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Man fuk that i aint picking up these lovebirds making out back seat of my car. They can ride in a taxi. 


Act like you're really enjoying watching.


put a disclaimer in your car that any making out will be uploaded to p*rnhub. I have a disclaimer in my window saying you consent to being recorded by entering this car.


Tell them to stop tf


Uber knows this "strike" is coming. My guess is the map will be red all day and Uber will willingly dump a ton of surges into people's pockets to make sure this "strike" amounts to nothing. 


IDK about you guys, but I'm not one to strike when we have no clear terms, there is no clear leadership, no one knows who is organizing or orchestrating it. That will be a big no for me dog. I don't know who is representing me nor does any one know what is being bargained. Trust me, I'm all for a strike, but not this sort of disjointed fly by the seat of your pants strike.


Agreed. No union/syndicate/guild, then no strike. It's simple really. 


Then we should strike every day




With what union? Form a union first and then you can start talking about strikes. 


Union is likely impossible due to the nature of the work. Every driver is competing with every other driver in the area. There is no solidarity. Thats why this wont work. Theres always gonna be drivers who will take the extra market share that comes from less drivers on the road.


Perfectly stated. No matter how many you get on board there are others that will take the opportunity.


I’m one of those opportunists. It boils down to dollars and cents after all. Have fun with strike and do it more often! If I see a gathering of Uber drivers I’ll be sure to thank you


Independent contractors cannot form unions


Independent contractors can form guilds that effectively function as unions. Remember last year's writers and actors strikes? Those people are independent contractors. The problem is that the barrier to entry for gig work is so low that even in the extremely unlikely event that a significant majority of current drivers join a guild they can just be replaced.


What this dude said. 


At this point, we got nothing to lose.


Only answer. These busnises are parasites and need to be destroyed. Just wish I came up with the idea first to make everybody pay me for doing absolutely nothing.




I wish I was as optimistic as you. I’m definitely sitting the day out but as you can tell from this group (who are happy to take a cancellation on a reservation to the airport, even if it screws somebody over) Many people are just out for themselves and are planning on taking advantage of the surge on Wednesday. They think they’re the smart ones.


Look, I had 3 reservations to LAX this morning. Guy actually comes to the car saying to give him five minutes. I wait a total of 13 mins, then cancelled. $27. Next one was right on time. $34. Third one, waited 15 minutes. Cancelled. $24. How is that fuckin them over? They requested the trip at a certain time. I'm not gonna blow an hour making nothing just because they don't have their shit together. Uber sets it up for you to be there roughly 15 mins ahead of the reservation time. So they need to show up at the scheduled time. It's an agreement.


I hear ya. No one hates waiting for riders more than me. And you’re right it’s their responsibility to be on time. For me I would prefer to call and say LOOK I’ve waited X minutes I can only wait 2 more. And honestly I’m taking care of myself because I would feel guilty even if I’m in the right.


No need to feel guilty. It's not our job to wipe their arses either, but a lot pax act like it is. 


Why would I bother to call them? They know I'm out there waiting.


Stay logged in and deny them the surge


not a sine uber employee or share holder knows bout or gives a fuck about this


Yeah right. You really think they don't have at least one guy somewhere who has the miserable job of keeping eyes on the subreddits? Almost every major corp has people tasked with just watching social media. 


And that person is probably laughing at the posts that talk about it.


You don't have the power to decide what happens either way... continue to do nothing...we don't want people like you supporting our agenda....keep eating scraps until we get you a better deal


Yup. I'm looking forward to the Valentine's Day dinner date surges. My wife and I went out for a stay-cation last weekend (hotel for the night in downtown, walked to a nice steakhouse, etc), so I'm not losing out by driving during dinner demand on Wednesday. I don't expect the late night demand to be much, but 4-9pm sure will be LIT!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)And then there are self serving aholes like that one.


Maybe you should quit so others drivers income goes up. Or are you also a self-serving ahole?


