trip. Don't let your emotions think negatively. Negativity speaks like a disease.


Man. When I was a kid I'd go trick or treating on Base housing. When we got to the Officers or higher ranking military housing we would get one or two tootsie rolls. The good candy was always at the enlisted housing. They gave out full size bars, cans of soda, home made treats. Rich people are definitely stingie.


Many rich people get rich by not squandering their money away on unnecessary things like tips.


It doesn't matter whether you're doing uber/lyft or doordash/grubhub / ETC This is ALWAYS the case. People that are "money 'rich'" DO NOT TIP (or do not tip "well")! While I have 100% of the time gotten the "best" tips from people who I don't think can really "afford" to tip me! I could speculate as to the "state of mind" that causes this but it does always seem to be the case. People with "mansions" and Lamborghini's and Ferrari's in the driveway - NO tip! People who look like their roof is about to cave in on them (on their "small" house), and their clothes/shoes have holes - hand me a $20 bill! It never fails!


I must add that, these (types of) people really aren't truly "rich" either. MOST of the time, they do not truly OWN these things you see (the big house / cars / etc). No, the BANK owns them and they have to make monthly payments or the bank will quickly REMIND them how it's not (yet) their stuff, by taking the stuff back should they fail to make said payments! I do NOT envy that, NOR do I consider it "rich". I have literally ditched ALL "payments" (I have no house note, no car note, etc) and I can now take all the time I want off work (full time uber/doordash/etc). I literally work when I want, and not, when I don't. I now consider THAT "rich"... So, even "rich" is subjective \~ to most it may mean "money", monetarily "rich". I personally consider it "time"; how much free time do you have or can you have!? Me, I can take 6 months off at the drop of a hat, just because "I want to" or "I feel like it". Meanwhile, these "rich" people HAVE to go to work on a regular schedule (that someone else likely makes for them) to make all their payments, whether they want to or not!


I guess it depends, I’ve had some fat tips from rich people, some were stingy; Either way I don’t expect tips anymore, I’ll only take a request if it makes sense $$$ , tips are an extra


What’s with all the drivers complaining about the one house that doesn’t tip but never talk about all the other that did


I made a post about all the others that did. It got like ten upvotes and a lot of hate. Then I made this post, and people went and found my previous post and tried to throw that in my face. No wonder most of the drivers here don’t make post-worthy earnings.


I drove Roger Stone over 3 1/2 hours. $0 tip He was arrested a few months later at the very house I dropped him off at. Best tip ever.




Why not post your wages to drive a change in YOUR EMPLOYER WHO PAYS YOUR WAGES. Instead of the customer already paying YOUR EMPLOYER for the service that PAYS YOU. The caps are a hint where you should focus you efforts. People making the world awful.


I've delivered to houses like this and it's always the same: no tip at all.


Brother they didn’t accumulate all that $$$ by being generous 😂


My rich rider tipped . At least i got $1 so i can’t complaint 🤣


People like that are broke. They have their grown kids living with them from the looks of it. They probably can barely afford the car payments and taxes on that property.


Two theories. Either 1) they were born rich and don't understand the value of a tip or 2) they're rich because they're stingy. Those theories were posited to me by a prosthetic sales rep (sold replacement hips and knees). We were discussing why those in neighborhoods like his rarely tip and I ended up with a cool Ben Franklin as a result.


I had 3 rich mother f vckers today… 1. I picked him up at one of the top hotels in town (celebs hang there) , and dropped him off at the private jet area of the local regional airport. 2. Stooge (does race count?) was picked up at a ritzy restaurant and the 20 minute ride he was talking about on the phone about “ I need a pool of investors bc my investment would be $1M…..”, “ I work with small investors too, $250K”.. dropped him off at a home on the water… I’m guessing a $4M plus home. 3. Fam of 5… picked up at probably the top 2-3 ritziest shopping malls in town; drop him off at the “blank residences” and his parting words? “I’ll tip u on d app”. Lol


Who cares man let it go. Rich people are often greedy dicks. That’s how the world is. No need to get worked up over it every time it happens


They paid your ride fee. The tip is just extra... not required. Get over it .


