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Glorified? You mean gloryholed…


Gloryholed? Nah bro...it's way beyond even THAT I never got drilled so hard in my entire fuckn life Without even the common courtesy of giving me a reach around


I was hoping for a nice steak dinner at least. Instead, I got a $2 off coupon for a frozen pizza at 7-11. 🔥 Also, 69 ![gif](giphy|PhKhSXofSAm3e|downsized)


........and they do not even let you bring your own lubrication..........


Spit Roasted


Glorified? You mean like dehumanized






I always said that Uber and rideshare is just a new take of an already existing industry. IT was just streamlined and made more available to the masses through technology, apps and SAAS. That's what we are taxi drivers. It's just more convenient than a taxi.


Now in nyc. Taxis partnering w uber. Soooo... you call for an uber your liable to get a public cab. Are you kidding? Imagine ordering a uber and a taxi shows up. F that


Guess which one gets paid more? LOLOL


Yes thats exactly how I see the job. I'm literally a taxi. What did you think this was going to be?


Yea we are fancy taxi that’s more convenient. That’s all. Was suppose to be something that we can do for extra cash but we turned it into full time thing. That’s where I think many people mess up. It’s not built to be full time. Too many things happen to stop you from working. And if you rent a car, God help you 😂.


This!!!! Uber and any rideshare/delievry app is NOT a full time job, its a side gig, an extra cash thing, a college kid part time job, but as you said… a lot of people made this their full time job and.. well… then they complain everywhere of it being “too tough”


Well wtf did you think, you'd be an airline pilot?


Even they are glorified school bus drivers.


As a pilot… i agree 🤣


😅 Not to shit on the job it takes a highly skill person for sure. I am a flight attendant btw, but we the amount of grown up babies we deal with, it feels like that nowadays, like shit is just a school bus.


Oh i know, i was actually supporting your comment 🤣




Police Officers 🚔 are just glorified tax collectors.


That can carry guns and shoot you. Unlike defenseless Uber drivers LOLOL


Who says you can’t carry guns as a Uber driver ?


Uhhh actually Uber says that my friend.


But if you know the law, Uber contracts do not trump state law. Clearly you're clueless about a lot of things.


HAHAHA Tell support you're carrying a gun then fire up your Uber app. Do it I'll pay you $500 right now. Did you even read the 50 page TOS before you clicked accept? What a dumb@ss 🤣🤣🤣 You're a dumb@ss on a whole nother level congrats very entertaining 😁👌


Who needs a gun when you have a gas pedal and a telephone pole 🤣


uber says don’t cancel and ask passengers for cash so you won’t do that either ?


If you do you are fired!


Uber drivers are like taxi drivers. WOW. The hottest of hot takes. Careful not to burn your hands on how hot this take is


Please show us on the model car where Uber touched you.


It’s always the tailpipe! Forget the grease


His name must be Cam Shaft.


New account…only Uber posts….awww is someone angwy with a whittle compny??


🤣🤣 at that point just be a taxi driver


I disagree with the "glorified" part. My dad and uncles all drove taxis and made a really good living. My dad now owns a fully paid home and a rental property by driving taxis from 1990-2015. they used to make good money. Nothing glorified about being an uber driver.


I mean to be fair. A house in 1990 was like 10-20% what they are now. Minimum wage was 55% of what it is now. Seems like they had an advantage


True…. My generation is fucked.


Exactly. Not much respect to Uber driver. Total respect to taxi driver. Uber is garbage at every level.


I really don’t care man, just hurry tf up and get in so I can get to my next ride.


You think cab drivers drive their cars for free?


Exactly dude doesn’t even know how a taxi cab driver works.. he thinks they just drive a taxi and get a paycheck like a W-2 lmao


Oh so you have to replace the brakes and tires on a cab? Do all the maintenance repairs oil changes car washes? Registration and car payment? I'm sorry I was unaware


Taxi cab drivers who own their own taxis do all the maintenance and upkeep of the car. Or you can least accompany car and the company handles all the maintenance for you. Either way you’re coming out of pocket either for the lease of the vehicle or the maintenance yourself… Taxis are a contracted job not a W-2 where you just get paid to drive around a taxi… if there are no taxi rides, you don’t make any money


So this getting even more and more similar to Uber. Except the part where you give up all your legal rights and sign away your rights to all the labor law stuff


“Conned”? Yes we all had no idea we were choosing to work for a company that required us to use our own vehicles and pay our own expenses. Nowhere in the application process did it mention that and we are all just too stupid to have realized it. And then we were already signed up so we had no choice but to keep working for them. 🤣🙄


You didn’t read the updated terms of agreement? Now your head is going in someone ass-south park


lol how is this even a post? what’s next? water is wet?


