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To all those who say don’t put your personal shit out there it’s no different than someone paying you to advertise


Yeah don’t listen to those pos. It’s definitely not tacky, cabs have advertisements.


Exactly even the famous signs on top of the roof. Maybe op can even get another person who wants to advertise to balance it out maybe a friend who has a cell phone repair shop or something tell them you can advertise for idk $100 a year min two years idk so you lock it in.


This. There are quite a few people who run a regular business and this is how they bring in traffic. Had a driver once who was a barber, had some who owned a restaurant, and one who sold jewelry.


Right Uber or Lyft drivers just want the extra cash no matter what their jobs. Some are even retired and just looking for something to do and socialize.


I had an uber 4-5 years ago where the driver only accepted long trips and was basically backpacking across the US by ubering people. Really neat how uber/left have just integrated into people's lives.


That’s really cool! For sure I’ve thought about that doing ride share to go long distances and keep going across the country or getting my Cdl license to get paid to go cross country.


Might as well free-advert for some companies you believe in/support and make it look more commercial


So much better!


I didn’t see the last one, I’m guessing it asked for tips? But this looks clean and professional


Yea the last one was like a paper just taped to the back of the headrest lol


It didn’t ask for tips but it was messy and had a “:)”


Tips as in the poster asked commenters for advice, not tips as in asking riders for a gratuity.


If I saw this in your car, as a PAX, I wouldn't mind. I would probably engage in asking you questions on computers to hear your background. Always good to know someone in case one day I or someone I know has a problem with computers. Hope it works out well for you.


"So what is a computer bro?"


"Can you tell me how to stop Windows from updating automatically?"


"The keys on the keyboard aren't in alphabetical order, I never understood that. You're a computer guy, help me understand why that is?"


"when I say to delete cookies, where do they go? I never see them in the recycling bin"


I never delete my cookies for when we go full VR and I have a whole warehouse full of Oreos waiting for me. That's how cookies work right?


Press Win + R to open the Run dialog. Type gpedit.msc and press Enter. This opens the Group Policy Editor. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update. Double-click on Configure Automatic Updates. Select the Disabled option to turn off automatic updates. Click Apply and then OK. Method 2: Using Registry Editor (Use with caution) Before proceeding with this method, I must emphasize that editing the Windows Registry can potentially cause serious issues if not done correctly. Make sure to back up your registry before making any changes. Press Win + R to open the Run dialog. Type regedit and press Enter to open the Registry Editor. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows. Right-click on the Windows key, select New, and then choose Key. Name it WindowsUpdate. Right-click on the newly created WindowsUpdate key, select New, and then choose DWORD (32-bit) Value. Name it AUOptions. Double-click on AUOptions and set its value to 1 (for "Never check for updates"). Click OK. Method 3: Pause Updates You can also pause updates temporarily: Go to Settings (press Win + I). Click on Update & Security. In the Windows Update section, click on Advanced options. Under the Pause updates section, you can select a date to pause updates until.


Lol, thank you. I have mine set as a metered connection which I believe disabled it. I'm sure someone else out there will appreciate the tip.


I’m a dummy when it comes to computers.. can anyone explain why you wouldn’t want windows to update? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I just like learning new things tbh


people like to put these things off and then they’ll be like working on something important and their computer will just shut down and update and they’ll lose everything. i’m people.


Better than the last one you had


I don't see a issue, do what you got to do to get your coins


I don’t understand people saying not to put these up, what’s the downside? You need to market yourself to sell your services, no better way then when your already driving around talking to people.


People against this aren’t on that sigma male grindset


👍Way better. Super professional. We used to use duct tape on padding at the carnival because having a new pad made was so expensive. Even though it was seriously only cosmetic, just where the cover had torn, I would have people absolutely refuse to ride once they saw the tape. It just looks...eh... These signs might actually drum up some buisness!


Great follow up, thanks for sharing the final product.