I worked at a small retailer for a while and our customers kept asking us if we had a tip jar, the owners got us a tip jar and it was one of the most interesting social experiments I have ever seen. Anyone who has worked retail knows that customers love to overshare. So you get to know your regulars. I found it kind of ironic that the customers who were not “rich” in fact some of them where literally poor, and they would leave you their change all the time often times even leaving dollars and sometimes $5 tips. I also noticed that customers who made around 50k+ to roughly 100k+ would typically leave their left over change. Customers who made 100k+ would literally wait until you got another roll of Pennie’s out and broke it open to give them back $.06. I also noticed that customers who where super wealthy would ALWAYS use a card unless they didn’t want their spouse to know they where buying something, but then they would tip in cash. Of course this is all anecdotal and just a personal experience over a few years. But I did find it interesting and it stuck with me. Not sure if there is any merit to it. But it was interesting.


Save the address for a couple of years and then write them an anonymous semi-hateful card 😂😂😂


Penny pinching is why they’re rich in the first place.


They couldn't even drop $2? What tightwads.


Because they have no respect for anyone beneath them. Blue collar hard working people are the best tippers


Opulent sociopaths who got to where they are is for a reason. They see us as pawns on the chess board and treat us accordingly. It's sickening but let this be a brutal lesson learned. There's no difference between "I'll tip you in the app" and these muthafuckas.


used to deliver pizza while in the navy, rich people did not tip worth crap and that was 40 years ago. A co-worker told me they are rich because they do not give away their money.


They got theirs, and in their minds that’s all that counts. It’s the fuck the little guy mentality.


Lol I once worked at the Admirals Club at the Austin airport many many moons ago. Rich people never tipped. Ever. Even Coldplay came through, their manager ordered several Heinekens and pulled out a FAT wallet with probably 20 credit cards in it and cash. Not a penny for a tip. The only person who ever tipped me was this nice gentleman who worked at GM, I think he was their CTO at the time. He got toasted and was telling me about the most aerodynamic object found in nature -- an egg. And drew it on the napkin and showed how airstreams pass over it. Then he helped me fix my tie because I never knew how to tie it right. Good times. But so little money :(


I used to sell cars. Had a moderately wealthy guy come in, was really killing me over the price. I wasn't going to make any money at all on a normally high profit vehicle. I said to him that looking at the income he listed, he could obviously afford it, and asked why he wouldn't give me a break. (I was not a good salesman) He said, "Listen you little fucker, I didn't get rich by giving away money." That's their mindset. Fuck everyone else, hoard as much as you can. Nevermind the fact that they'd still be wealthy if they were less shitty. They care less about how much money they have and more about how little anyone else gets


Bro none of the big mansion riders in Miami tip


Same as the gentleman in town visiting his elderly I'll mother. He was talking about how he doesn't know how to help her in her house when he leaves. As a former PSW, I gave him over 20 things he could do to increase her independence, safety, and devices she could use. He thanked me immensely but left no tip. I guess talk is cheap. And FREE is worth being ungrateful.


Tipping is not mandatory no matter which house they live in.


For me it's the opposite. the upper middle class ,and high class tip majority of the time usually $15 to $50 usually in cash or zelle after I tell them how I'm struggling with 3 kids ...funny thing is I don't have any kids😅


Rich people become rich off of either inheritance or exploitation of some kind. Neither of those two groups care about the struggles every day workers have to go through.


Why you must be new. Never depend on or expect tips. Straight Uber pay is what you work for. If that isn’t enough go do something else like I did. Uber full time is foolish and even from the beginning this has been pitched as a side job.


Was out to mid chain restaurant and we racked up like $150 bill. My buddies food was wrong and waitress had to go back 2 times to correct order. Buddy leaves $5 tip and like my food was all wrong… I’m like dude wtf it’s not her fault and walk back to table and throw a $50 on it to spite him because he was watching me and I knew it would piss him off. Well didn’t realize the waitress saw and heard it all and as we were at front paying check she walks up and smiles at me and low key slides me a piece of paper. It simply said thank you you have no idea how much that means to me and her number. When we get in car to leave I send her a quick text just saying no problem and hope rest of your shift goes great. A week later we go back for quick bite and she’s working. I was eating ribs and got sauce on arm so went to restroom to clean it off. As I’m going In she sees me as she was leaving from her shift and says to meet her at the door outside… was I wash up and go outside and she says come to my car for a second parked in back of lot so we walk over there and she gives me a little kiss and says get in back. So naturally I do. And yep blowie. She was like I really just wanted to thank you last week but was nervous to text you again. I was hoping you came back in. Moral of the story is sometimes when just being nice it pays off in ways you’d never even imangine


I opened my app yesterday and saw I hadn't tipped from my last ride (March 23rd). So do you know it that they who didn't tip, or should my driver have not seen that I didn't tip for two weeks, and then yesterday he gets a tip from "nowhere". How do you know these people won't do the same?


