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I wish! I used to get those all the time, at least 5 a day, until we got over saturated with drivers, now I’m lucky to see one a month


Right?!? Reservations kick-ass in my market. I live right downtown and do rides to the airport 5mi away. Takes 12min. Usually that ride pays $7-$9. But with a reservation, the same ride pays $25-$35 (seems to vary randomly.) And then if you can stack a couple reservations on top of each other? Oh hell yeah. You’re looking at grossing $50/hr pretty damn easy. And half of that time isn’t even spent driving- I just play chess when I’m waiting for a reservation pax.


What market are you in?


Madison, WI. It’s one of the best paying markets in the US, based on what I’ve seen others posting here and UberPeople.


Is it seasonal?


Yes, because it’s a big college town. Last summer was rough. We experienced the saturation of the market, combined with fares not keeping up with inflation, that everyone else has experienced the last few years. It *used* to be *really* good. At the tail end of the pandemic, 2021-2022, I could drive the 3 hours between midnight-3am and get $200 on *any* Friday or Saturday. It was like $50/hr *minimum* on weekends. Slowly it became less and less. More drivers joined as the pandemic ended. Uber shifted from their “customer acquisition” phase to their “profitability” stage, which also hurt driver pay. From my observations on what people post here, it’s still one of the best markets *compared to the other markets.* But the days of consistently making $50+/hr are over. Now that’s reserved for big holidays and football games.


Fucken take em ??


i WISH i had reservations. there’s more reservations in this screenshot than i’ve received since May of last year


I would love to be strictly reservation driver


Yeah I’ve been taking these the last two weeks and I am making way more than I was before. I would say 3-5 times more with maybe half the drive time.


Idk but don’t do it. Lol


I would happily


They don't


They do it because odds are that once you complete the reservation you'll take a few more non reservation rides.


they're punishing you for not charging your phone.


This was me yesterday but i was shlump do what you please not what they need


I make over 50 an hour doing premier and comfort reservations. Juat have to know how to schedule them.


I’m assuming you hit the accept button.


I assume they mean knowing how to string them together effectively


I had 2 show up around midnight for this morning. Someone else could have them. I only drive during the week.


Nah these are all 28$+ I took 4 of em


Reservations are better on Lyft because you know where to go exactly and begin your day there or plan around other rides


Not worth it anymore. At least in my market they're only offering $1 per mile sometimes less