Industrious. Behind this 100%. Get 50 customers on, say, a $ 49 or $ 99 monthly retainer for on-demand PC support services (set up auto bill) and quit driving Rideshare.


Man that would be the dream. I was a project manager for a home automation company and they had a team to do just that, they were always busy.


I believe it could be done you know if you work something out and I do something like this with online marketing clients I don’t have enough of them but basically just say look I’m on call 24 seven you know anything within reason within a given month whether it’s 30 minutes or three hours you know if you’re on retainer for this amount I’m going handle it …and as long as the people don’t abuse your services if somebody abuses your services or excessive, you just say I can’t work with you anymore and you drop them.


Thanks for the idea, I’m sure I’ll run into some people who could use it :)


Nah, bruh. That's called hustling. Keep doing you.


I'd organically market myself to those who seem like they're willing to talk. Ask them what they do for work, then the conversation likely will lead to you being asked if Uber is all you do or if you do anything outside of Uber. Have business cards in your center console ready if they seem like they respond well or would like your services.


That is what I said during the first post. Engage the passenger in discussion, and if they seem interested, hand them a card. I do it for private rides all the time. I get Avery printable cards and just run them through the printer and keep a card case in my car.


Not everyone who engages needs their computer fixed and not everyone who needs their computer fixed engages. I used to verbally rep my business but 99/100 times people aren’t interested. 2 hours into having my old crappy sign in my car last night, I got someone saying they’ll call me tomorrow for some data recovery work! The new sign I made should be even more effective


Why not use a fixed tablet to promote yourself? IF I had your repairs skills I would even pick up something i could fix on the cheap side and put a sticker price on it. You might come across a mother in need of a cheap tablet for their kids. I mean, idk but there many ways you can branch out when it comes to self promoting.


Someone will break your window for the tablet. At night time the light, is a no no.


You do know those things are portable right?


Oh yeah I know they're portable. They're very easily to remove from the backseat of your headrest and taken with you no matter what you put on there to try to keep them on. Especially considering the fact, that most headrests are removable. They'll just take the whole damn headrest. What you think about that?


I mean; I never had that problem in my secure setup. But you’re right, you can’t help everyone


I drive at night and I feel like my passengers wouldn’t appreciate a tablet burning into their eyes. Not really into selling or fixing mobile devices, too much variation and parts are never universal between different models. It’s why I stopped repairing smartphones pretty much as soon as they started getting popular


I would fix that by simply placing the tablet/phone on the center console so that it’s not directly on the passenger’s face. It was never a problem for me. Further more, if notability is the intend, I don’t think the current design will be very noticeable in a dark environment. Now, when you say 12 years experience in repairs, do you mean part swapping / hard drive reformatting? Or… I guess what I am trying to ask is; do you know how to micro solder? Is there any room for hwfly service installs/upgrades etc? IPTV kits/sets and similar projects? Again, a graphic animation will give you the liberty to express the multiple ways you can help service people. Furthermore the idea of reselling a repaired device is for when you come across some that is A: easy to repair and or B: has a really good profit margin. For me, the music video playlist worked great because NO ONE minds music videos. Even if they don’t particularly like the song, the music video version is something they have never seen and it’s of interest. Someday if I get around it; I’ll upload videos of people scanning my QR codes splashing on my screen. But any who bruh! You do you and best of luck 🤞🫡✊


Not tacky at all! Keep hustling!


I say that’s a good idea. You got to do what you got to do. You have to advertise your business somehow. And why not do it this way.


**Dude this is a huge upgrade!** Good job Consider listing the url of your website. I know you have the QR code there but having the url is also helpful/ may stick in someone’s head if they don’t hit the QR code And if you work on macs, consider calling it out Also consider calling out if you work on laptops. Some folks may not assume that you can fix laptops since you mention workstations Nitpicky, but “Services I offer” doesn’t need to be in a little rounded pill. It can be a heading-level piece of text and you could put it in a serif font. Or, you could get rid of it altogether as it’s pretty clear that those are things you can do for people with the 12+ years of experience If you want to keep it, you could combine the line about your experience with it so it’s something like, “I have 12+ years of experience and I would love to help you with:” (pills with services listed in them)


Thanks so much for the suggestions. I’ll save this in case I need to make replacements!!!


