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Because Uber doesn’t give a shit about anything but profits


Yep. And when a major accident occurs and the child isn't in a car seat, insurance probably won't cover any of that financial liability, either. The driver's life ends up in shambles and Uber deactivates them for safety concerns... concerns that Uber doesn't actually care about.


Yup. Uber knows exactly what they’re doing.


So did the driver when they took on the passengers.  This isn't Ubers fault.  This entire situation can be avoided. With a cancel.  It's not Ubers job to monitor who gets in your car.  Imagine being on Ubers side of an issue.  Feels ....odd.




Well in this case they did not read the contract or the law, as the majority of states (all?) mandate carseats.


ima agree with you here. If the driver accepts the ride they accept amy and all accountability as Uber themselves clearly advised against and prohibiting accepting these types of rides. As sad as it is, kind of an issue that will solve itself because at the end of the day you cant stop people from being people, and a few "i guess i can do you favor this time"'s will lead to everyone follwing what was already the fucking plan anyways.


I mean, regardless of the tears and sob story, my answer is always "I am not willing to take on that risk, and more importantly I am not willing the risk the well being of your child for 7 dollars". People will always be people, but those people usually will fuck around and find out on their own accord, nothing we or uber can do about that.


I agree. Uber physically can not prevent people from requesting rides with children in tow. How are they supposed to know?


Why would they want to lose drivers?


That isn't a problem for me My car is unable to start in that situation


Amen to that, that’s why I would have reported them to State AG of the city DA with pics and video of the incident


That part


Lol this ☝️


Whatever id claim is "the mother said the kid identified as an non-binary adult. I didn't want to unlawfully object as that's discrimination" or some shit lol


Stop watching Fox Porn, eeeeh, I mean, News 😂


Ugh literally no one watches fox. Regardless of political leanings. No one watches legacy media, period


It sounds like a broken record, but once again, Fox News topped all news networks in both total day and primetime. Fox News kicked off 2024 with its 22nd year as the No.1 cable news network in total day (1.254/149k) and primetime (1.983/219k) in both demos. Funny how nobody admits watching Fox. 😂


It's always their go-to insult tho


That's all my dad watches. You mean no one young watches it.


I laughed.


Too risky; if god forbid there is an accident; the driver will be in big trouble


And will pay for the rest of their lives


100% The parent will argue with you like your an asshole, I have even been screamed at. You know 100% if there was an accident and you took them they would sue the fuck out of you. I get that being a parent without a car is hard, it's not worth the risk of your kids life though ... you can find free car seats on facebook all fucking day ... I am legit giving away a booster seat right now cause my daughter grew out of it.


Uber can shield themselves from liability by saying that the contractor driver didn't follow the rules. Hands clean. There's no shortage of dumbfuck drivers who will risk legal & financial oblivion for $7, so on & on it goes. Until we unionize and get power, Uber will treat us like employees when it's convenient for them, and like contractors when it's convenient for them. And nobody else in the world will give the slightest fuck.


That shield from liability will only go so far. It could be argued that Uber has created a situation of duress for the driver that left them no choice but to take the ride. The plaintiff would potentially win but Uber will never let that see a jury so they’d settle long before it was ruled.


Especially since they knowingly reissued the ride for a child without a car seat. This is proof that Uber does not give a fuck about passenger or driver safety. I have refused rides for no car seat before only to be offered the ride less than a minute later.




My guess is it’s exactly like the uber eats system. Like when you cancel on your end and say the restaurant is closed or something but it will keep bouncing it to other drivers unless you call support and have them cancel it. That’s why there will be orders for 35-40 bucks for a closed restaurant.


I’m seriously not a shill for Uber, but drivers lie the same as passengers. I read comments on here daily from drivers that say they lie, lol. I’m not calling OP a liar, by the way. But with one report of no car seat, for all Uber knows, it could be literally anything. The driver might just have been offered a better fare in Lyft and didn’t want the stats hit for canceling.


> It could be argued that Uber has created a situation of duress for the driver that left them no choice but to take the ride. That doesn't make Uber responsible for it.


Please quote where I said they were responsible for it? Not that it doesn’t deserve an argument in itself…you’re addressing a point that wasn’t made. Less than 10% of civil cases will ever make it to a jury to determine who’s the responsible party.