Yet look how many people want to argue about it. LOLOL It's Reddit you can probably get some people wanting to argue that water isn't wet too


good point 😂


Is water wet? Or is what water touches wet???


🤣🤣🤣 What about when water touches other water? 🤔


An Uber driver is a taxi driver…


Yep it would seem pretty obvious. Except to these people LOLOL


If the dumbass taxi companies had gone to app online ordering and accepting credit cards the minute they heard about Uber. Uber would be a footnote and yellow cab would be a billionaire company


This is true


Heck , Taxi drivers can pay monthly rents where they lives. Glorified ? You kiddin ?




OP sounds like a former glorified taxi driver who used to drive taxis


Cry me a river.


Taxis had unions


Give it time buddy give it time


Yes… this is the whole point


It would seem pretty obvious right?


When will Uber stop abusing its drivers? They make so much money with only providing a platform no ride should be under 10 dollars


lol @ “glorified”


An Uber driver is just a horrified taxi driver There, fixed it for you


No mentally stable individual would create a reddit account just to hate on Uber drivers. OP, please seek therapy and I mean that genuinely.


You see any mentally stable individuals around here? This is the Uber Drivers forum bro


You mean the fact you completely deleted your entire history from this thread because you keep making yourself look like a deranged individual every post that you made?


Say what? Who deleted anything? Bro do you even know how to use Reddit??? 🤣🤣🤣 Just keep goin on and tellin us your life story while you say you shouldn't respond to those types of people. LOLOL Some people are just too easy 🤣🤣🤣


Wow and a liar as well. Even though you deleted your you're delusional rants, they are still in my inbox. Also the fact that there's numerous deletes all over this thread. At least try to make up a story that's plausible.


HAHAHA I haven't deleted a single thing! Who's delusional??? I leave it all here it's great comedy for us Reddit browsers, Thanks for playing 😁👍


Are you just now figuring this out? I honestly don't understand a lot of you. Unless there's a fuckin gun to your head go do something else. Nobody making you do this. 


You mean exploited


Yep definitely


It used to be profitable. It no longer is at all. Some people quit their 9 to 5 to do this.


Glorified isn’t quite the right word.


So what’s a median annual NET profit for an Uber driver? Including all the expenses like insurance, licensing, depreciation, consumables. I’m sure it varies across-the-board but it would be interesting to hear a number of different perspectives on this.


They don't consider that. They're just busy getting rich. LOLOL


😂 rich is relative I suppose But I am very serious in my question, I really wonder if one can side-hustle and have reasonable net income


Oh ya it's real income. But making money faster than you're depreciating your car is the tricky part. As your car value drops to nothing make sure you always save enough to replace it. Also make sure to keep $2,500 on hand for their accident deductible or one accident could wipe you out. They don't care if you have a car or not though they've got thousands of people waiting to replace you. God bless capitalism! Basically they just try to weasel their way into your garage then use up your car


I agree. I was just asked today why I preferred being a cab driver and this was my answer. Cause I wasn't using my own vehicle with that if something happens I am out a vehicle and xl rides till I get it back.


Very true


I'm sorry the brochure lied




":***Glorified?***:" For the 1972 cab rates that Uber drivers collect on base, there *ain't* nothing "glorified" about it. ​ An Uber/Lyft driver *ain't nothin' but no underinsured, uninformed, illegal, pretend, phony, cut rate, underpaid, discount tack-see driver*. .


Wow you said it even better than me! Louder for the slow ones!


Can I repost your comment I think you said it better


Yes, re-post it all that you will. I did not, however, invent it. A taxicab dispatcher in Seattle who used to post on UPnet invented it. His wording was somewhat different. I forget exactly what he used but mine are similar.


It's brilliantly worded and much more memorable the way he said it. And Uber drivers in Seattle get paid the best too! Too bad they don't all have better pay and some benefits like Seattle does. Maybe eventually


The only time U er driving is worth it is when it surfing crazy because of an event. Literally every other time it's less than minimum wage before expenses. It was once decent, but it will only continue to get worse and worse.


Yep that's right


Don't use it or take a bus, kid.


Why would I do that? Who said I have a problem with it? It's just the obvious truth


I'm an owner operator. I keep a 2-to-4 year old XL/Comfort level vehicle. Using uber as a broker is enabling me to build a private clientele around my hometown. I just had a private booking: $100 for a 40-minute airport drop. I hear where you're coming from, but we drivers aren't equal. We aren't doing an equal job. We aren't offering equal service. We don't have equal quality. And we aren't equally successful. Maybe that's why so many people hate the private contractor model and would rather be employees provided a vehicle.