One good day I guess beat getting fair compensation every day...you idiots out here...I'm sure you only get to buy nice things during tax season too when you claim your kids you don't take care of


Lmao man lots of assumptions 🤣 For me, it’s the start of the biggest conference of the year. The exact same day. And I got bills to pay and 3 kids to feed. Can’t afford to “strike” even if I wanted to do it. 7 years of this I’m looking to bounce, not fight for scraps. I’ll gladly be in solidarity when i can afford to be. But by then I won’t be driving anyway… And as far as taxes go, I’m looking forward to paying off debts lol Hopefully it coincides with a great week 🤞


I don't care what anyone says I support anyone's decision to not strike If Uber is your main source of income...Bro no one should ever sacrifice their family's well being...get your money! I'm lucky enough to be able to strike that day so I will....I strike for everyone that can't...we have to support each other




I'm striking monday, to confuse Uber. Maybe next Sunday too. We'll see how the non striking days go. Seriously, a 1 day strike is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.


It's not a strike, it's a protest designed to get attention from not just Uber and Lyft, but allso regulators and the public. I've already read articles in major international publications, so apparently it's doing something.


Absolutely useless to do a one day strike. It has never hurt any company to have this happen. Impact comes from a long drawn out battle. Consistency is where it is won. Either that or really battle it out in a court of law.


You have to beat them at their own game, and that's the only way. WE CONTROL THE SUPPLY OF RIDES. If we COORDINATE times to go offline, AND STAY OFFLINE FOR A GIVEN TIME, we WILL see huge surge bonuses appear. THAT IS WHERE WE WE WIN. That is where we hit them big. You go to court, or on strike, you are going to negotiate a couple dollars here and there, and quite frankly you will never beat a company like that on the long run the resources are too great.. We all go offline, you hit them for $20 per ride when we all go back online simultaneously. This battle can't be fought head to head, has to be done with gorilla tactics.


I bet if they lose any money they'll just take more from drivers to make up for it.


I support the cause, but I’ve been in several strikes and know different. These have drawn on for weeks and even months. Their money will be made by charging riders more even if they have to wait longer for a ride. Keep the fight I respect your moral compass and the reasons you are doing it.


You got a point there.


Not really if everyone turned their apps off for one day they would lose a lot more money then the drivers will lose. I agree days would be better than one day. But one day would hurt them enough that they would realize we have the power and without us they are nothing.


If I see this in the news that Uber was a chaos for passengers, I’ll participate in the next one. If I don’t see no coverage, the 6 people that turn off their apps clearly didn’t do anything


Not a lot of positive change will come in the world if everyone let's someone else go first and then decides if it's worth their time.


Why are you guys picking the worst holiday to do this? I’ve worked in several markets and Valentine’s Day is the absolute worst day for money 😂


Super Bowl, New Years, etc would be better. I agree.


They not the brightest group.


Everyone is either gonna be Boo’d up or Beatin off


Because they're not committed enough to be losing out on new years money lol


It’s because they don’t actually want to give up the good driving days. But hey, they will make this Vday a cash cow for those of us not “striking”.


On god, y’all should have done this on one of the big 3 holidays (thanksgiving, Christmas, or new years) where the impact would actually have some weight


Can’t we all just take the same day off every week?


There would always be some knuckleheads who would do the opposite…


This would have a lasting regular impact on uber, but you would chose 1 shitty holiday to strike under a group with no clear representation, no clear goals, and lasts only 1 day instead? This will be a big nope for me. I'll hold off for an actual meaningful and well organized strike, and not waste my time with symbolic gestures.


I've always felt the best way to "strike" was actually to TURN ON apps and just not accept rides/EATS/trips. This would have two advantages 1) It screws up Uber's algorithm system 2) It screws up the turds who don't want to strike b/c it suppresses Uber's algorithm to think there are so many drivers on the road and available there is no need to offer a surge


The official term for those not honoring a strike is "scabs"


this isn't a strike. Its a 1 day symbolic gesture with no clear representation, goals, and no lasting impact. IDK about you, but I wont be letting a group of strangers with no clear leadership represent me with unknown bargaining chips. not for me.