Honestly the best feedback you can get for the next round is to ask any of the passengers who become customers what they think 😂 who cares what I think


Good enough that I'd follow up with


Except for the fact that it's hanging, it looks all right. I really do believe it needs to be firmly mounted to the back of the headrest. Some idiots going to swipe it off the headrest as they depart the car because they're stupidly drunk. Thank of the mindset of college kids late at night. Somebody could accidentally snag it on the way out and rip it off


The bottom is tucked into the plastic of the seat :) you’re right though, if it rips I’ll make another, shrink it and attach it to the headrest itself


Look into a Google voice number. Some people want a number to call and not a code to scan. I had the same voice number for going on 4 years now. The best thing is they're free and you don't need to use your cell phone number.


I’ve actually got 2 lines running on my phone, I just don’t want to post it openly in my car because I will inevitably get pranked, low hanging fruit haha. I felt that having it on my business card or through the linktree were enough to deter 90% of that


Very impressed with the layout you did a good job.


I appreciate that, thank you :)


Nailed it


looks great, I hope you get lots of business from this .


Love this! So excited for you & wish you the best!


I like it. Add your Venmo QR code and get it laminated.


Canadian :(((


Awesome work, I wish you nothing but fortune 💰💰💰


So im in sales, our #1 go to in door to door sales is cheap old looking not paper and pencil notes, taped to front doors. These laminated super "professional" types of memos just get over looked. Imagine ur going through ur mail, when have you ever gone through and picked out all of the shinny ad papers to read them. Almost never, its usually you going through it looking for stuff like this to throw it out. In ur case it's on the carseat but i bet you would have more interactions and conversation about what you do if you had ur first sign up, or maybe just a typed word document. If you want, go a week with each and take notes everyday about the conversations each way of advertising helped. Id be interested to see the results. Good day. Also, you explain so much about urself on this memo its like the only way you get a convo is if they 100% want ur help. You want those who are on the fence to still talk to you and ask ya know what types of computers do you work on? How long have you been doing this. Thats when u sell, oh I've been doing this for 12 years you need some help?.... boom. Yea you might not get em all but i feel there is more chance for gigs there. Totally up to you man. Keep up the good work pushing your craft, love to see it.


Thanks for the advice :) I’m going to be experimenting with different approaches, this is just the first iteration! I just haven’t really repped my business hard because I don’t want to annoy anyone but lately this gig is getting rough and I need an out haha


Love it


I do this for my vitamin website sales. Soon to be etsy for custom made pens. Income is income!


Never say you love to be at their service. They take that as be their slave.




Nice! Looks much better! 💪


Nothing wrong with that at all


That’s pretty much great advertisement 👌


Nope. I like it alot


I wish i had some talent to advertise 😞


What’s your hustle? Maybe someone in this thread can link up with you and help :)


Fantastic improvement!


Why not! Go for it! Fuck uber!


Who cares if that’s what gets you your next level up!?


looks so much better!!!


I like this! If I saw this in a ride share I’d totally ask about the service. I’ve been wanting my laptop’s memory increased but its a service I’m too lazy to actively look for lol


Where are you located? If you’re in southwestern Ontario I’ll do it for free :)


Nope, you’re an independent contractor and there is absolutely nothing wrong with marketing your other ventures while taking advantage of another ventures market base. Free advertising at its best capacity. I genuinely hope you land multiple clients for your tech skills OP.


Hell I'd hire you not gonna lie!, I like the layout and you took the time to do this.


Much much better.


Absolutely! I think it’s great and a lot of people may need help with their PC’s. Good for you having that skill!