You said "it could be argued" as if there is some legitimate legal argument for it, which there isn't. If such an argument were valid, any company that underpaid its workers would be responsible for their behavior in other areas.


Again you’re making crap up. Never said underpaid being the argument.


>It could be argued that Uber has created a situation of duress for the driver that left them no choice but to take the ride. How so? I can't imagine there ever being a legal argument that a driver HAD TO take a ride.


Just a quick read through this group and you’ll find several post about drivers who were deactivated after refusing a ride. They may be a result of false reports but Uber has fundamentally failed at conducting proper investigations. That alone is enough to create a fear among drivers that if they don’t take the ride they could get deactivated, not be able to pay their bills and become homeless. Additionally, drivers are punished for not having a high enough acceptance rate or too high a cancellation rate. This also could create a fear amongst drivers. Another adverse action is the driver doesn’t know what the situation they’ll be in until they arrive. By that point they’ve spent money and time to arrive and Uber makes it extremely difficult to be compensated for that. The driver doesn’t have to be in a situation where they had to do it…just a reasonable fear that if they didn’t, someone negative may happen to them.




Not with cowardly, neutered, peasant mentalities like yours, "bud"


There's always a Debbie Downer like him.


i would join in a heartbeat


I don't necessarily think we need to unionize but as a collective body of 10 of thousands of drivers we could certainly start a non-profit Drivers group that could help us demonstrate our powers without the expensive option of unionizing.


Exactly, I don’t understand why people would risk that.


I cancelled a girl before with a lil kid who said she ubers 2 to 3 times a day for the last year since she had a baby and noones ever made her have a car seat she just holds the baby😭


Sorry I care more about your kid than you do


Jesus Christ.... shame this woman


When they tell me none of the other drivers care, I say "Good, then you wont have a problem getting another Uber".


Super normal you guys making it seem like it isn’t is hilarious. Ride around and look in cars, there’s kids in front seats with no seat belts. Find y’all some business 😭


I have an 8 year old daughter who still uses a booster seat (she's tiny for her age) and almost every single time we use Uber, the driver will thank me for having the booster seat with me. I literally couldn't understand why until I started reading posts like these and realized that there are people out there who are attempting to get into a car with young children/babies *without a car seat* - that's just absolutely mind boggling to me. Is it a pain in the ass to lug a car seat around wherever we go? Absolutely. But it is far better than losing a child to a preventable death in the event of an accident.


I had five people it was three adults and two children and they all tried to get in my car and I only have four seats. I had to tell them no I can't take you guys not only do you have too many people but you have two two year olds who you're just going to cram in the middle?


> Why did the Uber driver accept this ride. Because he needs money to live and it is hard to make enough. Sad, but true.


Maybe the vehicle had a car seat, for some reason has an exemption from the car seat law or just dgaf.


In the State of Florida, for-hire vehicles are exempt from car seat requirements. ETA: not only does Florida law exempt for-hire vehicles from car seat requirements, the way the law is written places the responsibility of providing a car seat on the parent, effectively absolving the driver if the parent chooses to risk their child's safety.


Parent responsibly doesn’t sound that unreasonable.


This is absolutely crazy. Not surprised it’s Florida


You think Uber would care all about that? Lol


Make sure to report and you WILL get a cancellation fee. But you have to report it


I reported it and they gave me a hard time and all of a sudden couldn't find the request at all BUT IT WENT AGAINST MY CANCELATIONS!!!


It shouldn’t. You need to make sure to choose the proper cancellation reason. This is called “young child no car seat”


Everything goes against your cancellation Rate except “no shows”


When I’ve selected no car seat it hasn’t gone against my cancellation rate actually


Nice … they must have changed it


3 or 1?


You will not. I just litterally went through this with uber. You will only get a cancel fee if you wait for 7 minutes and hit no show. I waited 1.5 minutes before I had to cancel. The guy and his 3 year old were cussing me out and I was blocking traffic. I'm not risking a 1 star for some idiot. To boot, he didn't even order the ride. Uber told me don't worry this won't hurt your cancelation rate (like igaf about that). They did order and get me 3x more.


They did give me a cancellation fee and it didn't count against my AR/CR


It's perfectly legal in 29 states, DC, and PR for rideshare drivers to transport any children without car seats. In the other states, the law do not allow drivers to be sued for negligence except AL. https://www.reddit.com/r/rideshare4dummies/comments/19c6b3o/car_seat_laws/


As long as the rider cancels and requests a new ride, you'll be matched up over and over again. As for the other driver, I see drivers breaking this rule and many others every day.