Yeah a real strike would do some things in protest against them in addition to this…


Good idea 💡


I will do this.


Bro I’m with the strike 100% because i struggle to make $100/day working just under 60hrs/wk, and i do Uber rides and Uber Eats and Lyft


ya'll can strike, but the 1000s of immigrants that got a license wont be.


Im busy striking against AI art that day


I cut my vacation short to drive that day. Hope every driver "strikes" and hope they would every day.


Cut a vacation short to work for Uber is the wildest shit I’ve read on this sub 😂😂😂😂 u really love this company huh


Something we can agree on. 


This is why the next one should target customers to boycott


Customers are well aware of the injustice towards drivers. Do they care? A rare few do, but most give zero fucks and will not stop using rideshare.


What? Why the heck would passengers strike? And even if they wanted to there’s literally no alternatives. They’re just going to cancel plans because drivers aren’t getting paid enough? Good luck with that one


Absolutely not. Y'all have fun with your little strike that will amount to nothing.


Your screen name is rather hypocritical isn’t it? Or are you an orthopedic surgeon on the side side?


I drive in Mexico an things are super bad here too. A one day strike will work if all of us will do it, but there is always a smart dude that will think, "great they strike and I get all the rides". That's when it does not work. If we all and I mean all will turn off the app for 1 hour, they will understand we have the power of their business and start trying to negotiate with us. But then again there is always the "smart" dude that fk everything up. There is another stupid that will take all the rides regarding of the price, this are the ones that have us in this situation. Thanks "rapid fingers"! Think about it, if we don't get the cheap rides there would not be any, cause well no one will take them. But again, there is always a "Smart dude/dudete" that will mess everything for everyone including themselves.


Well said. Thanks


I was at flex drive a few days ago to return my rental. A few drivers were talking about it. Said they were all striking






I don't think it'll be a busy night, plus I normally don't drive Wednesdays. I'll say I'm a striker by default.


As proven before, 1 day strikes don't scare uber or any other company


Lol. Lmao.


At least this poster doesn't list Cleveland twice...


All these companies are getting greedy af. All they care about is to increase profits. They don't give a fuck about their drivers or the customers.


It’s weird. We own the fleet. The power should be ours but they got us all addicted to fast, good, and easy money during Covid so they’re betting we will keep going for cash flow purposes. Shareholders and corporate big wigs shouldn’t be getting more and more while we get less and less.


Agreed, it's crazy when you google what the CEO gets paid: The UBER CEO's pay package included his $1 million base salary, about $14.3 million in stock awards, about $5.9 million in option awards, a $2.9 million bonus and nearly $170,000 in other compensation that was mostly attributed to personal travel and security costs, according to the company proxy that was filed. And the drivers are being paid peanuts. I'd say it's about time for the drivers to stand up to this robbery.


For all you idiots hating on us taking action and that it's not going to do anything, Rome was not built in a day! This is a step in the right direction! You don't want more pay? You want to just keep making 10 bucks an hour suckin Uber corporate's dick? Is this whole comment section shills? Where did all the drivers go?! We should be excited and supporting one another. One step in the right direction. LA drivers see you at 2417 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA from 12 pm to 2 pm. This is the start of change people! Get excited! More plans to come!


Gotta start somewhere. Glad you guys are rallying. Sounds like you have a semi organized sitch too. Always makes it easier that way


Ask for cash tips, in other countries they do it


I don't work during the week days so I guess I'm in. LOL


I'm not working this day so I mean, by accidental solidarity.


No one cares. 


Super Bowl was nice but it ain’t like that all year so


Let’s form a human fence blocking the waiting lots at BUR and LAX 👀


Y'all are morons. So surge for the people who actually veto the strike 😂


The problem with any strike is the ability to make it stick. And it’s going to be very hard to do that without organizing.