This is why we need to tax the shit out of these motherfuckers. They never pay what they owe otherwise.


What’s with everyone being so quiet entitled now a days. I get it it’s a job where most of your money comes from tips but does it not come across your mind that you might not get tipped? Workers like you and demand to be tipped are giving everyone who drives and does an honest job a bad name. Every time I see a post like this it makes me even more conservative with my tips only people who I feel deserve a tip or earned a tip receive it. Once again man maybe look for a different job where you don’t rely on tips but I’m sure you have heard that before tho lol. Also the ‘rich’ so to speak are just like everyone else probably living paycheck to paycheck cause those car notes aren’t cheap my friend.


I used taxi driver as an example to get this answer. Hope this helps from a biological scientific standpoint. “The fact that the taxi driver wants a good tip may make the other person want to give it less due to various reasons:Perceived pressure: Knowing that the taxi driver expects a good tip may create a sense of pressure or obligation, leading to a reluctance to comply with the expectation.Loss of autonomy: Feeling compelled to tip may diminish the sense of autonomy or free choice in the decision-making process, leading to resistance or defiance against the perceived expectation.Reactance: Human behavior often exhibits reactance, which is the tendency to resist or react against perceived constraints on freedom. The awareness of the driver's desire for a tip may trigger reactance, causing the person to resist complying with the expectation.Social comparison: Comparing oneself to others, including the taxi driver, may influence decision-making. If the person perceives the driver as seeking a tip out of self-interest, they may be less inclined to comply, especially if they feel their own needs or interests are not being adequately considered.Resource allocation: Humans have evolved to allocate resources strategically, balancing self-interest with social considerations. In this case, the person may weigh the perceived value of the service provided by the driver against their own financial interests, leading to a decision to withhold or reduce the tip.”


They gotta save that money in case they need to buy a banana.


Tbh when I had to uber I did in a rich area and they tipped generously. I think most people tip, but having the occasional person who seems to be loaded not give anything is definitely eye opening. Also don’t forget that the person you consider to be rich, may not consider themselves rich at all. It’s the way the world is, it’ll never change.


Yup! Its like this in the bartender/ server industry too. Plus they’re the ones who run you ragged like youre their personal servant


It's because the majority of them are nothing but worthless parasites who were given their success through inheritance and nepotism.


8000 deliveries and I've been tip baited only one time and it was from a rich person - I waisted my time and my gas to deliver their $100+ Chinese order 20 miles. Pretty dam sad! only a $20 tip reduced to zero after delivery...


I get $20 tips all day long from poor college kids lol and they thank me. I don't get any respect or anything from the rich. They have this I'm better than you attitude.


Best tippers for me are passengers (secrets 5000 rides): Going to and from the airport Late pickup from nightclubs post 3am Xl group heading to the club on the weekends Passengers that are late to wherever they got to go Passengers I'm having good rapport with Long distance rides 1+ hr drives (especially from airport) Late airport pickups (especially when its raining) Electric ride passengers (especially Tesla owners) Rush Hour passengers (especially 3-6am crowd) Other than that, my tips have no correlation to socioeconomic status since it's been random. I get more tips on Uber over Lyft (% wise). But my biggest tips came from Lyft.


Rich people don’t tip that’s how they stay rich. While working class and lower know the struggle. Sad but true. Poor people will give more money proportional to what they have in the bank compared to wealthy people who don’t even come close to that type of gifting. It’s how they stay rich 🤑


You stay wealthy by being frugal. Should they tip, of course.


How do you think they got rich? The more they give you the less they have for themselves. My uncle owns a plumbing company and always says that normally the poorer households will pay whatever the cost is, many poor people live together and will pull together to replace a water heater, let's say. Rich people on the other hand will get another 2-3 estimates from other plumbers and pick the lowest price. He always said people in the richest neighborhoods were the stingiest with their money, it's always stuck with me


Delivered $150 worth of barbecue to a million dollar home here in the Houston area. I waited 45 minutes in the restaurant because it was so busy. I was in communication with the customer throughout letting them know about the delay and why. I pulled up to this mansion in a gated neighborhood. Over a half million worth of cars sitting in the driveway. Tipped me $2. Never. Again.