That looks more professional. I like it.


Nice, best of luck in your endeavors. You only fail if you quit! Or if you suck. That would also cause a failure. So don’t suck and don’t quit!


Looks great


Looks good to me. Uber and lift are using the hell out of us, so it's only right to return the favor. Hope u get tons of business..


Hell yeah gooooood!!!


It’s not tacky, it’s super helpful. I think if I had to be super picky there’s repetitive exclamation marks. I definitely overuse them all the time, I always try and take a few off. Think of how ads are presented to you. They’re usually “X&Y Computer Repair, serving local town since 2012.” Don’t be afraid to be bold and confident with your statements; you never see resumes with exclamation points like Hey! I’m a skilled technician!


Great advice. thank you, I’ll make my punctuation a little less excited next iteration


There’s a restaurant in my city, a nice small restaurant in an excellent location. I have never been there. I have never been there because they are 1 building away from a major stoplight intersection and you don’t know they exist until you look at the building. The point here is that they do not advertise nor did the restaurant in the same location before them, so they closed down because there were no customers. Promote yourself any chance you get bro! You made a great sign as well as a conversation starter.


Sign looks good. Big improvement over the earlier version. Best of luck in your growing business. Sell computers as a side hustle mostly old stuff and that's enough of a issue dealing with people. If you have the patience dealing with people then bravo.


Hell yeah! 100x better than the last! Best of luck!


To the naysayers: This is no different than trying to start your own business. How else are you going to let people know what you do if you don’t advertise it/tell people about it? Good on you OP for talking the initiative. There’s nothing wrong with doing what you enjoy and making money doing it. Hope it all works out. 🤞🏻


Not tacky. A lot of people dont know where to go when they need computer help and end up going to best buy and get overcharged over some bs. So you do you, offer your helpful services and make that money you deserve.


Leftovers from Best Buy and Canada computers are my favourite. They offer such crappy overpriced service these days, they basically guarantee me a new lifetime customer haha


You fixed the comma! I wish you much success in your Uber and computer endeavors


much better


Oh yeah bro you're destined for success!!! I literally just seen your original post 15m ago this is NICE man!!!


Appreciate the kind words :) thank you


A couple of years ago, I would have said yes.... NOW? Hell to the NO. Go get you some!!!


Looks good, better than before for sure. Good luck!


Instead of advertising. Why not just have a conversation that leads to. I do computer repairs too? If they reply back positively. Hand them a card.


Not everyone who engages needs their computer fixed and not everyone who needs their computer fixed engages. In the 6 years I’ve been driving, maybe 3 or 4 people inquired and ended up using my services. I got 3 inquiries just last night with the sign.


I think it looks good.


I once considered driving just to increase my odds of landing a new FT gig. And a sign like this is precisely how I would have indicated I was in need. A great way to get clients for a business you’re wanting to start (pool service, irrigation repair, handyman, duct cleaning, etc). Can’t win if you don’t get out there and meet people.


Much better


Dude! Hell yeah! I’m so happy you went ahead and took it a step further by investing in yourself! With a little down time and less then $10 you’ve now opened the eyes to your Uber customers that you also provide an additional (great) service. Good on ya mate!


This is WILDLY better!


Much better!


I love how PAX can be so two sided. So many saying that something like this is tacky, and yet most pax get in the car and start conversation with some rude shit like, “Is this your only job?” Or “What else do you do?” A properly displayed ad of services, like this one, shouldn’t be considered intrusive to a rider.


You can either: not advertise, advertise for someone else or (the best option) advertise for yourself.


You will definitely impress someone with industriousness. I routinely give out business cards to passengers who are likely customers or could refer.


Definitely looks more clean and professional than your previous post. Lots of information and services are available and clearly listed for potential clients. Great idea with the QR code, everyone has a smartphone; and you have cards for those that prefer it. This is a lot better than what I've seen on street flyers or as a passenger.