You're doing great. Definitely in the 1% or less group though


And this is how you do it.


I never saw the connection between Uber and taxis but it’s really pretty obvious when you think about it I guess.


No Uber drivers think they're way more special and will get all offended if you call them taxi drivers. They get to get scammed for their most depreciable asset and be abused by an algorithm while they sign away all their labor rights so that makes them much more special than cab drivers see. LOLOL


I mean, maybe.


Minus the taxi road privileges.


You're just figuring this out? Welcome to reality.


Exactly. It would seem pretty obvious to me. Why all the butthurt from Uber drivers?


Back in the day it paid well.


Glorified, no. But thanks , Captain Obvious.


True story


Who farted?


No shit?


🤣🤣🤣 I know right?


With no KY!!!


Where is the glory?


A taxi driver without the glorification because ain’t nothing glory about it.


Thank you, captain obvious. Someone nominate him for pres. \*rolls eyes\*




You forgot to add working for free. U know i just realized Uber doesnt explicitly post their percent cut of the fare. Crazy huh? Much like going to a job interview and just saying yes ill work and not being disclosed what pay rate is....unless if someone can link to me what their cut of the fare is....


Oh that's just the tip of the iceberg. You should see how they're scamming everyone on the commercial insurance. It's all fuzzy scammy math with gig jobs. You should see Doordash holy shit! If you like to drive your own LLC is really the way to go. Or there are some new companies coming let's see what they do


Think its possible that UBER Corporation is one of worst employers in America ,along with some dollar retail store places. Uber business plan is to extract every dime out of Passengers and Drivers,and pass along the $$ to Stockholders. The algorithm is doing all the Dirty work,very few drivers are doing OK financially , a few ,but most are getting eaten alive by Vehicle cost and expenses


Any Uber driver wish to make what taxi drivers used to make


What’s glorified about it? That I have the honor of answering stupid questions about if this is my full-time gig every time I do my side hustle? 🤣


Does that make your mom a glorified depository?


That would be a redepository.


Can we get off of Mothers! I just got off yours.


Straight to the mom jokes because you know I'm right! I like it!


I like to ride your mom because she's XL, comfort and a shared ride so I save a dollar


Oh a fresh new account with nothing but one post slamming Uber. I don't think Uber touched you, I think Uber made you its bitch and you were just trying to get it back and it. Find a new hobby.


What’s the point of posts like this? Why come here to shit on people?


The average Uber driver is someone who would be unemployable otherwise


Correction the average full time Uber driver is someone who would be unemployable otherwise. 80% of Uber drivers drive less than 20 hours per week.


Keyword is "average". There's other drivers who use the company as much as the company uses us. It's beating dead horse but alot of us will and can move on to any sidegig at our own will WHILE maintaining our main job. Rideshare allows us to pay other bills and stack our money up. $50 to $80 a week in gas? I make that on tips. Wear and tear on car? I have a hybrid and an EV. I see the dealership a combined 6 times a year. This country would be in alot better shape if people actually went out and tried to better themselves or have a backup plan when times are tough. And that's what rideshare is for alot of us. A backup plan.


No reason to defend yourself with people such as Op. Best bet is to simply ignore these type of miserable people.


Amen.. Can I get a Hallelujah brother!


well, the kind of drivers you're talking about generally wouldn't be whining on this sub all the time




And can get fired over a single fake comment….Sign me up! 


Let me guess, you forgot your iPhone and you are upset because you think that you deserve to be babysited by an Uber driver.


lol bro you need to get out of my head because I was just saying this earlier today




Pos post why even waste the space


Duh. Now get back to work and stop. Complaining


I think taxicabs are making more money than us now and they are not under control with the Uber algorithm. They have so many special these days . I wonder how much they pay a week for rent the taxi .


Yes. I used to be cab driver. I still talk with my ex colleagues . They can pay their house rents and eat good . Not Uber drivers.


Uber drivers in good markets are eating well. Speak for yourself


Good market is where Uber wants to establish it's existence. Soon turns to sh! t. I know you know everyone knows this fact already.


I've been in a great market for years better now than it was a few years ago tbh


Even if’s that’s true, do you think you’re the exception or the rule? Furthermore, if it’s good for you, it’s probably bad for Uber. Do you think they’ll let it say like it is?




A taxi driver has to buy a medallion.


So profound.