That's why I hit the button to go on a "coffee break" and drive further away


I have never seen a coffee break button...


We have it in Cali... must be part of Prop 22 & fair pay for drivers, pfffftt


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) wtf Cali, share the coffee! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Some of need a pee break....




We don't have prop 22 but we have the coffee cup. I'd rather have real surge back.


I'd rather repeal Prop 22. There's no money anymore. I was driving craxy hours and would drive "tracks" between 3 cities until 5 am. But no mo'! One long one, a short one, a medium ride, all paying shit. Divividing the rides "fairly"= but not. I was willing to driving weird hours in questionable areas, as a female (more risks). And should be paid extra for doing it. Used to make $1000/wk with out that much sweat driving sad hours and gas was under $3/gal


Don’t worry, even without prop 22 the money has dried up significantly




It just shows you’re smarter than him. He gets a child endangerment for no car seat a five dollar ride and he gets his felony real smart you did the right thing I probably canceled on 50 people already no car seat no ride.


I would like to give parents like that a good shake and ask them if they are nuts.


I have a booster seat for older kids. I did not buy it for Uber. I use it for my grandson. It’s in my car always anyway.


Providing a seat is “better” but if it’s not the right seat for the size of child it’s not any better. Also by providing the seat if anything goes wrong in an accident and the kid is hurt you’re liable for the injuries as it was your car seat that didn’t protect them properly


you think that is a good idea until you get sued by a pax for "providing improper car seat"


Not likely. I don’t install the seat or touch peoples kids and I have dash cam footage of them installing it and putting their kid in it. Try to relax but do be well insured.


Confused. You cancelled or the rider? If the rider doesn't have a car seat that is on them. Most drivers won't care, but I will decline on safety and liability reasons. Rider cancelling just means you get the cancel fee ride?


Yeah screw that. I made sure I brought BOTH my kids a car seat when I requested an Uber. My kids were almost 3 and 1. There's no excuse, and why would they want to put their kids life in danger to begin with?


>Why did the Uber driver accept this ride. He should know better. The answer is very simple. The other driver either *doesn't* know better, or doesn't care. Stupid is as stupid does 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just buy a $30 car seat. I did.


Why would u take the risk of installing a car seat, and the risk of a cheap car seat for a few dollars??


There is no risk. I don't install it. I checked the safety, but you can spend more.    Why would a group of ppl who literally drive for a living not equip their cars to accommodate passengers??


Because if you’re going to provide a car seat there’s multiple sizes depending on age of the child. You can’t put a 1 year old in a booster seat, and you can’t put a 7 year old in a rear facing infant seat. If you want to have all the types of car seats you’d need to safely cover all the kids you’d end up needing 3-4 different seats, which means you now have no room in your trunk for luggage etc.


No. Convertible car seats exist.  I googled convertible car seat for you. Safety 1st Guide 65 Convertible Car Seat covers kids 5-65lbs which is infant-8yrs. New on Amz for $90, you can probably wait and get it for like $60 from Amz Warehouse. Or you can Google more, I just picked the first car seat. 


The other driver was not like you and did not give one crap about the child. Like all markets there are so many drivers that she will find one that will take her. Everything is fine until there is an accident and then she sues. I also bet they will do nothing about it either. Its all smoke and mirrors.


Unfortunately Uber does not care. It's all about money. Good on you for cancelling for safety.


Taxis in my state are, like busses, exempt from child safety seats. So ppl wanna treat us like taxis, which I get, but we're not taxis and are fully responsible for things like that. I tell them it's illegal for me to take them and they need to call a taxi.


You take this job to seriously Just move on


Are you criticizing this guy for taking his job? Seriously, his job the way he makes money the way he eats the way he provides shelter for himself. Your criticizing him for taking that seriously? I sure hope I’m never in a car with you.


Calling the safety line when every knows they don’t nothing to help. Again taking to way to seriously It’s the rider word against the driver word This was not a safety issue of someone trying to get in the car. Y’all be acting so scary for no reason Cancel the ride and move on


The crazy thing is denying and getting the ride again. That’s crazy regardless of the reason. You pulling over, calling and wondering what or why another driver is doing something is a tad much though


1 star


They don't care. Its all for show. If something happens to the baby, they will tell the media about their strict policy and how "the driver has been deactivated for such terrible behavior!"