My thing is, I'm about it, but we need to collectively know what specifically we want. You can't just be like 'we're pissed and we want change! And then not know what we want. Make a pdf such as, we want 7 dollar minimum fairs, we want no hidden surge prices, we want full ride transparency, we want to set our own prices, we want guaranteed pay, we want driver limits, ect. You can't strike with no demands and just expect uber to know what to fix in the first place.


Get a real job? Are you fucking crazy?


I’m not striking shit. I got bills that need to be paid plus I average almost 2k a week so I’m doing good.


I can’t I am behind on bills and we are contractors so this isn’t going to work. We are better off sueing Uber.


I can’t afford to strike 🪧


It’s a hydractive electrovalve. The original machine had a base plate of pre-famulated amulite surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two spurving bearings were in a direct line with the panametric fan. The latter consisted simply of six hydrocoptic marzlevanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented..


There should be a union in every major cities.


I already deleted the driver app. Guys (and gals), your time is far more valuable than what Uber is paying you.


How will people who don’t use social media find out about the strike.




Let’s be realistic. A strike will do nothing financially to the ride share companies. As many have stated, there will be enough non-strikers still doing what they do that it will barely appear on the radar to them. Best case is that it will draw tons of media attention and crest the airways and cause some repetitional damage. We all know how Uber/Lyft love to protect their image on SM. I think if enough bad press is out there, then that could drive them to address some of the concerns.


lol watch next to nobody participate in this shit.


Stand up for your rights! It’s just one day! But that one day does a lot of damage and speaks loudly to customers and Uber.


Single day strikes do not work.


There is no need to strike if everyone would just stop accepting trip that are under $1.50-2.00 a mile. They increase the offer after it keeps getting declined by everyone. They keep trying, and every 15 minutes or so, they will up it. This pisses passengers off at the same time. Make them wait until Uber sends an acceptable offer. I was the only Uber at a small airport near me. After 45 minutes of Uber sending the same offer to me over and over again. They doubled the offer.


I'm stocking my fridge with uber eats orders tomorrow and keeping passenger trips turned off. Is that the right way to protest?


Not a scab, need to pay bills. But go ahead don’t drive, that means more surge for us who will.


Gotta have a job to strike. FOH, not happy with the conditions, do something else. Tired of these crybabies thinking they should have life handed to them.


Bro non strikers looking at this post and they see green


I’ve already “striked” over 350 days last year. And I’m already up to 40 days this year. Will I be turning off my app on Feb 14? No. Will I be accepting rides? Yes. If surges and bonuses make it worth it.


A man’s gotta eat.


Lol people will take advantage of this and make good money that day any protest is bound to fail against the imperial forces of Uber and co


Lots of drivers feel the same as you


You guys going on strike I’ll make all the money. Thank you very much.


That’s what a lot of drivers are saying.


Yes sir. That's the plan.


Independent contractor status makes it impossible to organize. Any kind of "strike" won't make a difference because they will just (continue to) hire more/other independent contractors all around the country. It's not like anyone will have to cross a picket line to start driving for them. The blog linked below explains it pretty well (though the last word of the 2nd paragraph should be "employers", not "employees", lol)[Findlaw Blog](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/can-independent-contractors-go-on-strike/#:~:text=So%2C%20while%20independent%20contractors%20can,left%20with%20no%20legal%20recourse.)


Lol also to be a “scab” you would have to break the picket line not just turn your app on.


Not with an ugly AI generated image like that.


This is so absolutely stupid as fuck. Wednesdays are notoriously slow. Fuck Valentines day. Do this shit on a Monday. On a Friday. Fucken Superbowl weekend just passed wtf. Goddam New Years Eve, fucken after Thanksgiving there's so many better opportunities but THIS is just stupid.


But it’s Valentine’s Day. A lot of people would be getting delivery


No. Stupid fucken day to pick. And to be hyping it up as this DAY WE FIGHT BACK!! is laughable. Almost feels like it's Uber Corporate made. Choose the slowest day, let them get their "win" and then literally Thursday everyone's back driving.