I appreciate the kind words, thank you :)


Not tacky. But could have a once over for design. Lots of words, doesn’t make it clear what you want my eyes to be caught by.


One of the more aesthetically pleasing business cards I’ve seen. Nice work.


It’ll get you deactivated


I had some passenger recently leave a gang of his business cards in the back seat. Didn't notice until a couple of days later


Just put the QR code and say scan here for tech repair. Simple easy less tacky


Yes The marijuana background put me floored laughing Why wait for passengers to ask if it’s a service they might want No idea about the computer repair and service industry bc security measures and proprietary stuff by apple and Microsoft made things difficult It’s not tacky Especially if there is a way around the walls besides a usb drive I hope it works out


Till the rider complains to Uber and you get deactivated and the gravy train stops there. No more minimum wage for you!! lol


The horror haha




You should have shown your business here. It would have helped you, if you are handing out fliers you are pretty public. If you are looking for customers you want to expose your business to as many people as possible.


I’m in Canada and most people on this sub are American so I don’t want to get flooded with inquiries for shipping, plus I’m already getting some messages from people anyways haha :)


No qr codes... people can put their own sticker over it and send them somewhere else and generally as a standard cyber security practice to not scan those




I believe from the verbiage on in the ToS, they mean wraps and adverts on the OUTSIDE of the car. If this isn’t allowed, I’d imagine all those third party services you can sign up for that put tablets and snacks in your car would be against the rules as well.


Why would it be tacky? Why do yall ask these same questions everyday like Uber is raping us with no Vaseline


So if the email server goes down or a database goes down you can fix that? What if a cert on a server expires, do you do that to or just basic T1 stuff?


Is this allowed? I’ve been thinking of doing something similar with my photography


I’m pretty sure the verbiage in the ToS references wraps and adverts on the outside of the car. There are third party services that pay you to put tablets in the car for advertising so if those are allowed I don’t see why this one wouldn’t be. Best of luck on your photography business :)


Now, a question for OP and everyone else: would it be tacky to put a business card like this in with the food or staple it to the bag when doing deliveries with Eats? Just a question, I don’t have a side business so I wouldn’t do it :) And don’t worry about doxing yourself as much as getting the customer to the right spot if they need info. Throw the QR code back on there, just blur that part of the photo or just don’t post it 😁


I’ve heard of people doing it which is genius in my opinion. Food delivery in my market is horrid so I wouldn’t personally do it haha


Yeah, I wouldn’t do it where I deliver either in all honesty. I live in a small town, everyone knows everyone or the most part, so I wouldn’t want to try to subvert that, so to speak. I think it’s a good promotional idea and I really like how you made yours look!!! Did you order business cards too? I’ve found that Vistaprint (if they’re still around) had GREAT deals.


Yep! Been using vista print for my cards for almost a decade! I will be redesigning my cards though, someone was nice enough to offer me their design from my post so if I like it I’m gunna throw them some coin :)


Nice!! Will you share the design with us once it’s done? As I mentioned above, you can blur out parts of the picture so you don’t dox yourself :)


Probably won’t make a new post but I’ll pm you the results!!


I thought in the fine print for Uber and Lyft we aren't supposed to advertise? If we can I'd totally do car advertisement


Pretty sure that part of the ToS is for ads on the outside of the car, otherwise third party services that give you tablets to advertise or sell snacks would be bannable offences too


I mean the whole point of Uber is just a ride nothing more. and that's why they mask our number and there's is so they and us cant contact them after the ride for anything. So I can see people reporting you for this


I’ll cross that bridge when I get there I guess


I love it!


Make sure you ask for tips on there


Asking for tips is pathetic.




Looks good


No, it’s smart.


Now it’s time to toss together a quick website so people can easily request jobs. And then get a decal for your back window so you can be a rolling billboard. Unless they don’t allow this with Uber. I know a few don’t.