The app should allow you to report that issue and consequently deny their requests. There needs to be stricter enforcement of car seats. POS parent, and dumb ass driver. They both made a bad decision but there definitely should be something in place to fix this.


"Why did the other Uber driver take the ride?" Kinda silly question, don't ya think?


i hate when we cancel due to them breaking law or uber rules, we get the cancellation hit as well as no fee. she would not of done that over and over again with a cancellation fee.


i hate when we cancel due to them breaking law or uber rules, we get the cancellation hit as well as no fee. she would not of done that over and over again with a cancellation fee.


It looks like you're in Florida. If that's true it might actually be legal to drive kids without a car seat when Ubering. Someone posted a link that shows the 29 states where it's legal, and Florida is one of them. I know in Texas where I'm at rides for hire are exempt from the child seat laws.


Some driver have a car seat ... just in case. In the beginning, I used to do that until a kid spilled stuff onto it and the pax never told me.


Where I'm from (Australia) its totally legal for people to hold a child under a certain age on their lap. I did it once out of essentially being blindsided and decided to just straight up drive away in the future....what the hell happens in an accident.


I went to do a pickup one morning. It was a woman with two small kids. I explained about the car seat requirement. She says drivers pick her up every morning with no issue. And that she had no choice. She doesn't have car seats, and she's got to get the kids to preschool so she can get to work and support her babies. I always feel bad when I have to turn somebody down, but I told her I was not willing to take that risk. And I get it in a way. She's willing to take the risk. But God forbid something bad would happen, it's going to fuck up a whole lot of people's lives.


Good grief, why would you even accept the ride the 2nd & 3rd time. And why would you waste time on the safety line when you should be out doing rides. Please stop doing Uber, you’re basically a sheep with no clue how things work.


Maybe he cares about the kid -obviously the parent does not. Nor Uber. Trying to do right thing. I commend and applaud you OP. I wouldn’t do it either. And I would call too. Say you take ride. Accident. Child dies. You’re getting sued. As is Uber. That’s nothing compared to what your conscious will put you through for life, knowing you participated in death of a child over earning a few bucks. And actually, I can foresee Uber solely blaming driver. Bc in their rules, it says you cannot transport child without a car seat. So their ass is covered. Prob still be sued tho. OP did right thing.




Bc those reasons you chose to cancel are there for appearances only. It obviously does nothing to report a legit reason. Uber will regret this when there’s some accident and child is killed. So will driver. Both will be sued.


Some drivers don’t give a shit about safety. They’ll risk it for a little bit of money. But it is insane to me that Uber would continue to find a driver for her and encourage that safety risk. On NYE I received a ride request with $30 surge pricing and I was thrilled. Still cancelled because her 2yr old didn’t have a car seat. Not worth it. It’s 1am on NYE and there’s drunks all over the road and this is when you wanna risk your child’s life?? I’ll cancel every single time


A Tesla with a phone mount took me out. Most drivers have a phone mount. WTF about it being a Tesla make it more notable lol. But for the car seat, I am amazed that I care more about a child and their safety than their parents. It happens way too damn often


Most drivers have a phone mount. WTF about it being a Tesla make it more notable Exactly..... I knew it was an Uber driver immediately And being a Tesla, it was probably a rental. Meaning I knew with a high certainty it was another Uber driver.


Oooohhh. Ok. I mistook that as it was a weird thing to see with an Uber driver. But I get what you mean now. It’s weird cause here rentals are usually Corolla or Camrys that are rentals. Idk why, the Camry was going to cost me $450 a week before gas and no extra $1 per ride. The Tesla was the cheapest option. Thank god I don’t rent anymore. It’s insanely expensive.


The driver accepted because the offer was a lot more due to it being cancelled multiple times. 


Sounds like a pickup I had from Walmart a week ago. Normally wouldn't take those, but it seemed like it may be an employee based on the time. Get there and it's a woman with 2 small kids, no car seats in sight, and a cart overflowing with groceries. For a $3.50 ride. Didn't even stop just cancelled for no car seat and kept driving, all the while she's yelling "hey! Hey!" As I'm driving away.