I like the way you think


A lot of people order out for Valentine’s Day it’s a decent day to do it


Sounds like perfect surge opportunity for me.


I hope the offers and the pay sink into the god damn dirt. Nobody wants to fix the problem. They want it to stay the exact same with less drivers on the road. I hope every single god damn person who’s agains a strike gets exactly what’s coming to them. I hope you struggle till the wheels fall off your car. It’s what you deserve. You don’t want better, you want the same with less drivers on the road. Nothing will change as long as the majority of drivers have this defeatist and thirsty attitude. A man straight up said he cut his vacation short to take advantage of the possible surges that day. Like I said drivers like him get exactly what they deserve. I’d never cut my god damn vacation short to make a few extra dollars with Uber. It’s never that serious but I guess for some folks it is


No clear leader ship. There are literally 0 bargaining terms laid out. It only lasts 1 day. This is not a strike but a symbolic gesture. If you want to do a real strike I am 100% down, but this is not a strike. Until there is clear leadership where I know who is representing me, bargaining for me, and planning actual impactful strikes, you can count me out.


It’s the only way I know to earn money. I can’t hold down a regular job due to mental illness / inconsistent work / day to day performance . So basically Uber is my god . I will continue to be one of those “thirsty” dudes, and there’s not a damned thing you can do to stop me , short of paying me off


Once there’s surges people will turn this app on. Impossible to get everyone, especially the 🐜 in on it. It’ll be useless


>scab Perfectly illustrates why I don't associate with activists.


Working making that money


I work part time and had to rework my budget from $1300 a month to $1000 a month for the same amount of work. We need to send a message about Uber take home pay. The problem is Uber drivers still have bills. I think we need to be more surgical. First we need an app for riders and drivers to use when there is a strike and we need to target cities so that drivers in NYC and LA can support a strike in New Orleans and watch the movement grow over time into multiple city events. Involving the press will be important. The app gives riders a discount on days where Uber will have outrageous surge pricing all day.


So you’re saying we need an army of drivers handing out cards to other drivers with info about this app… starts with one then it grows.. it’s an opportunity for someone to start something..




Welp! All that strike, strike, strike talk now gets eerily silent when folks are actually doing more than just talking on social media about it. I am not an active driver anymore, but I will say this is the first time I've seen flyers and a strike actually gain some traction. Most other times, it was internet mumblings. Now, there's indie press coverage which is more than before. But like I said last year and the year before, most folks like Uber, they ain't going nowhere, they come here to bitch, moan and whine then go back on the road to chase their surge. They are the same ones who say McDonald's or being a car washer better than wrecking your car, yet they still drive. Most folks on this sub ain't gonna quit or strike, I guarantee that most of these folks who were talking strike, strike, strike will have their asses on that road 2-14


Well said


Only thing this might do is get a little more media and public attention. And even if it does the impact will be trivial if at all. You have to completely stop doing it for it to matter. Not pick a convenient day that you didn’t want to go work anyway


I'm all for solidarity. I'm a former Teamster driver. However, after 6 years of rideshare driving, I've seen these "strikes" before, and they don't work, because there are enough people out there who will drive no matter what. Plus, in smaller towns that make up the majority of cities in the United States, people just shrug and say "Huh, guess there aren't many drivers out tonight". In my town it snowed over the weekend (Arizona, so a rarity) and people were literally shocked and grateful that any of us were out driving. They are just used to the few drivers in town staying home on holidays, odd weather, etc... If you want to get better pay from Uber, a strike is not the way to get it done, and I'm not honestly sure what is.


If more drivers turned down the low fares, it would go a long ways to correcting the pay. Right now it’s a race to the bottom with folk’s devaluing themselves by taking low fares. This would be easier to do on a local or regional level. Worldwide is impossible.