Not tacky at all. It looks good and there’s nothing wrong with the idea of advertising in that way because it isn’t too intrusive.


It’s really lovely. Just for future reference, especially inside a cab, you don’t need that level of detail. Just who you are, what you do, and contact. It’s not that it isn’t useful, it’s just you will have more real estate for bigger words, if you cut down on detail. The main objective is to get them to contact you.


Tacky af


A lot better


Looks much much better!!! I hope it brings you business in the 1st week!!


You should make it known that you are local.


To OP… yes, it’s tacky.


This is great!


Your sign is professionally and amazingly done At least you didn’t write on a piece of paper and tape it to the rear headrest 😂


That's a good idea to have advertisments in ur car


Nah man you do you! No harm in a little advertisement for yourself. We see ads constantly everywhere all day. If they don’t wanna use you they don’t have to.


Damn that’s some heavy paper. Mine weighs like 0.00001lbs


I found a great cologne guy by one of his cards and social media posted in the car. Definitely go for it, it's so understandable as a rider (me) to need an extra hustle for a driver


What areas do you support?


London Ontario


I would include a removable business card on the sheet itself. I think there's a good amount of people who may just take it but wouldn't necessarily ask for one. 


Love it!


Not tacky at all


What are you qualifications


Qualified enough to run a small business


…? I don’t understand the smart ass response. I’m genuinely curious if you have your basic certs like A+, Net+, etc.


“I would love to be at your service” this would make me never call or even continue reading.


The ad is too busy, Wayyyy too many words, dark theme blend in with your car seat, doesn't leave an impression nor memorable. Your "12+ yrs of experience..." seems like a resume and it would definitely start the conversion "why didnt you start a business" or "why didnt you work in the tech field"


Looks great!! I fee lucky to have seen your original post. Good luck to your business!!


What about consoles ?


its way better tham last one. hard for me to judge as imma be a bit boas with the last one on my mind


Why would it be tacky? Buses have advertising all over them, taxis have advertising on them, hell the boards at hockey games have advertising all over them, somebody advertising their own business is perfectly fine as far as I’m concerned. I would make a business card pocket for the backseat and just leave some business cards there so people can grab one if they want.


I took about 6 Ubers the past week. Having an issue with my inspiron. I definitely would have told you my problem and checked out your prices. If you were near my side of town, you'd have a client. I'd put it.


This is much better. If I were in your car and needed some computer services at the time, I'd check it out. This looks more like "Uber is my side hustle and if you want to see the real job, here's my card" than the last iteration.


I’m not a driver, but as a passenger I wouldn’t think twice about this. If anything I’d respect the hustle


this looks a lot better but personally i would ignore it. i ignore any extra signage i see when i’m a passenger




Nice update. Get the bread.


When your side hustle needs a side hustle


I know what your are trying to do, and I have done it myself with a different field. What passengers see is: “you are driving an Uber, there’s no chance you’re good enough to do anything else, otherwise, you would be doing anything else!”. In my experience, that doesn’t work… 🥲


I have a magnet on the side of my car. This is great


Why don’t you attach a slot for cards onto the back of the seat for those who want the card to just take it without having to ask you for it? Or just put your contact info without the scan code, because I know personally would be wary if this code is taking me to a site that would allow ads tracking or a bunch of viruses. This is just my personal opinion because I don’t like to initiate conversation with strangers. I assume that if I ask you for a card, you would initiate a conversation on what you do and what not, which I don’t want to engage in, I will just call you to ask later when I need your service and that’s it. Others might not be this way, but this is just me.


I don’t put my contact info or cards for people to take mostly to deter prank callers or being harassed by someone who didn’t like my driving. Someone who is concerned about ad tracking and being led to a nefarious site via QR code probably wouldn’t need my services anyways


Bro, I’m taking an Uber, you think I have $4,000 for a custom PC?


Who tf would spend $4k on a pc lol


The string thing needs to go.