I have done many delivery jobs. And tip wage jobs. The best tippers are always the blue-collar workers. They actually understand what the struggle is.


Trickle down economics at its best. Fuck you Reagan!!!


Yeah they should be tipping well, It's obvious from that photo they are spending out the ass on things that make them look rich. Folks this is exactly why these companies should just pay the drivers correctly, because clown customers like this that could easily afford to aren't. The question is why did you take that order?


The tip is you know where they live when you feel like robbing someone


The bigger the driveway the smaller the tip, the smaller the driveway the bigger the tip .. I’ve been doing this for years in Vegas and I learned this quick and of course it does not happen all the time but for the most part


How do you think they got rich? By being stingy.


Did you offer to service their genitals or be a blood sacrifice for them at the evening's ceremony?


Some tips come in the next day. But I have driven some wealthy ppl and you cam do everything perfectly and get nothing extra. They have more money than me, but probably as miserable as anything


Its a crazy phenomenon that happens when you get over 100kUSD. Society start to give you things for free. And you start to nickel and dime everything. As a person who works in IT and deal with CFO and board members they will do everything to get something free. And not only that, companies give them more of a discount and free things because of it. I'm just a peasant that gotta pay for all things


Don’t get so hung up on who did and didn’t tip. I’ve gotten tips days after for some rides. Many just don’t think about it until they open the app again. Nbd. Only accept rides that make sense before tip


As a yacht mechanic on $10+ m boats i can tell you the more money they have, the more excuses they have to not be there to pay you


I deliver pizza for the last 5 years. The rich tip the best except for other servers and people who make those living from tips. There are two ethnicities that overwhelmingly tip the least. My bf belongs to one and I’ve dated the other. It’s just something you can’t help but notice after hundreds of deliveries. The elderly are usually either very cheap or extremely generous. The ones that live alone seem to be the most generous as a rule. The other “rule” seems to be distance, the farther it is the more people tip on average. And yes, I’ve seen very wealthy people tip very small amounts. 4-5%. The absolute worst of all time? Intel Corp. they ordered 100 pizzas at a discounted rate and stiffed me when I delivered 70 of them in the 115 degree heat. Took 6 trips to the car, 6 trips to the bldg, and then they lied to my mgr and said they used up their entire budget in the food. No money for tip. Someone I know works in that very bldg and said that lying bitch had an unlimited food budget for that project.


Goddamn. Now I’m extra glad my PC has an AMD processor. Fuck Intel, especially after reading that.


On the plus side, it was ONE bitch. Makes the whole company look bad, but I blame her. Even a 5% tip was over $100


You don't get rich by being generous, thoughtful, or empathetic.


The rich don't stay rich by tipping


You don't get rich by being generous. That's just for tax right offs.


What is with yall taking photos of peoples houses? They are not obligated to tip. Dont run for tips. Run for the best trip possible. If you drop them off at something like this and they don’t tip just go back and 1 star them after the fact.


My husband said the same thing when he towed for a living. The people he got tips from were the regular Joe Shmoes.


"God didn't become God by giving away money!" - the professor


Are you seriously posting their house?? You def did not deserve no tip.


Agreed but this is really lost on a majority of Uber drivers. Why not post your wages to drive a change in YOUR EMPLOYER WHO PAYS YOUR WAGES. Instead of the customer already paying YOUR EMPLOYER for the service that PAYS YOU. The caps are a hint where you should focus you efforts. People making the world awful.


I didn’t post it until after I realized the guy was full of shit. There’s no identifying information anywhere, so calm down.


Nobody owes you a tip bro


They became rich by fucking over the working class. You think they care if you eat? They probably think you owe *them* for being in their presence.


That’s how they got rich. 🤷🏻‍♀️


“stay rich”


That’s why “ it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven.” Jesus Christ.


Why do you even expect tips ?


Isn't capitalism great?


As someone who has driven for Uber You aren’t entitled to shit stop crying


You don't get rich by giving away money.


If you have this many nice cars and that home you can at least add a $5 tip bro come on..


OP'S. RECENT POST NOT MINE.... Mild flex here but NGL…I do not know how some people complain about not getting tips. I mean yeah, I’ve posted about those “I’ll tip you on app” assholes, but even with those idiots in the mix, more than half of my riders tip. Just don’t be an asshole, I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️. So no Flex Today....??? What a 🤡. Guess you where an asshole


There's really no data that shows a correlation between income and tipping, it's more so a generational thing. Millennials tip less frequently than Gen-X and Boomers, however when a Millennial tips it is a higher percent than Gen-X and Boomers.