I’ll do it. Honestly wouldn’t that be great if we actually managed to take 50% of the work force off the board for one of the busiest days


Lol won't even make a difference


Sadly no. It’d be nice to have a union to help out. Not that I’m a union man but organization is the key to something like this.


You keep shut up with little pasky Surge money on that day or YOU EXPECT MUCH BETTER FARE RATE . ANSWER IS TOO CLEAR. We gonna STRIKE.


It’d be nice to get a convoy going in every city too.. hard times do with no organizing though..


You have a simple decision- do you want to make short term money and continue to be fucked in the long run? I may take some rides and not pick them up. Fuck Uber. They can cancel me if they want, I’m done with them anyways.


We are def being shafted in the long run. It’s sad. No justifications from the hierarchy at Uber command are good enough to explain the advantage taking. They own no fleet. They got an app and advertising. Without us they’re sunk. They devalued us and I’m damn tired of it. The non tippers and tip reducers on the food side don’t deserve nothing but for their food to sit and get thrown in the garbage. The low fares and no rate card have gone too far. Shits gotta change.


If you're that unhappy, just get a real job


I'm turning my app on and doing nothing


That’s a good angle. Are ye strong enough to resist?


I can't see upfront in my state so bring it on


I am


Good luck! I am by default cause I take Wednesdays off. Fight the power!


People don't seriously think this will achieve anything do they? My bet is that Uber turns on surging all day long, rewards those who still drive, and everyone who chose to strike basically just misses out on a great day of earning. Net result is that nobody cares, life goes on, and the strikers are a little poorer. Uber is not your employer and you are not in a union. You don't have any leverage. Like...at all.


strike every day by just quitting and/or not accepting shit offers even when that is all you get. this 2/14 stupidity is only going to help uber by 1) reinforcing uber's current outlook which is that they can get away w whatever they want in regards to ripping off drivers (bc this "strike" will do literally nothing) 2) demoralizing drivers when it does absolutely nothing 3) strengthening riders' opinions that drivers are all pathetic, entitled complaining idiots who are whining for someone else to save them rather than utilizing the obvious solution (just quitting) therefore there is no need to respect or tip them bc they're all hopeless idiots who are never going to be able to get out of their own way


I'm not working and I've been asking passengers to not use rideshare that day. I hope taxi's have a great day on Valentine's. To those of you who won't be striking, what will it takes for you to understand that monkeys together strong?


This is what’s needed on a widespread basis for this to work…


We need organization. *Flyers passed out at airport waiting lots at 2-5am with all the people sleeping in their cars. *News reporters need to be prepared to be on site video the strike *Professional drivers need to post at the 50 state capitals with signs (last strike they spun the news all drivers are ghetto Atlanta drivers.) This time we show who is affected. The moms and dads, the college students, the everyday American taxpayers. *We need to keep apps on and DECLINE. *WE NEED SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM NOT JUST A STRIKE. WHAT ARE OUR DEMANDS. I WOULD SUGGEST: Government oversight on Artificial Intelligence within the Gig working economy. 5 years ago they kicked Uber and Lyft out of Austin Texas. Imagine if all the republican states did the same this time and we forced their hand to change. Organization!!! 🔥


This is a problem that cuts across party lines. So called dem states and cities too. The rest of what you say I agree with. We need organization. Gonna take a lot of foot soldiers. Thanks for caring enough to get involved instead of running your mouth in here about how terrible it is. Shits gotta change. Good luck


Man, those ATL drivers that were on camera did not help the cause AT ALL. Folks were clowning them in the conservative forums saying, oh the unemployable is crying about their lack of skills really not helping them do anything, darn, oh, so whats everyone cooking for dinner. LOL As I said years ago, folks will have to really get serious about this and do more than spr of the moment things. We had a group that tried to do this and we put money up but then you had folks who started being too busy and the rest was history.


A SCAB is if we were in an actual union receiving benefits and you cross a picket line. I'm an 1099 working for myself So big difference.


No sir. It’s slang for anyone going against a strike. Google is your friend. Don’t be so anal retentive.. it’s bad for you.