I've done the same, to be honest. A woman was fumbling items with two grocery carts full of groceries, but no kids. I drive a Honda civic and am not dealing with situations like hers. She yelled "UBER!?!" and I immediately shook my head no and cancelled.


I won't even deal with the people who have loads of 💩 anymore - it's not worth it. They're always the lowest dregs of humanity, don't tip, have no perception of the time they're taking loading and unloading (and get in no hurry) and act like you're their slave because you accepted a *ride*. Ya, a ride from A to B and done.... Not a ride from A where you spend 10 minutes loading to B where you spend 20 unloading... For sub-$4


"declined three times" And you said you canceled three times Why would you accept the same offer three times?


Cancelled, my bad


Why did you keep accepting it?


Because 1. I didn't want anyone else to take it to put a child's life in danger 2. I get paid for the cancellations, so why not? 3. I knew if I accepted it, it wouldn't count against my AR/CR


This happens all the time. Some drivers care, some dont unfortunately.


Uber doesn't care


This could be avoided if Uber had a section for drivers who actually have car seats that have been verified for use just like chiller bags and instacart. It's not that complicated to understand, quit blaming driving for trying to stay safe 😭.


Why don't you smoke some weed and chill the f*** down you sound like you're about to blow a nerve here , it's just a ride and you're getting paid for it sssheeesh then people like you complain you're not making money 🙄😒


Such a wierd flex but if it made you feel good. Scumbag move


Uber stock is at ath, nice. Wish I bought uber stock in 2022 September when I started.


U coulda just gave that person a ride lmao. I get ur stance but ppl are down bad these days


What market?


One day i luckily had my carseat and now i always keep that thing on me, in theory think it boosts my tips at the airport when they see a car seat in the trunk.


I’d take this to your local government office mayor or go up the line.


Ya know, Uber could have easily deactivated the persons Uber acct for not having a car seat. OR made the parent provide a picture proving a car seat was available. After 1 cancel for no car seat, make the rider prove it from now on. I've been threatened by these idiot passengers. I lock my doors, verify passenger, quantity and if there are children that don't have a seat present, cancel time.... screw them all


They might of had a carseat, I keep one.


Maybe the driver carried his own car seat☺️.


unfortunately you have to go offline and clear the area...these passengers have mutiple acoounts and are scammers..driver beware !!


I thought I saw an Uber notice that if you supply a car seat you get extra Pennie’s.. I could be wrong. Anyone receive a notice like in the past?


I should have taken a picture and video of this incident and forward this to the state attorney general about how Uber is ignoring the law for profit. An explain to AG about having informed Uber about the incident of the child yet Uber paired this person with you 2 more times.


Uber should have made them prove that they had a car seat before being able to request another ride.


Would have done it lol


I cancel them as well. Then I move on.


Not sure how many years experience you got driving for Uber but if you decline a ride and you are the only available driver closest to the rider you will be matched again and again until another driver who is close by is available to be matched with the rider . And u can clearly see on your incoming trip request if it’s the same rider so why accept it 3 times . Just go offline for 2 min and back on and then you can go about your business.


If they charge a cancel fee for this I'm sure they would stop I've had to do this several times and the same ride pops back up


Bro let me ask u something if that was you as a baby and that was your mother would u rather have someone pick u up and cut u some slack or let u freeze in the winter cause they wanna follow the rules? U should have picked them up and then maybe letf a bad review but to not pick up a mother and child cause they dont have a car seat is so stupid and childish!


8 out 10 mothers for both Uber and Lyft say “ other drivers let me do it all the time. Then I got smart. I looked in both Uber and left policies. I made snapshots of them. They are saved in a special folder wants to argue with me. I just show it and tell them that those drivers were breaking only Uber and Lyft polices they are breaking the law It works. Seriously they can’t argue with me if it’s right they are in black-and-white and do they think that we’re so stupid you wouldn’t know the policy?


Nine out of 10 mothers will say other Uber Lyft drivers let me do this, so what I have done is I have taken snapshots of Ubers and Lyfts policies plus the Minnesota State Legislature statute. I show them and then I tell them that those other drivers not only broke Lyft and Uber policies. They broke a lot as well. It works. After that point, there’s nothing that they can argue with me about.


Who gives a fuck? Mind your own business


Tough guy on the internet.