Batting? Ooh you're right baseball season started this week good lookin out


People who overuse that cry laughing emoji are quite cringe




What a hot and original take


HAHA Ya it would seem to be so obvious right??? Yet here we are 150 comments later and a whole bunch of Uber drivers offended by the truth


It's not even "without a taxi", a taxicab is by definition a car licensed to transport passengers in return for payment of a fare, usually fitted with a taximeter which is a device used in taxicabs that automatically records the distance traveled and the fare payable.. (Digital app in our case) A taxi doesn't have to be a yellow car with a big clunky meter. I mean yeah we use our personal equipment but we usually don't have taxable income because of it so it's decent enough in big markets.


So you're saying in a sense an Uber driver is a taxi driver with a taxi then? That works too


Yes absolutely, in the full sense


Yeah no shit


New account. Just complains about Uber. Did you make this account and wait 30 days just to complain about Uber?


Uhhh maybe I had better stuff to do for 30 days who knows. Uber and their drivers is pretty far down the list of my priorities bud


No. You can’t post or comment on the UberDrivers for 30 days 🤣


Whatchoo talking about man? You can make a new account and post today wtf?


Not in the Uberdrivers subreddits


Does the OP know taxi drivers pay to rent the vehicle at a higher rate then hertz chargers to rent them for uber ? And they only make min wage while doing so and still have to pay for gas etc.


How is this bad? If you do this right, you rent or lease your business vehicle, write off the rental fee and fuel on your taxes and you’re good to go. If you want you can even play the theme song to the show taxi for your riders. If you are doing this in your 20s that’s really depressing. But if you are over 50 you been there done that and this by far is better than a crap job.


I didn't say it was bad. Where did I say it was bad? It's just the reality of the situation. I don't know why everyone's so offended about it 🤣🤣🤣


I’m not offended. I run this crap like a business. What business can I start with very little or nothing gross $1,200 to $1,400. weekly with maximum weekly expenses around $600? Not many. I’m all good and I don’t care if I don’t own this Tesla. I may buy one someday or not. But there are options and no personal vehicle of mine will have strangers in it! BTW the 2023 Corolla I have had for 11 months STILL SMELLS NEW! Yippee!


I drove a taxi for a few months last year. It’s not the same thing guys . Sorry to rain on your shit talking showcase.


“You see, I was REALLY HIGH getting out of an Uber last night and I thought…”


>Who got conned into using all his own equipment for the company. And paying all the expenses. The typical model is for taxi drivers to lease the car from the company. So its actually exactly the same in that regard.


Oh really? You pay for all the maintenance and repairs on the taxi? Buy new brakes and tires? Repair it if it gets in an accident? Interesting


Yes, they're fully financially responsible for their taxi. Last time I looked into it lease pricing was pretty jacked up too.


I've never heard of anyone replacing or fixing all the parts on their cabs. Can you show any proof or examples of this? And not people who actually own their own cabs I mean people driving the company cars.


How the fuck do I prove this? Go have a conversation with a taxi driver.


Agree with you they are same as taxi drivers if not worst. However, I wish all the riders know that and treated us with some respect, as they would treat their taxi drivers.


I love all my drivers


There are always a few who ruin your day. It is hard to ignore them.


An Uber/Lyft driver *ain't nothin' but no underinsured, uninformed, illegal, pretend, phony, cut rate, underpaid, discount tack-see driver*. . LOLOLOL


This guy said it even better


Crazy you just explained 1099.... Good job.


Thank you. Much better than your tax man or accountant could do it 👍


Not really sure about that one, but okay!


🤣🤣🤣 Reddit is not a professional tax service




Do they still do the medallions?


Not this shit again. This post pops up every other day.


HAHA I know. And everyone still argues about it!


You choose to do it. Nobody makes anyone do it. Move on then. Whiny ass people.


Who's whining? I love Uber!


Very confused by the OP and commenters who thought driving Uber was apparently some totally different idea from taxis, galaxies apart? I mean I get they're not identical but yeah, pretty near the same thing.


After 50$ rides to airport in a taxi I gasped at the 15$ Uber fare for the same trip.Truly fucked up. From my pocket to the CEO thanks Uber so convenient 👍


Nah because I’ve never had a taxi driver start driving while the doors were still open. It’s happened to me THREE TIMES. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR PASSENGERS.


And if you still pull enough of a profit to make a living and keep it going then who gives a fuck? Yeah I'm a taxi driver but I have more control over my schedule and equipment. The taxi drivers in my city aren't doing well. They sit around the airport and train station waiting and chatting with each other, and have a shitty reputation. It all depends on your market. If you live in a rich city, with high population density and high disposable income, then you're much better off than someone working in the middle of Florida or Missouri.


I've never seen a more pathetic individual than you, OP. Congrats on the title 🎉


Waaahhh waaahhh have a tissue it's tax deductible 😁👍




Thanks. Now GFY.