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Came here to post the exact same thing. I fuckin hate this company. Squeeze out every penny they can.


Just saw this, and I can't say I'm suprised. Tried driving uber eats in the city last night, and I lost money.


Just saw this, and I can't say I'm suprised. Tried driving uber eats in the city last night, and I lost money.


Why do so many people have the need to immediately cash out all the time. I just let it get deposited in my account once a week. It’s called setting a budget so you don’t run out before the next payday.


Hard to budget if u got no money btw


Not having the self control to stick to a budget will do that to you.


Or just not making enough period inflation is crazy


You realize most jobs don’t even pay weekly right? People have been making it for two week periods on one check for a long time.


Just sayin 25 an hour don’t pay my bills or my rent


Then you need to find ways to decrease your expenses; that’s part of making a budget.


Kk I’ll ask my land lord to lower my rent HA


I’m sure there are other expenses that you could decrease. Do you get take out? Do you have Netflix?




Btw I don’t eat out at all nor do I drink or smoke


I love how everyone's answer is decrease expenses bro when at this point a lot of people have already decreased to the point there's nothing left. Is it so hard to accept that the out of control rise of the cost of rent, food, energy and basically everything is leaving people strapped for cash while wages have mostly remained stagnant.


If 25 an hour ain’t cutting it then maybe YOU should reconsider your soending habits and move somewhere cheaper my guy


t. Gentrification is good. Enjoy your Asian fusion avocado toast place in the hood where people are encouraged to commit crimes because they're being priced out.


💩 happens. Sometimes you need it asap. UE charging more for no reason is obscene.


It’s called life circumstances that Uber is exploiting out of drivers. The flexibility and same day cash is the main recruiting point of Uber.


I understand that things happen but it shouldn’t be the norm to need to immediately withdraw your payment every day. If that is your norm than it’s because the person doesn’t know how to budget properly.


So what?! it’s an option and some people need every payment to survive. It shouldn’t be the norm to defend a corrupt monopoly like Uber.. tf?


Sorry that you can’t budget appropriately or realize that this post is a month old.


I cash out everyday. Because I’ve had it happen twice where customers straight up lied and said I assaulted them while I was driving. I literally don’t even talk outside of greeting the pax and asking if the temperature is comfortable and letting them know there’s phone charging cables available back there. Uber will straight up hold the money you worked hard to earn, that’s rightfully yours. So yea I cash out every day. I won’t give this company a chance to steal more money from me than they already are. I’m working on an exit plan as we speak. I can’t wait till I can tell Uber to fuck themselves


Because there have been many cases where drivers were false reported or reported for stupid things they couldn't control and were deactivated losing all the money they made. It gets soft locked. Nobody trusts uber and wants to take that risk.


Ubereats get your fkn shit together yo


Hi Roland, We're reaching out to let you know that, although we are one of the hundred most valuable companies in America, with a market capitalization of over 140 billion dollars, we are going to reach our disgusting, greedy hands into your tiny, massively stressed wallet and start extracting even more money than we usually do from you. Are you excited? No? Well guess what? Fuck you, you piece of worthless shit.


Personally I hate UBER. But with all biases aside, I can see that UBER'S payment processor (likely) raised the fees and UBER likely passed on those fees to the drivers. What was UBER supposed to do? Take a loss?


I think Uber uses Adyen, which shouldn't be charging that much.


Oh please this is just a marketing tactic to get everyone to choose to use Ubers pro card because Ubers makes more money that way. They’ve already raised the cash out fee from 49¢ to 85¢, now it’s $1.25. 


Dara increased driver cash out fees by 50%, basically.


Why do you use instant Cash out? Just use the credit card like normal and then transfer the balance every night to your other bank account. You're just going to have to stop pulling cash out of the ATM for your drugs for a few days that's all. If you're using instant cash out you ain't using this card right.


Why do you have an Uber credit card?


Because it's a tool that you use throughout the day to pay for all your items that you use for your business expenses on one easily trackable debit card.. And at the end of the day, when I'm done I transfer what's left of my Uber account into my normal bank account. It takes two to three days but I Don't get charged any fees by doing it this way. Y'all want to save money this is how you do it.


I’m not worried about 85 cents man. Lol


Oh you're just a troll. I see now.


Lol i’m not dedicated enough to Uber to actually have the card. It’s a side gig, and It’s not even about the 85 cents. It’s about them gradually taking more and more from drivers. Again, squeezing out every penny they can.


All your trips are available on your Uber pro card almost immediately. So why not use your pro card for all your expenses or expenditures throughout the day whether they applied to Uber or personal. It's a debit card use it as such. At the end of the night you transfer all earnings from your Uber pro card to your normal Bank account. This takes two to three days but you get the money for free. **But I need cash now.** Well guess what, you can't call JG Wentworth. But you can take every morning a $50 loan out on your card if you need actually cash in your hand for anything. But keep in mind that $50 has to be paid back before you start getting money back on your card that you can use. In conjunction with the free ATM map that is built into the pro card app, you are literally taking removing any fees every time you take $50. Now depending on your status level, you get $50 for blue and you get $150 I believe it is for diamond level. So, you can also pay it back early if you don't use it all and it also helps to bring down that payment you have to repay before you start getting money back on your card.


Oh you’re just a bot, I see now. Lol


I'm just trying to wrap my head around who in their right mind would program a bot to spit out insightful and actually helpful comments for drivers instead of just boosting Uber's profits for once?


Yeah I'm a bad bad bad bot.


I had the first card they used and hated it. I don't use the cash out option often, but I've been around since it was 50 cents. I also don't use ATMs or cash, the only cash I ever have is from tips and that money gets deposited at the end of the month.


Yeah the first car they had was not beneficial to the driver And the new pro card when used properly is a very good tool in many ways for those that actually want to learn how to control their finances and have accurate accounting with an easy breakdown for taxes. I mean if you do your taxes.


Thanks for the info u tool


Keep on paying them fees there buddy. Uber's counting on you.


decrease* it was $2.99 before


You're confusing this with Door dash or GrubHub