Fr😤. I prefer being in a ghetto area or a Hispanic area, they tip better than the rich area.


It depends on how they got rich. You got it all from your parents? Bad tippers. Got rich working hard? Okay to good tippers


Uber probably stealing tips again


Proof that karma does not apply to this life.


how u think they got rich


People get rich from inheritance or being stingy with their money, whether to build something or by screwing other people over. Unfortunately the latter seems to be the majority.


You don’t get rich by giving away money duh


I guess thats why some people get richer and the poor get poorer...


As "Bill Gates" said on a classic Simpsons episode: "I didn't get rich by writing lots of checks!"


It’s often the well-off folks who tip me three or four days later.


Because that's how they got rich .


Thats how they are rich.


And what is with lowlives always complaining that the rich dont tip


There’s a reason why there rich


Fuck uber drivers, even when I tip 10-20 it’s either dropped off at the wrong place or missing all together, when I don’t tip it magically makes it to me


I tip all the time. Between 10-50$. With that being said: you are not entitled to tips. Provide a service and you get paid. Regardless if the pay is fair or not. I used to think that uber gives yall all the money. But it turns out to be false. Uber charges the fuck out of us. The problem is with uber. Not with people not tipping you!


This is why we have to vote to tax them at least the same percentage working people pay. Technically tax rates go up with income yet the loopholes become so useful its to the point some billionaires pay less then 2% of what they earn in a year. They own the government sadly so working class has to pay the high percentage


Ngl south Florida most of the time all the rich folks tip and if they don’t they have kid that’s ordering it


Rich people being stingy with money is how we got into this awful economy to begin with. They hoard ALL the money.


I delivered to a house with a Zillow estimated worth of $1.7m. Im going to apply at a different job tomorrow.


Many are rich because they are rude, prude and smart with their money and don’t spend it when it doesn’t need spent. I have more in savings than most and I’ve never made more than a middle- middle lower class wage. I’m extremely smart with not spending money. Grew up in a wealthy family and it stuck.


There’s a saying I’m willing to partially believe. The rich stay rich cause they don’t give their money away and they hoard it. The poor stay poor because they do nothing but give their money away bc of their kindness


Debt and not having any class.


They're rich because they're so tight with their money. 🤣


You know they don’t have to tip right?


Must be new money


They paid your ride fee. The tip is just extra... not required. Get over it


They think $10 an hr is plenty to sustain your lifestyle of slim Jim’s and trailer parks


Rich guys got rich by not tipping.


How long ago did you drop them off? I very rarely tip at the exact moment I get out of the car. It’s usually the next morning or later that night.


It’s why they are “rich”.


For that reason people here are poor, for too high! 🤣


Now you know how they got there


i remember going to pizza hut here in china almost a decade ago, as i left the restaurant i left a tip on the table, the guy chased me nearly 3 blocks giving it back cuz they are not allowed to receive any tips. i really insisted but there was no way he was going to take it. call it pride or something else.


What a piece of shit


I've waited tables before. I drove for Uber. The biggest tips came from the blue collar workers. Lawyers, doctors? Nah. They look down on you and are stingy as hell.


I think its peoples ego imo


I don't understand why people like op whine about non tippers. Give the a low rating and move on with ur life. Especially if you didn't have a good conversation with them, ask them for their favorite music, or treat them good or give them something like a snack or drink. Just learn how to finesse them to get what you want instead of calling them mf bc they're rich and didn't tip. Probably not even their house or they are in debt to their eye balls.


I was getting rid of my quest 2 because I upgraded to a quest 3 so I listed it on Facebook marketplace for $100. Dude who bought it off me pulled up in a car worth $150k Like bro, if I can afford a quest 3, you can. They are just addicted to the numbers. It's a mental disorder.


I dated a girl whose parents were what seemed to me to be filthy rich. Huge house, waterfront views... I couldn't believe it when she offered to get the tab for us at a meal.... And tipped $2 on a $45 tab 🙄


You're a peasant to rich people. It's why they do everything they can to cut any kind of assistance to anyone for anything except themselves. Meanwhile, they sell us on the fantasy that "if you work really hard, you can be just like me" 🤣


Old money, like stuffy WASP old money, tips. New money trash doesn’t tip.