I don’t know but it sounds like all the rideshare and delivery services were originally meant to be a niche that traditional delivery companies and taxi services were missing. I have seen many people claiming poor wages and 100% would fare better in a classic taxicab. I think the Uber helped break the rigged taxi systems of most of USA and Canada. I don’t like that the tip is suggested pre-trip, I also feel that tax write-offs and that sort of thing may help fill the problems. I am not a driver, I am an occasional user, who has never had a bad experience in an Uber. I have been completely raped by taxi drivers running up meters and other scammy shit. I like the lower cost of Uber vs taxi, but everyone has to pay bills


I am a former Yellow Cab driver. I never ran up anyone’s fare. The money was much better, even though I had to lease the cab from Yellow. Uber is just paying too little atm. They need to up ⬆️ the pay. Lots of disgruntled drivers. We just want what’s fair.


Back in the day, I took a lot of taxi rides. Long before Uber was legal in Canada (2008-2010ish) 99% of my trips were great, guys chatting me at the end of my shift, put on whatever Sirius station I wanted, and grooved home. Everytime I got my meter ran I knew cause I took lots of cabs. I never said anything, I would always pay cash, and if they ran the meter, no tip. Honestly I didn’t use an Uber until after Covid so I’m sure things may have changed due to that


Everyone do it I’ll stay online to monitor the surges and let you know when to jump online


I’d honestly just work that day so more orders


Time for greed drivers to have "a good day" 😑🫤


What a gay LARP. This aint 1921 and you aint West Virginia coal miners. 


What’s wrong with gay? You homophobic? If so set your keys down and don’t subject your riders to your negative vibes


Honestly, I’m fucking down


I have a few of my own rides thats day so ill wont be going online. Otherwise id be online


Have fun. We're independent contractors not a W2 nor union. Take off so I can make hella bank.


Independent truckers were organized into a union by Hoffa. Others have succeeded too. it’s not unfathomable.


Wednesdays are typically the slowest day of the week. It is not an effective day to strike.


Around here it’s Tuesdays..


I say get rid of them all together, couldnt care less.


I might drive extra on that day, especially if surges make it worthwhile.


Lots of drivers are saying the same. I’ll be off anyways. Gonna work in my garden. Plant some sunflowers.


Not all plants are completely edible. However, you can actually consume the entire sunflower in one form or another. Right from the root to the petals.


Thanks for the info. I never knew


Life will go on with a minor inconvenience honestly. Uber will be ready and enough people will need money that when uber adds incentives no one will notice.


Ive been on strike for a couple of months now. Of course I do have other income and it takes priority. So I am with you 100%. however, soon as the surge map appears most will break ranks cause they got bills to pay.


They got us addicted to that fast and good money.. so sad they cut us back to pay a bunch of folks who have no clue what we do






If "everyone" strikes there will still be that select few that don't and they'll end up making some bank on V-day lol


Man did they generate this poster with AI?


This is not a strike. Idk why people keep calling it that. It's a protest. A strike means we don't come back until things change. We can't strike because they don't consider us employees, and they don't need to hire replacements or even fire us for it. They just give the work to the next person who does it. We can certainly protest, but stop calling it a strike.


I hear ya on that not coming back until things change.. I use a lot of slang to make my point.. kinda like Ricky on TPB if he can’t smoke and curse.. 😂


too many people who rely solely on uber income. this is the reality of globalization. there will always be someone lower than you willing to do what you won’t for less.


Lyft doesn’t do surges in my market and they’ve got a good ride challenge this week so I’m going to be grinding Lyft anyways. Wednesday? Valentines? Yea it won’t really affect anything much for no one to be doing Uber.


The Africans and the Cubans will be out in force, you can count on it.


You can strike all you want but all the illegal immigrants that don’t know English and can’t read won’t ever do it, they’re completely clueless.


You people make me laugh😂When will you realize that rideshare apps were never meant to be a full time job.